6:26 Angela went to work after four and a half hours of sleep (over the years i wrote about some of the many mishaps that happen on constant basis at her job here). Part of it was because i went to check the car after i remembered she said she heard a noise, one time only, like the radiator's fan was hitting something, and i lost a tube with adhesive and thought it might have entered the fan's housing. It was midnight, i went outside, two of the kids who almost grew up in the last 6 years since we're here were behind the car talking. So i waited for them to leave, went to look in the radiator and they came back and started to talk, one of them near hour door.
There was no adhesive tube in there but a... dead mouse or mole or something, decomposing, which i tried to remove with a wire or something but couldn't. Leaving behind the car a trail of smell of a dead animal.
After she left the place filled with an irritating smell that made me sneeze and i went outside a couple of times and find some minor bulges and/or collapsed areas, it looks like the smell is maybe subsiding.
6:41 I know it sounds absurd, but everything i post seem to have an echo in the large universe. Just posted pictures with areas in between building, with grass missing and they came with this. And the evacuations of civilians? By Ukrainian official census, there are up 10 million Russians in Ukraine, most of them concentrated in Eastern area. How many can they evacuate with a few or a lot of buses?
7:01 Lately i said a lot about living in a simulated reality, maybe the forgotten projects like Living Earth Simulator that have already started to be implemented. I know it because of things that happen around here, on a "small" scale, like the two kids behind the car at midnight. Everything i do is received with actions of their part creating a whole that if observed from outside looks totally different. All i see around me is actors that are part of a show, while the real people have gone, a long time, maybe all dead in "Asian wars", and today they came with this.
I said a while ago, i have a suspicion that nuclear weapons do not exist, they are one of the biggest hoaxes meant to create an infinite fear from population, which then will obey the Great Hunic conspiracy. Nuclear weapons are said to be small enough to be fitted in a cruise missile or even under the belly of a fighter jet, why would they need "strategic bombers" of this size (yeah i know the symbolism of the guy sitting on the ladder) if not to fill them with "conventional" explosives, fly them remotely in close formation and simulate, if necessary, a few no-clear attacks? Half thickness of lead in the case of high energy radiation is about 5 mm, of steel about 10 mm, how big should be the "shell" of a nuclear weapon to pose no threat for those pilots or electronics of the plane just by flying them?
How long the steel shell or carcass of the bomb will keep its steel microcrystalline structure integrity before it gets damaged from radiation of the "core" highly radioactive materials like plutonium? How about the effects of radiation on the "neighboring atoms" of the core itself?
It it said some of the bombs are made with a plutonium core, which has a half life of about 45 years, making it highly radioactive. Half life means about half of the plutonium turns to americium, a material of different atomic number, thus, density, which means the "core" will not stand in one piece but once enough of the material, let's say 10% turns to americium, will turn (in about 5 years) to a dust while the steel shall most likely become brittle and crack from radiation damage before that.
Bombs of course should have some sort of detonation mechanism made of course of known materials like steel and conventional explosives, how would those keep integrity over a few years while exposed to that amount of radiation?
One of the form of plutonium decay emits electrically charged alpha particles, which is helium, "that cannot penetrate not even a sheet of paper" (than how it can escape the solid core). But will that helium create pressure inside the core of a bomb making it unstable? (if plutonium has a half life of 45 years, with one helium atom released for each plutonium atom decayed, that means that in about 10% of that time or 5 years there will be enough helium inside that core that will create enough pressure to blow it apart, with most of it being trapped between plutonium molecules or crystals or whatever.
It looks like fear stopped us until now from thinking of all these... side phenomena accompanied by even putting together and handling a large enough mass of artificially concentrated radioactive materials which i think it's simply not possible.
While in faculty i had a teacher that was speaking to us of all these things. I once tried to call him, more ten years ago and i was told he disappeared, without a trace, without a body ever being found.
I dismissed immediately all he told me, thinking he was crazy or provoking or something, and it took me some 40 years to came to the same conclusions, so i think, people reading these would probably go through the same mental processes, after we've been told for 80 or 100 years the same lies, over and over.
12:47 As for thermonuclear or H bombs. "Based on tritium, which again has a life time of 12 years and is a form o hydrogen, thousands of times the size of Hiroshima bomb". Those can be simulated with short cutting the ionosphere to the Earth, using gigantic antennas, like that of Tesla or Eiffel Tower etc. (see Tunguska phenomenon, which was a demonstration that started to change the world, followed by WWI and Bolshevik revolution). But again, they can be used only once in a while, because the ionosphere needs weeks or months. I believe one of the functions of the Great Pyramid was just that.
I think Russians really lost their strategic position in the world after the fire at Ostankino tower, 3 months after Putin came to office in the year... 2000.
9:14 (Lincoln City) How did they know?
9:41 Am văzut pe telefon, din mașină, mai multe știri similară cu cea de mai sus care se pare că interferă cu ce am scris. Și pentru că nu am internet pe telefon care să poată fi transmis la laptop (tethering) acum, am intrat în cazino, în zona de fast food și am căutat acele știri. Gălăgia, agitația, m-au făcut să uit multe din acelea, dar am găsit altele. Un exemplu. Am scris mai devreme despre un profesor de facultate care nega existența armelor nucleare și care a dispărut fără urmă, iar ei au venit imediat cu ceva. Mi se pare mie sau tipa care a scris nu stăpânește bine limba română?
10:04 The ninja somehow repeated the performance of spreading this time inside the casino of some sort of smoke (coming from outside when doors were opening) that made me sneeze a lot. Though i have a mask on my face. I remembered another thing i wanted to write down. We stopped at Spirit Mountain to get gas and some hot dogs. That were paid with "rewards". At the gas station, a truck with cisterns was filling the underground tanks with gas. By the brand Carson. It happens a lot when i mention the name Andy Carson.
10:11 700.000 oameni împărțit la 40 pe autobuz înseamnă 17.500 de curse de autobuz. Cred că se poate întâmpla într-o perioadă între 3 (200 de curse pe zi) și 6 luni. Vor pleca doar așa, cu o sacoșă de rafie? Există în întreaga Federație Rusă atâtea locuri la hotel?
11:39 I published my first list with actors probably after this post, in 2013. Most likely on g+ cause i can't find it on fb. I think this movie, Time Goes By triggered this whole process. Crazy with nostalgia, every time i was seeing an episode i was thinking of that Romanian politician. I didn't find him or abandoned searching for him, in favor of much bigger fishes. In the mean time my list grew and grew, i kept rectifying errors from the past, etc., extended searches to other countries, including Russia.
Here is a list since 2016, with not so many errors. I was doing it by ear and didn't have any method.
But now when i saw the synchronization with my post about godhood of George Washington and Putin's last actions of recognizing the two separatist regions and entering in Ukraine i started to get worried and mad. Cause all my effort will be linked to his actions. Cause what i wrote and the matches i posted are so much more important than his actions.
Ukraine separated peacefully from Soviet Union in 1990 and problems with Russians on the east side started in 2014, or after i posted the first lists. 8 more years, a pandemic and now they are linking this with my activity. By synchronization, which is so important.