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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query rubbing. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

August 23

12:00 O ciudată legătură între două știri din România și una din Marea Britanie. Faptul că descrierile nu coincideau și poliția nu l-a găsit sugerează, la fel ca și în cazul lui Jack Spintecătorul, apărut cu o sută de ani mai târziu, o acțiune de curățire a prostituției (prin sperierea prostituatelor). Un lucru e sigur. Briții au o lungă tradiție în benzi desenate (cartoons). A și în România pare o campanie subliminală de discreditare a trotinetelor electrice care sunt foarte mișto. Am văzut odată pe o plajă în Los Angeles, luai una, mergeai unde aveai de mers și o lăsai acolo. Le poți comanda cu un GPS integrat în electronică (care nu poate fi deci scos) și găsi în caz de furt.

12:42 Ăștia mimează incompetența prostia pentru a jefui. De atâția ani și nu se prinde nimeni.

12:47 Am avut odată un aburitor care îmi părea mișto. Făceam și mămăligă cu el. Avea o cuvă mică, un capac, puteai să faci cartofi întregi sau tăiați în două, în funcție de mărime, în vreo jumătate de oră, etc.. S-a stricat, nu am mai luat altul, am încercat să fierb cartofi de exemplu în abur într-o oală cu capac cu 1 cm de apă la fund, și ieșeau exact ca în timpul de fierbere normal în apă de 15 minute, dar nu mai trebuia să arunc apă cu posibili nutrienți minerali. Metoda merge mișto la broccoli (5 minute) sau morcovi (10 minute). Poți să faci garnitură "ca la IKEA" adăugând succesiv cartofi, la 5 minute morcovi și la încă 5 minute, broccoli, timp total, 15 minute.

Și m-am apucat să comand unul de pe Amazon, ca românul, cât mai mare, cât mai ieftin. S-ar părea nu are aceeași putere ca cel vechi, face de exemplu păstăi (ultra low calories) din congelate în 40 minute timp în care consumă mai mult de un litru de apă (ceea ce îți crește umiditatea în interior, poate fi bine sau nu, depinde). Azi am tăiat cartofi ca pentru cartofi prăjiți, am pus puțin ulei și paprica să pară colorați și am făcut ceva care semăna cu cartofi prăjiți, french fries,  cum spun americanii. Dacă aia mi-a ieșit, după 30 minute de aburit, mai târziu mi-am încercat norocul cu pasta. Dar nu așa, în tăviță, ci direct în tava aia cu găuri, ca pe legume. Am așteptat, am așteptat, în vreo jumătate de oră erau pe jumătate albe în interior, deci am panicat, am pus repede o oală cu apă la fiert, am fiert "clasic" vreo 5 minute și am salvat pasta. După care am citit online. Nu poți face pasta uscată la aburi, doar în tavă, ca pentru o orez, cu un inch de apă peste nivel. Chestia ciudată și motivul pentru care am scris toate acestea e că după fierberea de la sfârșit... a ieșit pasta mult mai bună decât de obicei. Tare, "al dente" dar mai gătită, nu știu cum să explic. Nu ca și cum ai mânca făină uscată fiartă în apă. Deliziosa. Umami.

9:22 Da, am vorbit despre scufundarea pastei în apă, după aburire. Am pus link la faza cu înțepătorul din Londra, a venit și Ciucă să spună o chestie similară. De fapt, ce fac ei toată ziua, în afară de declarații? (ei nu apar niciodată obosiți, după atâtea discursuri).

9:23 Da bine dar după injecția letală organele alea mai funcționează? (O scăpare a scenariștilor).

9:31 Am citit pe un site că Dugina ar fi ars complet fiind în mașină, pe altul că ar fi fost dezmembrată. În orice caz, acest eveniment a venit într-un moment când războiul începuse să stagneze iar pe unele site-uri apăruseră știri că Putin și Zelenski ar putea să se întâlnească.

