Nu fiindcă oamenii nu sunt obișnuiți cu salturi din astea. Ei vor știri suculente cu un moșneag în aziluri, schiloade și fețe exotice, ca și cum nu ar avea destule. Nu le mai ajunge știrile false glamuroase fiindcă realitatea în care trăiesc ei este foarte foarte tristă.
5:42 Woke at 3 after 5 hours of sleep. I was fine for a while, did some searches (because i feel this is the most important thing i could do) when i felt a smoke like smell. Opened the back door and the smoke like smell was violently strong. Found a tiny hole i didn't plug with Quikrete the other day (now i'm out of it). I did my best to cover it with soil.
The smoke smell diminished gradually within half hour, but left a remnant of very strong soil smell, probably some mold that lives in the soil. Should i believe the initial smell that i perceived like smoke for so many years is actually a mold smell that comes from underground? Could this be one of the many masonic tricks?
One thing is sure, it is toxic and gives me a high, it changed my mood completely, made me instantly forget all my problems etc.. And i lived like this for many years.
Always reminding me of this dilemma. We are fragile when alone, but exposed to transmissible mass psychosis when in company of others.
6:20 Mă uitam tot așa prin știri și am zărit o bancnotă de 500 de lei cu fața lui Eminescu, ceva ce nu am văzut niciodată în realitate (ultima dată am fost în România în 2004). Mi se pare așa de ciudat și sado-masochist să vezi fața unui poet care a trăit și a murit sărac acum un secol și pe o bancnotă atât de mare.
6:50 Went to throw the garbage. Closest bin is full as i said since last Thursday with many bags on the ground. Went to the next closest one and there was a garage door open right next to the bin and when i passed by a guy came from around the corner, making it look like cutting my way towards his open garage.
7:30 What has he done now. Nevermind, it's just Q3 earning reports.
6:20 Mă uitam tot așa prin știri și am zărit o bancnotă de 500 de lei cu fața lui Eminescu, ceva ce nu am văzut niciodată în realitate (ultima dată am fost în România în 2004). Mi se pare așa de ciudat și sado-masochist să vezi fața unui poet care a trăit și a murit sărac acum un secol și pe o bancnotă atât de mare.
6:50 Went to throw the garbage. Closest bin is full as i said since last Thursday with many bags on the ground. Went to the next closest one and there was a garage door open right next to the bin and when i passed by a guy came from around the corner, making it look like cutting my way towards his open garage.
7:30 What has he done now. Nevermind, it's just Q3 earning reports.
11:00 Right.
11:10 I'm loosing my mind just a little..
1:42 Zei peste zei. Covaci a cântat (yes i'm drunk).
3:08 The black BMW morphed into a tan van with a broken exhaust that tunders for more than 15 minutes now (still drunk and probably will be for the rest of the day).
3:10 Cel mai citit blog din România, românii ar trebui să știe ce înseamnă Zoso (deși nu știe exact nimeni, nici măcar Jimmy Page).
3:08 The black BMW morphed into a tan van with a broken exhaust that tunders for more than 15 minutes now (still drunk and probably will be for the rest of the day).
3:10 Cel mai citit blog din România, românii ar trebui să știe ce înseamnă Zoso (deși nu știe exact nimeni, nici măcar Jimmy Page).
4:53 Angela came, she made a salad, we started to eat, 4 of them came in the back and yell like crazy. Had to put the blinds on, but hey are still there, yelling.
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