Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The Invisible Dark Screen

The ninja are trained to be subtle enough to do things to you that are not even perceived. Provide you with an incredible high while taking your minds (let your brain be eaten by parasites that produce dopamine). Masked in ordinary things, with a slightly different rate, or occurrence or location.

Every time i went with my nose real close to a window screen i felt the smell of mold. How is that possible, manny would ask. Windows screen are outside, exposed to wind and sun, and look clean.

It is possible and i'm going to prove it to you. Not only that, but it can be used as intermediary buffer, between you and the ninja.

I usually start my searches with what i know about a subject. I knew windows screens, the kinda i have here at the apartment are made of of a woven fiberglass yarn that is coated with PVC. No matter how much i tried right now, (got tired after first hour of searches, right after "i came to terms" that is, actual, real search terms after i became familiar with the subject), i can't find a better magnification.

What happens is glass, (ordinary glass, not quartz of optical) is opaque to Sun's disinfecting UV. If the PVC coat gets damaged, then all kinda stuff will get inside the woven yarn. And grow in there and get ready for the next jump. Inside and onto you.

Windows screens are really another major health hazard i identified in American homes.

I wash them regularly (used to every 6 months, now every month) with a micro-fiber cloth, water and a drop of detergent. Water comes dirty mostly due to dust that settles onto it that also harbors a whole biology.

Prior to re-painting of all buildings (by SAGE team) the screens upstairs where so dirty, they turned red-brown (due to redwood chips, got pictures, somewhere). Two years after power washing, they now already started to look different then mine, that i keep as clean as possible. But when i washed them last night, disturbing and breathing the dust, i thought i felt the distinctive smell of cat. When they got warmed by the worm water that i used. Today i know i got reinfected, big time.

So don't be shy as i was before i became desperate enough, removed them from windows and washed them with a sponge and the showerhead in the tub. First time i did that here the water came black.

That was before i realized you can wash them on the window. They won't break, even after many washes. That fiberglass is quite tough, a similar type is used for reinforcing wall repairs. If you don't believe me, go to Home Depot, buy a piece and try to break it. Or try to walk through a door screen, as i did in Lake Oswego.

Can wash them even from inside with warm water and detergent, water will fall like rain does, through the holes left in window's frame. But easiest is form outside, with windows closed. At least for ground level. Detergent will leave some foam, it will be gone and dried in half hour.

But they won't last long clean, at most a couple of weeks. Careless design, cheap poorly chosen method of fabrication, they're a dirt trap. A bad idea.

In the image the mesh seem to be made of a continuous string, but it's many tiny woven fiberglass strings.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Sugar Free Fast Meatloaf

A 3 pounds (1.35 kilos) pack of 93% ground beef at Safeway with rewards card cost around 10 bucks (3.49 a pound). It's got meat in the equivalent of 12 quarter pounder burgers.

About 15-30 minutes hands on time. 1 hour in the oven.

A small onion or half large onion and one large tomato or two small are a must for this recipe. 2 spoons of steel cut oats, one half bell pepper, one egg, spices, 20 gr of salt (one topped tablespoon). Chop everything as small as you can, mix with a fork using it on a side like a knife, trying to break the meat, for about 5 minutes or until homogeneous (watch for the small angry face in the middle of the meat).

Lay it in a glass pan. The main trick with this recipe is you have to cover it with something like tomato sauce, V8, so the meat won't get burnt. Original meatloaf recipe is with ketchup but that one contains (lots of) sugar.

After one hour of which first ten minutes at medium, than medium low, it shrinks about 3/4 inch on all sides. Let it rest on oven top for 10 minutes, put it in a smaller glass pan with lid and in the fridge it should last for several days.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

"They seem to move!"

Uneori e greu să priveghezi pe cineva care nu e chiar mort mort. De multe ori, amintindu-mi faza de mai jos, am stat și m-am gândit. Poate una din motivațiile ritualului de priveghi este chiar ăsta, să se convingă fiecare că persoana respectivă e moartă și nu într-o comă ceva.

În vâltoarea media de acu, își mai amintește cineva poezia Actorii a lui Marin Sorescu? Ar trebui fiindcă e foarte importantă. Chiar odată când nu aveam ceva mai bun de făcut, am tradus-o în engleză și mi-a ieșit așa de bine, încât îmi place și mie, deși am tradus-o chiar eu! (deci pot să nu mai pun ghilimele, pe care le urăsc).

