Friday, June 30, 2023

June 30

12:55 Didn't know! (about rice and methane). But i believe rain water brings in oxygen and also oxygenates the existing water by splashing.

1:37 I has been theorized that a ship equipped with a sail impermeable to solar wind could literally sail through space, accelerating (but only away from Sun). It makes sense cause there is something that constantly flows away from Sun, besides light, we call solar wind. Solar wind blows at subluminical speeds ad is made of heavy particles thus is very similar to terrestrial wind. Light would contribute also because photons do have a moving mass and momentum that could be transferred to that sail.

There is no secret i binged watched in a couple of days the whole series "Another Life", don't know how many episodes and seasons, just kept advancing over the boring and embarrassing awkward scenes which make the bulk of the (or any) series and then hitting the Next Episode button until i reached the end with the fireworks and true welcoming and stuff.

There is a scene in the move i first thought it was the apex of stupidity embed in it (like in any Sci Fi movie with not enough real science advisors or not taking into account science advisors for gaining spectacularity) but then i thought to myself, this could be something very very intriguing. Take a look at this image and do not click on it.

Ok so you clicked and saw (the reaction of a normal person, ok, maybe a bit overreacting, to the fact) they are pushing the sale with their own lasers. There is a saying in Romania (Bucovina more exactly). Grab your own butt and try lifting yourself from the ground (one possible translation). The relativity. Give me one fixed something and i'll move the Universe. Whatever.

Since June 30 1905 we do not live in a classic world anymore, we now live in what i call a relative world and that's why we should apply the theory of relativity to the above... contraption.

The theory of relativity says the speed of light is the same no matter the motion of the observer or the source. So the light coming to the sails from their own lasers has should have the same speed as the light coming from a nearby star from the same direction. Something to think about for the weekend and weekends to come.

The reason the device could work is of course the improvised gold plated flimsy foil sails (saw that in the movie) would actually reflect the light from the lasers, behind, and gain momentum (but for that, it would have been easier if they pointed the lasers directly behind for God's sake, no need for reflecting sails).

But the photons, now going backwards, would have the same speed of light thus not loosing any momentum to the sails.

4:50 On 4th of July everything breaks. On the third about 10 years ago it was my trucks catalytic converter. Out of a sudden, after visiting a camera repair shop in Hilsboro, it started making this terrible noise. The ceramic part of it broke and made me scrambling to replace it. In the end i put a cheap aftermarket one that lasted until the next DEQ. Since then i had to replace it 4 times.

The bathroom fan timer. I installed years ago a timer instead of the old switch. On by just pressing a button, it was turning self off after 10 minutes. But since the dust situation got worse and worse (nobody hosing the building for years) the swithc broke. Was working indefinetely after turned on. Bringing in the dust by pumping air from inside out.

The heating pad. I had this electric heating pad that i was using in my bed for years. All of a sudden it broke last week. However i will not attempt to fix it. Not before 4th of July.

I was thinking last night. How come everything in here breaks before its time.

And today something else. The AC unit that dries the air that comes from the drier.

Years ago i gave up using the vent for the drier (when it went clogged due to water condensation due to the stupid design of the vents). I used instead a window AC for drying the air coming out of it and then re-heating it and recirculating it.  It dries faster, cleaner and with less energy. Guess what. Today it broke. Better said, the compressor would not start. Now i have to try and fix it (which i won't do, again before 4th of July) or replace it. In the meantime the price went from 115 to 179.

I hope it's the same and would readily fit in my design.

Now can you take a guess as why i don't want to try and fix anything with electric parts before 4th of July?

5:38 Guess what. It's 90 degrees outside. I took half of my laundry and put it dry in the balcony. Partly dried before i realized. It will be finished in a couple of hours.

5:45 Then guess what. The sprinklers started, precisely at 5:40. But they don't reach in the balcony. See how many coincidences with my recent posts? I believe they found a way of manipulating karma itself. Or getting in here when i'm  not home.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

June 29

12:25 Bănuiesc că nu au ales aceste nume întâmplător. În statul Washington de pe coasta de vest, capitala Seattle, abreviat WA care stat are o populație de vreo 8 milioane de locuitori, și același nume ca și capitala SUA de pe coasta de est de la 5000 km distanță și 3 fusuri orare, există o localitate Vancouver, care este la granița cu Oregon (fluviul Columbia), și practic face parte din zona urbană Portland (Portland Metro Area).

Vancouver WA SUA este un sfert ca mărime față de Vancouver, BC (British Columbia), Canada, la nord de statul Washington. Când am venit în SUA, după 6 luni în Oregon m-am mutat pentru 6 luni în Vancouver, în speranța unui job care nu s-a împlinit și am găsit în schimb un job tot în Portland și m-am mutat iar. Toate rudele și cunoștințele mele au fost destul de confuzate de aceste nume.

A și chestia cu Salem, capitala Oregonului care nu este mai cunoscutul Salem Massachusetts. A și mai există un Portland tot așa pe coasta de est, în statul Maine. Și Isle of Portland, Regatul Unit care a dat numele cimentului așa cum îl știm noi, Portland cement.

Cred că faza cu Madonna a fost concepută (designed, written) pentru a acoperi ceva din relatările mele despre accidentul din 20/21 August 2021, alte chestii descrise de mine ca de exemplu administrarea cutanată a antibioticelor, posibilitatea ca diabetul să fie tratat cu antibiotice etc..

9:00 The building wasn't hosed since i got the "new" car i guess and that will be two years in October. They were dust buns everywhere but because of the laundry vapor coming from partially washed clothes the dust was also stinking. I knew because the stink intensified when i was touching the hot surface (was alomst 90 again today) with the jet of the hose.

More than that. After the blowing yesterday much fresh dust settled on top of the old one. It became painful. My sleep was fragmented and woke in pain all over my body. I tried the unthinkable and that is two Tylenol tablets (generic, non time release, the simple tablets) and put it on my arm under a bandaid pad. It worked. I slept some more throught the day but i already have it in my digestive system.

While i was slowly hosing the building and patch of grass in front of the car which is too far from any of the sprinklers, people were getting in my way. But many of them were the same person. Actress Frankie Adams who actually is a Japanese ninja. She was dressing up in different ways and was showing at different times but only in the direction i was hosing. Not that it would have toched her. It was two far, just the symbolisim on camera.

However one of the guys who got in front of the hose was him. I'm also sure this video is sublinally directed against me. Saw him before here, bullying and cursing at me when i was working at the car but it was dark and didn't realize who he was.

10:00 Mă gândeam când am văzut prima dată o astfel de știre ieri în contextul bacalaureatului că aceste dispozitive merg pe tehnologia bluetooth iar sufleorul este undeva în apropiere. (Nu cred că se apucă nimeni acum să inventeze ceva nou doar pentru aceste curiozități). Bluetooth însă merge doar la câțiva metri. Dar ce spun nenii aici se încadrează dincolo și de wi-fi care merge până la vreo 50 metri.

