Tuesday, February 28, 2023

February 28

1:38 Made a plate, they started a gigantic vibrating tuba outside.

1:40 Campanii de dezinformare sunt 95% din ceea ce publică ei. Un exemplu major. Nu Consiliul ci Comisia UE este responsabilă de aplicarea Protocolului 19 din Tratatului UE, și a întregului Tratat. România este membră Schengen după apariția versiunii consolidate a Tratatului UE după Lisabona, în 2007.

Directorul SRI este un actor ungur. Toate serviciile secrete din lume sunt construite după modelul primului, Kogi-Onmitsu, de unde probabil vine și acronimul KGB.

11:55 Within last few days, following the clock screw incident, i started a campaign to search and plug any hole in the wall that might still be in here. Because in the last year or so i neglected completely this activity, because of clarity of mind after not tolerating smoke from outside, experience. I found indeed some holes, some cracks that were filled with silicon that was aging, etc.. Tonight i think i done the last one, air quality inside improved a lot (by feel), hope we both are going to stop coughing. 

So i grabbed the laptop thinking to write a few more lines, maybe do a match when i started to sneeze uncontrollably. Had no choice but to go outside with the flashlight and a plastic cup with borax, plugged a few holes with borax, that finished, the rest just stepped on them, smoke subsided outside first. For the whole time i was outside a midnight train was honking desperately, when i left a dog in the next building started howling, the guy upstairs started yelling obscenities when i got back inside.

Monday, February 27, 2023

February 27

 6:23 Artiștii mArțiali. Teatru Bula&dra. Can love me better

6:52 Among other things. The apartment has been flooded with smoke.

4:32 I know where the smoke is coming from. One of the types. When the fan fridge starts it pulls smell from the stove. But i washed the stove a few days ago with baking soda and no final rinsing. The cooking sheet was particularly smelly. I washed it with baking soda without rinsing and most of it went away.

4:35 I made some salad. While i started to eat it a shockingly annoying dog started to yelp outside, for minutes. Then Angela cooked some eggs (her passion). 4 eggs slowly cooked sunny side up. Some people were talking loudly outside patio doors. After about 5 minutes could not resist anymore and went and cracked the blinds i saw three of four miniature teens (Japanese made to look like islanders) all dressed in puffy blinding white coats and a dog (or three teens and a dog) as they started to walk away.

Yes of course i had other things to do than write these here but wanted to give another example of how things go around here. Everything for one single reason. Everybody with no other business here.  Could it be linked to the picture with my sweat shirt? The eggs? BTW is this price for real?

Sunday, February 26, 2023

February 26

5:00 Babiuc

5:08 Poporul rus și popoarele din Rusia. Sper că nu s-a greșit traducerea. Ba da, s-a greșit, în multe locuri. Unde credeți că această lipsă de profesionalism mimată de atâția ani va conduce România în final?

Spunea Blinken la ONU că un singur om, Putin a pornit acest război și numai el poate să-l oprească. Putin e ca un punct de pe vârful unui munte, nu prea are cum să spună altceva decât ce i se spune să spună, dar vârful muntelui e rupt de restul și e în Ungaria.

Da e adevărat. Acest război a fost pornit prin deschiderea posibilității invitării Ucrainei în NATO. La ruși le-a sărit țandăra când au văzut că NATO se mută tot mai aproape. Tot ce mai era nevoie era un Putin dar el pornit războiul într-un moment care nu era necesar favorabil rușilor. De fapt războaiele nu sunt pornite niciodată într-un moment favorabil.

Chestia e așa. Ăștia ne-au înhămat la Pământ, cum spunea Păunescu, tot ce putem face e să ne vedem de sinecurile noastre, de familiile noastre, atâta cât ne este dat să trăim, noi nu avem nici o treabă cu deciziile lor și cum ne manipulează, pentru că scopul lor declarat este mult deasupra noastră, a unei țări sau unui popor sau unei generații, ei vor să distrugă Pământul ca să curme orice suferință care se naște pe pământ prin noi. E compasiunea supremă a lui Buda pentru că toți cei care se vor naște pe acest pământ deocamdată prost făcut vor suferi.

Coincide și cu scopul masoneriei, care vrea să reconstruiască totul lumea universul cu un compas și un echer.

13:36 Nu am avut  nici o idee. În 95 sau devreme în 96 cineva mi-a făcut cadou un pulover. Nu l-am purtat de mulți ani. În ultimele zile a fost frig, nu mă pot încălzi, l-am luat pentru că cel gri trebuia dat la spălat și pentru prima dată, după ce am văzut și postat ieri simboluri ale gărzii de fier, mi-am dat seama.
10:45 After a few day inside (me, a whole week) due to snow who took a chance today and went to Lincoln City. Angela won like 300 dollars, i fell asleep in the car with the glass with brandy in my hand and didn't spill it. The same ritual. After Grocery Outlet we went to Roads End. One rude driver with a 500 bright red got in front of me and i was staring mad at him when from the right, about the same place where last week but from the opposite side, a couple of deer, one very young, crossed the street right after the red car. One of them started to eat from a green fence so i got it documented on camera.After we ate we were getting ready for a glass of cherry liquor when a woman came in front of us with a red Subaru with number ZEV, pulled a big dog out of it and went to the beach. Got mad and left, and about one minute later i realized who she was.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

February 25

1:33 Sub R U? To the left... Kaged be.
I personally wouldn't eat anymore from a subway station. Because of sewer gas and bacteria present more or less in any subway gallery anywhere in the world, due to connections (drainages) to the sewer system. Of course, this is not in a subway, just thinking of the symbolism.

8:00 Ce a fost mai întâi?

8:13 Big wheel keep on turning
And the others...

10:00 Nine cuts. Garda de fier.

4:48 Uroboros.

Friday, February 24, 2023

February 24

4:33 Woke up at 4 AM  with smoke coming from the bulged areas of the frozen ground behind the apartment, with clean air wind blowing from that direction. They were steps in the snow around the bulged areas made by the moles. Smaller human steps and some small dog steps. Overall, the smoke nauseated me.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

No Contact Martial Arts

Martial Arts is a phrase that has a bit of GNotUnix, a bit of semantic redundancy in it don't you think. mArtial.

Martial is when our fight instinct gets channeled into a highly organized activity, maybe one at the apexes of human civilization. Cause most of us nowadays survive or do think so due to the highly organized, trained and endowed armies or all nations. Countries like US spend most of their (enormous) budget for defence of mostly other countries.

A balance of powers that brings prosperity.

But can it exist. As an unmediated link between our fight instinct (as in fight or flight) and fighting like a trained soldier. No i believe not. I think we delegate the power of our martial instincts to the politicians who control the armies. I think those who chose the path to let themselves be trained into soldiers, like in any trade, in the end are just applying their skills under the coordination of their generals.

During a war your unhinged fight instinct will get you killed immediately. Martial arts is above all discipline, but in the end war is an art governed maybe by the 36 stratagems of General Tsu.

Fighting by instinct is also an illusion that professional wrestlers, boxers, other entertainers are trying to maintain. The reason for its attractiveness. But everyone who ever looked into it knows it's all script and skills, more like acrobatics than fighting.

Did not really want to write the two paragraphs above until i saw the two words written together. Has little do to with what follows.