12:00 Woke at 8, fell back asleep, woke at 9 again. Noise of a compressor, dust, didn't close the balcony door all the way because of AC cable. Later i realized there was exhaust smoke from a compressor or generator. (I did not awake fully not even one  hour later). They started working at the next building, before finishing this one, making extra noises.

So after i wrote above, eat something, decided to walk the 2 miles to Angela's work to pick the car so i can move around, go in the park, library, whatever, to escape all this hell that lasts for 10 days now.

But when i cross the street at Best Buy plaza, a guy in a gray KIA coming from the plaza almost hit me, breaking the 6 ft rule (shouldn't have attempted to cross a crosswalk while a pedestrian is in it or 6 ft away), i was on  the sidewalk just starting to cross the second lane when light turned to red with 21 seconds to spare) and, read carefully, a cop on a motorcycle watched the whole scene, while mumbling at me something "...takes time".

I was thinking about walking on the south sidewalk because of more shadow, however, can't go on it on the overpass, crossed at Fred Meyer, but forgot at Martinazzi there is no green light for pedestrians, though there is sidewalk on both sides, so i had to cross again and walked in the Sun bla bla.

I think after Teton there is a construction area, with some lanes blocked, i was walking on the crosswalk where traffic came from behind and i met with some blackberry vines. Several vehicles came real close to the sidewalk, with one big truck actually rubbing against it. But i was so nervous i dropped the phone and didn't catch it when it was close.

12:30 I can't believe they sell in the US on Amazon phones that are not US compatible. I can't belive the phone was found compatible by T-Mobile back in January, but then later started to malfunction ("nework busy" error, need to restart many times, but still working after) and then after i canceled that account (that was canceled days before billing cycle) it was found incompatible by all carriers (Verizon, ATT, T-Mobile).

12:23 Angela had one day free lodging at the Chinook but on Thursday, she took Friday off, however, an unexpected work order came and she doesn't know anymore. The guy upstairs also took a vacation while they make most noise and dust here.

12:44 Răspunsul la "Got a man but i want you".

What's happier than hairy styles? (Saturday, Lincoln City, Liquor Outlet).

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

California, Crescent Bay

Kalama, Cowlitz, Kalapuya, Camas, Clackamas, Klamath. All ancient Native American toponyms on US west Coast with an indisputable link with the root Kala or Kali. That may come from the Sanskrit name Kali or from Australian aboriginal word kylie, the name for the tool known as boomerang.

Klamath river is home of the California most populous tribe Karuk. Karu in Sanskrit means among others artisan, but we also have Kalika and Chamunda, other names of goddess Kali. And Kauravas.

Some Karuk women wear a tattoo or make up that looks like a hanging tongue. In this picture the three young adults' appearance is Hungarian, who are a mix of Ancient Australia Noongars and North Eastern Indian Magars. The woman with face decoration looks Asian.
Some women wear a shells necklace that look like Kali little skulls necklace.
There are boomerang like stone tools at the Museum in Oregon City. Oldest known boomerang was found in Poland and was made of a mammoth tusk, but in India boomerangs were made of... iron.
Crescent is one of the attributes of Lord Shiva, as he is known also as god of time, with Moon being the oldest measure of time known to man. However Kali stepped on Shiva's chest and thus took this attribute from him. As the trident.

In 1997 while working at Epson i started to have breathing trouble, severe insomnia and in the end hallucinations. After several attempts at other hospitals, due to my insurance from Epson i was taken to a place called Pacific Gateway. I was so dehydrated that when i peed in a jar half of it precipitated as salts. They gave me to drink some water and asked for another sample. Finally they gave me a pill, got to sleep, eat and drink. But the biggest problem of them all. Could not fall asleep in the evening because i felt like chocking. Problem was given simply by a congested nose and me not being able to breath on my mouth because i forgot how to since i was in grade school and my teacher was punishing me if she was catching me breathing on my mouth.

