Monday, April 29, 2024

April 29

1:26 AM I don't know if i can continue like this. Is too much. Every time i post something they come with a counter something. Like this news. Look at the first paragraphs and the title. An ocean caught in a type of rock 400 miles beneath Earth's surface that actually is a hydrated mineral. No ocean, no waves, no nothing. The title is just a figure of speech.

It is known for a long time there are vast underground liquid water resources. They are called aquifers. Sometimes they are km deep and closed and can overheat causing earthquakes.

I am one single person against a world conspiracy that started centuries ago and is so well established is invisible. 

Most people are caught in jobs controlled by them and have their money in retirement funds invested in stocks that are over evaluated by hundreds of times (market capital vs real assets), being true Ponzi schemes (Yes the magnificent 7 are most important of those).

The world as we know it has been designed by them to be used by them.

Honestly i myself cannot imagine a world without them being in control. A transition to something else would be too traumatic for everybody.

It is obvious a struggle has already begun and that was marked first by the so called pandemic and now a threatening war in Ukraine.

10:05 Here is the most quick, efficient and cheap way (it cost 0 dollars and needs none of your time) to fix sticky valves to a car.

They do manifest sometimes with ticking noise, sometimes with annoying vibration of the engine at low RPM or both. Loss of power (and efficiency) mostly at low RPM.

Here's the method. When real close to a destination when you can stop the engine within seconds and going coasting downhill.

Most newest automatic transmission with lockup torque converter assist with breaking like if you left your manual transmission in a higher gear and release the gas.

During releasing the gas pedal the transmission will stay shifted in gear still  and the engine will "swallow" air but no gas will come out of the injectors, allowing cooling of the valves.

Then you can do the "spray" maneuver. Hit the gas pedal intermittently real fast to the floor like maybe 3 times a second with no holding, so the car would not have time to accelerate (or maybe just a bit), about 10-20 times, and then stop and shut the engine as quickly as possible. Do not accelerate after the maneuver.

(Do not attempt this if you are not a seasoned driver).

The throttle would open intermittently following the gas pedal, triggering (or better said tricking) the opening of the injectors which would spray liquid gasoline on the cooled valves. Then you should not accelerate but just stop and leave the car alone for a a few hours. Can do it at the end of any trip without interfering with your activities.

The liquid gasoline sprayed on the cooled valves and surrounding areas would penetrate the carbon deposits and soften them and breaking them loose during the next drive.

Side effects. Like any valve cleaning using a solvent, if you do it too much some gasoline would go in the cylinder chamber and wash you cylinder walls possibly contaminating the crankcase (and of course the oil) with gasoline and soot.

The effects would not last long as more oil from PCV and soot from EGR and the mixture on the walls of the intake not touched by the "spray" trickling would build new deposits on the back of the valves soon. You can prevent oil getting in the intake with a catch can.

If you spray valve cleaner in the intake through the throttle and/or vacuum ports, with same side effects, like possibly getting some in the crankcase, and you will vacuum the remaining mixture (cleaner and oil and soot) from the intake, will get longer lasting results.

Otherwise, it will again trickle up and dry out, with similar results as the "spray" maneuver described above.

4:40 Have opened the sliding door just to look upstairs. The blinds are off which means a human is now acting there. Shut the door and one minute later a kid with a backpack "coming from school" passed by, ft away from it. About 14, Latino looking Asian, possibly Philipino. Like the fat woman from upstairs. Possibly at 4.

All they needed was me to make a pizza so they can make another entrance.

They are smart and only make noise when i move around (sprinkling my pizza with dust from the ceiling). However i will upload a sample.

BTW Why this "Catholic Church" from Philippines has the shape of a Shiva temple which in turn..

Sunday, April 28, 2024

April 28

1:43 AM Two millions in 2024 and 12 more in 2025 out of hundreds of billions of Biden's infrastructure plan to fix some of the oldest areas from from about 100 miles of interstate between Olympia and Vancouver, WA. That must be a joke.