I've been wrestling with myself since this morning about writing this post. Literally. A persistent sharp middle back pain. Could not raise from bed to take the keyboard. Changed title in my mind several times (my mind, another little semantic trap, is our minds everything that's really us). Did some searches, only to get deeper in trouble.

Also an infinite feel of uselessness of an ant fighting the cosmic Godzilla. But i shall try cause you will see in the end, i have no choice. (This is definitely not one of those days when writing on the blog is fun).

There is a group in Bali, Indonesia that claim that can use no contact martial arts to knock an opponent unconscious. Yellow Bamboo. Others, all squeezed on a small Wikipedia page. From the category "self ridiculing". That sooner or later got debunked. The immediate question is, why and how to live a lifetime, like the "Kiai master" in the videos, ridiculing self? Could it be other things they are trying to cover? Now i vaguely remember is not the first time i saw the last video. Was searching for the same thing, from time to time. If there was something on the web documented, no matter how little, about the possibility of psychic martial arts. Or should i call it psychophysiological. Cause me personally i am more than convinced it exists and i spent a great deal of my life in this environment. Being remotely manipulated by such techniques, that are far from lethal, however, toxic (sometimes literally), debilitating and effective in manipulating (influencing) me and through me, others who happen to watch.

Most martial arts as we know them from competitions come from Japan. All so called competitive, recognized as sports, sometimes olympic "disciplines" that happen on a tatami start with a bow... Sumo wrestling which happens on clay and sand, also start with a bow, though somewhat more... complex (the purpose of a sumo match is to make your opponent touch the ground with things other than soles and/or push him out of the circle).

So we shall start (and probably end) with the bow. But what is the bow and where does it come from in Japan? The bow is so important in Japan that every newcomer knows that he started to be assimilated into the culture when he involuntarily bows during a phone conversation.

To me it looks like an unparalleled type of body language that is unique to Japan and lost its traces in history though it is a very important element of the culture, one more layer of ...overhead that makes it so hard to understand for the rest of the world. And since i took the picture and already posted it i will start again with it because i just realized i should have never posted it cause i may contribute to spread of toxic subliminal ideas as i did not understand from the beginning all of its elements.

Cause the two shores closing together by an apple or a sun or whatever may represent two people whose heads or minds are merging in a bow...

Cause i believe this is what it represents. A mind merge or melt that comes all the way from the corroborees of Australia... Towards a type of collective consciousness, maybe? Excluding the rest of the world maybe?

Like everything in Japan, the bow is taken to the extreme. There is a 15 degrees bow, 30, 45 and all the way to 90 and beyond...
But to me the most important part is just beginning. It is not only the muscles of the back that are involved in the bow. Holding of breath ensures some pressure in abdomen that helps with the posture. It is then where your organism becomes vulnerable. I do believe for the short time of the bow some psychophysiological synchronization occurs between the two. Something that would help mediate and place into the hierarchy the rest of the conversation.

However i came lately to discover that they also have what i call the "reverse bow". Available probably through oral tradition within ninjutsu, the trick is part of what i call the true no contact martial arts. One gets on the street in the way of the subject, catches him in a moment of stress, like crossing the street or a busy parking lot etc.., or in other busy place, like inside a casino, and  then bends... the other way, under a pretext, like tying shoelaces, searching for something in a car etc. while probably saying a mantra in his mind. Subject will be annoyed for a second maybe and then forget.

It happened to me for the second time within a week, for a dozen times in the last few months. I don't know exactly what happens, but your body has an urge to block back muscles and/or intestinal transit. The pain comes the second day and if not debilitating, it's scary because at this age you start thinking. Organ damaging diabetes, kidneys, pancreas, etc.. It may come with a true blockage of the bile.

To me, statistically proven enough. Don't have direct evidence and probably never will because it's all in their "national" oral tradition of a few. A tradition and a culture defended with the mighty power of US military and paid for the American people.

There is also shin shin shin gan. God's eye and mind. An area of ninjutsu training where they literally learn how to read to you mind (for what's worth it), through awakening of the ancient vibrational communication, common to all vertebrates, an atavism to humans. The bow may be based on that one as well, but just at the beginning of a conversation.

Based on that that may interfere with the subject, guess his next actions, force him to synchronize or out of his thinking cycles like through annoying sound, some coming constantly from as far as the apartment above. The squeaks. Slammed doors in the parking lot. Loading/unloading junk in pickups with unnecessary noise, kids specially trained in yelling for hours, etc.. Unnecessary noise during emptying the bins on Thursdays, with the 20 ton trucks. Blowing the parking lot for hours on Wednesdays with power blowers. Modified exhausts. Trailers going around the complex and hitting all 20 bumps etc..

Basically all activity in the complex is exaggerated, coordinated and targeted towards one single person with the purpose of constantly knocking him out, like in contactless martial arts.

February 23

3:42 Yesterday was the worst day of smoke around here. Don't know what it is but it made me dizzy and turned my urine dark. Probably because of low temperature, the smoke is coming from the ground flowing linearly towards the warm building. This one, cause the other isn't heated. In the evening it got cleared, but after it snowed a couple of inches, it came back. Went outside and found a few little "volcanoes" and black patches where soil was also bulged which confirms smoke is coming from the ground. In the background a ninja was sounding like an owl (pretty poor imitation), just to make me nervous and give up investigating.

But now i'm worried about something else. About two years ago it snowed about the same amount and the day after, after the snow melted for the most part and there were no more problems, they came and spread gravel on the alleys. Trouble was they never swept the gravel after that and was getting constantly ground by cars and blown on walls and roof by blowers on Wednesdays and from there inside. So i had no choice and after about 4 months i went with a broom and dustpan and a mask and swept all the remaining gravel, in a couple of days. But there was enough left in between cars to be blown for the next few months without rain.

Now i'm terrified every time it snows, thinking they will do the same.

4:15 Went to check and i saw that one of the little volcanoes i stepped on popped back into a crack.

5:07 Raided the mole holes outside, enlarging little holes in near frozen soil with my fingers, pouring borax so i can go to sleep. Thinking of the mole mounds as models for pyramids.

We all know at the initiation into the third degree (and last non-honorary) the candidate is asked what he searches for and he must answer "the light", and one condition for all is to believe in one supreme being.

Freemasons claim their knowledge from Ancient Egypt above anything else.

There is only one living person on planet Earth right now who is declared god, and a Sun god (and light) and it looks like he is related to the gods of Ancient Egypt like Ra and his manifestation, Horus.

We can safely conclude that the freemasons' god is the Emperor of Japan.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

February 22

1:00 A apărut și în România o știre cu un împărat. Au băgat în știre și tocănița. Nu înțeleg însă cine din România mai poate crede asemenea bazaconii. Adică l-au omorât pe ăla cu ranga în fața apartamentului în pustiul numit Irlanda și au fost arestați abia acum, în Neamț?

Sunt multe chestiile despre justiție pe care nu le înțeleg. Adică acest Ioan Anton comandă o crimă care este executată în 2014 de complicii săi, toți aflați pe teritoriul Irlandei și nu este arestat decât în momentul în care România emite, la 6 ani după crimă, un mandat europol, moment din care el începe să lupte cu procesul de extradiție timp de 18 luni? Adică irlandezii îl protejează timp de 18 luni pentru a nu fi trimis în România, pentru a fi procesat pentru o crimă pe care a comis-o în Irlanda cu 8 ani în urmă?