After i got out of Pacific Gateway was better but still the same problem. Finally got better after working 4 months at Les Schwab in open air. Problem was caused by indoor pollution and me not breathing on my mouth when could not on my nose but could not figure that for the next 15 years. Pacific Gateway was specialized in treating drug addicts.

Pacific Gateway was closed @year 2000 and demolished after the doctors and nurses there called Police because they could not control a Mexican patient who was threatening them with a pen. So Police came and shot him once in head and once in chest. A similar situation happened in 2002-2003 at Woodland Park Hospital where i called 911 (112) from a payphone because i had difficulties breathing. In there, one of my doctors' name was Collier but my first doctor there was plainly Harrison Ford (together with his assistant, therapist Carrie Fisher). In January 13 2004 i went again to that hospital for one night and i was the only patient there. The hospital was closed in 2004 after doctors again called 911 to transfer a patient. It's been re-opened many years after, under a different name and ownership.

But there was this picture reproduction on the wall outside my room at Pacific Gateway of a serigraph by painter Thomas McNight. It was representing what i thought it was a mythical place called Crescent Bay, with a fish in a basket hit by a trident and still trying to breath next to a breathing apparatus in form of infinity sign, and on the picture lower it was written with big letters Chalk and Vermillion (an art reproduction firm) New York. Every time i was reading that and obviously feeling like chocking all the time, i thought of how the word Vermillion means in Romanian viermele (the worm) and the name Ion, my last name.
21 years after, can't remember how, i figured Crescent Bay existed and at first opportunity i went to California, South of LA, a 1000 miles drive to see it. In that day water was warm and people were bathing in the bay, and we went and grabbed some bathing suits and went into the water. I had a body wide infection starting from teeth, and as soon as i got in the water i started to shiver. Then i saw this guy who looked familiar (Angela was binge watching the movie those days on Netflix or something), asked him a question, went into a conversation and told him the purpose of me being there. Then he told me to go in the water.

In the bay there were even two scuba divers, like in the painting, and on shore, about where that pool should have been, a woman was reading a book. A group of what i thought then were Arabs, though could have been Indians were watching something carefully, maybe counting waves.

Angela was sitting there in the shallow water on her knees, some 30 ft away from the shore when a freak wave came and pushed her 30 ft towards the shore in one second, leaving her with some wounds that turned into scars on her knees from rubbing against the sand for all that distance.

There must have been a reason when they came here Europeans called them Indians.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

June 17

2:41 Slept 4 hours. Woke at 2 AM by a strong smell of sulfur (could be dog pooos) and probably some noise  and took another half Zyrtec that usually knocks me down. Not having anything to do at this hour i read the news, then was intrigued by the timing of this event as it was trying to combat my recent theory on Deutsche migration and started to do some simple searches. I had no idea bronze (arrows on the map are misleading, they represent the amber route and red dots represent gold) swords were of such level of sophistication.

4:38 Ciolacu și ciclonul.

8: 36 I like that.

9:38 Cheetos

11:00 Had to go to Fred Meyer (Kroger) on MartiNazi mainly to buy water. I'm used to drinking bottled water, yesterday ran out of it, i'm hesitating to drink tap water and got dehydrated. 100 scenes were unfolding during the 1 mile trip and inside the store but i can describe one (and the fact the store was full of Hungarian but German looking people, strong built, taller than me).

At the self check a Japanese supervisor showed me with a quick rude gesture at which stand should i go. When i pressed the "No bag" button, a screen came up and she had to come to unlock it. But had to call her as she was talking to all the Hungarian actors present there all acting like they know each other from the neighborhood.

They know. When i looked in their faces they were showing guilt. But they have no choice. Since they don't know how to do anything else in their lives except acting, most of them are caught in the network of blackmail laid for them and their families in their own country by Dominicans. Few are are doing it willingly.

