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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query eiffel. Sort by date Show all posts

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Turnul din Baia Mare

Pur și simplu nu mă pot concentra din cauza vecinului de sus și a altor vecini care fac zgomote cu mașini fără țeavă de eșapament în parcare. De câte ori îmi vine o idee să scriu ceva se aude un zgomot.

Însă acum chiar acum am șters din greșeală, din aceleași motive, o postare importantă de g+.  De aceea voi încerca să o refac pe blog fiindcă aici e mult mai greu să o șterg.

În 95 au construit un turn în Baia Mare înalt de 350 de metri. O firmă Phoenix (numele amintește de pasărea Phoenix, care odată la 500 de ani se ridică din propria cenușă, foarte interesant). Mai înalt decât turnul Eiffel, a treia clădire ca înălțime din Europa, Baia Mare fiind în nordul României, la granița cu Ucraina.

Pentru ce a fost construit turnul. Pentru prelucrarea minereului de cupru din zonă, dar chiar în localitate?

Pagina în engleză a aceluiași subiect spune chestiile puțin diferit
"sulfurous copper ores" nu poate să însemne decât un singur lucru. Extragerea dintr-un minereu bogat în cupru care însă conține și sulf. Unul din rezultate este bioxidul de sulf care când se combină cu apa (din ploaie) dă imediat acid sulfuric.
Ce cantități de sulf se elimină în atmosferă? Păi ceva comparabil cu cât cupru se scoate. Scoți o tonă de cupru, elimini o tonă de sulf sau așa ceva. Comparabil. Uitați-vă la reacția pomenită mai sus în procesul de roasting.

2 CuFeS
2 + 3 O2 → 2 FeO + 2 CuS + 2 SO2

"acid rain" cum scrie în pagina în engleză, înseamnă de fapt acid sulfuric. Cât de mult acid sulfuric? Păi cam cât cupru scoți din furnal. Turnul are 9 metri diametru la vârf, deci ceva sulf a trecut pe acolo.

Cât de mult?
40 mii de tone. Împărțit la 365... 109 tone pe zi!

Acel sulf nu se pierde, nu se câștigă ci îl regăsiți dvs prin pădurile, casele și în oamenii de pe o rază nu știu, o sută două trei de km?

Bine mai vedem o chestie aici pe care n-am știut-o sau ignorat-o. Numai acel combinat producea 12 tone de aur pe an. Pe vremea lui Horia Simu sau în 2007 producea 70000 tone de cupru, deci prin regula de trei simplă, 20 de tone de aur pe an. Rezerva de aur a României este de 100 de tone fiindcă domnul Isărescu e superstițios.

"Blestemul ce ne-apasă" este aurul.

Dar asta nu-i tot. Minereurile normal așa cu a fost făcută Terra nu sunt pure ci conțin o mie de alți compuși, pe lângă cei arătați în reacție. Odată cu fumul în atmosferă zboară și aerosoli în mare parte minerali metalici. Ca să zboare trebuie să fie foarte ușori deci mici, de ordinul nanometrilor. Particule din câteva molecule în particule care sunt antrenate de gazele fierbinți și ies pe coș. Care sunt mult mai mici decât celulele. Când intră într-o celulă și celula ajunge să se dividă, rup cromozomii iar celulele noi ori mor (de cele mai multe ori) ori devin mutante. Odată făcută treaba într-o celulă ei migrează în alta și alta, adică se reciclează, creând în cel mai bun caz inflamație și în cel mai prost, cancer. Nici un filtru nu poate filtra aerosoli nanometrici într-un asemena coș de 9 metri diametru la vârf.

Coșmarul sau dezastrul ecologic însă nu s-a oprit odată cu oprirea combinatului și a folosirii turnului. Fum s-a depus pe partea superioară a turnului înăuntru și afară și acești aerosoli, care pot fi de ordinul, nu știu, 10 la 16 într-un mm cub de funingine vor fi spălați de vânt nu știu, o sută de ani de acum încolo. Nu mă pot abține aici să nu văd și coincidența între data de deschidere a fabricii inițiale de acid sulfuric în 1907 "La început a fost o fabrică de acid sulfuric, construită de doi oameni de afaceri Oscar si Artur Weiser. Se tot dezvoltă, iar în 1925 devine combinat" și fenomenul Tunguska care a avut loc în 1908.

Apropo de Turnul Eiffel și poluare. (Pentru a reveni la postare după ce vizitați un site dintr-un link folosiți butonul săgeată înapoi din stânga sus în browser sau deschideți link-ul în alt tab apăsând pe roata mouse-ului după care selectați tabul sus în browser cu mouse-ul).

60 de tone de vopsea la 7 ani ca să-l țină ca nou. Nimeni nu se întreabă însă unde se duc 10 tone de vopsea pe an. "Blowing in the wind", cum ar spune Dylan.

Din ce-i făcută acea vopsea. De obicei vopselele sunt făcute dintr-un liant, care în trecut a fost ulei de in sau alte uleiuri, crecă la facerea turnului, iar acum polimeri, iar partea pigmentoasă ca să țină 7 ani depinde de culoare, de obicei din oxizi metalici ca de exemplu titan, fier, crom, etc.. Tot așa în suspensie și deci nanometrici. Ia uitați dvs. ce culori frumoase au oxizii metalici!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

August 14

12:15 AM Opened a can of worms...

While i was staring at the diagrams, trying to figure where it would fit a 2 meter diameter steel ball, she got up from bed, went to the restroom, squeak the floor and awoke Angela... I live in terror, like the whole world lives in terror because of what these guys did to us and are still doing...

From the observation level all the way to antenna, under the roof, there are (were) about 30 ft (10 meters). There have been recent modifications...

Insulating foundation, like the Eiffel tower? Could have more than one function, like ionosphere manipulation? What is that antenna on top? Nobody uses AM radio no more.

12:48 Eye of the needle or Damocles sword? I see. I also see a solar symbol. Complete with rays and stuff.

12:55 There's one in Hamburg where i've been too. Also with at least one restaurant.

1:11 Towers of the world.

1:20 Ooops!

1:20 Ok i posted enough towers so no one can say i am favoring one or another. I think i will go to bed now.

