So she got a mini vacation starting the Christmas weekend until tomorrow.
I don't know how we got like this. I mean, we have nowhere to go. Me i was so busy with my blogs and most of the time under influence of both moles enzymes, carefully directed inside, and smoke, probably coming from burning pieces of stuff stuck inside the holes by someone, could be even from passing cars, cause some of the holes were next to the alleys, i forgot what fight it takes to keep the place sanitized. Finally installed a few days ago a UV light inside the closet. Contaminated steam from dog and/or cat clothes washed insufficiently (too little detergent) from vents under siding level is getting inside the siding, wall and inside there.
I am pretty positive most of the people we knew in the past, if not all, are from the same lists i use to search to find matches for my blog. I've identified already many of them but i hesitate since i don't want or can't break completely with the outside world, real or not.
After several month of taking antibiotics, i realized the cause was the new dentures that i started to wear at the end of July. They were literally bent, after moulding, probably using heat. Both upper and lower, moving and pressing unevenly on gums. Because of those got an infection at parotid glands on both sides. Didn't use them since Christmas. Bulges are at the lowest levels. A very interesting effect took place. While in the first days, weeks of taking those i had terrible stomach pains, at the end the stomach pains are completely gone. So i figured i can afford a few drinks, after a pause of several months. Not while driving, at the end of the trips of course.
Also switched from almond and coconut milk for coffee to soy milk, because those seemed bitter. Then i started to have a really bad reaction (pain) in my colon.
On December 23 while cleaning the place, i went to sweep the concrete floor of the balcony (the only concrete floor in the building). I saw the shower curtain i installed under was full sprouted seeds that turned into mud. I removed and i saw some of the pieces of cut foam i squeezed in there last summer had fallen and there was mud in the space between beams. I removed all of those and mud and maggots fell on me. There is a bird feeder in that balcony and birds made a mess and seeds fell and sprouted and maggots came to life. When cold came, the maggots died and as the weather started to warm up again, they started to rot, adding to the whole ecosystem.
If you can't see those in the picture, look closer. So we just ran away first time at Red Winds in Washington State on Christmas eve, and then at 7 feathers last weekend (got to check fb posts, i got so many things on my mind i just can't remember exactly right now). I like to drive and after last mods i've done to the car, i registered 40 mpg from here to Eugene and an average of 38 for the whole trip, considering we had to climb above 700 ft. Us smelling like cats, dogs, mold and smoke eveerywehere we go that BTW is just creeping in as i write.
Playing at small amounts, we almost all the times make some of the money back so we end loosing 100 or 200 dollars per evening. Or like at Ilany, Angela in the last few times made her money back and even won something like 50 bucks in the end. My fun recently is mostly related to experimenting with the car, trying to optimize fuel consumption, after i accidentally run into some favorable modification. It's all happening because i have this mpg dashboard indicator. I learned to use an app that shows elevation from GPS only (don't have service on my phone) and look all the time at elevation and try to figure the link between climbing, going down and fuel consumption. Something that keeps my mind busy and away during long trips.
On Christmas morning at 6 AM while coming back to Portland, after i passed through Woodland, after a bridge and a slight right turn in my view of field appeared two cops' cars with red and blue flashing lights. I was in the process of passing a red van, in a slight curve to the left and downhill after the bridge, don't know exactly the speed limit in the area, probably 70, they were about 10 cars on right two lanes that BTW all passed me earlier making me uncomfortable (on the right, etc.), all with weird LPN, at the same speed with the van. Didn't figure in time the reason everybody was avoiding the left lane. At 32 degrees on the dashboard, the lane had ice on it. When i saw the cops i hit the breaks and started skidding, about 20 degrees to the left. I managed to stabilize the car as i saw a cop rushing towards his car, but my speed was already under limit and he didn't follow. Right after and to this day i am convinced it was all done deliberately. The red van was old and stinking and it just passed me a few minutes before. Cops' cars were hidden in a lower elevation after the bridge and not visible until the last moment, everyody hits the brakes when they see cops, etc..