Mai sunt și alte tărășenii în toată povestea, ce pare cusută cu ață albă, din elemente are realității probabile din Irlanda combinate cu ignoranța irlandezilor despre cum funcționează justiția, dar cea mai mare ciudățenie este iarăși coincidența. Data primei lui arestări în August 2022 a fost chiar după ce l-am recunoscut în fruntea echipei care a schimbat geamurile în mod defectuos, cu luni de zgomot și praf inutil, ceea ce mi-a accentuat problemele de sănătate, pe însuși Împăratul Soare Zeu al Japoniei, Naruhito. Am scris abia pe 19 August dar l-am recunoscut de prima dată, ceea ce putea fi înainte de 3 August.

Au venit iar la aproximativ 6 luni, adică începutul lui februarie și au desfăcut și făcut din nou anumite chestii, în aceeași formulă dar cu alt nume de firmă, timp în care au creat o scurgere de praf din perete în spatele ceasului din bucătărie, alte probleme care iarăși împreună cu vibrațiile generate de numeroase vehicule modificate aflate tot sub comanda lor au accentuat deteriorarea sănătății ambilor.

2:35 Went for a walk on rain mixed with snow and during coldest day of the year. Many things happened, like on a stage, including getting choked by a SubRU missfiring badly, a modified Z car, but what's important was i nearly froze.

But before that happened i had a chance to take a picture of this banner, with smaller versions filling the whole neighborhood. Is that a an actual bridge over Aleutians? Thought it does not fit on thing, Amaterasu should pop from a tunnel, not a bridge, just to fulfill the myth. However the banner is framed with a pipe. When i got home, got mooned by a Japanese guy smoking in the street lot, another yellow biohazard ft from our windows, mixed with smoke from the ground.
Ra/Wadjet, Rei_wa. Teru, Horus.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

February 21

1951 Original low carb diet, Drinking man's diette.


1:03 E a treia sau a patra oară într-o lună când automatonul Zelenski preia ce spun eu despre ninja în SUA și o transferă în contextul Moldova. Războiul inutil din Ucraina s-a făcut și va fi menținut cu o complicitate clară între Zelenski și Putin, dar și Maia Sandu și toți ceilalți, cu singurul scop de a băga groaza în Europa de Est și în lume în general pentru a uita astfel de idei (că ninja ar ocupa cel puțin nord-vestul SUA).

1:20 Occidentul s-a pregătit pentru alt scenariu dar Rusia i-a luat-o înainte și l-a pus în aplicare. România cel puțin nu e pregătită să se apere pe sine, nu mai vorbim de Moldova, iar occidentului liberal și lui NATO îi tremură fundul în tip ce Biden face vizite secrete cu trenul la Kiev (cu garanții de securitate de la Moscova).

Toate astea sunt prea absurde fiindcă în nici una din țările respective nu e cineva la conducere din țările respective, inclusiv Putin, un judoka amărât din Ungaria (culmea de origine ucraineană) care a fost răpit și i s-a înscenat moartea de serviciile secrete din propria țară și Anglia și adus la produs la Moscova (sau într-un studio din Ungaria totuna), căruia au început în sfârșit să-i dea ceva tratament pentru Parkinson cauzat de prea multe izbituri de la judo. (Numai Kate Middleton încă face foame).

Ceea ce spune "Putin" că s-ar putea ca Rusia să dispară s-a întâmplat deja de mult, după Cernobâl, Elțin și Gorbaciov. Ca și în cazul Europei de Est și Vest a mai rămas doar fantoma ei.

Nu a fost nimeni și nu este nimeni pregătit cu nimic, toate declarațiile se scriu zilnic din condei în funcție de prostiile spuse sau făcute mai înainte. Europa, Europa de Est sunt niște deal-uri vechi și îngropate, miza mare acum e că ninja (noongarii, mongolii) vor să preia controlul în SUA.

10:00 Lukashenko.

9:35 (PM, 7:35 Ora României). Multă gălăgie în est pentru liniște în vestul sălbatic, unde împărații umblă liberi cu șurubul la ei. Biden de data asta a fost văzut de mii de oameni. Și eu am văzut astăzi sute de ninja, zona este complet depopulată de oamenii normali. Lumea nu mai e demult ce a fost. Se încearcă păstrarea vechilor imagini și stereotipuri în media, iar aici chiar pe stradă, dar se vede clar că ceva s-a schimbat profund.

Am scris despre încălcarea suveranității SUA prin prezența incognito a împăratului, au venit imediat cu ceva. Rezolvarea problemei transnistrene cu păstrarea suveranității teritoriale a Republicii Moldova, printr-un decret care nu a funcționat niciodată. Cum putea, scenariul a fost gândit după alegoria lupului, a caprei și a verzei. Un lup rătăcit de multe decenii între teritoriul moldovenesc și cel ucrainean.

Azi m-am gândit. Oare mai are Rusia altă armată, în afară de grupul Wagner?

Monday, February 20, 2023

February 20

5:00 No questions. Încă două știri fake, pentru îngănare. Era să lovesc un coiot la 100 kmh în timp ce eram orbit de o asemenea mașină, cu lumini modificate. Motivul e simplu, dacă mașina lovea coiotul nu pățea nimic. Majoritatea celorlalte știri sunt de asemenea fake.

12:55 Pe vremea lui Ceașcă cel vechi totuși vizitele de stat, fie în statele lui africane pe unde mai mergea cu Hedi a lui la vânătoare de pliznei pe milioane de dolari sau la Împăratul Japoniei (like it's 75, again, în fața căruia nu s-a înclinat), Regina Angliei sau chiar la Kim, erau anunțate cu săptămâni înainte. Știu fiindcă citeam ziarele în toaleta din fundul curții  unde am învățat chiar și un nume african. Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga.

Democrația de după 89 a adus cu ea un obicei diplomatic nou, curios. Vizitele de stat nu se mai anunțau decât în ziua respectivă.

O nouă recentă adăugare la recuzita democrației proaspete, mereu spontane, mereu surprinzătoare, este vizita de stat și de război care se anunță după (pentru prospețime maximă). La fel ca și în cazul vizitelor pe lună din anii 60/70 "Moscova a fost anunțată" "și nu a avut  nimic împotrivă" în afară de declarațiile belicoase despre Moldova din ultima săptămână, făcute știute nouă mai ales prin gura lui Zelensky însuși.

WSJ spune că vizita "de mare risc" "surpriză" "cu trenul" , deci Air Force One nu era necesar să fie văzut la Kiev, practic fără nici o protecție la un tir de Kalibr (apropo, ce s-a întâmplat, s-au terminat, la fel ca Javelin?) , a fost pregătită timp de luni de zile. Poate, fiindcă pe 21 februarie au fost exact 2 luni de la vizita lui Zelensky în SUA. O zi mai puțin și nu puteam vorbi decât de o lună și ceva. Luni de pregătire pentru o deplasare cu trenul din Polonia și înapoi, care normal, nu a fost văzută de nimeni, fiind secretă, dar cu garanții de la Moscova.