7:50 Their problem is not the Prime Minister or anything of the absurd game they are playing on the political scene. He now quits just to shadow a number of things i said yesterday and recently.

But the Emperor? giving up the (fake) Emperor would be a good start though... The mentality of the people in that country is frozen in time, like thousands of years ago.

And bringing back home the millions of ninja from the US. But i don't think that is possible anymore, that does not compute on their AI, the West Coast would simply stop running cause they replaced too many, mostly fallen in the wars of the last decades.

If i have by example a chance to look at one semi driver, all i ever see is Japanese, barely disguised in Mexicans whatever. And they now go with limit + 10 and and pass other vehicles on the freeway with 80 in a 70 limit in the high speed lane like any car would do...

BTW they redrew some of the yellow line on I5 up north from Portland. It's all crooked and bent, sometimes oscillating with one foot within 100 yards. Never seen such an ample sloppiness done on so many miles. I think it tries to show how crooked the Jews are, yellow of course representing not the Japanese, but the Jews. But to whom cause all i see it's them.

8:05 On demand, or as of today. Warning? We're way past that. What part you people can't understand of "physically occupied"? By millions? All protected by AI or like pawns on a huge chess board? Who justify their absence at home as being hikkikomori?

12:42 For a long time i have been living with the idea that Nirvana is one of the most racist, antisemitic if not plain right far right, not only antisemitic but anti-supposed-semitic-system coming from the most antisemitic far right city of US, Seattle, Wa. Aberdeen whatever. The pure bred highlanders of the Pacific NW (or NW of Pacific whatever).

Since i was at it, tried a search to figure (quickly without waking that part of my brain with all the memories) what was their most representative song (in this direction) and what do i find. "If you're a sexist, racist, homophobe or basically an a...e, don't buy this CD. I don't care if you like me, I hate you."-Kurt Cobain". (teaching hate to haters?) On other sites i read he was a Christian, feminist, etc.. Whattt?

Well first it shocked but then i decided not to be surprised. It wouldn't be the first time when Americans buy everything are being told, and/or get it entirely wrong, like opposite from right wrong. Told by the man himself. Should not listen to what he said, should listen to what he sang. If you don't believe me, watch this video which i'm sure you watched before but nobody told you about the words.

Blue eyed blond hair (short-not-so-aryan) Christian feminist racist hater supremacist anti-family anti-semitic defiant anti-system. And he's got an accent that could be German, but i know it's Hungarian. Attila Hungarian. Entraining because it's accepted. In Seattle. (click on video to go to youtube to see lyrics).

Hello how low. A Mulatto, an Albino, a mosquito (three members of the group). Probably in reference on how they could have been called by the establishment serious people (supposedly Jews).
And here what a Jew has to say (sing) about it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

COVID and 5G

Here is an image showing the difference between 4G and 5G. While in 4G the signal area is broad, meaning for each connection you get a very large signal area wasting most or 99.999% of the signal power, both ways, (which of course is multiplied by the number of simultaneous connections to that tower, area where BTW anybody with a suited device can "catch the signal" or listen to), in 5G each connection is done through a couple of narrow beams of signal, one from tower to device and one from device to tower.

So far it sounds very good, because there is much less radiant power over a certain area and/or by concentrating the signal, you can improve quality or bandwidth (as advertised) by strengthening signal/noise ratio, and that is done only by strengthening the signal inside each beam, several times, maybe up to 10 times or one order of magnitude greater than with 4G over a large area. But it has to be both ways, so the 5G phones, to get the bandwidth already advertised for 5G would have to strengthen the signal too, though only inside the beam (or maybe they don't need the same upload speeds). So the devices would use less power or the same, while emitting at higher power density inside the beam. But what happens if the head or heart of that person or another nearby gets in the way of the beam?

And this image tries to suggest the multitude of beams within a a city with many 5G users. It is not real, just an artist's imagination at work. The real one would look like a 3D web of fat beams, linking each device to one of the towers, that can be much more complex, depending of number of devices. But what if one cell phone is homed simultaneously by many beams from several towers from same provider or from different providers, like if a hacker would launch from that phone many requests to many towers in the same time? You could get much greater signal density per person, like hundreds of times greater that it is physically possible with 4G. Or a hacker (or conspirators whatever) configures a number of cell phones close to target (that can be a device the targeted person is wearing) while nobody has no idea idea of what's happening and "beam" that target with a signal that could be hundreds of times greater than a normal phone is transmitting to a tower in 4G and that can be very bad.

Recently ran into a phone plan that says "5G Nationwide". Did they get so far so quick?

I vaguely remember Trump era data safety concerns about 5G coming from China. Could the banning of Chinese technology mean that they don't do certain things that i'm going to talk about?

It's not about data or privacy concerns. They know everything they need to know about everybody in real time through current technology (and now that include 5G).

More than a year ago i wrote a blog post about my own concerns. Reading it now i realize unfortunately it was not clear enough and concise enough to make an impression. I was far more confused and careless and hopeful and unexperienced back then. It was more of a hypothesis. But now i ran into Raytheon future projections about a microwave weapon and my old concerns came back. What if...

The way 5G works is very similar to phased arrayed radars currently used on most advanced fighter jets. Unlike those who use the beam to dynamically scan an area, similar to an old CRTs, to save power, 5G antennas, both from towers and phone using the same technology can direct a beam on the other antenna, even when in motion.

Mechanically static or with limited motion, radars' antennas can, instead of actively scanning a region, direct a beam on and fry an opponents device electronics. Pretty much like in old CRT TVs when both horizontal and vertical steering or scanning circuits broke and the electron beam was concentrating in the middle of the screen (but could have been anywhere if so intended). That is directing precisely a beam of microwaves powerful enough and keep it on a target long enough to disable it.

Think about. We now have 5G capable towers all around. It is enough to direct a number of them to one single phone or person to make it sick enough or create symptoms that could be classified as COVID. Rest is done in hospitals.

And now i think this is what happened in the two years, they selectively took out the oldest and most knowledgeable that have seen a lot and they could turn the balance against them. They may have not been so selective in 1918 when they only had Eiffel Tower.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Dust Lady of 911

Today i started to feel again the effects of fine redwood dust. It is my belief "they" alternate methods and after a while they bring back the old tricks now forgotten (though i try to write everything, almost everything fades out or is shadowed by newer events and especially the fake events meant to cover on keywords what i write).

