Sunday, July 7, 2019

Abracadabra, 7 Noiembrie 235

I've been looking for days now for video or pictures of tanks at the parade and all i could find was this low def picture. There are more pictures with the two armored vehicles, but no tanks. There are some scratches at the tank covered skillfully by the photographer with some wires of a fence, the right track of the tank (above this soldier's head) seem to be indeed rusted when compared to the right one, etc..
What could this mean. I don't know.


  • George Ion There's a big difference between a tank and an armored vehicle. An Abrams tank weighs around 60 tons and the engine has 1500 HP and has a much bigger gun and a different shape.

    Ok that's why.
    Why No One Wants to Fight U.S. Abrams Tanks?
    Why No One Wants to Fight U.S. Abrams Tanks?
    Why No One Wants to Fight U.S. Abrams Tanks?

  • George Ion "On 6 May 2014, the US Army announced that it awarded a US$12 million-contract to defense contractor General Dynamics for the demilitarization and disposal of 78,000 aging depleted uranium (DU) tank rounds as newer rounds are added to the U.S. war reserves. The contract includes M829A1 and M829A2 rounds".
    M829 - Wikipedia
    M829 - Wikipedia
    M829 - Wikipedia

  • George Ion "three-year contract on 11 July 2011"
    M829 - Wikipedia
    M829 - Wikipedia
    M829 - Wikipedia

  • George Ion Let's see if i get this straight. In January 1996 i got sick after i worked with at a firm Vancouver, Washington, north of Portland, through a temp agency. There i was working at making parts for B2 bombers. Soon after i got sick and became a vegetable for the next 10 years or so but some of the effects continue to this day.

    Soon after i was arrested and beaten by two female Police Officers of Vancouver Police who seem to have been members of a rock band associated with Joan Jett.
  • George Ion «Natural uranium contains about 0.72% U-235, while the DU used by the U.S. Department of Defense contains 0.30% U-235 or less»

    «The actual level of acute and chronic toxicity of DU is also controversial. Several studies using cultured cells and labora
    tory rodents suggest the possibility of leukemogenic, genetic, reproductive, and neurological effects from chronic exposure.[7] A 2005 epidemiology review concluded: "In aggregate the human epidemiological evidence is consistent with increased risk of birth defects in offspring of persons exposed to DU."»
    Depleted uranium - Wikipedia
    Depleted uranium - Wikipedia
    Depleted uranium - Wikipedia

  • Pentagon Dirty Bombers: Depleted Uranium in the USA
    Pentagon Dirty Bombers: Depleted Uranium in the USA
    Pentagon Dirty Bombers: Depleted Uranium in the USA

  • George Ion Children are yelling under our windows. Other noises. AI at work.
  • George Ion "The W54 had an explosive yield of 0.01 kilotonnes, according to most sources, although some state that the operator could select a yield of between 0.01 and 0.25 kilotonnes. Either way, the short range of the weapon meant that those firing it would have also received a substantial radiation dose."

    "As such, approximately 29,318 M101 rounds are not accounted for, and are likely to have been fired in the bases where the Davey Crockett was based. Aside from the sites listed above, upon production the M101 was also shipped to the following locations: Frankfurt , Germany; Inchon, South Korea; Pirmasens, Germany; Ryukus Island, Okinawa, Japan. It is not known whether these locations were the final destinations of the rounds, or whether they were then moved elsewhere."
    M101 20mm Davy Crockett Spotting Round
    M101 20mm Davy Crockett Spotting Round
    M101 20mm Davy Crockett Spotting Round

  • George Ion I think main difference between AI and human intelligence, besides being much faster and accurate, AI cannot be self conscious thus cannot have self preserving instinct.
  • George Ion It all comes down to this guy Sean Robert Parker whom i met at the Beaverton Nazerene Church, across the street from Sussex Village Apts in Beaverton if he is general Petraues or not.

    Petraeus or not, he said he worked for 4 years in Hawaii at a "cent
    er for controlling the missile" as i remember he told me. He also said he was a car dealer and somebody at the church also suggested he was a drug dealer.

