Tuesday, February 6, 2024

February 6th

2:15 Vladimir Putin. Donald Trump. Emanuel Macron. Xi Jing Ping.

10:48 Știam că am auzit chestia asta, poate când mergeam la biserică (în Oregon City). Nu e din scripturi, e tradiție dar în contextul celor spuse de mine recent înseamnă ceva special.

După cum am văzut la Shinto, fecioara care dansează kagura lângă un templu se transformă în dumnezeu pe durata ritualului.

La fel și politicienii, care de fapt sunt farseuri în sjujba iluzionistului Shiva, distrugătorul, pe durata sjujbei lor împărătești se transformă în dumnezei. Dacă nu mă credeți, priviți aici.

Monday, February 5, 2024

February 5th

1:05 King Charles. Jason Momoa. Mircea Geoana. Emil Boc. Gabriela Firea. Everything you see and hear when you start your TV or open an official web site it's THEM.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

February 4th

12:50 How much cheaper and smaller a carrier would be if planes would take of and land like this? Any plane with a thrust/weight ratio slightly greater than one and a thrust vectoring system could do it.

With modern fly by wire systems a software could be designed to do the job of landing again vertically (like Musk's rocket that can land vertically).

But they don't even have to land on the bridge. All they need is to fly like this for a few seconds under a capturing crane.

But think of other advantages. You could raise 10 or 20 of these in the same time. That goes for airports as well. No need for bottleneck runways that are vulnerable to rocket attacks. Keep them in holes underground or under ship's deck. Could carry them on platforms on the freeways and launch them from anywhere.

Could even evacuate them if the ship starts to sink.   

Da, și România a avut 24 din astea (fără thrust vectoring, nu știu dacă puteau fi modificate - upgraded). Au fost vândute ca piese de schimb la polonezi care le au și acum.

Friday, February 2, 2024

February 2nd

12:00 AM How old is Shaivism?

The temple entrance has the shape of a Vimana which i believe at the origin is a delta wing fighter plane (seen on vertical position or from above). Two intake manifolds, compression fans, injection area, two exhausts, weapons on the wings. There are other vimanas with one single engine and even rockets.

I believe this drawing was made after a world conflict that could coincide with the so called Arian invasion, some 500 years before the temple from the link above or 1500 BCE but could have happened before 2000 BCE. Vimanas are also described in Ramayana as belonging to locals.

Other sites indicate a much older age for "Ramayana era". A six engine delta wing jet plane? Concorde was a 4 engine delta wing jet plane.

2:22 C'est la faute à Rousseau...

Thursday, February 1, 2024

February 1st

1:18 Centrul Internațional Pentru Soluționarea  Disputelor, Banca Mondială, unde Gabriel Resources s-a plâns de România.

Cum funționează. 153 de state, inclusiv România, au semnat un tratat prin care se obligă să accepte arbitrajele ICSID, oricare ar fi rezultatele. Nu înțeleg totuși o chestie. Ce investiții au făcut Gabriel Resources in România.

De ce nu s-au plâns la o curte din România sau de la UE?

9:26 Shiva the destroyer. Maya, the mother of Buddha. We live in a world of illusions created by the followers of Shiva. Pas cu pas, Két lépés (doi pași), două cărți scrise de același autor. Până și coperta are aceeași culoare.
Nu ai unde să mergi să te plângi, ei sunt peste tot (nu poți să te plângi lui Dumnezeu de Dumnezeu).

10:15 Eu cred că asta vor să facă nebunii la CERN. O gaură neagră, să distrugă lumea asta imperfectă și să creeze alta. Sau poate chiar o fac, creând tot timpul noi universuri din care mai elimină câte ceva.

10:43 Needless to say. While writing the above paragraphs the person upstairs has done the greatest noise so far. Sometimes simply hitting  the floor with his feet violently. Because of the concentration required to write, it created some sort of painful vacuum in my brain and sort of short term amnesia. Can't remember anything.

But now i believe this is what bullies do. They eliminate other people's will. It obliterates others. It makes you small and insignificant.

11:00 I think they got it all wrong. There is a message in Shiva's dance (similar with many others from the ancient times) but the message is this.

11:48 Smaller eye?