(Someone, my roommate back in HS once prophesied for me that i would have a life full of events, and that qualifies for a long life since life is measured in number of events, not necessarily years, would die in a mental hospital and in the end i would be rehabilitated).

So after i talked a lot about litter dust, now comes the redwood dust again. Redwood is toxic and irritating per large amounts of tannins. It is also very tough, mechanically which means tiny chips can be very sharp and penetrates skin. I know because i stuck my hands in the mulch under the deck of main door several times and my hands hurt for hours if not days.

Sometimes in the spring of 2016 they came and spread around the building chipped redwood. I think it was around Cinco de Mayo. By now obvious, they used way too much, intentionally. In some places around the building it was up to 1 ft tall. I threw away dozens and dozens of 13 gallons bags or hundred of pounds in the garbage, at least 10 times several years ago. At some point it became like a mat. There are places where it never rains, like under the stairs. People are walking on it and some turns into the finest dust. I saw the water coming form the AC in the summer was red because of it.

But i don't believe it gets in here by itself. The fact that there is so much around the building allows them to bring it inside without proof, when "needed". There was also wind two days ago and that wind might have blown some inside or on the stairs and deck. When they come with the blowers, on Wednesday, they blow everything from the parking lot onto the buildings, but they also come near the building where the dust is and blow it, i don't know why. A fine, invisible layer settles on the stairs, on the mat in front and gets inside.

Yesterday i wanted to get drunk to celebrate something. But the subtle pain from dust was keeping me irritated and almost sober no matter how much i drank. In the end i looked at the bottle and got scared and stopped drinking. It was too late. I probably drank around 400 ml of brandy, about the same amount of wine. Biggest trouble, i ran out of soluble decaf and i drank some regular. Don't know why, to me it's worse if i drink caffeine then alcohol and terrible if i mix them.

So i stopped, went to bed almost unconscious and woke in a few hours with a reflux episode. That is the content of the stomach goes up on esophagus and enters the airways. If drunk enough, you may choke to death (Jimmy Hendrix's death, they say). Upstairs a dog and a person was running, walking, intermittently starting after 3 AM but in the morning it was like a few steps, out of nowhere, every minute or so. I got so dehydrated, i started having palpitation (in the morning), felt my hands and legs swallowing (heart failure). I drank lots of herbal tee to re-hydrate. I was feeling almost ok and wanted to go back to sleep but just before Angela left i started to have chest pain. Usually to me it solves with a few 100 mg potassium gluconate supplements and a long walk. But i was out of potassium pills. I ate a mixture of potatoes, peas and cabbage, some meat that should have had at least that amount but also the carbs started a movie (Yes, Start Trek Deep Space 9) and went to sleep.

I woke at 2 PM with again chest pain. Ate more vegetables. Made it somehow till Angela came. When she came i went outside and i realized there was some sort of chocking smoke and there was visible smoke at the chimneys at the houses (apartments) visible uphill from here. I knew i had a few potassium pills in the car and after taking those finally went for a walk. I was dizzy at first probably because of heart not working well but i kept telling myself, this is going to work. The alternative was ER which was very unappealing for a number of reasons. I even ran a bit. After two miles i started to feel better and came back home. If i had a clogged coronary artery, it probably unclogged by itself, but i needed a few more hours to complete recovery from fibrillation. When they came back home upstairs. A few more walks with squeaks, breathing through congested nose got me severe palpitations, with heart probably stopping a couple of times (felt a few painful poundings in chest and was back to normal).

I noticed so far. During mild heart attacks some hormones get released in your body. After reaching a peak, with heart pounding like that, it always gets better. Your body might have its own mechanism to recover from those, if the cause (dehydration, de-mineralisation) is removed. Sometimes re-mineralistion may occur by itself if you wait long enough allowing your body to pull those minerals (electrolytes) from your bones.

It was around that time when i realized there was lots of dust inside. I rinsed a rag i used to clean the floor and water came red. As i kept sobering up (high levels of alcohol in my system even after 24 hours) i started to think. I mopped the floor and took a bath. But dust was too much and a lot of it already accumulated on fridge's coil. Every time the fridge starts i feel the pain of the redwood dust all over my body. I feel it on my esophagus as it clears the lungs. I feel it on my lower colon. So in the morning when Angela wakes up i will attempt to was the fridge's' coils and everything under.

I remember an episode, about 7 years ago. I had palpitations for a couple of weeks. I went to an urgent care place and a "doctor" layed me on the table. Then he started to palpate my belly and went to the chest and unexpectedly pressed once so hard for several seconds, i think he literally stopped my heart. Maybe made blood flow backwards in the arteries, to unclog them? Whatever it was, it helped me, though it was really scary. He said something about the "old mechanical defibrillator". LOL.

So sometimes it's redwood, sometimes it's litter dust. I know that by the effects.

Kept thinking. Who in the world are best at manipulating dust?

Ninja had a type of weapon that was literally made of eggs filled with different types of dust like by example very fine ground glass dust. What they did with those, you guessed already. The used them in combat to blind the opponent.

The idea was passed along to their Police forces, probably first in the world. They used those to incapacitate suspects during arrests. They have a name. The are called metsubushi.

And this is where the weird part starts. During Bush the IInd there was a couple of city scale metsubushi who went off in the city of New York. I had no idea of the scale of the dust disaster in that day and following days until i saw a video a couple of years ago. People coming out of the cloud of dust and chocking while the paramedics could not help them. You can't help people who have the lungs full of dust. Video is gone now from youtube.

Tonight i wanted to write a bit of a conclusion of what i was doing lately. That is about the similarities between faces of politicians, public figures and actors, mostly Hungarian and some Japanese. But could not find a place to start. Then i thought i found it. Metsubushi. They've been using this stuff on me for a long time. Non-lethal, it will bring you to your knees and reset you to the point you can't even think for yourself. Shortness of breath for a few hours and you will forget of everything and give up everything and become as docile as a child. If it's litter dust, the next day when you are recuperating, suddenly find yourself in the opposite direction. You feel too good. They did this to me for decades. They are doing it now. So "they" must be. The ones who control everything.