De unde știu că e fake și retro-made? Fiindcă a apărut exact să contreze ce am spus eu despre vizita tot așa incognito dar reală, profund ilegală și ofensatoare către suveranitatea SUA, a Împăratului Japoniei în Tualatin, Oregon ca în general tot războiul din Ucraina, la câteva sute de km de granița noastră, din care nu am văzut până acum decât 1%, în niște poze dubioase care în general este conceput pentru a acoperi cea mai mare și necunoscută și reală problemă adică ocupația Japoniei, de decenii, în vestul SUA.

Asta după ce nu le-a ieșit ieri faza cu coiotul, îndelung pregătită de ninja.

3:27 Nu mai are rost să spun. Apartamentul a fost umplut toată ziua cu fum, am probleme cu concentrarea, echilibrul și greață etc..

10:17 Is this guy one of the guys who was living in the white JBQ "floating van"?

Sunday, February 19, 2023

February 19

11:00 Didn't write about the deer yesterday and today came with a coyote. Last night after we went to Grocery Outlet at Lincoln City we again went to Roads End to drink a glass of wine. Ok after two glasses of wine and a guy came with a dog on a leash, too close to our car so i got pissed (there was a whole beach there) just started and left. After a few seconds, at the first "street" from the right, after the main parking lot, a deer came from the right. Didn't stop though it had the time which means something bigger was scarying it from the dark behind it. Hit the brakes, substantially, to avoid it and it passed safely through the headlights.

Tonight, i was half hour into my drive towards Spirit Mountain. A Jeep or other American red kinda old vehicle was pissing me off (i was telling Angela, what's the point of driving a 5 liter 20 old years vehicle that pisses everybody on the street with exhaust smoke, my truck is old but 2.2 liter and has a catalytic).

Then it slowed down and took a left. So i was left behind from the other red SUV in front of me and wasn't very willing to get closer since it also smelled like exhaust. On the opposite side, a number of cars (that just passed a Police car with flashing lights on the shoulder). First was a military style amphibious like off road vehicle, with lots of bright blinding lights.

I was doing 60 (100 kmh). Didn't see a thing while staring at the red SUV when Angela said: "look!" and i hit the brakes, on a hunch. Only to see the mature full size alpha male coyote passing back on the right side of the street, after being in front of that blinding vehicle and then mine, on a death trip that it survived. The moment i saw it with my subconscious mind must have hit the brakes real hard, but i only saw it when it was back in the safe zone already.

Angela  told me later that she first thought she saw a shadow passing from right to left, when she said that. We both saw it fully only after safely passing through our headlights back on the right.

Rolling thunders from upstairs at every phrase or re-editing. The man doesn't want to let me write these days. He's been up and running here since Tuesday afternoon.

iSAGE Construction. The Emperor Hikikomori

All of a sudden, after weeks of "inactivity" the man upstairs decided to do laundry, just ahead of me. Shaking the building a bit. In the same time a heavy vehicle with modified exhaust, like there are at least ten around our building was started on demand, shaking the walls "as needed".

Yesterday i discovered the clock on the wall next to window in the kitchen area was hanging on a screw that became loose. It was right before they came to "fix" the windows they replaced last summer that i replaced the battery for that clock and the screw was ok.

What happens is at vibration, dust from walls gets pumped into the breathing space here, now by that screw. Even right now when the upstairs washer is in a spin cycle it is possible that by that screw dust gets pumped in here by from inside the pulsating walls.

But i suspect there's more. The shape of the apartment is very similar to the one in Lake Oswego. That is for reusing the same supercomputer model for directing sharp dust, other things in different corners of the floor plan, as needed, when needed. Different frequencies make different walls vibrate and direct the dust. This way only one person may be affected inside the same space.

So i was thinking to use my air quality monitor i bought a few years ago online. As advertised, it is made by recycling a couple of sensors taken out of a SHARP air purifier. Actually a couple of laser diodes alright that illuminates dust that sparkles and can be counted, but it can be only accessed through a phone app. That i decided not to use anymore.

Was thinking. What a waste of resources. It is a piece of electronics that is competing with more expensive items. Proving we don't need those more expensive items. It does the same things, counts particles with two laser diodes.

But the only way you can use it is through an app that connects with bluetooth. Got bluetooth on laptop but don't have the app and i quit using the phone.

Not that i'm convinced those are useful anymore. I mean, it does count particles when there's smoke outside. Numbers that are comparable with those from any of the networks that monitor air quality. Obviously not the same, the values cannot be the same from one station to another, from one address to another. Comparable.

So when i was using it outside i was getting some readings, comparable with the networks. So what. Was that of any use to me at all? Are those at any use to anybody? I mean, i take the reading, then what?

Who knows. People owning the devices in large numbers could possibly discourage polluters? But we have a few networks of sensors both private and governmental that can be accessed online and get the same readings.

Yes i bought it because i knew about the indoor pollution with insulation dust, mold, other particles. I tried to get readings to see if i can prove anything but guess what. Insulation dust falling from walls due to its nature does not fly or stay suspended in the air. It is pretty heavy compared to other dusts of the same size.

You have to be right under the hole to breath it. Or the hole needs to be in the direction of an air flow, like from under door or a crack by a window. Vibration needs to be sustained. When the vibration stops, you won't get a reading. And that as i said it is being controlled.

As i said the sensors count flashes of dust within the path of a laser. It is all it does. Counts. Can't tell the difference between a flash from a piece of dead skin, ash from burning stuff like cigarettes or sharp silica. For that you would need much more sophisticated devices but i doubt they exist, work or can be calibrated and used meaningfully in our indoor environment.

In other words, we are back to the story with one crazy throwing a rock in a pond. Only trouble is they are not fools. This is a design element only fools can believe it escaped the construction engineers. Using brittle, irregular volcanic mineral insulation inside empty walls that vibrate like tents every time a heavy vehicle passes by. And BTW, all it takes is one hole of the size of a needle.

It is the same old technique of splitting perception. The majority of people does not design these buildings, they only use them. And the engineers (and architects) are long gone, if they existed, as being the same ghosts from Japan or Hungary. All the buildings have been designed long time ago, and the banks can only offer you variants. There are little or no discussions about it period.

Most people would think. There are too many those who use them, could not possibly be dangerous. How can a little dust falling from a crack or forgotten hole in a wall can harm me? How my neighbor having fun with his 5.7 liter hemi playing a bit the trumpet (ok, tuba) could harm me?

Didn't really want to write about all these. I'm just too tired of it. But i promised myself after thinking yesterday for hours. Got to let people know what's happening.

Don't know exactly how SAGE construction have been chosen by the management or the owner of the complex. I know it came after a post about the succession of ice ages i once wrote about. Ice Age. Sage. First they came and did a little siding work and lots of noise for several months. Then the next year, re-do some of it, painting, etc.. Then windows. Now they came after 6 months to re-do some of their own work on windows, on this building and the one across.

Last summer i noticed one of the guys of one of the SAGE subcontractor (BZ Construction i guess) that BTW all look like Japanese disguised in Mexicans, was looking like the Emperor of Japan himself. Kinda making faces and fussing around, like a moody sun god would do.

So was earlier this month, this time J&S or J&L. Again right after me writing something about the emperor they didn't like, got a one week 24 hours notice of entry, but they came on the first day. Installed a noisy generator and a compressor at my door that stay for the whole week. One of them noticed there was a missing screw (from the latch of the window) they installed last summer. Missing from factory. How come they didn't see it back then.

