În jur de anul nou 2013 dacă nu greșesc am primit de la fostul meu coleg de liceu "Mihai Manolea" din Focșani tot felul de poze de prin liceu, inclusiv liste cu numere de telefon şi adrese. În toată perioada liceului mai puțin primele și ultimele luni (1975-1979) secretar la Iași a fost Ion Iliescu aka Iles Gyorgy. În septembrie 2015 cam cu câteva zile înainte de a muri Oana Ioachim și Vadim Tudor am primit un email aparent de la blogger-ul Tolontan de care nu auzisem până atunci care mi-a cerut să scot această postare de pe blog.
Majoritatea star-urilor numite mai jos pe atunci erau cunoscuți dar încă nu erau în vârful carierei sau faimei. De exemplu filmele Saturday Night Fever și Grease cu John Travolta și Olivia Newton John au avut premiera în 1977 și 1978 probabil după vacanțele de vară.
Probabil toată acțiunea a avut loc sub coordonarea lui Estee Lauder și Ronald Lauder care au fost prezenți în Iași. Colegul Florin Aramă, care avea porecla Aramis, seamănă mult cu Ronald Lauder, deși atunci ar fi avut în jur de 30 de ani. Estee Lauder deține o firmă Aramis. Eu personal am constatat că toate starurile și oamenii bogați și bine întreținuți par întotdeauna mai tineri decât sunt în realitate.
Cine cred eu că sunt unii dintre aceştia:
Florin Aramă - Ronald Lauder
Radu Botezatu - Art Garfunkel - István Szeibert
Olguţa Cazacu - Nana Mouskuri
Croitoru Liliana - Olivia Newton John - Csilla Ötvös
Valentin Gheorghiţă - Dan Bitman
Mihai Lăzărescu - Van Morisson
Mihai Manolea - Freddie Mercury - Árpád Visky
Timotei Mitrofan - John Travolta
Ioana Neica - Joan Jett
Dan Pricope - Patrick Duffy
Gabriel Ringhilescu - András Simonffy
Iulian Tescu - Joe Dassin
Adrian Hristov - Demis Roussos
Neica Veronica - Yvonne Elliman
Mariana Aiordăchioaie - Monica Bellucci
Cristian Gheorghiu - Gheorghe Gheorghiu
Monoreanu Marcel - Gábor G Kovács
Pr.Gheorghe Postolache - Hervé Cristiani
Pr.dir.Carmen Ionică - Marina Krilovici - Gabriela Zsigmond
Pr.Adam Corilov (Koriloff) - William Shatner - Frigyes Bárány
Pr.Rodica Naum - Jane Fonda - Judit Tóth
Pr.Ion Manea - Sir Elton John - Joseph Alfidi
Florin Sandu seamănă cu Ilarion Ciobanu, care conform biografiei pe atunci avea 43-47 de ani. He was always speaking very softly. With most of them i spoke very rarely.
(Bine rog pe cei care citesc să nu se agite, fiindcă am o listă mult mai mişto din fac. dar numai în anul I şi II care îl include pe John Lennon, Michael Creţu cu tot cu Sandra şi din nou pe Van the Man cu alt nume, altă persona, Mihai Ursache, pe care după un an de armată (obligatorie) pur şi simplu nu l-am recunoscut ca Mihai Lăzărescu din liceu. Unul din motivele pentru care (a trebuit) să rămân repetent, pentru că în anul II 2 am avut alţi colegi, mai domestici, din care unul Liviu Apostol, etc. Proful responsabil, Constantin Titi Pasnicu, posibil Paul Ioachim).
Adrian Hristov - Demis Roussos
Neica Veronica - Yvonne Elliman
Mariana Aiordăchioaie - Monica Bellucci
Cristian Gheorghiu - Gheorghe Gheorghiu
Monoreanu Marcel - Gábor G Kovács
Pr.Gheorghe Postolache - Hervé Cristiani
Pr.dir.Carmen Ionică - Marina Krilovici - Gabriela Zsigmond
Pr.Adam Corilov (Koriloff) - William Shatner - Frigyes Bárány
Pr.Rodica Naum - Jane Fonda - Judit Tóth
Pr.Ion Manea - Sir Elton John - Joseph Alfidi
Florin Sandu seamănă cu Ilarion Ciobanu, care conform biografiei pe atunci avea 43-47 de ani. He was always speaking very softly. With most of them i spoke very rarely.