The most daring - the actors!
With their sleeves rolled up
They really know how to live (for) us!
Never seen a more perfect kiss
Like of the actors in the third act,
When sentiments start to clarify

Their death on the scene is so natural,
That compared to its perfection,
Those in the graveyards,
The real dead,
Tragically, forever dead,
They seem to move!

And us, still in our only life!
Not even this one know how to live.
Talking small or being silent for years,
Embarrassed and unaesthetic,
And (we) don't know where the hell to keep our hands.

Mi s-a întâmplat chiar mie o fază. Eram prin liceu și un fost coleg de generală cu nume unguresc cu care mă mai băteam prin clasă, probabil singurul mai în vârstă ca mine, (l-am găsit odată pe o listă cu actori din Ungaria, alături de alții, cu doi ani mai mici ca mine, acum nu-mi amintesc cum îl chema și nu am timp să caut), "a fost bătut la miliție pentru că l-au prins furând în piață" până a făcut icter. Sau "era bețiv și avea ficatul praf". În orice caz, într-o vacanță mi-a arătat cicatricea de la o operație la ficat care-i înconjura ca un șarpe corpul galben-verde. Nu știu exact de ce l-au operat. (Probabili "i-au scos o bucată de ficat necrozat?").

Spuneau alți băieți prin oraș că s-a dus la o cârciumă în centru, mai la intrare, așa gablen cum era, a cerut o cinzeacă și aia i-a fost.

Deci m-au chemat părinții să fac poze la înmormântare. Bunicul care era pozarul cartierului murise, aveam camerele lui, din care una, rusească bineînțeles, făcea pozele pe verticală, la jumătate din mărimea normală, deci scotea vreo 80 de poze pe un film (de 36, pe care normal ieșeau vreo 40).
Ceva, o intuiție sau poate văzusem faza într-un film, sau frustrarea (nu a fost chiar cea mai fună zi din viața mea) m-a făcut să fac tot filmul, poză după poză, mai ales când l-au scos din casa în construcție în care era sicriul.

După ce m-am dus acasă, sau la o zi două după, nu mai știu sigur, a venit bunul meu vecin Mihai (cel care semăna cu Baniciu) și sub un pretext oarecare m-a făcut să-i dau camera în mână. A desfăcut-o sub ochii mei și a scos filmul. A mai rămas o bucățică cred, sau mai făcusem poze cu cealaltă cameră, încât am reușit totuși să-i dau surorii lui, care de atunci a umblat îmbrăcată în negru mulți ani și care mă chemase, câteva poze.

Thought Listening

I've been intrigued many times by the fact that they seem to know what i'm thinking. BTW, i just said in a fb post, i figured the guy upstairs is the same guy with the rice van, earlier with the purple Dodge. Looking like Brian Asawi, a deceased Japanese opera singer.

Today i've been browsing again through Bansenshukai and i've been intrigued by a device for listening from the next room, or even through two walls. American walls, of course. I bet they could not do this through concrete (However, in Romania we had the pipes from central heating that were going from one apartment to another through holes in the walls).

Then i just searched and found something really interesting. Besides  the specially shaped cylinder, they have this metal plate that resonates on the frequency of one's voice. Ok, but the title of the post is about thinking, not talking.

Here's the deal. When one thinks, he/she modulates his breath or even moves his tongue in his mouth. I noticed, i expire faster or slower depending what i'm thinking at. The air coming out of my mouth of nose makes a sound that changes frequency accordingly to my thoughts. So what if they learnt to master this as well?

I know, today it can be done by more advanced means. But those can be detected electronically as well. But a simple metal leaf? Maybe different from the one in this video that is used for voice.

Monday, March 22, 2021

World of Enzymes

(On PCs, please click the links on this post with the wheel of the mouse to open them in separate tabs)

The little i know about.

Up until yesterday to me vinegar was acetic acid diluted in water eventually with some flavors and colors. But i found out something very important. It contains, as leftovers from fabrication, at least for natural brands, a couple of enzymes which are essential in metabolism of alcohol and aldehyde in our bodies. Alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenase.

These enzymes, (also produced in our bodies), are responsible for us not getting killed or blinded by even small amounts of alcohol. For those who don't know, ethanol or the alcohol found in most alcoholic beverages is as toxic as methanol of which we have heard many stories. Or like ethylene glycol, the antifreeze, or any other alcohols.

In the past when people got to ER with methanol or ethylene glycol intoxication they were given whiskey.