Then the guy who looked like the emperor went and brought the screw, obviously taken from a different window somewhere. He came and showed it to me ceremoniously, "here is you screw". I did not watch them all the time. To them all it could have take was a few seconds to enlarge the hole for the clock screw, ft away. Think of the symbolism.

Clock, time, sun, screw.

Two more weeks of vibration that brought me to my knees. Coughing, at times phlegm, abdominal pain, nausea, dark urine. I did not check because i was positive i did not miss one single tiny hole in here. Until last night.

About a week after i fixed the newly created cracks at the sliding doors they just fixed. Then i examined carefully everything they've done. But i never thought they would touch something else, like the screw from the clock. But it was too tempting, due to symbolism.

In the same time, somehow the water got stolen from the p trap valve in the wall from the washer. Three days of exposure to sewer gas. Just did laundry, the water got siphoned, place filled with sewer smell.

I'm writing all theses with great effort and pain, hoping people would start to understand what is really happening in Portland, Oregon, and generally Western United States. Similar situations everywhere i been, like Washington, Nevada, etc.. Every single public person, every single news are fake and people have long gone and replaced with hikikomori from Japan and for occasions, actors from Hungary.

Friday, February 17, 2023

February 16

12:35 Rei_wa, one of many interpretations. Japanese, the most confusing language ever? Every syllable has a different meaning and/or spelling according to context, like the word wa (harmony, sum), but why choose a 19 century forgotten poetry word with at least too meanings to define the next era?

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

February 15

9:45 Do Emperors of Japan have to have a round face so the resemble Sun, of which they are said to be descendants? Is it ok to look at them or their pictures?

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

February 14

1:22 Există fără îndoială metode de prezicere a a cutremurelor, după cum există metode de declanșare a lor, acolo unde există condiții. Nouă ni se servește aceeași placă nu știu, cam de când cutremurele au fost relatate în media. De o sută de ani. Nu există metode de prezicere. Metodele de declanșare țin de teoria conspirației. Nu există însă nici o teorie a neconspirației care măcar să le explice. Știința în acest caz ca și în multe altele (cancer, diabet, răceală), se preface ignorantă. Fulgerele se produc prin frecarea norilor iar cutremurele prin frecarea plăcilor tectonice.

Un lucru foarte simplu aș putea însă să lămuresc. Mai știe cineva ce sunt logaritmii, ceva ce am învățat în școala generală? Eu personal nu prea am în acest moment intuiția logaritmilor.

Unul din motivele pentru care totul este atât de confuz este că pentru măsurarea cutremurelor, se folosește o scară logaritmică în baza 10. Adică un cutremur de gradul 5 este de 10 ori mai intens decât unul de gradul 4, iar unul de 6 de zece ori mai intens decât unul de 5 etc., cu unul de 6 fiind de 100 de ori mai intens decât unul de 4. Este evident că nimeni nu înțelege scara aceasta, poate de aceea sunt astfel prezentate în media. Pentru confuzie, mister și teroare.

1:43 After complaining yesterday, all poops disappeared except for one type that first started to appear about 2 months ago or when i started to get really sick. After getting chills after eating, i went and found another one. Almost one inch diameter, bulky, yellow and fragmented, presented almost like eggs. It's coming from east of here. Must be a chronically ill big dog.

Needless to say. Why sick dogs are allowed to defecate on public space, making it, picking/no picking, a bio-hazard?

6:20 Angela's been working all week last week at the same board, one she had done before with no problems. Today after the first tests, the board failed. 4 tiny ICs were put upside down, either by changing of the packaging of the manufacturer or changing of the program by engineering, both problems being out of her control.

Her supervisor either quit or took a long live of absence since the beginning of that week, the engineer took several days off in the second part of the week, while many other people, including her trainer quite about a month ago.

Trouble is it's hard to fix (to replace) because those tiny parts are in a place surrounded by others.

Could it be it's all related to this post, done the Friday before?

Monday, February 13, 2023

February 13

11:00 Got lucky on Sunday. On a smoke smell, i found several dog poops. Came back inside to grab some bags, and i gathered a total of maybe 10 different ones. Some giant and soft, with diarrhea. Some marble like. Some that had already caught mold. This morning found again a yellow big fragmented one. Fresh this time. A couch that has been rained upon. More smoke coming from the ground tonight.

Tonight, for the first time in weeks, my belly (colon) pain, the so called colitis started to subside. Waiting for the alien bacteria to clear my body.

Also i think i discovered there is an exhaust leak inside the car. Could it be the reason for being lethargic and being so tired all the time. Exploring, but it's been too cold today outside.

Sunday i also took a glimpse into a very interesting movie. Though boring and a bit alien, with the author showing and unlikely affinity towards an animal so weird, got a benefit from it. I think i recognized the personality of the octopus character. Is the man/woman from upstairs. Though i don't get so see it a lot, just by the sounds it makes by moving around. A type of alien, liquid, unpredictable intelligence.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

February 12

După chip și asemănare.


2:50 Credeți că vom mânca vreodată greieri prăjiți sau cu pasta? Par să fie prea scumpi pentru omul de rând. Totul a apărut ca și o curiozitate și cacealma (nu v-ați întrebat, de ce greieri muzicali și nu lăcuste) și azi am aflat de ce.

Friday, February 10, 2023

February 10

 5:20 Can't find much information about the energy being transmitted in a medium by a sawtooth waveform. Though it is obvious, on the right side or decreasing slope of the wave, the speed of the actuator and medium seem to be almost infinite. I mean, the whole motion of the actuator seem to happen in no time.

Ok so we are ignoring this. Not them, those who study earthquakes and acoustics on supercomputers.

It is my intuition right now that says much more energy is being applied on the medium on the right slope of the waveform, which is transmitted in the environment. Sawtooth waveforms are rare in nature, but they can occur in the case of rotating tools that are broken or about to break. You can almost hear the "broken" sound ripping through your body. This is what's happening nowadays with the team that came to redo what they did last summer.

To me it translates as pain. A the end of the day, though they now moved further, i feel so much pain in my body i can't stand to do the dishes or anything.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

February 8

12:23 Am spus că vreau să nu mai postez mai ales fiindcă am probleme mari după ce au schimbat boilerul aici. Sunt foarte bolnav din cauza mirosul care iese din tava veche de dedesubt contaminată cu praf de pisici. Am deschis știrile însă și nu pot să nu remarc lungul șir de coincidențe cu ce am postat. O dovadă despre cum acoperă ei orice informație utilă. Între timp cred/sper că am rezolvat problema folosind spray cu sodă caustică pentru curățat cuptoare de bucătărie.

Am spus că voi face plângere la Avocatul Poporului al Uniunii Europene. Chiar m-am dus pe site unde trebuia să-mi deschid un cont. Însă citind formularul, mi-am dat seama că nu știu suficient pentru a face o plângere beton. Trebuia să găsesc locul unde spune că și Comisia este responsabilă cu implementarea Tratatului. Unul din chestiile pe care nu le-am știut decât vag este că UE pe lângă Tratatul UE, mai are și un Tratat de Funcționare a UE pe care trebuie să-l citesc. Eroul Tomac bate câmpii, ca de obicei. Comisia și nu Consiliul se face vinovată de ne-implementarea Tratatului. De atunci însă nu am avut timp să mă ocup.

