Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Non Human World Leader

First, a fake humanity declaration.

"The Humanity Declaration (人間宣言 Ningen-sengen) is an imperial rescript issued by the Emperor Shōwa (Hirohito) as part of a New Year’s statement on 1 January 1946 at the request of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers. In the rescript, which follows the Five Charter Oath of 1868, the Emperor denied the concept of his being a living god, which would eventually lead to the promulgation of the new Constitution, under which the Emperor is "the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people"."[1]

"However, the meaning of the exact contents – delivered in stilted, archaic court Japanese – has been the subject of much debate. In particular, for the phrase officially translated into English as "the false conception that the Emperor is divine", the unusual phrase akitsumikami (現御神) was used instead of the common word arahitogami (現人神, "living god"). While usually glossed as "divinity" in English, some Western commentators, such as John W. Dower and Herbert P. Bix, have argued that this means "manifest kami" (or more loosely "incarnation of a god"), and the Emperor could still be an arahitogami even if he is not an akitsumikami."

Second, the physical resemblance of the Emperor Hirohito with pharaoh Khufu and the name which seems Asian.

Khufu is responsible for building the first and greatest of the Egyptian pyramids, a technical marvel of the stone age, of which functionality remains mostly unexplained to this day. Could it had been built using alien knowledge and its functionality include creating earthquakes and mega-lightning everywhere on Earth, global surveillance and communications, others and its first possible use was during the great war described in Mahabharata, which is dated about the same period the Great Pyramid was built?

Could it be the genealogical line of the emperors of Japan draw from aliens that landed on Earth millennia ago in a little ship, with little means but great knowledge and they had to make use of whatever materials and beings they got on hand?

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