(Bine rog pe cei care citesc să nu se agite, fiindcă am o listă mult mai mişto din fac. dar numai în anul I şi II care îl include pe John Lennon, Michael Creţu cu tot cu Sandra şi din nou pe Van the Man cu alt nume, altă persona, Mihai Ursache, pe care după un an de armată (obligatorie) pur şi simplu nu l-am recunoscut ca Mihai Lăzărescu din liceu. Unul din motivele pentru care (a trebuit) să rămân repetent, pentru că în anul II 2 am avut alţi colegi, mai domestici, din care unul Liviu Apostol, etc. Proful responsabil, Constantin Titi Pasnicu, posibil Paul Ioachim).
John Travolta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSVSbdmrT0U
Olivia Newton John https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDxcfTm1QTc
Joe Dassin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fYr5vh3wXI
Simon and Garfunkel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JUbFj0BIc4
Yvonne Elliman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgP0-b2jzog
Van Morisson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpPSBzGEklE
Freddie Mercury (Queen) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kijpcUv-b8M
Nana Mouskouri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjAiIUP9YK4
Demis Roussos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfdkQGQ5xpA
1 comment:
Just received an anonymous email threatening a lawsuit about a possible invasion of privacy by publishing names and photographs of private persons in this post. There were indication in the letter that the person who sent it was a woman and i have a hypothesis about who she is. There were indications that the person also sent me emails in the past with certain implications, also under pseudonym. There were indication visible to me from the email that the person did not act under her own initiative and she personal has no serious reason to complain expect maybe for threats from past acquaintances also present in the pictures that might indeed be affected by the disclosure on this page.
Just read briefly about legal provisions in the US concerning publishing of such information on the web.
Most of the faces is these pictures are being photographed in group photos. Most of them were already published in a printed brochure also reproduced above that was meant for public use (invitation and/or) reminder. There is no note on that brochure saying the photographs were private and not meant for public use.
There are two possible versions of interpreting these photos. First, these persons were indeed regular Romanian citizens of High School age attending a public High School during the communist regime in Iași, Romania during the mandate (local leadership) of ex-Romanian President Iliescu at Iași.
According to all the information i have and from the correspondence i had in the past with the persons represented in the pictures which BTW was all on a rather offending to me and humorous side rather than a cordial one, those are indeed regular, anonymous, non-public persons that could not be possible affected by the publication of High School group photos with names on it. After all, there are numerous sites on the web with this type of informations, published with nostalgic and sentimental reason.
Lately it came to my attention the possibility of a second version of interpreting theses pictures under which some or all the persons in these photos were not Romanian citizens, of a different age than High School, under different names and coincidentally, public persons that should not except a such degree of privacy to the point of asking their pictures removed from a site. But which would indeed be affected to a large extension by such unwanted disclosures about their possible highly illegal and scandalous past. And together with them, the organizers of the whole presumed scheme or hoax that may include big names from the public arena.
However, according to my hypothesis, the email was sent from one of the few that by my assumptions did not have such statute, and actually the person who sent me one of the published pictures, the hi-res picture from the reunion of 2004, with the precise reason of hopping i will realize who those persons were. I have reasons to believe that she was forced to send this threatening email, or somebody else wrote it in her name and that person is being threatened as well. In fact, she had her land-line phone removed from listings and probably changed address and could never talk to her since i published those pictures. I apologize to her, but if the second assumption (version as described above) is true, the rest of the above published (photos, names and assumptions) and this whole matter is of great public interest in both Romania and US and i cannot remove her name and face from the pictures without removing them all unless if she tells me in a non-anonymous letter who she is and what are the real reasons for that demand.
There is one highly probable conclusion that can be drawn from this email. The second version stated here is more probable then the first one.
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