Sunday, March 2, 2025

March 2nd

3:45 AM Musk awe!

This idea came to me tonight just before we left but after seng that Dschinghis Khan video but forgot to write it down. I regretted it all evening.

BTW, Windows done something good. Last night before i went to sleep i did a reset with option to keep my files. But then i fell asleep and in the morning i did not find any message or anything. But it works much better. I was telling Angela, i am not used to. Typing without lag that is. It feels weird.

Last night at Chinook, i saw Starship.

At first i thought the guitarist was replaced with Buckethead. It was that good. However it was not him.

Wanted to google his face before i left cause i knew they do all kinda tricks there but i forgot about that one too. The first time i went there for a concert, and i have little doubts about, the bassist was Trevor Horn, whom i saw before over there, one terrible morning when i found a poop at the corner of the motel where i slept.

Heard some of their famous hits i enjoyed over the years on the... radio, and they were not Marconi's mambas.

Then i went to play poker in the smoker's room. I had some coffee and soda and a few cigarettes. My favorite poker machine was busy so i tried the next one but could not play deuces wild 3 hands under three dollars (though in the beginning i wasted 4 by pressing a button).

So i played instead jacks or better at 25 cents a hand x three hands, which now seemed more exciting than deuces wild. Fewer but bigger wins, easier choices, not boring at all, i kept going without loosing for much longer. When my fun was at max, here came four women at the noisy machines next to those marked Poker on top.

They started to yell like crazy and one of them kept yelling "please please please" like Sabrina. All the people were looking at them but when i looked i saw no excitement or other human emotion on their face. They were faking it hoping i was going to confront them. At some point one of them started to curse and got so loud i just left.

Then i went and spoke to the security upfront. There he was, one of the guys who "caught me" on the premises (not inside) while i was banned and prolonged my ban with a few more months.

He called me by name and he said "This is a casino". I told him those women did about ten time worse than i did when i got banned. He tried to trick me into saying things, speaking more like a lawyer. He said back then they were complaints and i told him "this is my complaint, what are you gonna do about"?

He said i should go and try to talk to them but i said i did not wanted to go into another confrontation (cause they seemed too aggressive) and then we wanted me to come with him and talk to them and that i declined.

Then something real weird happened. Probably due to strong emotions when i talked to him, the coffee i had before, i don't know, i felt like was about to faint. Shaking a bit, and feeling extraordinarily hungry.

Don't know if it was some sort of low blood sugar episode triggered by something, i had a 20 units of insulin before i left on a 320 reading, i did not have the monitor with me. First coffee (a mix of regular and decaf and some ice) tasted a bit weird. I had two of those which for me it's a lot, i can't tolerate much coffee.
I went to the car, ate (wolfed out) something (a can of beef ravioli), that didn't do it, in the end i remembered i had some sweet Graham crackers, still not ok after those, i went and searched Angela and she gave me some candies and then i started to feel better. But i swear, for a moment i was contemplating going to the hospital.

Then i got better, however the sweet candies i kept in my mouth caused some discomfort in my jaw as the wound from the triple extraction is not completely healed.

No i can't possibly write it all tonight. One more thing though. I brushed with the Chinese guy who plays on big amounts and wins all the time. They were deer in the dark at Road's End and up on the "mountains". More tomorrow.

12:25 PM Tipul ăla de pe tatami e Bolojan?

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