The reason is ethanol in whiskey (or any other spirit) triggers the increased production in your body of dehydrogenase while the other alcohols don't. Because of a mutation in our bodies inherited since one of our ancestors, million years ago, survived after eating fermented fruit. However, once triggered, the enzyme breaks down all alcohols, not only ethanol.

Yesterday i found out those enzymes are present in vinegar. Together with an inhibitor of amylase, the enzyme that turns starch into monosaccharides (simple sugars) that are basis for alcohol fermentation and acetic fermentation into vinegar. Both the enzymes and the inhibitor are produced by acetic bacteria, the third in the chain processes of turning starch into acetic acid.

As zymase (yes, i know, it sounds like Zemu, who must have been Semitic, or Semi) from a yeast (same plain baking yeast) (yeast is something in between bacteria and mold) is responsible for turning simple sugars, cellulose etc. into alcohol, alcohol that can be further processed into acetic acid by a bacteria that uses the same two enzymes that are responsible for breaking down alcohol in our bodies.

Why an inhibitor of amylase? Simply because those acetic bacteria don't want the alcoholic fermentation of that food source (presumably starch which is ubiquitous in plants seeds) to continue and alcohol concentration to increase until it would kill  them. So they slow down the process of turning starch into sugar by amylase thus cutting the source for zymase to produce alcohol (otherwise the process will continue until alcohol concentration would eventually kill both the yeast, around 15% and acetic bacteria).

But what are enzymes?

That is a good question, because an enzyme is basically a whole standalone chemical nano reactor in one huge protein molecule. They can turn sugars into alcohols, alcohols into acetic acid, break down toxins, dirt in laundry, etc.. One single molecule of those can work in succession transforming many molecules of the primary substances mentioned substances before they break down themselves eventually.

Proteins which are encoded in the genetic material of each species and cells of those species or even individual unicellular beings. Organelles in every eukaryotic cell can produce according to that code proteins of which some maybe be enzymes which help them survive.

Today's industrial production of alcohol, acetic acid, medicine, other substance relies on enzymes.

Together with enzymes, some cells may produce enzymes inhibitors. Simply to compete with others ('s enzymes).

The presence of both hydrogenase and amylase inhibitor in vinegar is beneficial. Enzymes/inhibitors work in very small concentrations. Even smelling vinegar may both reduce transforming of starch in your gut, lowering blood sugar and/or help breaking down toxic alcohols that may be present in your gut from reasons such as fermentation produced by unwanted yeasts that may produce let's say methanol (aka wood alcohol) from the fibers you ingest.

Why some people could not have (maybe temporarily) enough hydrogenase? I don't know, could be liver disease, could also be an inhibitor produced by those unwanted yeasts in your gut during a hangover, moonwalking, who knows.

Years ago they discover drinking grapefruit juice or consuming the fruit interacts with medicine "bioavailability".

Our body is one universe away from being unicellular. It has organs with cells that specialize in let's say producing this and that enzymes and many other functions, like contracting, in the case of muscle cells.

There is a class of enzymes, CYP3, produced in again many individual cells or in our livers that help breaking down toxins. Either at cellular level of multicellular level, those enzymes are the defence of every living organism.

From the point of view of oud body as a whole, and usually for a target organ, medicine is beneficial. From the point of view of most other cells, they are toxins that must be eliminated. That's why concentrations of medicine in your body starting right after peaking after ingestion, is being decreased, by several mechanisms, one of them being breaking down by the CYP3 class of enzymes. Thus, when given medications, concentration and time of repeating doses is calculated taking into account the breaking down time of medication by those mechanisms.

Grapefruit juice, pulp, peel, other fruit, contain a substance called bergamottin, because it was first found in bergamot, a type of citrus fruit that inhibits those enzymes. It cannot harm us because it stays in the gut or at most in the blood stream all the way to liver. It can harm the microbes (bacteria, mold, some unwanted, present in your hut by inhibiting the CYP3 enzymes of those cells). It also inhibits the CYP3 enzymes from your liver responsible with breaking down medicines, thus increasing breakdown time or "bioavailability".

That is why grapefruit juice is a potent anti-parasitic cause it inhibits CYP3 enzyme inside parasites like T gondii in your intestine rendering them defenseless to your body's immune system or hostile environment (digestive enzymes, antigens, etc.). Outside of your body, when used wisely, it can be a life saver disinfectant.