GSM sau poate 4G. Nu cred că folosesc alte benzi decât cele nemonitorizate pentru wi-fi și celulare (2,4 GHz). Dar ce baterie poți să pui într-un nasture care să emită GSM timp de jumătate de oră cât durează acel examen. Presupun că nu au voie cu celular în sala de examen. Un celular ar putea acționa ca un releu. Nasturele este prea mic pentru a instala în el și baterie și emițător GSM sau 4G.

9 ani de anchetă pentru a prinde 25 de fraudanți care puteau fi prinși cu un simplu dispozitiv de detectare microunde (la fel ca și la BAC).

Asta de exemplu este wi-fi iar dispozitivul wireless atașat este de mărimea unui celular, nu cred că puteau să intre cu așa ceva la examen.

Orice tehnologie wireless începând de la inclusiv wi-fi emite niveluri dăunătoare de microunde, care sunt necesare pentru funcționare. Abrevierea wi-fi de exemplu are origine dubioasă și cred că e subliminal pentru cuvântul englez wife.

10: 23 Totul are legătură subliminală cred cu mitul lansat câțiva ani înainte de revoluție, că Elena Ceaușescu ar fi fost analfabetă. Actrița americană de origine austriacă Hedi Lamarr, care a jucat-o pe Elena a fost creditată cu inventarea unei tehnologie cruciale în telefonia celulară și wireless.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

June 28

9:30 I was writing and getting ready to finish an important email to WSP (Washington State Patrol) using the gmail account associated with this blog when the email was sent before i had a chance to finish it.

In my initial email two days ago i was asking them for the name of the towing truck driver called by officer Boston Draper who in the end refused to tow us per reason of distance (22 miles) but never had the chance to say i suspect now he was also the driver of the truck that hit me from behind and ran minutes before before the email got sent without me hitting the send button.

They implied in the answer i was replying to they could send me the video from the freeway cameras if i provided location date and hour which i already did, though i asked only for the name of that towing driver. I also gave all the available information in the suspect/witness form i filled that night and is attached to the file that can be found under my name in their records. The form was filled in a street off the freeway at the first exit after location and i think officer Draper put the right location in his forms which are also attached to the file.

But my initial email with the request was not included in their answer (they broke the thread like they always do) and it looks like they missed my only request and now are offering something else instead, the video which two years ago they say it is not available, also asking for... the description of the other driver, which i never had a chance to see. Except if he was the tow driver to whom i casually talked to about the mods at the battery while officer Draper was filling his paperwork in his SUV.

10:10 I know what will happen. Another officer from WSP will answer again breaking the thread of the conversation, pretending he didn't read or understand my previous two emails.
4:45 For (Eastern Europeans only. Washington State is a state in the Western US, north of California and Oregon, with capital in Olympia and main city Seattle, home of Boeing, Microsoft and Starbucks, the last state to be added to the Union (1889), not to be confused with Washington DC, that is 3000 miles by plane or three time zones away.

4:50 When Angela comes from work she is very vocal and the only way to quiet her down is to give her some food. Today i gave her slow cooked rice (14 minutes) with soy sauce, caramelized sauteed sliced sugar free giant chicken breast (8 minutes), grated cabbage with diced canned olives and cherry tomatoes which took me all about half hour to cook (excluding doing the dishes and marinating the chicken, which i done earlier).

Sorry the picture came blurred cause i'm drunk already. BTW now she's demanding her glass of wine. Soon she will go to sleep for the rest of the evening time in which i can't move cause she wakes up easily.

But i got plans. I will continue to binge watch a Sci-Fi series i started yesterday on NETFLIX. Cause i don't know what to post anymore.

5:30 What am i saying, i have still a lot on my mind. Google's AI keep pushing me on the right side of youtube songs chosen for the moment. The blacklight reminds me of the first time i heard (and danced on) this song (1981). (One of the few successful songs with synths injected into rock). But keep thinking. Was Lou Gramm's first version or the one i heard then first time, better?

8:22 Went to WinCo. Mexican music playing very loud here at different apartments in the last days and when i left like trying to prove they are not chicanos hikikomori from Japan. There was this guy beyond the one level building with an older white car with a big bass in the trunk.

Many things on the road and at WinCo but one is worth mentioning. When i got back, at the last stop light here at 7-11 there was this snake woman waiting to pass with both legs a few inches in the street since my light was green. Then it turned yellow and i judged i did not have the time to stop without my groceries being spread accross the trunk (and i have two big boxes to put the bags in).

Then the light turned red in about one second or faster than normal but i think i still entered on yellow and she was always there, part in the street, part on the sidewalk, not moving.

When i came back and grabbed the bags and heard the music again i remembered something. I can't remember when i last saw any of my neighbors coming home with groceries except once or twice but i think it was years ago. Most of them i only see a few times before they are replaced anyways.

9:25 Just went in the street to see. Yellow time at that intersection is 4 seconds.
There are two lights but only one lane for going forward and one is covered by trees at the distance where you should see it. But there's something else i remembered. First time after they opened that corner of the intersection i was complaining about, when you were pressing the button, it was making the sound of a machine gun. A joke i assume. I saw two days ago a city guy with a phone around those things and the sound turned to normal. Can they be (re)programmed with a phone?

I was searching for the time needed to stop at 40 (speed limit there is 35) and found for 55. Some vehicles need only 3 seconds to do 0 to 60, mine, more than 6 including reaction time. Deceleration factor does not change with speed so i would assume you would need about 4 seconds to stop at 30, including reaction time. Very tight.

9:37 Now i need the rest of the evening to search for the actress who does Elisabeth Warren.

10:20 Nevermind it was less than an hour. 25 more minutes to explain what happened:

That guy was playing the bass so loud i decided to go for WinCo also because i was craving munchies. It annoyed me even in the parking lot. I believe i was so busy with the car i haven't hosed the building in years so dust buns including insulation dust is everywhere and falls at loud vibrations and that is plainly painful.

Other people doing stupid things i can't remember. Rude drivers on the freeways, some again tailgating. I was mad when i got there. And there she was, at the onion bay. Trying to open a bag for a couple of minutes. I asked her if she was going to stay there all night and then it all escalated into a verbal fight and i think she left the store immediately.

Don't know why a professor (emeritus) in sociology was on my list of actors. Or it is an extraordinary coincidence. Or she was briefly an actress when young. After all, Viktor Orban himself is an actor and director by trade. Trump could also have been a professor of economics in Hungary.

But i'm pretty sure it's her. Even the name clue is there. Maria N, Warren.