11:23 Before i left i went and loosened the nut and poured about one ounce of 90% rubbing alcohol on the alternator connector assembly and then wiped with a few paper towels. When i tightened it it squeaked and the voltage at the plug is now 14.5 steady. But first i took a picture to show. The manifold was cleaned not long before the long trip. There is a cap on the nut cover but is not even tight, not to talk about sealed, there is mm large space all around that little cover. Dust with grease will get on the not and trickle between joining surfaces, sort of like WD40, loosens the nut and contaminate the contact.

Strangely enough, other connectors like for the regulator above are sealed with rubber seals.

1:48 The woman in the security van?

There are a couple of Japanese little girls, sometimes with a smaller boy that roam around the building all the time. Now it's not hot anymore and they don't bathe in the sprinklers in bathing suits, but yesterday when i drove from the liquor store they got in front of the car making calling gestures. Sometimes they yell for hours. They are always there in line of sight when i open the trunk or pull something like strawberries from the fridge.

Earlier when i came out of the bathroom and went to bedroom to get my clothes the window was open (i didn't know) with the blinds a few inches short of closed all the way down and they were advancing hidden by the bushes, i'm sure, on purpose. They could not have seen me as inside is much darker than outside, especially because of the blinds, but it still counted for something.

About 15 minutes later through the same open window came some sort of ninja dust or smoke that sticks on my throat and creates shortness of breath that lasted for at least one hour and is still going on. That is the reason i got mad and searched for "Drew". Also to forget. But it's still on. Angela doesn't seem affected.

When acting in public they will never do anything unprovoked. So the girls run around trying to catch chances. The smallest possible reason for them to act.

But if they are justly accused of something, they will never let it uncovered. So they provided one more episode of me choking, so they cover what i described it happened at Spirit Mountain and in Reno.

I call it instant democracy. The public accept waving or shortcuts any legal process, substitution of authorities by Captain America because they feel it would last too long or justice could be obstructed and afterwards it's them who voted the laws. Like Trump who could have declassified the documents. So they collectively accept in their minds for the laws and processes to be broken so instant justice can be done.

Justice that may come in the form of torture of an innocent person. Torture that would provide enough distraction for him to make more little mistakes, inconsistencies etc. and maybe enough discouragement for him to stop plain sight disclosures.

1:39 As i said, there's trails of fertilizer leading to other vehicles and apartments. But every car that passes including mine grinds them more and get traces on wheels and body.

Monday, December 11, 2023

December 11

4:22 Ok and now the good stuff. A while ago when was writing about the possibility of reversing entropy inside heat pumps i ran into something. The polarity of water molecules. Water molecules are asymmetrical, with three lobes. A bigger one, for the oxygen and two bumps for hydrogen close to each other looking pretty much like the head of Mickey Mouse. Because of that it is said the water molecule has a polarity.

And because of that a water molecule may act as an electric dipole.

About those, i'm a bit confused. It is not clear to me if  the electric field(s) of a dipole is open or closed. Or better said, fields are... what? I believe the correct term would be... satisfied. Positive and negative ends of a dipole satisfy each other, cause an electric field can never be closed, right?

A dipole field lines also bear a striking resemblance to those of a magnetic one, right?

Ok i will not say anything more until i sleep over this.

BTW, you know what i'm trying to find? If the tiny electric dipoles within materials orient themselves just a tiny bit with other dipoles from other materials? Still don't realize what i'm getting at? (Being satisfied, they won't interact with nearby electric fields).

So maybe gravity is not a fundamental force after all but just and attraction between a sum of distant orienting dipoles. Probably the reason they can't "unify it" with the 4 others which after all may not exist except for what we call electric.

11:13 Nevermind, i never got a chance to really start thinking today. I think they got some device that detects when my brain heats up or has electric activity or something. Thee was a continuous roar and rumble and squeak all day. Had no place to hide. And it's all done because of vanity or loyalty towards their religions and that is really really hard to beat.

