and from the others
i extract the square root
and i realize it is only water,
water in a state of thought,
water with soul and whirls,
water, in an incurable
chemical formula."
Păunescu, Radical, Păunescu - Wilder
A Chinese radical is a graphical component of a Chinese character under which the character is traditionally listed in a Chinese dictionary. This component is often a semantic indicator, though in some cases the original semantic connection has become obscure, owing to changes in character meaning over time. Wikipedia
Here is Chinese radical 84

Chinese radical water -shui

Chinese character Chi (Qi)
And wind - feng (simplified)

Feng shui in different Asian languages

“Chi [Qi] is simply an ancient term used to describe what cannot be seen by the naked eye, such as sound waves, odor molecules, bacteria, heat waves, and others that were not scientifically known in ancient times.”
"Feng shui identifies the odor from the restroom and trash as a negative form of Qi because they have the ability to adversely affect our health. Imagine if you live in conditions where you are surrounded by these repugnant smell. How would you feel? How would you react mentally and physically? When stench or foul smell gets to me, my body reacts by giving me the urge to vomit.
Imagine this: how would your sleep quality be if the toilet is right next to your bed?"
Why do we need school, why do we need science. To be able to predict. How things work. What others will do, how we need to react do and how can we use prediction to get advantages. Over others of course. But there are many things not thought in schools. One of them is feng shui. On reason of not being scientific.
If it can, using pseudo laws, to predict to a certain degree future behavior of systems, a pseudoscience is better than nothing or ignorance in a certain aspect of reality. And if those aspects are in human social relations (read competitiveness) area it will definitely give a certain advantage to the user over the complete ignorant.
Now scientifically. Anything vibrates. Any structure has a certain or a whole bunch of resonance frequencies. That is it will vibrate, when energized, like when being hit, on certain preferred frequencies.
There are numerous recent researches on how sound can move things. Levitation on sound waves, name it.
It is obvious that inside a building vibration can move air around. If the shape of the home is "inauspicious", that is its own built-in vibration modes that will allow moving your air around at resonance, which can be triggered, especially in light constructions (made of hollow, wood frame walls closed with panels) by starting with wind, vehicles hitting bumps all the way to slammed door in your parking lot, air from the dirty places of your home can travel all the way to you.
Ancient people if not scientifically, knew about through feeling the effects and had at least some sort of approach to this problem.
But this is just an example. Besides moving air around at resonance sound itself is part of the environment and can set you off in different aspects also discussed intensely on the web.

It is amazing how the floor plan of this apartment is similar to the last one in Lake Oswego (except for the wall between kitchen and bathroom, which here is one ft thick, though not shown in the floor plan).
It was French philosopher René Descartes (Cartesian was his other, Latin chosen name). But now, if i take a closer look at him...

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