Senator of Massachusetts, ex candidate. The name of that cop was Boston Draper. Wondering if it wasn't her design from the beginning. Or maybe she supervises the whole damn thing i keep talking about for years.

Timing was midnight 20/21 August 2021. BTW they used the window of opportunity tonight exactly when i was driving for a few seconds a bit aggressive on I5 to send the email. They didn't give me the video though they said they would if i give them time and location and they didn't give me the name of the tow truck driver, only the towing company... Chappell’s. More than that, i think i also saw him at WinCo tonight.

I was wondering. If WSP had a contract with that towing company like Draper said (not sure which is first and last name), what happened after they broke the contract. Was there any written form. Was the cop supposed to tell his bosses the name of that driver. I think it's impossible for WSP not to know that name.

12:00 Last one this day. I remembered when i came from WinCo had to pass through a cloud of very strong laundry perfume. Seemed like someone did laundry and dried without rinsing. 30 minutes later inside started to smell like dirty laundry. I think i saw earlier a guy going next door resembling... Also had painful dust on my whole body from today's blowing of the parking lot, shaking of building.

So i went to take a shower and then in the bedroom trying to get new underwear, when i felt smoke in there. Went outside and found close to the wall next door a hole that i plugged. Haven't seen that guy, haven't find holes in a while except for one under the main deck.

Last night i hit the doormat to the stairs a couple of times, some dust came out of it, swept under. Today after they blew the parking lot with 200 mph power blowers the mat had way more dust than yesterday after i done the same thing. Literally a cloud of dust came out of it.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

June 27

9:05 Short IC test. Russia recently gained an enormous advantage due to one of the few smart moves Putin made since the beginning of this war at the pressure of real Russians, one that could potentially have brought the conflict to an end with Russia's victory. As a result THEY had to re-write on the fly the whole scenario, with Wagner rebellion and later sacrifice Prigozhin, to bring back the balance necessary for a long time conflict. Do you know what that move was?

9:55 The French instead can make downright sexy planes.

10:05 Un mare număr din știrile de azi sunt concepute pentru a combate la nivel subconștient ce am postat eu recent. Cu instalații electrice, antibiotice, insomnie, etc.. Cum poți să dai unui copil 30 de tablete, 180 tablete la 6 copii? Te plictisești la un moment dat...

10:10 Anybody knows where the name Wagner comes from?

3:20 Tudorel de Butoi

8:20 I think the dust i picked last night from to outer top of frame of the main door contained poop dust, prepared and put there on purpose. The constant air flow under that door inside was bringing it in at every round of loud exhausts, planes and especially yesterday night's helicopter. Though i think i eradicated it there, there is still smell inside especially when the fridge starts and my symptoms peaked today.

Monday, June 26, 2023

June 26

9:30 Got awaken after 5 hours of sleep (same like the last two nights) around 8 by big noises (like a garbage truck though it's Monday) and then the woman next door was talking yelling on the phone for one hour (yes in Spanish though she is Japanese, i know ninja can do that. Learn foreign languages so well you wouldn't know).

I started to remember what i've done last night. Last passing area before Chevron on 26 when going west towards Mt Hood. There was this semi i was following for at least 15 minutes that was going uphill under speed limit though i think it was empty. Those guys even if the are well maintained, put a lot of carbon dioxide behind especially when going uphill, that usually makes me sleepy.

There were two more vehicles behind it. Those and myself started to pass the truck which went onto the right lane. However instead of slowing down it sped up like they usually do to maybe 65 or more. (Had 75 or when i last looked at speedometer while trying to pass it but was held by the other two).

I know when i started to pass my speed was about 65 with the shifter on automatic, at about 4500 rpm and probably in 4th gear. I don't know exactly why but the truck accelerated after those two guys ahead of me passed it and when passing area ended i was parallel with it and i continued to accelerate until i finally passed it too though it was ft behind me and flashing lights instead of slowing down and when i looked at the speedometer and i was doing 80, uphill.

I read on sites and forums last night that my car has a rpm soft limiter at 6000 rpm when you are in sequential mode, when it shifts gears down automatically (and you loose power when uphill of course) and one at 6500 when you are in automated mode, like i was, when it cuts power to the engine. If that had happened he would have hit me from behind for sure cause it was only ft behind me until i slowly accelerated to 90 and put some distance in between.

If i panicked when i saw it close behind and then flashing, and hit the gas pedal to the floor the car would have shifted back to 3rd, the rpm increasing maybe over 6500 at 90 and the engine would have stopped at that rpm.

How would a semi do 80 uphill, that is another question.

Have no idea what marks that truck had on it, but i'm sure it was caught on the cameras on the freeway and/or seen by other drivers. Or maybe he veered right towards Hood River before reaching the Government Camp area. It was all done intentionally, like so many times recently in all kind of situations, in cooperation with the two other drivers and these guys are criminals that should spend time behind bars.

Similar things happen to me in almost all my trips.

9:58 Saturday night after passing Newberg going east again i was going uphill at 65, passed one guy (a white SUV) that was slower in the right lane when i saw something crossing the street, from the left.

It would have taken too long to lift my foot from gas pedal and hit the breaks so i just veered left in the median lane trying to get behind it which i did, maybe except for its tail, don't know if the guy right and behind me hit it. Seconds later i realized by the white stripes on its back that imprinted on my retina that it was a skunk, the first time ever i saw one. It was pretty big, about the size of a raccoon, but faster.

I apologize for modifying the gear numbers so many times in this post, it was all based on guessing (can't see the gear you're in on the dashboard, only the letter D when in automatic).

12:00 This video shows 4500 rpm at 85 mph in 3rd but it's a different type of Elantra. However if you press on gas hard enough you can very easily downshift one ore two gears and reach 6500 when the the fuel to the engine is cut off. BTW this guy is crazy, he does 170 mph with a flat tire warning on the dashboard. I personally never went over 100 with any vehicle.

12:37 I know what happened back in August 20 2021. The driver who hit me could have pretended i again lost engine power when accelerating over 6500 or whatever rpm, but in that night i was going with speed limit on cruise control on a flat or even a bit downhill area on I5 in 6th gear (fuel efficiency gear) per reason of driving with a spare (right rear).

Only when i saw him very close behind i might have tried to accelerate but it was too late as it would have taken several seconds to shift from 6th to let's say 2nd and even in the 2nd gear could still go faster than 60 which i was going when he hit me (that Elantra was 1.8 engine but was rated at the same 150 hp).

One more thing. The cop called a towing company that refused to tow us for reason of distance (22 miles, wondering why the cop wouldn't tell them on the phone, when he called them, where to). Could one of those two towing guys i talked to while the cop was skillfully recording it audio and video to have been actually the driver of the truck who hit me, pretending he didn't run after all. So i actually i might have talked without knowing, with the help complicity of the cop with my ex would be killer.