They may even be thinking they interrupt the "sinners brainwaves" when they detect some and interrupting those is like doing me a favor. It is so hard to separate influences, cause they can cause the opposite effect at the wrong time (like trying to separate the two poles of the magnetic field). Some would say they are trying to help me and give me clues to take the credit in the end so they can continue their influence that BTW lasted long enough for everybody while doing the exact opposite.

Some of them will stand to the end cause they really don't know anything and don't think for themselves.

But the noongars know. So they are manipulating the Dominicani of Philippines into doing this.

11:54 It's getting more quiet upstairs but still the unexplained, occasional squeak when my brain activity spikes. Is that a crime, stopping one's brain activity with otherwise "acceptable in an apartment" levels of noise, except for synchronicity?

No, molecules inside solids do not stay put as one many think. Temperature of those prove it. Temperature is a measure of movement of molecules. Molecules of solids do vibrate as much as of liquids and can spin a little.

They do not  have to spin much to create gravity.

Just a little out of normal (or random) orientation for each (just like in case of fluids) would combine to form a significant result. They won' get parallel with the attracted object.

Gravity is a weak force, unmeasurable between small everyday objects. It is the enormous mass of Earth that makes objects be attracted (fall into it).

At very low temperatures. Near zero absolute they should stop moving altogether but that does not mean they do not have the same freedom to move (and orient as dipoles in an electric field) because they are held in place by the same electrical forces, that is by sharing electrons.

12:12 One of the effects of  the above considerations explaining gravity as sum of electric attraction of polar molecules would be gravity shielding, a subject of much discussion and controversies. Large celestial bodies would shield some of the electric fields of the dipoles on the other side from the direction of another celestial body and anomalies should occur.

Sun is a very large celestial body and Mercury would be most affected. How about satellites or probes next to big planets like Jupiter. 

But we may also have to re-thing the mass of all planets in our solar system as it may not be accurate as measured by their orbits.

Anyways there is little doubt that polar molecules orientation in all materials has to account for something.

And we might need to change our opinion on how materials electrify. It could be again an orientation of the dipoles at the surface.

There is no notable effect on weak electric fields on gravity of big objects as they cannot pass the surface, but how about very small ones? I have a lot of experiences with electrified silica dust which seems to float in the air for hours as defying gravity.

When i was working at Epson during the one week initial training they gave me an inflated balloon that was getting electrified by rubbing against freshly washed and dried hair which stayed stuck on a wall for a month by means of electric forces (again gravity effect cannot pass the relatively thick skin of the balloon).

If it was for electric charges on the surface only, those would have been neutralized by the charges in the air in no time.

Then some of the most commonly misunderstood phenomena on Earth. The floating of rain droplets and then the final condensation into rain. I always believed clouds and fog which are droplets of rain stay in the air because of electrical forces. Earth's potential gradient. But by condensation, the bigger droplets will fall to the ground though they should not lose their electric charges, except maybe for... thunders.

Could that potential reorient the water dipoles so they cannot be attracted by those of Earth?

And what on Earth is that suspended sphere of metal (besides the pyramid cage and antenna) at "Tesla's" isolated lab in the middle of nowhere at Colorado Springs?

Was they trying to measure the influence of electric field (tens of millions of volts with some amperage enough to charge the sphere thoroughly) on gravity, as it looks while making sure no one is seeing it? In this case the small cage like tower is built for rigidity so a movement of the sphere can be observed.

Anyways that was easy. My purpose for the day was to see if it's possible to design a practical device that could do what the warp engines were doing in Star Trek but the day has passed drowned in unnecessary noise a and stomps and s...t which was a reaction (with many misunderstandings) to what i wrote.

No, usually people who misunderstand things don't react like this. I don't believe there are stupid people, there are just misinformed people who lose patience. It is the numerous conditionings (engrams if you want) already implanted in their brains by secret Buddhist influencers all around while pretending being politicians and journalists that subtly (unconsciously) program them act like this to their own destruction and those around them.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

It Wasn't Me

Pleas try to imagine how hard was to write this. There was a squeak upstairs for every word. I was thinking while at the Refuge. Cause there, on the alley, far from anybody it's the only place where i can do it.