However vinegar could have more than those two enzymes and one inhibitor. Got into temptation of eating cereal with soy milk and a few raisins while (not knowing) outside there was smell of laundry and got nauseated again. Smelled vinegar and nausea that otherwise would have lasted for hours, increasing acid production and loading my already sick pancreas. The nausea would have turned the next day into intestinal pains, etc..

Proteases are enzymes that break down proteins. They are commonly used for fabrication of cheese. Starting with small amounts in farms, where the source is the stomach of a slaughtered calf and continuing to industrial scale preparation of cheese. Still present in fresh cheeses, like cottage cheese and mozzarella, are beneficial to your body as they may break down proteins belonging to parasites, thus killing them.

Kallikreins are digestive enzymes. In moles and shrew, they have, during a case of parallel evolution, turned into a venom that can paralyze or "zombify" prey.

I long suspected sulfur as being an enzyme inhibitor. Right before i ate sugar and was perfumed by the laundry, there was a walk upstairs. Walking on the moon pumps sulfur dioxide that may form inside the cells of drywall (open cells aerated calcium sulfate).

In the image. Sulfur on paper in the reflection chamber of apprentice masons. Exactly the same materials American houses are made of. Drywall is a sandwich of calcium sulfate and cardboard. Calcium sulfate is hardly a rock.

"Thou shall not build your house of sulfur".

Did you reflect long enough after reading this blog post?
Another suspicion for enzyme blockers or even destroyers is smoke. Cigarette, wildfire, city smoke, car exhaust all contain heavy metals freed from organic combinations and thousands of other harmful substances. Some of those may attach to the huge proteins that made enzymes, blocking their activity.

Smokers and drinkers know, when you smoke you will get a higher high than when drinking only. Because dehydrogenase, blocked by the smoke, will be less available to break down alcohol.

Trouble begins though when you lack not alcohol dehydrogenase or ADH but the second, aldehyde dehydrogenase or ALDH, that is responsible with breaking down aldehyde, the highly cancerigen intermediary byproduct of your body processing alcohol, also contained in coffee, bread, some fruit. Most interesting is coffee, that also contains freed heavy metals from roasting, that may block the enzyme as well.

Conclusion is, i recommend a drop of natural apple vinegar in every glass of water, even in your morning tea. it even tastes pleasant. Like soda. One drop only.

I also remembered, there was a trend in recent years, with a justification, drinking warm water with some lemon juice in the morning which is acid, will render you body less acid during the whole day. It didn't make sense to me back then, it does now. Lemon juice may contain enzymes or enzyme blockers like CYP3 blockers that may reduce the number of bad bacteria in you stomach, thus the stomach would have to produce less acid to kill those, etc..

Friday, March 19, 2021

Link-uri pentru bugete

Clic pe primul link pentru a afla bugetul Ministerului Transporturilor, pe al doilea, al tuturor ministerelor iar pe celelalte pentru a vedea calea de străbătut pentru a ajunge la aceste link-uri, pornind de la o căutare google.

Bugetul Ministerului Transporturilor (exemplu)

Bugetele tuturor ministerelor (și alți ordonatori de credite)

Legea Bugetului de Stat (proiect votat)

Legile bugetelor

Căutare google (start pentru a ajunge la legile bugetelor)

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Saturday Night

I opened the other day a can of worms in the bathroom. I wanted to touch paint the wall on top of the liner and i saw the silicon i put in there years ago had mold under. Why did i put it? Because it was cracked. Why didn't i call them? Because was part of dozens if not hundreds of problems. There should have been a handyman in here every day to fix something. Didn't do a good job or it's mission impossible. The joint between wall and liner. Every time you step in the tub the the liner moves a bit because it's fiberglass.

There is not much water flowing on top of the liner. Just tiny droplets that jump from your skin or off the main jet of the shower head. But that was enough to make the drywall wet and stinky and moldy. I removed all the silicon including the wet soft drywall and put some joint compound. However the smell that got released together with bad bacteria triggered an episode of nausea followed by diarrhea. Tried to air, but the air quality outside suddenly went bad. With no explanations in the media. So tonight i just took off to Spirit Mountain. Two hours of driving, several hours in there, breathing clean air. Cause after we cleared the neighborhood, there was no more smoke including at the casino.

It will not last. Maybe it will at bit more if i add some silicon at the joint before i paint over.

When i got back, air quality was better and i could air a bit. But all of a sudden that changed to a perceived @100 and had to close doors and windows. Went outside and measured with the monitor and in that moment the air cleared back again to 25 or something. So it's something very... local, so to say. But it smelled like wildfire. Opened the door and windows back again. Tonight was the first night i wasn't nauseated in a long time.