3:10 No i didn't. Only now i know what happened, a walk through the relatively clean air also cleared my mind. BTW when i left i poured some more vinegar in the old rusted dog feces contaminated pan under the new water heater and the child actors came and started to yell like swallowed whole by giant serpents. So they did when i passed the camp (the children camp in the park, less than one mile away from down town Tulatin and Martinazi street) they enact every summer.

The mods at the battery. In that day in August 2021 i had poured from days before some JB weld steel reinforced adhesive on top of the nuts of the connectors to prevent them from getting loose, not on the connectors themselves. In fact, during engine running the vehicle is powered by the alternator (and not the battery that acts only as a filter) of which connectors runs through a series of plates on the positive with the negative doubled directly on the body. There was adhesive on the nut of the plates too, but not on or between the contacting plates under.

In that night after the accident and pulling on a street nearby i was casually talking in front of the open hood to the second cop and the driver of the towing truck that refused towing, about those mods.

The current configuration has modifications too, only there is no adhesive involved but only a second system doubling the stock con_nec_tors, actually a redundancy with bypassing and an extra connection to the ground on the negative and again bypassing the stock connector to the plates on the positive, with bolts soldered on top of poles. It is true, i saw yesterday one of the battery poles was a little bent, i don't know why, there is no extra weight on it.

Besides i never had problems with it, on the opposite, it improved vehicle's operation by increasing driveability, mileage and decreasing vibration. I have digital a voltmeter inserted in one of the plugs. Never lost power in years of experimenting with those, then why in that day?

The taillights on every car are build to reflect light and they would have been very visible in the dark when lit with headlights from behind, even if i lost power which i didn't.

In fact on another recent occasion i used the horn as last defense against an attempt of being again hit from behind and the other driver fell back. Now i know why. Horn was showing i had electric power.

But if i accidentally (mis)maneuvered and hit the gas pedal to the floor and hit the 6500 rev limit in 1st gear uphill, it could have looked like i lost electric power. I'm wondering what would have happened if i was wounded in an accident near Mt.Hood, far away from any hospital and ambulance services.

August 23 was only 2 days away and in that day at Les Schwab in Lake Owego i was assisted by a Les Schwab employee that looked like a right wing minister from one of the numerous Iohannis governments, Dan Vilceanu. It is rumored Iohannis has ties with the extreme right in Romania. He told me the tire with the flat i had earlier that day before the accident was unfixable as per a previous defective installation (done at the same shop). He insisted he took the tire in the trunk, where i was hit in that night.

What happens is though they are doing symbolic gestures trying to take credit of what followed that night in front of their right wing audience while the others don't care.

I think it was on May 2020 when driving with the same car, the first day a casino ever opened (Little Creek) after pandemics closure, when i went over a wheel (whole wheel, not shredded tire) exactly in that area, in the middle of the lane. Thing is i did not panic and hit the brakes, the car would have lowered its front (nose dive) and hit it and it barely touched it with some part (cross member i think).

After, i pulled from freeway in the area where she was missing from (not knowing at the time) to check for damages under the car.

In that night at the casino i went to the car several times (to drink of course) and last time i sat in line behind a woman, not unattractive but looking vulnerable, thin and not tall, who kept telling everybody she lost her purse and kept getting out and back in line (for temperature checking) to get in, and she didn't know why. I saw her later in the casino talking with two cops, then why the search that kept going for days?

4:49 This 2019 Elantra is closer to mine. You can realize it's a decent car. As for style, Koreans have a sense for a an elegant minimalism, beating classical Japanese basic pragmatism though lately they all started to look the same.

I think the man was doing 110 on a German autobahn in 5th gear at 6500 rpm (minute 1:58) right before car automatically shifted to 6th. In the US you can see this road quality only on recently paved freeways. Never seen continuous or interrupted lines so straight though confusing at 3:00 due to construction work. Crooked lane lines get you tired, fast. Good thing they also keep you challenged (and alert).

This, at 4:00. They do this to me a lot, slower cars changing lanes when i'm about to pass them. Good thing they didn't do it when he was passing them going 120 mph (193 kmh). And a stinking classic that fills your cabin (and filter) with smoke for the next 5 minutes. I see they're universal.

5:00 Christmass 2019 and 2020. It always happens around anniversaries and holidays. Today was my birthday.

6:30 Never new what steemit was until today when i was searching for his face.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

June 25

12:38 Fear factor. I thought i fixed tne noise (vibration) coming from under car. Being totaled twice, when they did the body work they didn't put the panels back right with new clips or whatever, they make a big noise at highways speed. I bought clips more than year ago but they don't work so yesterday i tried something i saw on a forum. Zipties. There are places where the're easy to install, other places where i had to drill holes. However there are places where i can't put nothinug i know yet.

So i went outside to look under car and see where panels vibrate and saw again something i saw before but ignored. Maybe because at the apartment above there's a huge German shepard overlooking the area with the two parking spots for me and for the above and grass between building, where children were playing yesterday while i was trying to fix those, other things, for hours.

1:20 It's amazing how every time i go to pick (and bend) to pick something from the trunk they came with a car or even walking to catch me like that. Or every time i open the hood a woman passes (probably the perception of an wide open stinking mouth). It's like they know. Or put my brain patterns inside an AI supercomputer and can predict every move, minutes in advance.

11:35 Shivaism with 70% of followers in India, Buddhism that fell out of grace, Australian dreaming, they all came and found a home in the middle of Europe in medieval and today's Hungary. But they never stood put. Attila, Hungarian (magars) raids in Europe at the turn of the millennium, secretly taking over of catholic church, creation of states and controlling those to this day.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

June 24

9:37 From time to time we read articles about new wonder technologies and the heroes behind those. However let's analyze the metaphor in the title. The "electric vehicle of cement making".

Electric vehicles are great from the point of view of convenience. Maintenance or operating cost (other than fuel) is lowered dramatically thus the cost of owning. Time wasted with mechanic's appointments. Energy cost is lowered again to less than half.

However. The carbon emissions though moved away from the car to the power plants though lowered are still there. You need a source of energy to move a car and that energy still comes from burning fossil fuels.

So is with the concrete. High or low temperature, you need to add energy in making the concrete through a series of endothermic chemical reactions which is then partly released as heat during the curing process, and the bill for electricity of a cement power plant should be comparable to that for fuels burnt in a kiln.

They say about 8% of total global carbon emissions are due to cement making. But i believe it is the best 8% used of the whole amount. One concrete building has the potential to last indefinitely and it is ideal from the point of view of sanitation as opposed to empty walls filled with volcanic insulation made with wood frames and calcium sulfate indoor panels etc..

Drying clothes in the US counts for 10% of household energy usage which is about 20% of total. Drying could be done naturally, with no need for any new technology.