First, i have to leave as early in the morning as possible to break with the influence of the guy upstairs. If i start first writing instead, i get completely entrained.

It's been 4 and a half hour since i awoke and 3 miles of walk in the sun and i'm not fully alert. But squeaking, smoke, whatever does not the same to me like usually because i've been out in the air for at least one hour.

I know i met with celebrities again, at the car wash, then here. What the're trying to desperately or algorithmically prove is it's not me. It's not me that i'm writing and posting, it's not me me when i go out, i've change my ID, my body, my head, my face, and for that reason they bring in celebrities everywhere i go for 25 years and before in Romania to make this point and people didn't get enough of it to this day. It's one strategy over and over that people never figured. One of their points is, i can't recognize them right away. The clowns magicians that is.

There's a big difference when driving, following traffic rules, being bullied and then suddenly seeing someone, unexpected, out of his/her usual environment, no fancy clothes and makeup or opposite makeup than usual. Then, you need some time to realize. After getting home or to your destination where/when you can relax you start thinking and remembering and realizing those were not the right gestures, the right people, the right bodies, you remember a glimpse of a face, etc..

Then if i don't, the market reacts to it. I was so groggy this morning i recorded several audios and didn't realize i have to override the option to upload on wi-fi only in order to get them uploaded and assumed whoever was listening heard the one before. So i asked a question to the market and market never answered because i never uploaded the question. So i had to figure for myself. There was a 50% chance at the car wash those guys where Melania and Jared. The other 50% is they were the actors that play them.

So, for the purpose of their confrontations, it's not me, cause my brain is partially numbed, like it was all this morning.

(Everything i wrote above is from memory from my mental and audio notes i made during the walk. Here, when the're squeaking upstairs, i can't think of one single word).

As i said before and should have written on blog instead of fb. I don't care for the market. Angela's got on 401k about the same amount we have in debt, so she doesn't like when it goes down. But when i see the market goes up because i didn't recognize Melania at the car wash, i hate it.

On the radio, they were playing whey you come around just when i left. Could that have contributed to me going there today?

I also look at this google maps screenshot, picture taken i guess during winter when shadows are longer at noon and that SUV seems narrower. With a longer vehicle you will feel very uncomfortable to drive there and i'm not a shy driver. They should have made it the other way around, so you exit at the U-turn.

Then when you finish the turn you have to work hard to align your car at the rail and follow the signs, not look at the faces. And of course. It's Oregon. Liquor stores to go extra trips and see more faces. ZZ top. Daniel Buffet. Garry Moore, undead. Attended gas station with more possibilities there.

There is of course the possibility that only a narrow audiences is aware of all these. Or some are aware only of some. So only a narrow band will be disappointed if i figure it out on the spot and i will be certifiable of course.

Just remembered  something. At the beginning they told me that if i don't like the way it came out i can come again for free. It was 9 bucks so i said, ok, it wasn't right, trucks wasn't washed in years and i went in one more time. Then the woman who looked like Melania said i could use some rubbing alcohol if it's not coming out right this time. Was that a threat?
Of course rumors need continous fuel to run for such a long time. So that bitch in the loud, smoking Audi that go in front of me on the alleys all the way to my building was indeed Cardi B whom i blackmailed with the match i just posted.

Saturday, December 31, 2022

December 31

4:20 One of the first pictures done with my new Kodak camera. f/3 0.038 4.9 mm ISO 400 WB Sunny. What do you know, it's a real (pocket) camera!

12:06 Here is the project i've been dreaming at for months and is the result of more than two years of thinking. It started when i bought the plug in USB adapter with digital voltmeter for the car. It was then when i started to understand how things work electrically.