Before i wrote this post i searched for images about the dust that settled those days in New York and found this. And i found Dust Lady. Marcy Borders. They said she died of cancer at 42 om 2015 or 4 years after.

I don't believe it. I don't believe she could have survived that. If tiny amounts of building materials dust like mineral insulation make me so sick, how in the world could someone breath those amounts of concrete, gypsum and other material dust and survive the initial exposure. More than that, she looks like she poses. A tragic pose but still a pose. For reassurance or at least to cast doubt.

This dust she was supposed to be in it's not flour. It's concrete or silica or glass. Who knows how many real others died that day and are not reported anywhere.

As for the similarities blog. It should be obvious by now to anybody that the whole world, all countries, are being controlled by only one power. To me everything leads to an alliance between Hungary and Japan.

After all, they've been allies in WWII. Culturally, Hungarians are more Asians than Europeans.

What is happening. As i've seen so far they let us do whatever we want but they encourage us to do the most stupid things, mainly to do their job. Accelerate the selection. Eliminated the sinners and the stupid. But stupid most times means uniformed. Ignorant. They let us choose but they provide, for free all means for us to choose the wrong direction.

They must have some super-weapons we don't know about. Like the one which caused the Tunguska explosion which brought all nations to their knees at the begging of 20th century. Most likely done by short-cutting the ionosphere to the ground using huge antennas to oscillate the ionosphere of which we might suspect Eiffel Tower, Wardenclyffe (Tesla) Tower (which was demolished next year). They must have assassinated (through undetectable old ninja methods) or have killed in revolutions all the old elite and replaced it with actors.

Tesla have been working in France before coming to the US in 1884, several years before Eiffel Tower construction began. But Tesla was only an actor or a symbol. They were others behind him who ran the whole show.

Very few understand or maybe never occurred to them of what means for some people to have a living god as emperor, and that living god is the Emperor of Japan. But the Emperor might be fake and controlled by the old ninja.

Some of the consequences of the Tunguska phenomenon was Dissolution and Partition of the Ottoman Empire, WWI, Bolshevik Revolution, WWII and basically everything that happened in the tumultuous and bloody 20th century.

It was then when territories like Palestine, Arabia (later Saudi Arabia), Syria, Kuwait, Iraq where taken over from the Ottoman Empire where they have been for centuries by western powers like France and Britain. "Britain gained control of Palestine, Transjordan, Iraq, parts of Cameroon and Togoland, and Tanganyika". Once flourishing, Arab civilization was reduced to nothing by the Turks, then western powers and subsequent occult domination.

"In 1916, with the encouragement and support of Britain (which was fighting the Ottomans in World War I), the Sharif of Mecca, Hussein bin Ali, led a pan-Arab revolt against the Ottoman Empire to create a united Arab state."

However, after WWII British Empire collapsed as well and all territories taken from Ottoman Empire became independent or better said taken over by an occult power as well as Great Britain itself, all European countries. By now, i think i know who they are.

Ever since, this occult power is at war with the populations of every state on Earth. Since it cannot reveal itself, it mimics the behavior of those populations, leading by force, influence and finance.

I don't want to go in the vast area of WWII, Korea, Vietnam but i can tell something about Gulf War and subsequent Iraq war and massacres, Afghanistan war, Syria massacres. People from one side of the world are convinced to fight against those from the other side, with one media controlling all the information coming from the conflicts, each seeing something else, for the only purpose of appeasing, oppressing, decimating all populations on all sides with all power in all states controlled by one entity.

United States have been in conflict with other countries around the world most time after WWII and especially after the deep psychosis created by the Orson Welles show. But those conflicts at times have been slowed down or accelerated, depending on how much people started to figure out.

Otherwise, they use other means of controlling them, like most expensive health care and housing on Earth, which is toxic and deplorable, Hollywood which is populated exclusively by fake ID foreigners, liberal amount of drugs, Church of Scientology etc..

In Soviet Union people were controlled by means of forced feed propaganda, daily meetings, liberal amounts of alcohol etc..

Romania has been a center of entertainment for both East and West. A number of artists were transferred from Hollywood and Hungary over there, including both Ceaușescu, but also singers like Jim Croce who became tennis player now billionaire Ion Țiriac, Patsy Cline who became Irina Loghin, Sonny Bono who became Mihai Constantinescu, etc.. Dracula myth, first enacted by Bela Lugosi, a Hungarian, was exploited. Because people do still believe in those sort of things and generally are disgustingly gullible and ignorant and have learnt to trust only their charismatic figures.

Iran had a somehow different path. Not part of the Ottoman Empire, they became Muslims in the 7th century and an independent power in region. However, they were taken over too. After a failed westernization, in 79 they started to become what we know of them today.

Friday, February 18, 2022

February 18

6:26 Angela went to work after four and a half hours of sleep (over the years i wrote about some of the many mishaps that happen on constant basis at her job here). Part of it was because i went to check the car after i remembered she said she heard a noise, one time only, like the radiator's fan was hitting something, and i lost a tube with adhesive and thought it might have entered the fan's housing. It was midnight, i went outside, two of the kids who almost grew up in the last 6 years since we're here were behind the car talking. So i waited for them to leave, went to look in the radiator and they came back and started to talk, one of them near hour door.

There was no adhesive tube in there but a... dead mouse or mole or something, decomposing, which i tried to remove with a wire or something but couldn't. Leaving behind the car a trail of smell of a dead animal.

After she left the place filled with an irritating smell that made me sneeze and i went outside a couple of times and find some minor bulges and/or collapsed areas, it looks like the smell is maybe subsiding.

6:41 I know it sounds absurd, but everything i post seem to have an echo in the large universe. Just posted pictures with areas in between building, with grass missing and they came with this. And the evacuations of civilians? By Ukrainian official census,  there are up 10 million Russians in Ukraine, most of them concentrated in Eastern area. How many can they evacuate with a few or a lot of buses?

7:01 Lately i said a lot about living in a simulated reality, maybe the forgotten projects like Living Earth Simulator that have already started to be implemented. I know it because of things that happen around here, on a "small" scale, like the two kids behind the car at midnight. Everything i do is received with actions of their part creating a whole that if observed from outside looks totally different. All i see around me is actors that are part of a show, while the real people have gone, a long time, maybe all dead in "Asian wars", and today they came with this.