Residential buildings however count for a small percentage of total concrete usage yet in the US there are no plans whatsoever into switching to it. Mostly because the whole industry was geared up in that direction, for decades. Or maybe they are just imitating the Japanese building style instead of European. It makes sense cause in the US all banks that finance new homes are secretly owned by them.

A few years ago i heard for the first time about 3D concrete printing but still have to see it at a site near me. "Printing" of a regular size house could take weeks and cost less than "traditionally" built houses in the same area.

Did i mention they can withstand hurricanes and tornadoes?

12:37 Visual martial arts. What tool or weapon can be more convenient than one that it is not recognized, leaves no traces and generally works at a distance?

Bending forward, or doing the square facing the other way where the target is contributes to blockage of breathing, inflammation of nose mucous, blockage of bile and intestinal transit, raising of diaphragm muscle. The perfect storm for generating if not shortness of breath (in very healthy persons) to palpitations and even cardiac arrest.

By analyzing the last encounters (which i can remember right now) i figured there are a few factors that need to be present before, during or immediately after the event.

You have to be a bit tired, and relaxed, like at the end of a difficult day.

A strong smell and noise. Two days ago i went to OReillys i parked next to a blue classic with little exhaust which started right after i parked.

Sexual arousal. Next to the driver was a woman in shorts with one of the legs raised above the other, visible from my point of view. She did not seem happy like an American woman in a hot sunny day in classic but sad and embarrassed (of her role).

The color blue or black. When i got out from there was this man dressed in black with black beard looking of middle eastern descent, that was next to a car with the hood open and bent again the other way, for a long time. Then he raised and gave me an angry look.

30 minutes later at home i had a couple of strong palpitations. Chest discomfort lasted until next day morning when i ate some tofu (contains lots of magnesium) and took some potassium pills.

Today in the park towards the end of my 3 miles i crossed an area with strong dog poop smell. Then i sat on a bench in the shade. A woman i crossed paths with her earlier on the narrow trail in the wooded area came and executed a pantomime with her dog in front of me. In the end she bent over with straight long legs showing me her sexy but, for a long time. She was all dressed in black, had a black cap and sunglasses.

When i got home at the first bin at the complex entrance a woman with blue shorts with a dog again bent over. Etc.. Don't feel nothing unusual so far. Nausea but not sure of the source. Maybe because i recognized and rejected all of these in my mind right at every occurrence.

12:53 Today they don't yell. They came and got aligned right some 50 ft away before Angela entered before it's the time when i cook or handle food. I pulled the blinds but i can still hear them.

Friday, June 23, 2023

June 23

1:55 Wondering if this book, "Buddha's speeches" contains the Sermon of the Seven Suns.

4:37 As soon as i handle food they come in the back and make noise. How they know?

4:46 Now they came real close to the balcony. What shocks me is they don't seem to need to pause to breathe. They run around and yell continuously like a stream for long periods of time.

5:08 Was looking to see if i can find some of them on a google search and found this, however i can't open the site. Story pedia?

5:11 They haven't been so aggressive in a long time. One of them could be her?

10:45 When designing with composite materials, non homogeneity is the greatest challenge.

10:54 Curiously, the "imploded" submersible's shape resembles that of a pancreas.
11:00 I wrote several times about the need for doctors to understand basic hydraulics. Pressure in the abdominal cavity could lead to stagnation or even back-flow of acid from stomach inside pancreas and many other issues, from high blood pressure to palpitations and even cardiac arrest.

Also it was known by US Coast Guard from the first hours it was an implosion right after loosing communications and navigation but they kept us hoping (and thinking) for days.

Also. I believe mega rich people could afford more than flimsy dubious designs. If they were really mega rich.

There are numerous pictures of the past world leaders with their hands pointing in the direction of pan-creas.

There are yoga postures that can induce certain states in ...others (observers) or just by watching. One of them is bending forward at 90 degrees (doing the square) with the back pointing at the target. It may induce stagnation of flow and building pressure in the intestine, with common duct blockage, raising of diaphragm (muscle), twisting and squeezing of the heart. It happens to me daily and though i know it i can't fight it.

11:15 In other words, i suspect it was an event real or not with strong echoes in media, meant to influence maybe our subconscious and why not, physiology.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

June 22

9:14 Anybody ever but me grows tired about their BS? They say a black hole in itself cannot be visible because no radiation can escape the "event horizon" surrounding it or the point or better said circular surface surrounding it from where matter or radiation cannot escape back into space anymore but they are visible because of the 'glowing gas" that gets accelerated towards it. Ok then why this image shows it as a ring? Shouldn't be glowing gas all around it?
Yeah ok maybe the gas descends in a spiral pattern an enter in some points only.

9:42 Morning hole. I was writing the above and i started to sneeze like crazy. I went to pick a couple of items from the locker and after a few steps i realized i can't walk because of dizziness. It was a struggle to get there and back, keep balance, move my legs one after other, catch my breath.

When i came with the packs i saw an area uneven under the deck. I stuck my fingers in it and under a half inch of permeable layer of dry soil there was a deep hole. Brought some fresh soil from a fresh mound and plugged it. Opened two doors but i still feel the smell of something burning like maybe cayenne peppers on a barbecue grill? At this hour?

12:50 Four kids between 5 and 10 came like 25 ft away from my windows. Two of them threw on the ground, one was eating and one was waving a phone. The second i started this paragraph they left.

1:42 Got it. The black hole spins and atracts gas and planets and stars whatever on a spiraled disk pattern, so if you look at it from a point of view perpendicular to the disk, you may see black in the center. However, how could they've taken a picture of the black hole in the center of our galaxy and the picture came with a whole in the middle since the whole galaxy turns into a spiraled disk pattern around it at (and it's shown solid yellow from that point of view)?

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

June 21

10:00 Sorin

10:19 Wanted to leave. As soon as i stepped out of the door, a siren went off like so many times before. Maybe up to 1/4 of the times i leave. I know the hospital is nearby but how come they only sound when they get close. And only when i close the door to leave. Never hear those while i stay here.

11:45 I came from my walk and open the sliding door and they came.

2:02 For some reason i neglected to restrart the filter after i unplugged, a reason i can't remember. And i had the door opened anyways. A pungent smell resembling smoke, shortness of breath and dizziness made me leave. First thought to take the truck and go to the "garden". Then i realized it's Wedndesday and i won't found a spot, tomorrow is Thursday, a number of spots that say No park on Thursday need to be emptied and there competition on the remaining ones.

So i just started to walk and then i realized how sick i was. But i was walking in Hospital's direction which was a good coincidence. Though i heard stories of people who died in hospital's parking lot because they did not call the emergency number.

However after about 10 minutes i started to feel better and fill my lungs full with oxygen. As i reached ER, i decided to turn around (already done my 3 miles today).