Before i left i tried and moved the handle in the picture and it moved. No, i don't think significant amounts of water is flowing by that  handle though it's not sealed. I thought behind that wall is the a space common with the other sides of it and tossed some baking soda though that hole before i left.     
Had this idea and stuck the endoscope camera through the hole of the handle. First thing i saw. This is no liner. There is no drywall panel behind it. It's a fiberglass shower wall that is one with the tub. It's the original construction. My tiny 6 mm camera though i left it ok (after i resoldered some of the wires) now it's got a scratch on it. Everything breaks in here, mostly by themselves). So all the stink i guess came from the joint between the fiberglass shower wall and the drywall that was not so dry anymore. Calcium sulfate getting wet and decomposing to sulfur or something. I believe this was one major source of me getting sick. I said it 1000 times. Normally it's not big deal and it goes out through the tiny continuous fan i put on top of the regular fan in the bathroom. But if the exhaust pipe has a leak, then it would go inside floor upstairs, which it happened. By the smell coming when stepping on it. From there and from the "direct source" in the bathroom it can be released inside "on demand",  that is like gassing someone a little bit, when necessary either by vibration with modified or broken exhausts or by walking hard on the "light" floor. Like when not behaving, posting all kidna s... etc., most efficient when eating.
One more thing about Spirit Mountain. I know it's all simulated like everything here, but from all the three casinos in the area, it's the only one we lose no matter what. Angela didn't want to go in there, i didn't want to go to Ilani. At Ilani she always recovers at the end. At Chinook Winds, from time to time she wins, though mostly looses. But to me Ilani is the ugliest place i've ever seen and Chinook Winds is 27 extra miles from Spirit Mountain.

Ilani looks like a humongous rectangular industrial facility and half of the people are Asian and the other half Hungarian actors. But i think at Spirit Mountain they can't bring the celebrities for shows as easy as at Lincoln City or Ilani. Ilani is at half hour of drive on I5 from Portland. Spirit Mountain is one hour. Maybe too many real people, like i thought they were tonight.

Anyways, the're trying to discourage us from getting there, for some reason. But my point is, and i know it for sure, they have control over the machines. If i look up in every casino i've been to, i see at any time 5-10 cameras. I presume if i see those they can see me. For what? I've never seen one single security problem in one of those going hundreds of times, for years.

Every time i hit the button and i don't pay attention or not ready to hit it again to stop the reels, they fill the screen with passing wilds, other winning combinations. When i pay attention and look at the screen and ready to stop them, nothing. This could happen only if they have some software and analyze your mood and reactions. How can this be called gambling?

And a piece of advice to casino goers. Don't go these days after the stimulus bill has been approved. Cause they know people are more likely to loose because they have or about to have those extra money.

If somebody should look into this type of AI enticing robbery called slots. Yes they should, but who? Nobody cares for the social category of people who need to go to casinos for a number of reasons, mainly for being old and lonely, if they get plainly robbed.

Maybe they should limit the number of cameras. Maybe they should have none pointing at you while you play. But still the machines can analyze your mood and disposition to lose only by the way you push the button to stop the reels. Maybe they shouldn't have those games at all. Push the button once and wait for them to stop. Pushing twice, or start and stop also reduces the time between hands and brings more money faster etc..Took a picture with the phone's camera Sunday evening.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Perfect Fries

20 minutes hands on time, 40 minutes total elapsed time.

Five pounds of potatoes at Winco cost around 2 dollars. The cheapest. Could make 4 times if they were all medium size and healthy which sometimes are. Choose 6-8 medium size potatoes. Wash thoroughly rubbing with your hands, emptying the tub several times. Peel. I use my wonder peeler i bought in Vegas for about 2 dollars. Wash again. Could buy the pink potatoes and don't have to peel them, only wash. Fire the oven.

Don't mind the dimples, try to get rid of the mold stains. Cut in two, four, eight.
Spice. My favorite is dill, but i'm out of it. A bit of olive oil.
Mix by raising the spoon from bottom up. 10-15 times. Grease the pan (cookie sheet) thoroughly. I use a bit of coconut oil. This way you will be able to remove them from the pan. Arrange them.
Put in the oven at medium for 20 minutes. Check with a fork. Serve with yogurt, garlic sauce, V8 or as side for burgers.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Pandemic Cooking. 12" Angry Dough Pizza for About 2 Dollars

From scratch. Some, limited nutrition. 30 minutes hands on time. Elapsed time, about one and a half hours. Feeds 2-4 people.