Honestely, i believe it needs to be all redone period. That road is dangerous to drive. Unless they want to keep it as a (living) museum, for people to see how well they were doing things 70 years ago. One mile of 4 lane freeway in that area must cost between 4-6 millions.

Almost 4 million for a car.

Not any car, but lieutenant Bullitt's car. From one of the most iconic 11 minutes chase scene in the history of Hollywood. And most of it was real, he was driving with cameras in it. No CGI at that time, uh huh. It is said McQueen was a race driver before he became an actor.

6.4 liter, 320 HP of pure bred Mustang.

2:10 24 hours le man.

9:18 Daily horoscope substitute.

Must confess. I am a bit confused by the numerous sometimes conflicting representations of the upper Earth interior, especially volcanos.

Here is one from National Geographic. According to this one, the mantle of the Earth is solid (though "malleable"). However made of rocks. The only liquid part is the outer core. Then were are the convection currents that push the continents around? (I found this image after a search, clicked on it, but can't find it in the page itself).

One thing is sure. "No one has ever been there to see".

The "igneous provinces" which are made of materials that allegedly came out of volcanos are represented as part of the crust (lithosphere), which is made of continuous, one piece slabs that drift around on top of the solid mantle".

No wonder they can't figure earthquakes, with all this mess. But how many professors are paid to teach this mess to students in faculties it and how many grants do they get?

Here's one i just found. It fits my theory of boiling aquifers as origin place of shallow earthquakes. Let's say the aquifer is at boiling point as the materials on top do not allow venting. And then a tiny sudden decrease of pressure triggers an explosive boiling. In Vrancea, Romania, we have boiling aquifers (on top of deeper magma bubbles) that however are venting and do not create shallow earthquakes.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

April 27

1:00 AM Începem ziua cu un meme dublu, triplu, etc.. Ion, cea mai activă lună corp cu iazul său de lavă puturoasă.

1:15 PM Another double-triple one.

1:35 And another one...

11:07 PM La mine e încă 27

A fost unul mic de 3.3 la 6 dimineața în Vrancea la 86 km adâncime (magmatic). Luna are 4 zile de la plină, deci încă e destul de aliniată cu Soarele (E-NE) după răsărit, Luna (S-SW) înainte de asfințit, deci eram pe... centură (diametru minim al Pământului) cu presiune ridicată în crustă, distanța la 385k era mai mare decât media, presiunea atmosferică a fost ridicată, 1024, acum e în scădere, dar va fi și mai ridicată în jur de amiază (1026), luna va fi la 35 de grade sub orizont (azimut) și la 389k distanță (de România), deci vom fi la aproximativ 30 de grade departe de diametrul minim mareic al Pământului.

Friday, April 26, 2024

April 26

3:40 AM Vitamin C deficiency. Oops! That's me. The reason for all the pains and infections.

3:45 I use DIY patches. The reason i do this. Whatever patches are available, they have a very small amount.

However absorption of vitamin C is much slower than let's say... aspirin. Aspirin with my patches goes away in about 12 hours, vitamin C, it takes days, up to a week. How do i know. Aspirin tablets in a patch turn to dust and have no sour taste in about 12  hours.

How i do. I use 2x3 inches. Then i apply some whatever hand lotion or anti-itch lotion i have handy to coat the pad in the middle of the patch. Carefully  not to contaminated the adhesive area. I use coarse sandpaper (yes, sandpaper!) to flatten the oval 500 mg tablets on one side and remove the coating, sandpaper on the table, face up, then i rub the tablet a bit against it. A few times will suffice.

Then i apply the tablets parallel to each other with the side that has not been sanded on the lotion (i use the whole little pad for 4 tablets of 500 mg each). The purpose of the lotion is to keep the tablets there until you can apply them, otherwise it is very difficult with more than one tablet, they will fall. 4 tablets will create a contact area about half the size of a regular patch.