So i came back and was thinking. What could have caused it. Here are the possibilities. New moles activity. The moles, my friends, did not cause many problems later, especially after i poured oven cleaner in the holes near the buildings. However when i left i saw mounds a bit further, in the direction of the wind.

I wrote many times before about kallikreins and how the moles are actually farming the land. Moles' kallikreins have evolved to the point are poisonous to at least worms that wonder in moles' gallery. My theory is that moles do not chase worms, but once they wonder in, a gallery they become lethargic, mindless and crawl by themselves in some pouches in the ground where they wait to be eaten.

In other words, zombification. Lethargic but alive for months, to be eaten when convenient.  Could be at the source of Egyptian mummification tradition and even model for pyramids (or a late misinterpretation). Egyptian bandages are reminding of earthworms' rings. Could be a tool in masons' toolbox.

(2:19 Just saw a scene outside, a woman dressed in a summer dress came with a dog and dragged it as it was peeing or pooing, in which case will release a large amount of anal liquid, because of being stressed)

But if the farming theory is true, it means that kallikreins inside galleries are in aerosol form and if for some reason they get out (like vibration of the air by big unruffled exhausts), they could spread in the air and on a certain area around the holes the air would be poisonous. Maybe where the gassing obsession comes to the today's descendants of ancient Egyptians.

There is a justification, if not a reason for it. If those aerosols would kill an already old and sick small animal after sedating it, it means it would die on site and help fertilize the farm.

As i was coming back from my second, shorter walk, i met with the little Buddha with the white dog. I passed him and went at the stairs and started to search frantically for the keys. Cause i put them again in the outside pocket of my jacket and i was holding the jacket on my shoulder and got scared i lost them again. When i looked back, the man was one meter behind me probably because "the dog dragged him".

10:00 Finished doing a number of things at my car. Little things. First, the nut at the manifold. I put some WD40 on it thinking to take it apart, clean it and torque it. But when i tried, it was hard to loosen. It finally stayed there after i torqued it to specs. Too bad cause i already put WD40. So i took it out, cleaned the hard to reach bolt using many cotton swabs with alcohol. When i got tired of it i took some pictures (i lost my mirror) just to see if there's any residue from the swabs. There was. It took me a couple of hours to do this job i didn't need to since it was holding. Whatever.

Then the transmission cap. There was this video online showing i need to file the cap in order to take it out. But they were comments below the video saying no, it comes at an angle. Then i found another video saying a similar thing.

Today i got ready to go and file a little on the side of the cap as shown in video. However when i tried it just came out. That video was the cause of me postponing changing transmission fluid from 70k to 100. Even bought the fluid and everything. When you look at it you think it won't come out but it did easily. Fixed a few minor things, dusted everywhere i could reach and next time i will change the fluid.

I noticed there's oil on the cap and transmission next to the contact from a spill i've done myself when i chaned oil. I think i should try and clean again those contacts.

When i was emptying the catch can and getting ready to finish there was this guy who came to me threatening in ways similar to last time.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

June 20

12:30 Last night i decided to take Angela's advice and watch another movie or two on Netflix. Was browsing the titles, with Expanse in mind, when i saw a title, something about UFOs and clicked on it just to see what it was. It's a new documentary about professional UFO hunters, (non)disclosures, interviews with abductees and implantees, things i heard (On Coast to Coast) but haven't seen before.

Guys like the owner of a big aerospace company that believe in UFOs and spent large amounts of money on the subject. The hypothesis of crashes and reverse engineering (where do we got all the chip technology from).

But there was one thing that caught my eye (better said ear) during the interviews. Someone said that CIA was created because of the Russ, well, incident. Can't find anything right now with searches to confirm. However the chronology seems right. CIA was created in September, 3 months after Roswell which occurred in July 1947. But there's more. CIA seal.

12:54 My internet is taking a break right now.

12:56 Back online. Edelweiss. Reno Arch. Nevada, Area 51.

Sia. Reno flooded with meth. I am awake.


Sciantology Cross.

4:02 The fridge was empty, i only had one bag with frozen battered fish and some potatoes. Perfect, i said to myself. Fish and chips. I took the deep frier in the balcony, i poured half pound of oil i keep in a jar for frying fish in the pan. When i went to fry the chips the German Shepard which looks like a retired Police dog that supervises the area between buildings from the height of the upstairs balcony was barking all the time. Fried two loads of chips and came inside for the fis.

When i started to eat, kids came and started to yell at the balcony of the one level building. Was about done but sill eating, i went outside to bring first the chair i was sitting and the one dressed in bright red jacket ran. One minute later i went to pick the frier, the other one ran too.

Monday, June 19, 2023

June 19

2:10 One more push for Angela's vacation. With four hours of sleep i decide to drive the 108x2 miles to Indian Head. 4 hours drive in total.

But before that i found the strength to put the torque wrench on that nut. Guess what. It was torqued over 27 (should be between 25 and 30) by me with a 6 inch ratchet the night before.

Given the low temperature i pumped a couple of more psi in each wheel. But nothing was going to prepare me for what was about to follow. Heavy rain when i left 205 towards Boring with a bit of hail. The car was literally held by the water on the streets. Gas mileage for the whole trip averaged 37.5 on the instant average indicator.

Got there only to see a multitude of scenes waiting for us. But after a few drinks i started to ignore those.

One example though. A not very big yellow dog, maybe stray, though kinda groomed, very smart was staring at the people entering the casino. Then it tried to prevent Angela from getting out but then moved when she asked him to. Then, very decided, not letting self influenced by the people around, walked with his head straight in the air not looking right or left, towards the gas station. I think it could have been a coydog.

Checked the exhaust nut one more time, the torque wrench clicked and the nut didn't move. Checked it one more time when we left the first time. Still there. Then in our way back we went to get gas from the station on top of the hill where that dog walked hours earlier. Cheapest around, as cheap as at the Spirit Mountain, 25 to 50 cents per gallon cheaper than other stations. Both unattended though at Spirit Mt the convenience store is open all night.

I knew for a long time all the nozzles at that station were broken. Some more than others. Which means the little metal stopper don't stay in place and you have to hold the nozzle squeezed with your hand to get gas. But was still feeling the little hydraulic shock in the end when gas level in the pipe was reaching the nozzle. 

Not this time. I was staring at the numbers of the screen and at past 7 gallons i heard with my trained musical ear the gurgling sound of normal filling turned into a higher pitch and more quiet hissing. Enough for me to turn my head and see gas flowing from the fuel port onto the car, wheel and on the ground. 1 second worth of it or about 0.1 gallons that made on the concrete a puddle of about 1x2 ft.

I spent next half hour trying to explain Angela why we shouldn't leave until it dries out. To prevent any car getting with a hot engine on top of that puddle and vaporize more of it. A car that might have had a broken exhaust or something else that may ignite it. Then i saw they were biggers stains from previous puddles under my puddle and at other pumps too.

