Tuesday, May 31, 2022

May 31

Because of the colors of this representation of the aum sign, first time when it came to mind that devanagari script is basically made of... boomerangs, pretty much like the main masonic symbol. Also reminding of... serpents, of course. The united hands in prayer also reminds me of the plumb masonic symbol.
But then of course there is the Sanskrit root naga. It is said in the case of nagari script, it comes from the meaning of the word nagari, city, that is very close to the word for serpent. And over all, there is the word magar, or the name of an entire ethnicity. Or race.
I didn't plan to write all these, but i ran into again on a forum. What i was searching for was mentioning of lokas in Vedas, and Vedas were initially written in the brahmic script (alphabet if you want) which of course look much closer of European scripts like Greek and Latin or better runic (many letters are identical, but scrambled).

Was looking for lokas because as i don't see them through the religious point of view of Hindus but through detachment of a different culture or no culture at all cause i kinda started to reject everything i knew or heard, i do believe they are real geographic and historical places and the proof is Svarga loka, which seems to be Sweden. It is said Svarga loka was inhabited by the god Indra. Guess what. Indra is also a name in nordic countries. (Also there are a bunch of place names in Sweden that seem Sanskrit). In other words, if Indo-European theory works for migrations and languages, why not for mythology and toponyms? But what if Eliade was right and myths do come back to us?

Durga Puja by example in India corresponds to the goddess Durga who gave birth to Kali. Many gods have geographically correspondent place names and today i ran into a daunting possibility. What if the city name Kyiv actually comes from Shiva, that is also said to be the source of Ganges, and uses a trident as weapon, and of course, was thinking, which of the lokas is Ukraine. In which loka lives Shiva?

10:28 Cercul iluziilor. M-am trezit într-un coșmar. S-ar părea că l-am avut greșit pe Oprescu. Pe atunci lucram mult mai neglijent și în alte condiții. S-ar părea, nu știu sigur. Au avut mișcarea pregătită. Au scris povestea cu plecarea lui în Grecia. După mai multe scuturături, cu veșnicele aluzii, acum, chiar azi, procesul de extrădare care s-a terminat cu o cauțiune. De ce. Totul a început ieri de la urechile lui Ioan Aurel Pop. Sunt sau nu lipite. Actorul lui de asemenea are sprâncene mai decolorate. Până la lămurire, l-am scos de la asemănări, ca și pe Oprescu. Cei din cercul lui, cei care l-au văzut, unii studenți din Cluj, alții, știu.

Degeaba știu ei, iluzionismul (maya) se bazează pe percepția greșită a majorității decidente (vox populi). M-am uitat la Kyriakos. Și el are urechile puțin diferite. Deci o sfoară care dacă o tragi, găsești mai multe noduri, păpușile Matrioshka sau gălețile pe care cineva le-a pus sub scări. însă Kyriakos (Gyurin) are urechile diferite din cauza vârstei. Urechile și nasul se lungesc (uneori) cu vârsta. Am deschis pagina cu bursa, care nu știe în ce direcție să meargă azi, cineva a izbit ceva de tomberon (un scârțâit sus, am uitat să pun un link), etc..
11:23 În dreapta. Părul mai sus din cauza vârstei, dar vopsit. Urechile sunt mai lăsate, dar au aceeași deformație unghiulară. Sorin, Karinty (clue de nume). Decedat în Ungaria din 2019. Acum sunt convins că e el, la fel și Kyriakos și la fel fel și Ioan Aurel Pop. Și totuși profesorul care îl face este o personalitate enciclopedică (după site-ul lui). (Se mai miră cineva că nu avem universități în top 500?)

A meritat totul această dimineață din viața mea cu dumplings congelați și totuși râncezi?

8:00 Upstairs. He came home 3-4 hours ago, started the TV way louder than he should and it was on ever since. But i slept through it because i had a few drinks. Both our phones went crayz, neet to reboot them every day to make or receive calls.

A news that came right on time. (Uraineus and Neptune).

8:23 One of the 108 names of lord Shiva.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

May 29

Kali and Maya

I was thinking. Could be a coincidence the fact that there was a Maya civilization in Mesoamerica and the main Hindu goddess Kali, is also called Maya (the maiden aspect of Kali).

There are strong connections in the depictions and roles of Maya of India and Tlaltecuhtli, a major Aztec goddess. Both mothers of creation, represented with fangs (in southern India), tongue hanging, blood drinking, the little skulls, the hook like weapon that could be a boomerang in origin, central figure in Aztec calendar, etc.. Don't know nothing about the Aztec language so can't tell if Tlal or cuhlti could derive from Kali or Kylie. Not the first to be thinking of this, but i got more elements than this guy and especially the Maya link he doesn't mention.

Don't know if the syntagm "history is written by winners" is true, but certainly these days history starts to be written by strongly motivated engineers and hobbyists and amateurs while the academics get all the grants and grant each others' titles.