Stabilopozi, tetrapozi, patrupezi și stairway to heaven.

Încă, despre patrupezi.

12:20 I carry the phone with me but is stopped and don't use it.

11:35 Thought i lost the phone but i found it tonight.

I don't think i was so upset in my entire life except for the situation with the water heater today (At this point, an exhaust started in the middle of the night, probably trying to jam the ambiental sound generated by the keyboard). Keep thinking at the maintenance guys who after they left it stinking from the previous occupant, ignored it for 7 years.

No more poop stinking coming out of it after i sprayed with oven cleaner. However now it stinks like dirty laundry. Probably because the oven cleaner can't get on the surfaces covered by the two rocks.

So today they organized a little show in which they placed themselves on the good guys position, trying to justify me being upset, in a totally different way.

I went for a short walk thinking to return at noon when they stopped the generator which also drives me nuts these days.

I came through the upper alley and they were almost no cars and no people in the alley. Two of the maintenance guys came on a cart, parked next to an SUV which started to sound an alarm. I tried to film it with the camera, the alarm stopped, it started back on after i stopped the camera, a couple of times. It sounded for about 5 minutes or the whole period of time i was on that alley. To alert everybody i was there, to serve and protect the people, to justify me being mad at them.

Monday, February 6, 2023

February 6

12:35 Am vrut să nu mai scriu. Pentru un timp. Dar nu pot. Am zis ceva de inteligență artificială, și au venit ei cu ChatGPT și oda către Iohannis. Hai să dau două exemple de ceva mult mai... mare decât un biet chatbot. Living Earth Simulator nu a mai fost construit, dar cine știe ce mai au ăștia și nu spun...

De fapt nu înțeleg de ce nu au supercomputere capabile să scrie de exemplu un nou sistem de operare, ca Linux sau Windows.

Ultima chestie cu administrarea de antibiotice prin piele. Am pus un comprimat de Amoxicilină de mărimea unui nasture cu scotch pe piele pe braț peste care am trecut un ciorap ca să nu se dezlipeasca și în aprox 8 ore (când am verificat) nu mai avea nici un antibiotic în el (gust). Eu mai recent când iau antibiotice încep să am dureri în zone cu infecții cronice (inflamații de la bacteriile care mor și eliberează toxine), care de altfel nu le mai simt. Dar au început să cam dispară, mai ales de când le iau prin piele. Mai ales deoarece concentrația e mai mare și mai constantă în sânge, luate prin piele, la fel ca în cazul administrării intramusculare, nu mai trec mai întâi prin ficat iar asimilarea e mult mai lentă.

Și înainte era tot cam așa. Primele două zile amigdalita se făcea mai nașpa după antibiotice. Să fie oare ăsta motivul pentru care lumea crede că răceala nu poate fi tratată cu antibiotice, fiind întotdeauna virală?

Îmi amintesc, copil fiind, când făceam amigdalită venea asistenta la 12 noaptea acasă să-mi facă injecție.

Am rezolvat o mare  problemă, pe moment, fiindcă nu mai puteam să iau nimic oral.

5:45 When cats defecate, their passing stool presses on the anal sacs and a small amount of secretion is being released. In the wild, it is used for "marking the territories" though i don't totally agree with that theory. They may be used, in combination with T Gondii, to incapacitate prey.

In your house it ends up in the litter dust. Some unconscious people used  the pan of the water heater here as litter box and apparently 7 years later it still stinks. Especially because the substances entered in the rusted areas.

Chemical profiles of anal sac secretions of cats: 

The major volatile compounds in both sexes were short-chain free fatty acids, including acetic acid, propanoic acid, 2-methylpropanoic acid, butanoic acid, 3-methylbutanoic acid, and pentanoic acid.

Dogs, the same.

I believe they can entice to produce either defense smells or attracting smell, like during reproduction. Lately here they focused on the first ones. Never been so sick in my entire life. I can't eat much. Everything hurts.

But today i witnessed something i must write about. I kinda confirms everything though i don't have direct proof.

Today they came to work at the windows. Whatever the didn't finish last summer when the guy was at least to say, sloppy. He left many cracks i had to cover. There is black mold on top of the living sliding door but could not take a picture with the guy inside.

There was this generator next to our door that was feeding a small circular saw that ran all day at over 100 dB, though the saw was used sporadically.

So after they finally finished, or after about 3 hours i left for a walk. Forgot to take my umbrella (a drizzle that usually gives me headaches. At SW corner of the yard from the alley a kid came with his dog. From a distance, an adult was encouraging him as the kid kept turning his head. Though the dog didn't want to enter the yard the kid literally dragged him, annoying the heck out of the poor little thing.

So i realized i must come back to grab my umbrella. In a spot nearby there was this white older van idling at high rpm competing with the generator. So i got distracted and stepped into it. But i saw when i got near and threw it away. But i can't remember where. So right now i got a "hostile" poop ft away from the sliding doors.

So this is how they do it. First, they did it on a hesitation of mine. They could say. We didn't know he was going to come back, though they knew. Second, they annoyed the dog to produce more, as a defence reaction.

So this is it. This is how they must have done it with the mighty Romans. This is how they did it during pandemics.

11:17 Let's seek another trick.

Since all the smelly things in cat juice are (fatty) acids, i figured maybe i should try  to clean that pan with the opposite. Caustic soda. It fights the fatty acids in your oven. It is one of the strongest bases (the opposite of acid in chemistry) around. Should react with any acid.

Luckily i had a spray can that was here for years (in the mean time i switched to backing soda for cleaning the oven). No much pressure (propellant) left, but had enough to spray a layer on the visible areas. Bubbles came out which means it reacts with something.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

February 5th

3:00 He woke me up several times, last time at 1 AM and now i can't sleep anymore. I read some news, can't do nothing else, i'm too sick. In the mean time i ran into some "news" about this maniac. Apparently after a while he changes everything he says. Could it be he is all made up (never existed, like his mother and all the others), a walking, squeaking talking on demand real time AI generated collection of semantic noise directed against me and what i posted for years?

BTW I've been thinking about the two buildings across from Eaton on Tualatin Sherwood. Haven't seen much parking space, could they be supercomputer warehouses?

In the mean time i gave up administering antibiotics sublingually. At the last one i moved my tongue, enough of it got in my stomach which started to hurt badly. But i already had a plan B. Patches. They do nowadays have patches with antibiotics. So what i did, i poured the stuff from a capsule in the middle of a big band aid pad spreading it like one square inch and stuck it to my arm. 8 hours later i pulled it and tasted it (now that i know how to check it) and the antibiotic was mostly gone. Which means it has been absorbed. Now i ran out of band aids, lost my duck tape and i simply used scotch tape at the last one.

Also i'm also almost cleared, i get better by the hour. Last places that still hurt are those i thing were damaged in years by microwaves from phone (right ear, eye, sinus, right hip, etc..). Patches to really work. Amoxicillin has a in vivo half life of about one and a half hour. Which means in that interval, the amount in your body gets halved. Still administering interval is 8 hours. Now imagine that. Instead of taking it orally, with a patch you have a much more constant concentration in your blood.

I also took half Zyrtec which to me is the best sleep aid. Trouble is it doesn't work right away, i have to take it hours before i go to sleep. 