I said a while ago, i have a suspicion that nuclear weapons do not exist, they are one of the biggest hoaxes meant to create an infinite fear from population, which then will obey the Great Hunic conspiracy. Nuclear weapons are said to be small enough to be fitted in a cruise missile or even under the belly of a fighter jet, why would they need "strategic bombers" of this size (yeah i know the symbolism of the guy sitting on the ladder) if not to fill them with "conventional" explosives, fly them remotely in close formation and simulate, if necessary, a few no-clear attacks? Half thickness of lead in the case of high energy radiation is about 5 mm, of steel about 10 mm, how big should be the "shell" of a nuclear weapon to pose no threat for those pilots or electronics of the plane just by flying them?

How long the steel shell or carcass of the bomb will keep its steel microcrystalline structure integrity before it gets damaged from radiation of the "core" highly radioactive materials like plutonium? How about the effects of radiation on the "neighboring atoms" of the core itself?

It it said some of the bombs are made with a plutonium core, which has a half life of about 45 years, making it highly radioactive. Half life means about half of the plutonium turns to americium, a material of different atomic number, thus, density, which means the "core" will not stand in one piece but once enough of the material, let's say 10% turns to americium, will turn (in about 5 years) to a dust while the steel shall most likely become brittle and crack from radiation damage before that.

Bombs of course should have some sort of detonation mechanism made of course of known materials like steel and conventional explosives, how would those keep integrity over a few years while exposed to that amount of radiation?

One of the form of plutonium decay emits electrically charged alpha particles, which is helium, "that cannot penetrate not even a sheet of paper" (than how it can escape the solid core). But will that helium create pressure inside the core of a bomb making it unstable? (if plutonium has a half life of 45 years, with one helium atom released for each plutonium atom decayed, that means that in about 10% of that time or 5 years there will be enough helium inside that core that will create enough pressure to blow it apart, with most of it being trapped between plutonium molecules or crystals or whatever.

It looks like fear stopped us until now from thinking of all these... side phenomena accompanied by even putting together and handling a large enough mass of artificially concentrated radioactive materials which i think it's simply not possible.

While in faculty i had a teacher that was speaking to us of all these things. I once tried to call him, more ten years ago and i was told he disappeared, without a trace, without a body ever being found.

I dismissed immediately all he told me, thinking he was crazy or provoking or something, and it took me some 40 years to came to the same conclusions, so i think, people reading these would probably go through the same mental processes, after we've been told for 80 or 100 years the same lies, over and over.

12:47 As for thermonuclear or H bombs. "Based on tritium, which again has a life time of 12 years and is a form o hydrogen, thousands of times the size of Hiroshima bomb". Those can be simulated with short cutting the ionosphere to the Earth, using gigantic antennas, like that of Tesla or Eiffel Tower etc. (see Tunguska phenomenon, which was a demonstration that started to change the world, followed by WWI and Bolshevik revolution). But again, they can be used only once in a while, because the ionosphere needs weeks or months. I believe one of the functions of the Great Pyramid was just that.

I think Russians really lost their strategic position in the world after the fire at Ostankino tower, 3 months after Putin came to office in the year... 2000.

9:14 (Lincoln City) How did they know?

9:41 Am văzut pe telefon, din mașină, mai multe știri similară cu cea de mai sus care se pare că interferă cu ce am scris. Și pentru că nu am internet pe telefon care să poată fi transmis la laptop (tethering) acum, am intrat în cazino, în zona de fast food și am căutat acele știri. Gălăgia, agitația, m-au făcut să uit multe din acelea, dar am găsit altele. Un exemplu. Am scris mai devreme despre un profesor de facultate care nega existența armelor nucleare și care a dispărut fără urmă, iar ei au venit imediat cu ceva. Mi se pare mie sau tipa care a scris nu stăpânește bine limba română?

10:04 The ninja somehow repeated the performance of spreading this time inside the casino of some sort of smoke (coming from outside when doors were opening) that made me sneeze a lot. Though i have a mask on my face. I remembered another thing i wanted to write down. We stopped at Spirit Mountain to get gas and some hot dogs. That were paid with "rewards". At the gas station, a truck with cisterns was filling the underground tanks with gas. By the brand Carson. It happens a lot when i mention the name Andy Carson.

10:11 700.000 oameni împărțit la 40 pe autobuz înseamnă 17.500 de curse de autobuz. Cred că se poate întâmpla într-o perioadă între 3 (200 de curse pe zi) și 6 luni. Vor pleca doar așa, cu o sacoșă de rafie? Există în întreaga Federație Rusă atâtea locuri la hotel?

11:39 I published my first list with actors probably after this post, in 2013. Most likely on g+ cause i can't find it on fb. I think this movie, Time Goes By triggered this whole process. Crazy with nostalgia, every time i was seeing an episode i was thinking of that Romanian politician. I didn't find him or abandoned searching for him, in favor of much bigger fishes. In the mean time my list grew and grew, i kept rectifying errors from the past, etc., extended searches to other countries, including Russia.

Here is a list since 2016, with not so many errors. I was doing it by ear and didn't have any method.

But now when i saw the synchronization with my post about godhood of George Washington and Putin's last actions of recognizing the two separatist regions and entering in Ukraine i started to get worried and mad. Cause all my effort will be linked to his actions. Cause what i wrote and the matches i posted are so much more important than his actions.

Ukraine separated peacefully from Soviet Union in 1990 and problems with Russians on the east side started in 2014, or after i posted the first lists. 8 more years, a pandemic and now they are linking this with my activity. By synchronization, which is so important.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Bucovina and Dalmatia

"In spite of protests by Dalmatian parliamentarians, who objected to the ‘Romanian-Ruthenian’ character of the new Metropoly and who maintained that such a decision could not be taken without prior approval by the Orthodox Church authorities, the Metropoly of Bukovina and Dalmatia was established in 1873."

I am intrigued by the mentioning in this work of the name of Dalmatians as a distinct ethnicity in Bucovina, but not so much. Austro-Hungarians had this habit of moving people around their empire from one province to another to weaken local opposition. For about at least one hundred years both provinces where simultaneously part of the Austro-Hungarian empire but i find no mention of their migrations.