    He showed up the day after i went for the first time at the church, that was weeks after i got out of Pacific Gateway, a hospital for treating dual patients or those with mental and drug problems while i was on Prozac or something and slow to react ant think, and that was after a 4 month job at Epson. He showed with a 70s pickup white-green Ford truck and a boat and three black little girls he said they were his (smallest first name was Trinity, the others' can't remember) and took us for a ride on Willamette. After that we met many times and went with him and the girls one more time on Willamette.
    Image may contain: 1 person, standing, ocean, sky, outdoor and water
  • George Ion When the scandal with Petraues and his confidant started?
    Shawn Robert Parker
    Shawn Robert Parker
    Shawn Robert Parker

  • George Ion Two days before i posted this. But i probably worked for days at gathering info and talking with Anglea before i posted it.

    But most likely. I've been talking about for weeks when both events happen. First, the accident, then the resignation. Then i realized it must be real so i posted it.
    Petraeus Resigns From CIA After Feds Uncover 'Extramarital Affair'
    Petraeus Resigns From CIA After Feds Uncover 'Extramarital Affair'
    Petraeus Resigns From CIA After Feds Uncover 'Extramarital Affair'

  • Case NR.12-664146 OCT 26 2012, Lake Oswego Police Department
    Case NR.12-664146 OCT 26 2012, Lake Oswego Police Department
    Case NR.12-664146 OCT 26 2012, Lake Oswego Police Department

  • George Ion Another thing with AI is it can be run from a level above the level the operators think it's run. How they know the're really in control.
  • George Ion Princess Diana's death. That day i was with Sean. Very limited income those days (like always), Angela was working for a couple in Vancouver. Him, he looked much like

    So in the evening we went me and Shawn in my 89 Escort GT to pic
    k Angela and came back and went first to drop Shawn at his mobile home he was sharing with an alcoholic car dealer, Scott, who owned the boat and a beautiful huge Buick Electra. Denney and 217 not far from Sussex Village. When he got down he was joking inviting us in the front of car, saying, George, you shouldn't be driving, you're not the driver, you're the king and Angela is the queen. Next day i saw in the news about Diana's death.,-122.../data=!3m1!1e3
    peter imre philip morris romania - Google Search
    peter imre philip morris romania - Google Search
    peter imre philip morris romania - Google Search

  • George Ion I did some laundry, opened kitchen window, the place was flooded with garbage like smoke. Went to start the AC (pass the cable), they had a couple of scenes with kids read for me.
  • George Ion The place were i grew up in Câmpulung. House has been renovated since i saw it last time, a big truck covers the side view, the space on the right was fenced to 1 meter of the house, belonged to neighbors, a tiny car on the street trying to make it look bigger, can't see the big wodden sign with "Calea Transilvaniei", prior to 90 name of the street was 7 Noiembrie, but the number. The number was 235.
    Google Maps
    Google Maps
    Google Maps

  • George Ion In that maybe 700 sqft house at a certain moment they were living 9 people. My grandmother with her husband in the two rooms at the left. Mother father an sister at the right.

    Also her mother and aunt. My grandmother was kinda dark complex, almost gypsy. So was her
     mother. But her aunt, i think she had blue eyes, like my mother. She died in here late 70s when i was about 10 (1970). Amputee of one leg from the hip, probably diabetes, (by the smell), and cirrhosis (i saw at least one time a nurse performing a draining of her ascites) she moved in there from the other side of Câmpulung, "Capul Satului", where she lived alone in a cottage, after her husband died) so my grandmother can take care of her. Immobilized in bed or a chair outside, always wearing traditional shirts, wasn't talking much but she was always intrigued about me. I had this transistor radio my father born before 68, i remember i was In Suceava during the Prague spring, and was playing with some variable coils in it trying to make it sound better.

    One sad summer day (days where always said during my childhood), under the big walnut tree next to the gate (not in the picture anymore) she asked me if that radio had "a connection with the air" and i already knew about antennas and i remember i told her "it's inside". She taught me how to read the word Philosophy (from a manual of the first year in High School my mother attended before she dropped - because of headaches, my grandmother said) when i was about 5 maybe.

    I associate her look with that of late Queen Mary of Romania.

    I remember i once had a conversation with my neighbors on the right and she asked me, don't you think you have too many grandmothers, and i said yes, in all honesty, because the place was really crowded, soon after both "sisters" died.

    I also associate the face of my grandfather, who married my grandmother years after my mother was born, or after he came from war, with that of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, Captain of the Legion (right extreme involved with leadership of Romania before war).
    Another Trip to Mary Hill
    Another Trip to Mary Hill
    Another Trip to Mary Hill

  • queen marie of romania indians - Google Search
    queen marie of romania indians - Google Search
    queen marie of romania indians - Google Search

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