Then we left and then we turned around, passed the station and spent half more hour in the casino, just to make sure.

Then we left the second time, at 12:42, didn't check the nut anymore and about 5 minutes later, i was still driving under speed limit, because i didn't feel like accelerating, especially uphill when i saw a coyote, this time real, walking from the opposite direction on the narrow shoulder next to my lane. Never seen an animal so scared in my life. The whole body was contorted like a fish in a sac following the head which was locking from a side at us. It was like he was fighting an invisible force that was pushing him towards the lane. I didn't do anything not to scare it further. So we passed each other with no other incident.

On top of Mt. Hood temperature was 33 degrees and rain turned to snow started to stick on the asphalt.

When we got in Sandy some 30 miles away from home i felt the smell of exhaust, Angela had a headache, i pulled next to the window of a convenience store and put the torqued wrench set at 27 on the nut and it moved like 1/8 of a turn before it clicked. On the other side of the window a tall  blond hairy guy dressed scantily was arranging stuff in the store. Me bent over the engine all the way to the back of it.

Soon enough the smell of exhaust was gone and we started to feel the smell of gas that poured 2 hours before on the car and left rear wheel.

Here is my fresh puddle on the left on top of the larger ones that cover the whole concrete area.

My puddle, almost dried, not long before we left.

5:40 Angela went to bed, sprinklers started, the kids got excited and started to yell.

Can't describe how many times in the last week they again tried to hit me from behind. Just the last one. Just before Staford exit here near Tualatin. There are about 10 miles with increased speed to 65 on 205, before joining I5. I was going 75 and a Christmas tree (that's how i call semis with many decorating lights on them) was closing in from behind. A couple of smaller vehicles maybe a van and an SUV were both blinding me in the side mirrors. I slowed down but still above speed limit thinking to let them pass an suddenly i saw the Christmass tree behind me and accelerated and then i took the exit (the shortcut).

Here is an example on how Washington State Patrol dealt with the accident 2 years ago. He was asking questions like he was suspecting of me  faking it to get insurance money.  Never started a hit and run investigation or examined the video from poles on the freeway. I wrote more about in other posts, back then i was not that careful in adding links between those, i can't find those right now, have other priorities, i wrote emails to them trying to get the videos from the cameras with no success. Then the kafkian maze of bureaucracy with the insurance, buying and fixing another totaled car (all i could afford) made me forget everything.

Weeks before, there was an accident here in the parking lot, with probably a demolition derby truck hitting two cars, one of them like mine. A warning? A threat?

Sunday, June 18, 2023

June 18

12:14 China

12:14 I was feeling guilty for not being able to sleep in Reno and ruin Angela's vacation. Trying to compensate, i searched on the map for casinos closer to home and found a huge one near Seattle. Muckleshoot Casino, "biggest in Northwest" with 3000 machines, at about 169 miles from here. We decided to cut the distance in two and stop at Lucky Eagle.

I tightened the bolt at the manifold and got in the car. But on the freeway. Everybody was taking a pass at me. Literally. Passing on the right at high speed, but especially tailgating. How many times did i have to get out of the way of big SUVs coming from behind (now i'm afraid, after the accident) at speeds faster than speed limit +10. The usual congestion before the bridge. The same trend after i started the blog with similarities in 2018 only more intense every time. Newest, semis speeding and passing cars and other semis.

But once in the State of Washington. While getting closer to exit 88, i started to feel sick. Soon i discovered the source. I've been driving behind a "classic car" for many minutes, that finally exited. Then i discovered other vehicles, like a Chevy truck from 70s, others that i passed one by one. Last one was a Japanese driver. Fighting to stay alert and on the road during the last 20 miles because smoke was getting me dizzy.

Deja vu. Lately it always happens in the State of Washington. Every time i hope it will be the last time, but they never stop. Also tailgating drivers simulate they are just bad drivers, continuing to tailgate at less than half second distance the next driver after me getting out of the way. But they are simply too many for me to believe that, basically one after another. Many are leading a line of several tailgating drivers, pretending are pushed from behind. But lately most of them have tinted windows so i can't see who they are when they pass.

One guy with a silver BMW going only 1 or 2 mph more than the rest was shoving all the cars in his way.
Some five miles to destination me driving in the second lane i saw a State Patrol vehicle (i think, did not see the mark) on the shoulder, flashing red and blue lights behind a stopped one. So i tried to slow down though they were coming like a herd of raging buffaloes from behind. Slowed at 70 (the legal limit) and still breaking, a white vehicle i think a VW almost hit me with its rear left side while trying to get in front of me from the first lane "trying to clear the lane near the shoulder", in the last possible moment or maybe after.

Had to further hit the brakes and let him pass in front of me to avoid collision. I now believe that after they were tailgating all the way they were now trying to demonstrate on a State Patrol vehicle camera it was me i was tailgating. Then after he merged in front of me within a second or two another huge white SUV came from behind real fast as now i was now going under speed limit as per drivers' manual and i had to accelerate real hard to get away. At the wheel a driver which at first seem Latino, but when i looked better i thought he was Japanese as well.

They were few empty spots in the pretty big parking lot at Lucky Eagle. First one i found was near a huge red truck (symbolism, later it moved away and was replaced with a smaller bright red car). Like usually i had a couple of drinks in the car and went in the casino. There i saw this Indian looking guy, with round face and long black almost blue hair, parading.

Then i went back in the car, with the soda paper cup in my hands, poured some more rum in it (i love rum and cola) and suddenly got very sleepy, i think i went back in the casino, could not fight it and went back in the car and slept for two hours. The Zyrtec i said to myself, but i believe the exhaust from the road was a factor, from driving behind smoking vehicles most of the way. When i woke up i saw through the tinted windows him sitting in a car besides me and checking his phone. Later when Angela came, a girl like 14, emerged from the roof top.

Angela came in the car and i started to drive towards Muckleshoot. Same tailgating story, only on the narrower lanes in the (sub)urban maze in south Seattle. I was telling Angela. This looks like San Francisco or LA.

From the distance i saw the fireworks near the casino. After finding a spot, i parked and went inside. First machines at the entrance, the most boring kind. As we advanced, we found the good ones only at the "bottom of it". Too many machines of the same kind packed together and i never seen machines so greedy. In an hour or so Angela lost 200 bucks (i helped with 40) or all her money. The casino at first seemed full of Asians, later some white people showed, while we were in the last room and spent our last money.

The interesting part. There was a live band with i think with Chinese instrument players and an American maybe looking girl at vocals and they were playing a Romanian song. Could have been herself, i don't know, i only looked from a distance and i again had a few drinks in the car. Nevermind, the lead guitarist (bottom right) only looks Chinese.