As a result of this policy, as seen on the map below, Bucovina in 1918, after 144 years of Austrian rule (after it was taken from Moldova) was formed of 6 different ethnicities in approximately in equal numbers though not evenly distributed, but there is no mention of migration of Dalmatians. (middle click on it for bigger size).

Could it be the "Huzulen" mentioned on the legend of this map be the Dalmatians.

"The name Bukovina came into official use in 1775 with the region's annexation from the Principality of Moldavia to the possessions of the Habsburg Monarchy (which became the Austrian Empire in 1804, and Austria-Hungary in 1867)."

However the name could be local Dacian, which could be a language closely related to Sanskrit. भूक जिन in Sanskrit could mean anything from "time or heart of victory" to "heart of the old".

The main historical square of the city of Chernivtsi, capital of the historic Bucovina is called Residence of Bukovinian and Dalmatian Metropolitans

Also note the resemblance of today's flag of the whole of Ukraine and the flag of historic Kingdom of Dalmatia, now part of Croatia (ex-Yugoslavia).

One of the ethnicities also brought by Austrians in Bucovina where Ruthenians that are also mentioned on the map above.

I was surprised to find out the current Minister of Economy and Trade of Ukraine since December 2014 was born in Lithuania.

And finally.

U-krainian. White Croatian. Graz. Craiova. Grația.

Smiljan, Birth place of Nikola Tesla was a few miles away of the northern limit of Dalmatia, now both part of Croatia. Tesla studied at The Polytechnic Institute (Graz, Austria) worked in Budapest and Paris (just before Eiffel tower was erected) before moving to the US at invitation of Edison where he build another tower during which existence the Tunguska event took place and subsequent WWI, Soviet Union and WWII occurred.

Last cover of the weekly satirical Romanian publication Cațavencii, after the recent visit of pope Francis in Romania suggesting President of Romania, Prime Minster, others are "Dalmatians".

Saturday, April 13, 2024

April 13

11:50 Sistemul politic cu partid unic în România nu este invenția comuniștilor sau măcar a rușilor. A fost o tendință generală în Europa, ca urmare a evenimentul Tunguska.

Fascism în țări ca Germania și Italia, el a ocolit însă Franța și Marea Britanie. Este foarte posibil ca cel puțin în Franța asta să fie legat de existența turnul Eiffel, care a precedat Tunguska.

Strict cronologic sistemul totalitar sub bolșevic le-a precedat însă pe toate. Pentru că evenimentul Tunguska a avut loc în Siberia.

În România, Carol al II-lea a dizolvat Parlamentul în 1937 dar a abdicat forțat de Antonescu în septembrie 1940 după ce el însuși l-a numit Prim Ministru.

Odată cu abolirea sistemului democratic, Carol a persecutat evreii. Probabil pentru că ei erau singurii care au înțeles ce se întâmplă și de ce toată lumea o luase razna. Este ciudat faptul că una din cele mai mari persecuții a fost... scutirea de a merge la război. În 21 spre 22 iunie 1941 Antonescu i-a condus pe români în cel mai mare dezastru militar din istoria lor.

Fără armament, la Stalingrad România a pierdut degeaba 158,854 oameni (morți, răniți și capturați).

12:55 Triumph of the Will.

IMDb, the source of my searching list has changed the database interrogation interface. It was difficult to me to do more inquires, maybe because i was used to the old interface.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

July 26

6:20 What i found so far about generating Earth's magnetic field by electric charges rotating in the same time with Earth. But it's all estimates and theories, nobody knows for sure.

Absolutely by estimates, total negative charge of Earth's crust is 500 000 Coulombs which is balanced by a similar positive charge of the atmosphere. The current generated by such a charge is total charge by seconds of the day or 86 400 which gives a current of near 6 Amps. That is many orders of magnitude too low to contribute to creating Earth's magnetic field. But that value comes from a guy on a forum.

There are other estimates saying one thundercloud only has the potential of 1.3 billion volts, but i don't know how many Coulombs that cloud can carry.

In Wikipedia page for electrojets are shown electrojet currents of about 100000 Amps only for anomalies, that enhance locally Earth's magnetic field by a factor of two. Could not find an average value of current for an electrojet yet. So if an anomaly enhances by a factor of two could those electrojets create the Earth's magnetic field?

If we think of Earth as a giant solenoid with a length of 12 thousands km (Earth's diameter), with one turn, with iron core with a quality factor of 0.3 (30% or Earth is made of iron) which enhances the magnetic field by a factor of 300 and the current will be created by electrojet or rotating charged atmosphere with clouds and and put the data in this calculator we will need an 1000000 Amps current to get in the range of Earth's magnetic field which is 0.00004 Tesla in average.

It's all deja vu, i'm pretty sure i once found another value for electrojet and calculated and it was in range. Maybe i put it on g+, an alternative social network by google that is now gone.

8: 13 I cursed Japan in my mind and something started to move upstairs, like they always do.

8:14 One of the start pages of my browser with with the NOOA satellite for weather and i can see as always the clouds moving towards east like they always do, following the jet-stream which is created by the Coriolis force due to rotation of the Earth, much faster than the rotation speed of Earth itself. If those clouds were electrically charged, they could be also responsible for Earth's magnetic field.

If the field was created by moving lava inside Earth, which is cm/year, the field would  be much more constant, but we know it varies a lot during 24 hours.

8:28 Most of Madonna's songs are very sad and depressing and this one is a peak (More depressing than Weeknd and maybe as depressing as Phil Collins). The reason i cursed earlier was i was thinking of what happens if you replace the word "her" with Japan in her song.

Madonna is known for being a tool of Japanese subtle propaganda in the US and world, maybe more than John Lennon with his song Imagine, which is about the same one world.

Here is a classic example of her dedicating her body and soul to the Sun God.

9:00 400 000 volts, that's a far cry from 1.3 billion mentioned above.

Talking about the Sun God. I remember the weekend right after i posted that. I was driving eastbound on the high desert plateau between Mt.Hood and Warms Spring at about 2500 ft altitude, with 10 miles to go before deeping 1500 ft into the valley. They were clouds on top of mountains we just passed and there was this distinct cloud on top of the valley some 20 miles ahead ahead stretching for more than 20 miles, perpendicular to the direction of the road, .