History cannot be seen isolated, or by countries or regions. Some things can only be explained and theories enriched by following the strong past global connections, like first thing that come to mind, the Silk Road and the huge trade between Romans and the Chinese with caravans that numbered tens of thousands of beasts of burden, etc..

What a sad "civilization" we are, we need theories to figure what we've done in the past and also theories (often called conspiracy ones) to figure what we're doing right now.

Friday, May 27, 2022

May 27

2:00 Upstairs. Squeaks every 15 minutes. Is like someone stands for 15 minutes, not moving, then making a few steps, after midnight.

11:37 I tried to go for a walk at the summer side of the Refuge for the first time this year. When i got out i saw the man at the apartment Nr.3 i guess that is top left who looks much like the guys upstairs (there are several playing the same role, with differences in sizes). At the Refuge, smoke "from the nearby farms". I could not complete a loop. I tried to go in the park but the parking lot is occupied with school busses. Also. As soon as i got at the Refuge my mind was freed and this idea came to me. Why Hungary would go into a state of emergency? Not that they care so much in that hierarchical type of society. The war they say. Yeah, why would need a state of emergency during pandemic if the pandemic wasn't real? Why would they need a state of emergency during the war if the war wasn't real (for the most part) and not controlled by them?

Also was thinking. If the Romans where as stupid and naive as we are, no wonder they were overcome by the Huns in the V century and ever since.

1:39 How interestingly they maneuver those dogs. I came from the walk, stopped by the mailbox and i saw a gypsy like teenager with a dog going around the building. It made the rendez-vous with me at the door, where i waited for her to pass, left the dumbbells on the stairs to go in the back to check the signs. For a few seconds it appeared as i waited for her to climb the stairs and go inside.

The results of leaving my shoes outside. There was a crack by one of the numerous seams. The "mam made material failed". But the crack got bigger and now looks like a female... Imagine that. Everywhere i go if someone looks they might think it's an invitation? A hidden sign?

There are four indentations, at an angle, like a keyboard slash on the hood of my car like someone hit it with a baseball bat, one of them can be felt with the finger. Barely visible, can't catch them in a picture. I have a few candidates that i think could have done it. There is a short guy with Buddha head who dresses in orange and i think he's got an orange car with HRV number. Every time i see that number, i think Harkov (Kharkov in Romanian). He is a very nervous person and every time i meet eyes with him he gives me repeated, short, nervous glances. I think i know when they did it. When it snowed, i saw those slashes in the frozen snow, never followed to see if t hey actually bent the hood.

One day i saw a woman cop (BTW, blond, young and very beautiful) with no Police car in sight talking to him, others.

4:14 There is some sort of isle in the direction of the median on TS Hhwy, that crosses the crosswalk line. How many times i nearly hit it, coming from North, with last time stopping one meter short of climbgin it over?

Thursday, May 26, 2022

May 26

10:18 Annoy the (galactic) dictator. There are few things that one can imagine they haven't done to me. Tuned into my brain via IA. Last one. I did laundry, was airing and cooling the place (i reinstalled the closed circuit dryer but it gets very hot since the heat is not evcacuated). The "man" upstairs went to his car and brought dust on the stairs that went inside through the open window. I ran in the bedroom and closed door, but still got enough in my nose and throat. Almost pain and infection free, today they made one million noises while i searched for 12 hours for Charlie. Someone left a cabinet with lots of mold on it next to the bin outside. My laptop bit me with microwaves. OK let's say they annoy me for 30 years, but why so many? Why everybody and all the time?

How many times i tried to schedule to write this and they canceled my thoughts with noises? Here it comes. (Ma business, ma business, there's no business like war business). (There is no faster cutting through the red tape and more quick action than in the US when it comes to defending freedom of any kind).

I saw in a news US had delivered up to 7000 rockets (or their entire stockpile or one year production) to the UKrain at a cost of 170000 each (Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, US Government). I asked google and google said Ukrainians have destroyed 1000 tanks and 2500 other armored vehicles. But they didn't use only Javelins. They have artillery, planes, drones, other types of rockets. Let's say half of these armored vehicles have been destroyed by Javelins. What is the kill rate of a 170000 intelligent miss isle?

12:00 Got to mark this down before anything else (tried before but kinda timid). After i write down a heavy one (that BTW would make a government fall in any real country), everything, even the guy upstairs (finally figured, the man's a boxer which explains the miniature boxing gloves tied to his rear mirror, the yells when watching matches and the relentless walk), go suddenly quiet. Guesses. 1st guess. Massive mainstream perception now focuses on me, they don't want' to show what they show to the more permanent narrow one. 2nd. They reboot the whole damn AI including the new parameters. 3rd guess. They wait for more massive feedback and then they reboot the whole damn AI including the new parameters and feedback, while focus slowly shifts off me etc..