Flour. One 5 pound (2.5 kg) bag for around 2 bucks at WinCo is enough to make 12 of 12" pizzas. Unbleached all purpose seem to be the norm and trend.

3 (240 ml) cups of flour (400+ gr) and one 300 ml cup of water. One+ topped tablespoon of dry yeast (dip the spoon in the yeast and pull, i keep my yeast indefinitely in a sealed jar in the fridge after opening the pack). A bit of salt. Keep some extra flour in the measuring 3 cup glass mug. First mix flour and yeast then salt then water. Mix for about 2 minutes with the spoon.
It's always hard to figure the flour/water ratio. Add a bit of water or flour while you mix until homogeneous (not like in the first picture below, only partially done). The goal is to make it as soft as possible to handle, later. Think ice cream consistency. Let it raise for about half hour. Indoor temperature is critical. Don't even think below 70 (20 C). If too cold, start the oven and let raise on top in a not too hot area. You will needed it later anyways. I call it angry dough because after raising, the face of an angry guy showed in the dough on the right.
Put some flour on the knitting board. Pour. Rain a bit of flour on top and knit for about 2 minutes. If too soft, add flour, keep knitting. Cut in two. Half will be used to make a pan bread. Or a second pizza, if  you have another pan which i don't.
I use a big jar to flatten one of the halves. A fingertip of coconut oil to grease the pan using your fingers. Essential if you want to ever remove the pizza from the pan after done. Transfer in the pan, add more flour on top and continue to flatten until it fills the pan uniformly.
Mix in a cup some V8, tomato sauce, pizza/pasta sauce, whatever you got with a bit of olive oil and a bit of hot sauce. Spread on the dough. Cut some thin tomato slices. Put on top. Aim to fill the whole pizza.
Grate some cheese on top (Second most expensive ingredient, about 50 cents/pizza). Add the pepperoni or other signature ingredients. Most expensive ingredient. For about 3 dollars you can get pepperoni for about 3 pizzas.
Thin slice a quarter of a pepper, onion. Ornate the pizza. These two give extra flavor, nutrition and help protect the pepperoni getting burned by the heat of the oven.

Let raise on top of the oven for about 20 more minutes. Bak at max oven temperature (500+) for 6-8 minutes or until done. I turned the other half of the dough into a pan fried bread, about 7 minutes on each side, at 4 (medium).

Best way to check if done is to open the oven door, wait a few seconds for the heat to pass, raise it a bit on a side with a stake knife an look under.

Can use your imagination to add or switch topping ingredients as you feel.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Pandemic Cooking. Quarter Pounder Under One Dollar

In about 20 minutes time.

(Can find a coupon for the 9 dollars/3 pound ground beef from Safeway. Sometimes they have the one pound same squeeze/"sausage" type pack for around 3 dollars).

Spice, mix energetically like knitting dough and turn into 4 equal bolls. Smash and form, about 5 mm or 1/4 inch thick.

Transfer. Fire up the electric pan at medium. No need for extra oil. Can be done on stove top in a regular pan. Crack your window. At this point all the kids in the building will gather under your window and that is the reason i write this recipe. It can be done by a 12 years or older. 5 minutes or until done on each side. They will shrink and thicken dramatically.
Did you know you can cut frozen buns and put them in toaster while still frozen?

I do use lots of foil wrap. I wash and cut the onions in two and keep them in the fridge, like peppers, cheese and other. (Don't have tomatoes right now to show how to cut in thin slices for the sandwich). Clean the pan immediately or it will stink. 

Grate some cheese while still hot. (I cut the big cheap coupon bought cheese bricks and wrap them in foil). Can wrap burgers for later microwave. Can serve them with a glass of V8 (or cheaper store brand vegetable juice, same ingredients) so much better than ketchup and soda. Next, the perfect fries and our favorite, baked peppers.

Actually baked peppers are ridiculously easy to make. Wash them, peel the label and put them vertically top or bottom first depending how they want to sit on a rack in the oven at medium for half our or until soft. On a lower rack put some preferably glass pans with water so it will catch the drips (otherwise the oven will stink big time). The only difficult part is to peel the thin peels after they're done using very clean hands. Try to save the juice inside, add a few drops of cider vinegar to make a sauce, cut to slices and add some thin cut onion like above. Serve with sliced tomatoes.