And then a very rare event happened. A flash of a horizontal lightning crossing the cloud from left to right (or right to left, was too fast to figure of course), trying contradict my theory?

There could not be enough voltage in the whole world to break the air's resistance and create that lightening 20 miles long. Could lighting be made by independent travelling photons or electrons or something?

Amazing how little we know about clouds, Earth's magnetic field, after 118 of busy years trying to fill all aspects of the Theory of Relativity which generally lead to nothing. Thinking about better sources of energy and space travel. I has been 118 of struggle and now people are losing, buried in entertainment, pandemics, wars, cancer etc..

Same when i almost got knocked from the road that was raised meters above the desert's level by a freak gust of wind after i talked in another day about the peak power of some SUVs matching that of a 1 MW wind turbine and basically moving vast amounts of air on the road because of their anti-aerodynamic shape (280 KW oe 380 hp mechanical power is over 1 MW thermal).

While others have supercomputers that can simulate and probably modify through laser actuators, HAARP like antennas etc., Eiffel Tower, etc.. all weather on Earth.

12:37 Și iată cum aleg australopitecii din media românească și de oriunde să răspundă la niște simple relatări care îi deranjează (penultimul link).

1:08 Sinéad O'Connor, they wanted to put a once pretty face singing one sad song only over the haunting face of Madonna in the video linked last time.

Ok so i realized i don't really know what lightening is. I went to Wikipedia and first thing i saw was "one gigajoule of energy" per event. 277 KWh. The mechanic energy generated by one SUV climbing a mountain in one hour. So how much energy is released on Earth in a single day from lightning? Where does it come from? Can we harness it with antennas like maybe Nikola Tesla did in his car?

First. What happens to it? Does it locally heats up the atmosphere? Does it radiate "photons" of very long wavelengths into space? Lightening alone heats up the Earth with 1/5 of total electric energy produced by humans.

BTW no need for messages in bottles thrown in space. Aliens across the galaxy know for a very long time this is a habitable planet by the signature of very long wave thunder emissions. Maybe we are compelled by one race to destroy it so it won't be occupied by another. So advanced they don't live on a planet anymore and think we are parasites. Maybe they don't need water to survive. Maybe they have the technology to restore it after we have boiled ourselves and they gave us just enough to do so. Remember Venus.

Maybe the opposite is true. Those guys at SETI should look for that kinda waves in their searches for extraterrestrial life.

3:50 Metsubushi. They came with the mowers. What to mow. The water to the sprinklers was cut two weeks ago, the grass stopped growing. There was some bark falling from a tree that was cold have been gathered but instead was turned to dust. Trying to compete in real time with the image above? Now the walls and screens are full of electrified dust. I can already feel it in my throat and nose.

11:10 One of the reasons we die so fast compared to humans who lived in the time of Methuselah is background radiation. It could come from an asteroid that fell in times that humans can remember also causing the great flood described in the Bible and other scriptures from other religions. It could be from an ancient conflict resulting in destroying nuclear plants but i never knew about this! Or this!

Maybe those aliens who moved on a spaceship as the one seen behind Mercury, shielded from Sun's radiation, knew what they were doing!

Friday, November 1, 2024

November 1st

4:45 AM I think laying down and limiting sitting helps with leg infections. However i again got accidentally exposed to cell phone radiation while using Angela's computer. Her cell phone next to her desk was forgotten on and i started to feel heat in about 30 minutes and then pain. In fact, that's how i discovered it was on but was too late.

Though the phone was only communicating briefly with the tower every few minutes or so. I was hearing the alarm of the microwave meter beeping from the other corner of the room but was ignoring it.

But this time i have an explanation. I might getting the pain because microwave radiation exacerbates diabetic neuropathy. So all those with diabetes should limit their cell phone and wi-fi exposure. If that is true it means if affects everybody though in a lesser way.

But then why my infection from the toe propagates only in the areas that were affected most, by wi-fi antennas at my feet and computer in my lap and ears and eyes and hands where i kept my cell phone creating stiffness and numbness and lately some discomfort while speaking?

1:11 Lotus inspired Shivalinga with samurai masks contours?

1:40 Yes i confess. I saw these buildings in the movie "Diplomat".

2:25 PM Climate change is real, there's no doubt about. But we would expect a more gradual manifestations.

I personally experienced similar catastrophic floodings at least a couple of times in Romania, and one was in 1970, way before this.

In fact, river basins are built by floods. From what i remember from grade school there are three different levels of flood plains around rivers, that are periodically flooded though with big differences in frequencies. These area areas people should not build in period and insurances should tax them accordingly. However the locations are tempting due to numerous other advantages.

But coincidences, other informations, in the case of recent floods in central Europe and now Spain, to me strongly suggest weather manipulation and there are a number of ways in which i suspect this can be done.

One of them is temporarily changing direction of the jet streams through manipulation (raising or lowering) of ionosphere with high voltage (at calculated moments using fractal math) with ground insulated antennas like the Eiffel Tower. Another is using of high voltage DC transport lines that exist in a number of places in Europe.
6:10 PM More undeclared, secretly lotus inspired architecture.

6:30 The semantic link of the days. The Devil went down to Georgia, where else. Election emotions are a great medium for seeding subliminal secondary ideas.

10:50 Deja entendu.

11:05 Un soldat rus.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

August 13

2:00 AM Cani-cula. Yesterday i had this weird idea. I know Sahara desert in some points is under sea level. I know they found fish skeletons in there. Then i remembered one verse from the Killers. "The Nile used to run from East to West".

And then i thought. What if the Nile was diverted, by the Aliens, to feed the zombies they used to build the pyramids. In the geographic center of Earth. Could we possibly divert it back and re-fill Sahara?

But than i said, the drying of Sahara Lake and turning it into a desert is not necessary a bad thing, except for locals. Deserts actually contribute to cooling of the Earth, by reflecting heat back into space.

So if we really want to cool our planet, should cut the Amazon forest and turn it into a desert. What? Well, it is one choice. Or cover all the buildings with aluminum foil etc..