Especially when i remembered that exactly one year ago i avoided in the last hundredths of second a bale of hay in Rice Hills, Oregon, while doing 80 in a 70 area, while going to 7 feathers.
As soon as i get somewhere i have a few drinks in the parking lot and then i don't care much about what's happening inside. Can't remember whom i saw at Red Winds, but at 7 feathers, a few days after, i think i saw Candy Dulfer, and a politician from Romanian government.
New Year's eve at Spirit Mountain. Because Chinook Winds is closed, the place was said to be at maximum capacity (i saw more people in there in other occasions). Because of that, we have been put in a line where we waited almost an hour and also had a few drinks. Just as i passed the "check point" and made it inside the parking lot, a couple of cars executed some weird maneuvers in front of me, trying to get me in a fender bender.
Inside, the promised live band was Sonny Hess and Kat Lady, apparently some street performers from Portland.
They were playing ok (i saw worse in there) but didn't really have any happy new Year Song ad midnight. Didn't stay much and came back after a couple of hours. Angela was loosing and was confident she would make her money back in the end we left with a 500 dollars loss (have to ask her again, she's sleeping).
But Saturday night at Indian Head. We like that desert area a lot and since we haven't been there in a long time we adventured on a dubious weather forecast. At 4000 ft at the pass i saw snow flurries and 34 degrees on the dashboard but didn't turn around. However in there something weird happened. Even at poker machines, i was constantly losing, like at Spirit Mountain the day before. There was this very fat lady at my right, figuring a Native American, that right now i suspect was again Kat Lady. I even spoke with her, cause i could not figure the version of spin poker i was playing. I went in the parking lot to get a drink from my brandy bottle and i saw, again, the same couple of men and a woman in a car. But those came back with me inside and i though one of them looked familiar and today i figured he might have been Pitbull the rapper.
Angela was loosing and again hoping she would make her money back but she didn't. I think we spent both our stimulus check in these two days, at Spirit Mountain and Indian head.
The weirdest part, something i got used to for a long time now, the way people are moving around us inside the casinos. Every time when i move and pass somebody, somebody else pops from around a machine and stares at me and those, like guarding them. If i stay for a while in a place, some woman comes and sits or stands behind me, while others start parading in between, again, like for protecting. Primordial gestures for cameras, to trigger primordial subconscious reaction. Which means some are watching (There are people like Pitbull that wouldn't go anywhere there wasn't a live camera). But how? that casino, in a valley in the middle of the desert doesn't even have fiber optics.
Intrigued, was looking the other day with google maps at the casino, cause i remembered i saw a weird structure uphill, like some transformers. Which means those lines are high voltage, at least 10 kV. There is a a cable going in the ground by a pole and i figured that is the power for the parking lot and the transformers on the hill are for powering the casino, which is not very big, maybe like 10 houses. Right over that hill there is a structure which i discovered after a walk last summer, when we briefly stopped in there after a trip for my birthday in the most eastern-southern spot in Oregon. Crystal Crane hot springs (i believe a place where all meth users gather, by the smell). After many hours of driving, my body was craving for a walk so i climbed on a trail after that hill and saw a building that now i know it's a local radio station, which seems linked, with some antennas and through a relay on top of a mountain some 10-20 miles to the outside world. God only knows what is the bandwidth for that link, but it could explain everything. I hesitated a lot to write this, i know those people could get in trouble, but this particular location could prove that something is going on, with the casino so closed to that data link, because at locations like Ilany nothing is visible, everything is underground, power, data, etc.
The structure on top of the hill that is marked as a radio station on Google Earth, has its own high voltage power line. The station is retransmitting OPB and hour or two a day, and that parabolic antenna on the pole is probably for getting that. But for that purpose, wouldn't an ordinary satellite antenna sufficed. But satellite connections have lags up to 0.2 seconds.

I also might have known personally, from a job at Quadramed the famous casino law-yerrr "Ronald J. Rychlak", the coauthor of the famous books written with "General Mihai Pacepa". In turn he seems to be a base guitar player from Hungary. Is that a Dominican Double Cross at the end of the strings?