So we got cleaned and left in a couple hour or so. Direction. Red Winds, some 39 miles away, south from Seattle. Outside the fireworks were still on, more than one hour after we came. At Red Winds, i was so tired i could barely walk and barely speak in any language when Angela won a 1250 jackpot at a "Black Diamonds" game.

Amounts over 1000 have to be taxed and payed by an attendant but it took him more than half hour to come with the money. I started to get worried and tried to start the phone to take a picture and i realized the phone was just starting by itself in my pocket, but the unused phone malfunctioned (could not bring up the camera app). So i went in the car to grab the camera.

Outside i saw two Nisqually Police SUVs (and one car?) parked at the entrance. Got back with the camera, in the meantime Angela got her money (1060 after federal tax) and was fretting thinking she gave him only 20 dollars tip. She told me a woman came and asked her money "because she hit the jackpot" and she gave her 5 dollars. The win cover our losses for the "vacation". (But not the bitter taste).

Heading for the restroom and soda machine. While there with the soda cups in my hands the two cops passed, maybe like trying to warn me. Last time i was there i drank some coffee that tasted weird but now i don't believe anymore it had something in it. Could have been just very diluted coffee made with tap water. Though it's very easy to mess with it since the carafes with coffee which i think are not locked or something.

(The problem is here in the wall above the dryers vents around the corner. Especially when the fridge next to it starts it all start to stink like dog poop and of course the poops left outside, not so many lately). 

So i checked again the nut at the exhaust, very little loose, we left and behind me of course a guy with one single headlight tailgating as i was not able to go past speed limit because of being so tired. At a certain moment i saw a second lane on the right, tried to veer off his way only to see a deer grazing next to it so i just hit the brakes and went back in the lane where i was. He slowed accordingly (good thing he didn't hit me). Since he continued, at the first "roundabout" which nowadays abound in the State of Washington, i went 360 degrees, like in a merry go round and let him pass.

On the freeway. Again when i entered a guy tailgating and one occupying the first lane where i wanted to merge though at 2 AM the highway was deserted. Many people entering exactly when us passing which seems so weird on a empty freeway.

People passing on the right, a long time (minutes), to exit faster (i always set my cruise control on speed limit +9). I told Angela to look for a rest area, we missed the first one. Found one on gps 39 miles away. Too far (my laptop is playing tricks with cursor jumping all over). So i pulled in the first exit with services after about 25 miles on the way and slept one hour in a parking lot next to a Chevron gas station.

Same hell after i re-started driving back home. The mileage was not stellar, around 39, because of tire pressure going from 39 psi at 80 degrees during my trip to Reno to 35 at 50. Voltage at the plug stayed 14.4. Here in Tualatin Angela went to deposit the money at the bank (to pay bills of course) and then we went at McDonalds we knew was open to get some breakfast. At the window a woman who looked again like Frankie Adams. The nut on the exhaust was loose a hair only. Got to finally find the inner strength and tight it to specs.

Slept four hours and wrote this in about 2.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

June 17

2:41 Slept 4 hours. Woke at 2 AM by a strong smell of sulfur (could be dog pooos) and probably some noise  and took another half Zyrtec that usually knocks me down. Not having anything to do at this hour i read the news, then was intrigued by the timing of this event as it was trying to combat my recent theory on Deutsche migration and started to do some simple searches. I had no idea bronze (arrows on the map are misleading, they represent the amber route and red dots represent gold) swords were of such level of sophistication.

4:38 Ciolacu și ciclonul.

8: 36 I like that.

9:38 Cheetos

11:00 Had to go to Fred Meyer (Kroger) on MartiNazi mainly to buy water. I'm used to drinking bottled water, yesterday ran out of it, i'm hesitating to drink tap water and got dehydrated. 100 scenes were unfolding during the 1 mile trip and inside the store but i can describe one (and the fact the store was full of Hungarian but German looking people, strong built, taller than me).

At the self check a Japanese supervisor showed me with a quick rude gesture at which stand should i go. When i pressed the "No bag" button, a screen came up and she had to come to unlock it. But had to call her as she was talking to all the Hungarian actors present there all acting like they know each other from the neighborhood.

They know. When i looked in their faces they were showing guilt. But they have no choice. Since they don't know how to do anything else in their lives except acting, most of them are caught in the network of blackmail laid for them and their families in their own country by Dominicans. Few are are doing it willingly.

11:23 Before i left i went and loosened the nut and poured about one ounce of 90% rubbing alcohol on the alternator connector assembly and then wiped with a few paper towels. When i tightened it it squeaked and the voltage at the plug is now 14.5 steady. But first i took a picture to show. The manifold was cleaned not long before the long trip. There is a cap on the nut cover but is not even tight, not to talk about sealed, there is mm large space all around that little cover. Dust with grease will get on the not and trickle between joining surfaces, sort of like WD40, loosens the nut and contaminate the contact.

Strangely enough, other connectors like for the regulator above are sealed with rubber seals.

1:48 The woman in the security van?

There are a couple of Japanese little girls, sometimes with a smaller boy that roam around the building all the time. Now it's not hot anymore and they don't bathe in the sprinklers in bathing suits, but yesterday when i drove from the liquor store they got in front of the car making calling gestures. Sometimes they yell for hours. They are always there in line of sight when i open the trunk or pull something like strawberries from the fridge.

Earlier when i came out of the bathroom and went to bedroom to get my clothes the window was open (i didn't know) with the blinds a few inches short of closed all the way down and they were advancing hidden by the bushes, i'm sure, on purpose. They could not have seen me as inside is much darker than outside, especially because of the blinds, but it still counted for something.

About 15 minutes later through the same open window came some sort of ninja dust or smoke that sticks on my throat and creates shortness of breath that lasted for at least one hour and is still going on. That is the reason i got mad and searched for "Drew". Also to forget. But it's still on. Angela doesn't seem affected.

When acting in public they will never do anything unprovoked. So the girls run around trying to catch chances. The smallest possible reason for them to act.

But if they are justly accused of something, they will never let it uncovered. So they provided one more episode of me choking, so they cover what i described it happened at Spirit Mountain and in Reno.

I call it instant democracy. The public accept waving or shortcuts any legal process, substitution of authorities by Captain America because they feel it would last too long or justice could be obstructed and afterwards it's them who voted the laws. Like Trump who could have declassified the documents. So they collectively accept in their minds for the laws and processes to be broken so instant justice can be done.

Justice that may come in the form of torture of an innocent person. Torture that would provide enough distraction for him to make more little mistakes, inconsistencies etc. and maybe enough discouragement for him to stop plain sight disclosures.

1:39 As i said, there's trails of fertilizer leading to other vehicles and apartments. But every car that passes including mine grinds them more and get traces on wheels and body.