Though i think i fixed the sewage leak, the closet still stinks. Not sewage but dirty laundry. So i put back the uv light in there, which i took out in the day i took the pictures and got sick. Wondering how many of the older houses have that under their water heater. What was their plan. They poured something underneath the water heater to make it stink at which i asked to be replaced. Then they opened the sewer line. The idea was to make us sick so we'll go to see a doctor.

2:45 Am citit știrile. Dezolant. Tot ce văd sunt ei, scris de ei, mult zgomot pe chestii derizorii, izolate, multe minciuni. Situația e nașpa nașpa nașpa, nu am alte cuvinte.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

February 4th

12: Led Zeppelin. Incredibly how the concrete block in the middle looks like the ones under my water heater. More semantic, subliminal connections?

Made in China. Now we know who the midgets flying in a weather spy balloon downed over Ruswell were.

5:12 Just realized why i can't sleep. There's a party with much base and yelling at the one level building where my truck is.

1:40 One extremely loud exhaust came, slowy, iddled for a few minutes, totally changed my mood.

Today i discovered a way to take antibiotics without hurting my stomach. After i discovered a sewage gas leak under the newly installed water heater, i took some measures to see if i can cover it (in very hard to reach place). While doing so i exposed myself to it from much closer and now i got tonsillitis (that started right away), sinusitis, possibly bronchitis. But my stomach (duodenum, pancreas whatever) are totally destroyed after exposing myself to the leak for weeks or years, earlier because of contaminated foam from the old heater.

So i had to figure a way to fix myself, if i didn't want to end up in hospital with "COVID". I new about, there are some pills that are regularly taken sublingually. I read more and found out, there are some controversies on forums, this route bypasses the GI tract and liver and goes directly into the bloodstream, with increased bioavailability, and antibiotics are sometimes given intravenously or intramuscularly, which do the same. Nothing to lose.

The only trick is the pills are 500 mg and have to keep them under your tongue without thinking talking, singing eating or drinking for about half hour. This way they won't mix with saliva and you won't even feel the bitter taste which guarantees it won't go into your stomach.

After about ten minutes my whole body and especially the infected areas heat up, which is a sign of inflammation due to dead bacteria. After half hour, if i taste it, the pill loses its bitter pungent taste which means it has been absorbed through your rich capillary network under you tongue.

If you could do this with capsules? I think it is possible, but again have to keep your tongue still. Unless if they're time released.

Don't do it right after eating, there's too much saliva in your mouth.

2:15 The third loud exhaust, now with a base, within 40 minutes.

He's back in the atmosphere, with a vengeance. Squeaking for hours on a Saturday night. He left the day when they cracked open that sewer line and came back the day i fixed it. The guy upstairs. Which means they don't expose their own to the bad stuff.

There was much smoke in here. I went outside, stepped on the bulges for 15 minutes, the smoke subsided. I also found a pack of Marlboro, opened, with one or two cigarettes missing. I think whatever is antibacterial can breed new strains.

But the smoke like always clouded my judgement. I was dressed lightly and literally cooled my body. When i came back, my chest, head, other areas were cold and it took me one hour to heat back up with an electric blanket. But when i heated up, now my whole body aches.

7:18 De câte ori văd sigla Băncii Transylvania îmi amintesc de o fază (aici tipul de sus a început să țipe cu niște sunete aproape inumane). Este aici în Portland un loc ce se numește Dragon Herbarium. Este singurul loc unde poți de exemplu să cumperi gălbenele (calendula) sau ceai de frunze de afine. Într-un timp, de câte ori mergeam acolo era în parcare un station wagon (break) din alea vechi, lungi, late și joase, negru, ce părea să fi fost dric la un moment dat în viața lui. Pe spate scria University of Transylvania cu litere albe, gotice, poate mai era și vreun semn ce nu-mi amintesc. Într-o vreme când nu fotografiam tot ce puteam și credeam că merită. Între timp în ultimii ani a dispărut.

Cred că nu trebuie să mai spun. În SUA numele Transylvania este echivalent cu iadul, Dracula cu dracul, etc.. Azi am văzut iar sigla băncii și mi-a venit să caut ce scria pe dricul lui nenea ăla. Dar ce credeți că am găsit?

Friday, February 3, 2023

February 3rd

4:18 I wrote a while ago about replacing the water heater. I think there is a sewer line under it. 7 years ago i managed to squeeze some Great Stuff foam in there. However it was the cheap open cell foam and in time got saturated with sewer gas, mainly ammonia. When they removed the tank i scrapped  the pan and  the remaining foam was smelling like it. But it thought the line was closed (heard  the sound of the foam escaping in it back then).

After they put the concrete blocks i washed the whole place with some water with detergent until it came clean. I think some water got into the line and possibly in a s or p trap. But now, weeks after, i think it dried from there and sewer gas started to come in. When you do laundry, the lines get somehow washed, but 2 or 3 days after, or this night, you could not breath in here. I mean, i woke up because of the smell, at 1 AM and ever since i'm thinking what to do. I stock my borescope camera and saw the line under one of the blocks and it looks like it's open.

3:07 I never saw the face of the guy who did it because of the mask. Later in the parking lot he briefly pulled the mask and he looked like... I think  the other guy also with mask might have been... 

Today i saw in the parking lot a guy dressed like him, maybe taller, without mask but a bit of goatee, could not have been only 2 or 3 days, it was at least one week old, saw another version 2 or 3 days ago, shaven.

Same thing happened in Lake Oswego, at Apt.9 next to ours first was Lindsay Lohan who acted as a real estate agent, and then Kelly Clarkson, on the same name, car, etc..

When i got in my place a woman or girl, most likely Japanese made lo look latina pulled in the spot next to me, within one minute so and started to stare at me so i just left to Walmart, then she left too. While i was leaving the complex a Penske van popped in front of me. Today hundreds of people were involved in many scenes, including near accident situations at Walmart. Walmart was full of kids, but also at Lowes heard some crying.

My back pain (kidney, pancreas, gut, don't know) started back after i've been around the water heater taking pictures with the borescope. I put something, a piece of corrugated plastic that fits hard in that space on top of that pipe (i pulled after a while and saw a circle imprinted were the pipe was, put it back on), but the pipe is dented and can't seal. Bought something to put on that corrugated plastic, but will be here only tomorrow.

4:32 Last summer i've been complaining about dust on Avery St., on Nyberg. For months they were excavating the terrain in both sites. On Nyberg they build an apartment complex. On Avery, there are a couple of long industrial like buildings (it goes to the right maybe 300 ft or more), with no windows (except the huge lobby) with no signs, no name, just a Scientology cross, just across the street from where Angela works. Her previous job site also belonging to Eaton was on Teton St., a reminder of Thetans. Anybody know what these nuts are doing here?

4:43 Can't remember, it was a total of maybe 4 weeks of 24 hours week long notices of entrance last summer, for replacing the windows, a job that actually lasted several hours. Now, 6 months after, they gave me another one, for one week, for a touch up and painting job that would last probably half hour.

Last summer i thought i saw the guy who was leading the team was looking like the Emperor of Japan himself. That and the flare up of the sewage gas last night, following my posts yesterday. Emperor of Japan is a descendant of goddess Amaterasu, and the leader on Earth of divine origin. BTW i think it was her i saw  today in the parking lot. Unrecognizable on both sides without makeup.