The initial reason i bought it was to be able to play music in the parking lot without having to search for a jump start (later i bought a jump starter the size of a book for 40 dollars which is very good and only after that i realized the battery was too old and bought a new battery just before that accident in August 2021).

Then i saw. It's not a 12 volts system as many people say. It's a 14.5 volts system. This is what the digital voltmeter shows all the time while the engine is running, at both cars i used it on. 12.5 is the voltage before starting the car. Similar to this one but now i regret mine it doesn't have two decimals. BTW it shows 14.8 in the pictures which on a car means battery doesn't get charged. It has to be 14.5 or less.

Most people think batteries are only good for starting  the engine. But they also act in a way similar to a capacitor for filtering the pulsating DC that's coming out of the alternator diodes which again is 14.5 and not 12.5 as most people would think and for that is required very good contacts. If  you don't have a smooth voltage, all your electric systems and most importantly fuel pomp will not work properly.

Second, i noticed that when i freshly tighten the battery's connector the voltage goes down like 0.1, which means better contact and charging the battery. I also noticed, less vibration at the engine, improved driveability by several points on a scale of 1 to 10 but most importantly, improved mileage by at least 10%. But the contacts wouldn't stay long that way. The connectors are spring like devices and the terminal is soft lead, and after a while that usually was one trip the lead would give in and the contact force would settle to a value that is not sufficient.

And me could not settle for less mpg since i knew it can get better by one simple thing. For two years i tried different methods of securing those contacts, including drilling horizontal, vertical holes and threading in the lead terminas, with the same results.

Right now it drives so nice i regret a lot i didn't do it earlier. But couldn't have, it required lots of thinking to get at this point. Soldered bolts on top of connector and on car's chassis to double the car's original connectors.

It's copper connectors enlarged to 10 mm holes (3/8 whatever) sandwiched between two serrated nuts tightened against each other on the 3/8 bolts with two wrenches (for avoiding apply rotating momentum on the soldered bolts). In the right it's a similar bolt soldered on car's chassis.

Battery is a (not so) cheap 100 dollars Walmart one because i didn't know how the soldering of the bolts on top of terminal will end. They have cheaper ones (59) but not in the store i go to.

It involved filing the outer hex surface of the bolt until removing the stamped 3D marks, filing some more using flux on the file or sandpaper to keep the oxygen out of the metal surface, using clean flux on a paper towel to remove the flux with filings, heating the bolt set on a side on a red hot stove's coil and applying solder, filing some more while hot by holding the bolt using long nose pliers on sand paper covered with flux sitting on a flat surface, wiping against a paper towel again soaked with flux again sitting on a flat surface, repeating until the entire hex surface of the bolt is covered with shiny solder, adding some more solder to make a small round melted drop, heating some more and applying.

Prepping the target area in the same way, with flux on a piece of coarse sandpaper, cleaning the filings with flux on a piece of paper towel, applying the heated bolt with long nose pliers and cooling immediately with water from a glass.

In the second picture you can see shiny slightly irregular protruding solder at the joint, under the bolt's hex end that is darkened by the heating with flux.

15-30 minutes project for a bolt if you have the tools and everything ready. But it's worth it. You can save 10% of gas money. Drive better, have better acceleration, save engine's life by eliminating vibration.

Materials. Connectors. A 3/8 drill bit to enlarge those. 3 bolts 3/8 by 1/16 one inch long from Lowes or Home Depot. 6 serrated nuts. Electronics solder. Flux. One medium size file and a few pieces of coarse (80) sandpaper. A few paper towels. A plastic glass for water.

The idea came to me after i saw the marine type batteries (for starting boats engines) that have both bolts and terminals. But i couldn't use one of those because they have the terminals the other way (plus on the right). But now that i searched for those to put a link i think i found one that could have worked.

Already thinking on how to improve it. One version would be soldering copper bands or wires directly to terminals and chassis (with no bolts) with a big soldering iron that i can heat on the stove again with keeping in place the original system just in case. Have to do it fast and cool the terminals within one second of starting soldering. On the plus i will need a short copper band with a hole at one end and solder it directly on the terminal.
And here is a crop of the original picture yes done with my new camera.