Very important. I rub with alcohol an area twice as big on a shoulder to take the skin oils out. No need to do it if you just took a shower. This way, the patch will stay for days.

If i taste the tablets after 4-5 days, the sour taste is about 1/4 the intensity at the beginning. So it looks like i get 3/4 of 500 mg a day or something like that.

But absorption rate varies a lot depending. If you sweat, water will dissolve whatever active ingredient and will go faster in your boy. Or if  you take a shower and wet the patch which is semi-permeable, etc..  

12:18 The pink stain. On top of astronomical factors of course (Moon at apogee, full moon) and already low pressure.

1:26 How about... (Again when the conditions are right).

2:32 Gata știu. Cutremurul din România din 4 martie 1977 care a fost un cutremur de adâncime, generat nu de fierberea apei termale la o scădere a presiunii ca la cele de suprafață (Banat (lat), stânga în diagrame, Grecia) ci de o schimbare de fază în magmă la o creștere de presiune (posibil înghețare).

Luna se afla la apogeu (362 mii km) adică cel mai aproape (aproximativ), și era plină, deci pe partea Pământului opusă Soarelui. Pământul era în elongație maximă pe direcția Soare Lună, cu vârful "oului" îndreptat spre Lună, coborând în același timp scoarța în zona din mijloc (pentru păstrarea volumului), adică în zona de apus de Soare și răsărit de Lună, mărind presiunea și declanșând o înghețare într-o bulă magmatică din zona seismică, cu mărire explozivă de volum.

Condițiile sunt exact opusul celor pentru cutremure de suprafață. Presiune relativ ridicată, greutatea precipitațiilor. (Temperatura la limita înghețului favorizează precipitații la presiuni mai ridicate). 

4:21 Da știu bulevardul Maghieru.

11:36 Two millions in 2024.

11:41 According to this USGS site, tectonic plates that make the crust of the Earth are single gigantic pieces of rock. Up to 200 km in height and the size of continents. According to this theory, they are like ice on a lake. However in other sites the crust is described as rocks, plural.

Volcanos are bubbles of lava that are pushed up by convection currents that burst on the surface.

Stratovolcanos,  the most common type. According to this image, the "oceanic plate" coming from left bends and gets under the "continental plate". But how can it bend if it's solid rock?

And how can a stratovolcano like Yellowstone can exist in the middle of a plate?

Yes, if they were solid plates they would not change the pressure in the bubble of magma due to factors like gravity of Moon or Sun or changes in atmospheric pressure.

According to other theories, crust is a semi-solid agglomeration of rocks and some areas of it move against others due to horizontal convection currents. Again, in this image the "slabs" get bent.

The reason the curst cannot be made of such gigantic pieces of solid rock is simple. They are not like ice floating on a lake but more like ice flowing in a river.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

April 25

9:05 Meme-ul zilei cu Klaus Iohannis, un președinte de suckcess (al monstruoasei coaliții).

11:30 Ce voiam să spun. Cred că v-ați dat seama, folosind vasta experiență oferită prin show-ul fără întrerupere al politicii românești din ultimii 34 de ani, că nu prea contează cine, din pluralismul de candidați, majoritatea și foști, vor fi candidați. Deosebirile între ei sunt doar de nuanțe, ca fustă-pantaloni, barbă-ras, chel-creț etc.. Cu Iohannis, ca întotdeauna, plutind deasupra tuturor.

Au ales acum să producă un nou episod, cu încă un scandal, numit "Încăpățânarea lui don Pedone", doar pentru a crea o emoție prin care să poată strecura o aluzie, două, direct la subconștient băi frate.

Încă o dovadă că trăim într-o simulare a unei inteligențe superioare (furtuna din paharul cu apă), incognoscibilă și străină percepțiilor noastre obișnuite, care ne va duce undeva, într-o zi (sau se va răsturna paharul). Să mor îmi e dor?