12:13 I know i'm into the next day but want to right this one here because of the picture with the water heater pan and concrete blocks. After fasting all evening, and midnight i made myself some noodle soup with added bone broth. So i wanted to check my blood pressure. But my lancet broke. And started to ask myself, could there be a way to do it without? So i kept a needle with two fingers, somehow hidden and i pulled it a bit of a time until i finally hitted it with the prepared finger. Not much worse than the lancet. Then guess what. My BS came 230. With the new stick that show 20 less than the old ones.

Kept asking myself why. Maybe because i killed the sewer leakage (99.9% or it anyways). But my face and eyes hurt because... This morning when i went in to take that picture with my borescope camera i just shot the UV and the little closet with a blanket covering the permeable door had a lot of ozone built in there. In fact it says in the lamp's instruction. You have to air the room after using it.

So i don't know. Is it the ozone that got in my lungs and killed the whatever in there, before it can reach the stomach. Or the lack of stuff in the air. Or the copious amounts of coconut oil i took in the last days. Or the fact that i quit drinking alcohol and coffee. But if finally went down a little. Which contradicts my earlier theory that sugar builds up in your body and can't go down even if you fast.

But confirms the one that says your body pulls all the sugar from your gut (most of it coming from breaking down more complex carbs by pancreatic enzymes and it's not 10 or 20 grams, is in the hundreds of grams a day, and your body sacrifices the normal BS level pulling all sugar from the gut to cut the supply for bad bacteria and mold and why not, protozoa discharging from lungs and fermenting there.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

February 2nd

2:31 Intervenția lui Lavrov. Nici Maia Sandu, nici Lavrov și nici Putin însuși nu au trăit în Uniunea Sovietică. Gorbaciov, poate, sporadic. Nu rușii luptă în Ucraina. Recruții sunt probabil duși undeva pe un câmp și împușcați, sau fără apărare în focul "dușmanului" totuna, așa cum s-a întâmplat cu americanii în Vietnam. Și de Crăciun le dau o lecție, să nu mai folosească telefoanele să spună acasă ce se întâmplă. Ca și cum "ucrainenii" nu ar vedea prin sateliții prieteni tot ce fac.

În timp ce "Putin" spune că a ordonat armatei să intre în Ucraina pentru a-și apăra minoritatea de acolo după venirea la putere "nedemocratică" a lui Zelenski...

3:57 Tocmai îl găsisem pe Dodon... Ieri am pățit aceeași fază... Editorul online pe care îl folosesc pentru decupaje (crop) m-a blocat și mi-a zis gata, nu mai e gratuit, trebuie să plătesc și mi-a cerut bani. În realitate cred că e vorba de o chestie ceva, se bagă alții pe fir. Deci am plătit cu credit card pentru o lună, cred că m-au băgat pe o versiune mai veche, astăzi a intrat iar cea nouă. Acum îmi cer bani din nou, trebuie să caut altul, nașpa fiindcă mă obișnuisem cu ăsta...

5:43 Curios lucru. De câte luni lucrez cu aplicația asta? De ce s-au hotărât acum să-mi ceară bani? (1.95 pe lună). M-am uitat la card pe site-ul băncii și au zis că e activitate fraudulentă și a trebuit să-mi anulez cardul. Deci am încercat din nou cu aplicația gratuită de pe Chromebook, Gallery, căreia îi lipsește ceva, însă cred că mă pot obișnui cu ea.

10:25 Angela Merkel. Adolf Hitler.

5:41 Before i forget. It hit me today. The video with Norah Jones is an enactement of Amaterasu being tricked by music to come out of the cave after she went in there being upset and took the light with her. So in is the video, in this case tricked by love (of a Japanese boy), where Madonna substitutes Amaterasu (Amaterial). What other gods (spirits) with rays around their head used to live in a cave? The Wandjina, who are precursors to all solar deities in the world.

6:05 Ce-aș mai bee de-aș mai putee...

6:17 A new intraday trend of the market (actually it's been around for some time after "George Santos" moved upstairs two years ago). Every time i go to sleep in the morning it goes up, every time i come to the computer to do whatever it goes down etc.. And lately i only slept during day time cause at night is much more quiet and i can do stuff.

Yesterday we went at Walmart to fill Angela's antibiotic prescription, i was staring around and saw the small boxes with "Rely on" black sticks and bought some (they're really cheap, 10 bucks for 50) and when i got home i was not sure i bought the right ones and opened the box and used one and... surprise. My blood sugar came consistently 20 more than with the old sticks. Now i don't know which are good and which are not.

Didn't take a reading in quite some time, it used to go down to 200 and under while fasting and exercising, now it won't move under 300 no matter what, with 400 after eating, even no carbs at all.

In the last few days i had back pains which i suspected was either kidneys or pancreas, which at first was going away with omeprazole, and i remembered an old trick and took larger amounts like 5-10 grams of coconut oil (solidified by cold in here) several times a day. I keep cold in here (65) because it's less stinky Today after a week i think the back pain is going away. Also stopped drinking and drinking coffee (switching from soluble which i ran out to decaf ground also played a role in my back pains i guess).

BTW when Angela came from work she wanted to air the apartment and she did so, when she went to bed there was smoke in the bedroom, went outside, stepped on bulges, the smoke subsided, but i also found 4 new fresh dog poops. So much for airing.

6:54 Ce-aș mai bee de-aș mai putee... Cafea... Ciocolată... orice! Got some Ensure bottles with 10 grams each. Ok almond milk hot chocolate with one gram of sugar (got 15-20 grams in my 5 liters of blood right now anyways). I think i said it before. One reason your blood sugar won't go down even after fasting and exercising is because all your collagen and other tissues in your diabetic body are saturated with it. I think i got one pound of sugar spread throughout my tissues.

I once wrote about the possibility that your body is increasing your cholesterol level to compensate lack of vitamin D because cholesterol is used to make vitamin D in the skin after exposure to certain UV wavelengths (soft UV or UVA i guess). What if your body increases your blood sugar because of lack of collagen in your body? Ok i'm gonna drink a bone broth drink right now.

This phrase lacks logic. Or follows  the type of logic doctors use, one of the reasons i don't want to see those anymore.

9:10 Will bricks and mortar stores ever come back again? No matter how annoying and tricky the salesmen were, they cannot be surpassed by Amazon. Just miss ordered again one or two things and when i picked those from the locker, i cursed loudly in my mind and as usually one or two cars in the lot beeped their alarms. So back in the apartment, they were knocking on walls every time i did so until i stopped.

These guys break with me here all the laws and rules in the world yet they knock or beep when i disturb the karma of the Universe by cursing in my mind.

9:21 Ok am deschis ne-știrile. Cele mai flagrante cazuri de zgomot semantic peste postările mele recente. Tamás Balikó. Ion Sterian. Piese de șah de aceeași culoare (moto-ul blogului). Netaxarea profitului corporațiilor. Wandjina, cave spirits. Restul vă las pe dvs.. să le descoperiți.

9:53 Yeah i remember i heard about when i was in HS. Erich von Daniken. Probably first major example of coverage by noise. No it doesn't mean necessarily his theory was true though is a good indication.

10:00 Spy balloons... Here comes the Sunak...