3:00 Nevermind, the Nile could not have passed the Tibesti mountains, Sahara is vast, there are (were) several different "hydrographic systems", there are (were) other rivers that filled West Sahara.

9:45 Bomba cu pițipoance (sluts)... Dana Arambescu, o pițipoancă rea ce ne vrea mici, cu capul jos...

Rusia pregătește arme... Eu personal cred că nici una din părți nu le are. Totul e o cacealma (bluff), începând cu Hiroshima. Cacealma care nu se putea organiza decât de japonezi și care a și terminat războiul. Altfel veneau americanii și îi ștergeau de pe fața pământului. Bineînțeles cu complicitatea și ajutorul conducerii SUA.

Motivul pentru care armele convenționale au o carcasă (shell) este pentru a crea presiune și a menține materialul în interior, înainte ca acea carcasă să se spargă în bucăți și să devină efectivă. Singur, materialul din interior dacă este aprins fără face o flacără mare dar nu explozie (un mare fâs).

În mod similar, asta se aplică pentru armele neconvenționale. Ar trebui carcase din multe tone de oțel sau beton pentru a crea o explozie de mărimea respectivă, iar asta nu se poate instala pe rachetele care spun ei că le au. O mare parte din material s-ar răspândi (pierde) înainte de a intra în reacția în lanț. Motivul pentru care reactorul de la Cernobîl nu a explodat (prea mult, cât a ținut tavanul adică) ci mai mult s-a topit (meltdown).

De câte ori au repetat aceste sperietori în media românească? De câte ori cineva a scris ceva ce i-a deranjat, ceva ce a deranjat ordinea stabilită... Acești "jurnaliști" ar trebuie legați și băgați la pușcărie și/sau la casa de nebuni.

Un document secret, revelat de Financial Times. Ca atâtea altele, care zboară din cancelaria lui Putin ca avioanele de lemn hârtie. Păi dacă e secret, de ce a ajuns în media?
1:18 Yesterday i said caffeine may act against the clostridium toxins, like botulinum and tetanus toxin. (Yes, botox is botulinum toxin and is used to intentionally paralyze some of the facial muscles). Though it may not affect the metabolism of the toxin, it can have the opposite effect, improving the symptoms.

Today Starbucks was leading the market, with a near 25% advance.

Both botulinum and tetanus are clostridium bacteria. They act as cholinergic antagonists, blocking the impulses of the nerves that control muscles, while caffeine (and nicotine) are cholinergic agonist (stimulants). Botox is so potent it may lasts for months at the injection site (probably used in a combination with a stabilizer though).

Choline is an important nutrient, also classified as vitamin B4, found in many foods, and a precursor of acetylcholine which is the most important neurotransmitter of the sympathetic (involuntary) nervous system. 

I think there are many "degrees" of the infections, with some, in very light forms occurring probably more often than known to science. They may play roles in makeup of our daily psyche and more rare, mental diseases.

Yes i  believe that going close to the garbage bins (or landfills) may pose a risk, depending on the state of general health. Hwy 18 that leads to Lincoln City passes by a landfill. Could that be a mood changer for the beach goers?

2:50 This is what radiation does. It destroys small blood vessels that feed the tissues with oxygen and nutrients and those can never grow back. That's why you have a life time exposure limit. When i showed the doctor my wi-fi legs, he didn't say a word.

This heroic Ukrainian pilot dumped lead and other materials on top of the burning reactor (High temp graphite rods used as moderator burn in contact with oxygen). He became ill a few years later and given a 20 dollars a month compensation or something.

The amount of radiation released every hour was twice as that released at Hiroshima in total. If he and others didn't do that, Europe would have been much more affected. I was living 370 miles south of Chernobyl. The reactor was sealed within 10 days.

All Geiger counters at the University in Iași have been locked. We were told to stay inside and not to eat dairy products from free range animals (cows, sheep). Don't know about Soviet Union, but the disaster was only announced a few days later (@ if not May 1st). The announcement of the end of an era.

Soviets did not have cruise missiles and could not prove it was not an accident and did not retaliate but stood down. WWIII started during the first year of Gorbachev leadership. Next episode was Kursk submarine, within 8-4 months of Putin's presidency.

Two weeks later Ostankino tower caught fire. It is my belief these towers all around the world play a role in controlling the ionosphere. They are both offence and defense in a geo-weapon war. First such tower was the Eiffel Tower, build a few years before the Tunguska event. They can be used as electro-static antennas, to oscillate and shortcut the electrojets to the ground, usually downstream, up to thousand of miles away.

Next episode of WWIII was the Chelyabinsk meteor.

But let us not forget about the Chalenger disaster which took place about 3 months before Chernobyl. (Che, Cha, Che). But who knows what the real payload of that shuttle was... Many NASA spacecraft. What are those many NASA spacecraft good for?

And yes we see from time to time "fireballs" over US cities.
6:18 The diameter of a concrete sphere of 270 tons is 6 meters (Steel three times smaller, about 2 meters or 100 tons of steel). It would have to be that big of a rocket to make some of the smallest (Hiroshima type). However. For ICBM Low signature radar is not such a big priority as size. You need smaller size for hypersonic re-entry. So you make it of steel, at the same capability, 3 times smaller in diameter.

It is said Sarmat warhead is 10 tons for multiple warheads, let's say one ton each. (For a one hundred ton shell you can very well load it with conventional explosive, you won't get much more with nonconventional). And said all bigger than Hiroshima. It's all bluffing, on both sides. But the bluff is for us cause they both know (at the highest level, maybe, and the highest level is Hungarian actors who don't know s...t).

Talking about both sides. They can have installed 100 tons steel shells on top of big buildings (or towers) (invisible, inside, last floor). And yes, Chernobyl could have been an inside job. Like Challenger. Etc.. All keeping a semantic link though. Gorbachev. Che, Cha, Che. Gore.
12:00 (14) One last thought on the subject. If it could have been done differently. That is, "spend the fisionable material gathered at much cost, in years" and do a demo in the woods, like at Tunguska. But no, it had to remain in history as an act of barbarism and the whole world to be terrified by what Jews can do. It had to be Harry Truman, a Jew, who signed the order. Einstein, though he was just the theoretician, had to be the symbol. If there was anybody in Hiroshima (and Nagasaki) at that time, who can know.