2:26 One of the reasons they won't give us a yearly report on budget spending is because the fiscal year like the water year starts on October 1st. My bad (that doesn't mean they couldn't, even itemize a bit).

I once wrote a post containing comparisons of charts for spending budget for several years. 5 years later, the spendings budget grew by more than 20%, deficit (borrowing, red) now is 1.37 trillion or 21% of the same budget.

There are two things i don't understand. Where it fits the recent "anti shot down" 1.7 bill (trill whatever).

Is it on top of the budget, part of, increase of deficit for next fiscal year, whatever. Same with the infrastructure bill of which i don't see nothing going on yet. Still digging but i doubt i will find it.
Got it. Temporary continuing resolutions, omnibus spending bill. As for the infrastructure bill, i don't know yet.

3:00 Figured that one also. 1.2 T for 8 years, melting somewhere in the annual budgets or in parallel, it doesn't matter, seems insignificant over the 7 T yearly budgets in both cases.

An average of roughly 3 billion per year per state. California is spending that amount a each year for high speed rail projects. Yeah i believe Oregon could build a much needed freeway to the beaches.

4:31 It looks like they never thought of that. There are other priorities.

5:08 There was a large amount of microwave radiation on the top level at the new parking at Chinook, between 10 to 20, and i moved the car in  the other parking lot. Didn't look until i felt it though i heard the meter that beeps above 1 because i didn't believe it was much bigger than that. Much more than near the tower at Grocery Outlet.

The meter fully charged works for about 24 hours, i tried to measure something in the other room and i saw it shut down with 11% battery left (sometimes it shots at 20, i don't know why). The USB plug was half way pulled from the charger and not working, though yesterday it charged  the meter completely. In the same time i started to feel something in the known places like i was recently exposed (within the last hour). And that did not come from our apartment.

6:06 Cute weregirls for the New Year celebrations on the streets of Romania. 

7:23 The pain was quite intense, lasted for about 2 hours and now it's going away. Minutes earlier i said i wanted to go check at the car to see of the last nuts i added didn't get loose, like the first ones, they weren't however they waited for me outside with a scene, all they have to do is figure what i'm going to do next and wait for me in that point in space and time with something.

8:10 Iar văd o gură strâmbă și un nas pe partea de roșu a drapelului în mijloc, alta jos pe galben roșu, care pare să înghită soarbă stelele, un Z întors pe galben, etc.. Nu vă mai jucați cu drapelul României!

În Tratatul de la Amsterdam, 1997, implementat în 1999, toate țările care erau membre UE au devenit automat și membre Schengen iar lista a fost inclusă într-un protocol parte din Tratat. În 2007 sau după aderarea României la UE în Protocolul de mai sus al Tratatului, care a devenit Protocolul 19 al Tratatului UE a fost adăugat în listă și numele României și a celorlalte două țări, Bulgaria și Croația.

9:20 Maria Bateria, o altfel de știre de anul nou. În legătură cu ce postez de mai multe zile despre bateria de mașină.

11:45 15 minute până la anul nou în Oregon. Am căutat sursa imaginii de mai sus și am văzut că este o imagine de stoc (site-uri unde fotografii își pun imagini la vânzare, nu știu de ce pentru că un drapel de țară este proprietatea statului respectiv). Toate imaginile cu steaguri care sunt în mod evident fotografii și nu photoshop sunt ok, cu excepția a încă două. În asta în care soarele bate din spate dintre nori dar steagul apare iluminat din partea opusă sau dinspre cameră, apare pe roșu jos ceva ca o tipă foarte tânără ce execută un dans sexy. Pe cealaltă, unde steagul este încrețit la partea albastră, pe galben apare o imagine greu de descris în cuvinte. Un șarpe care intră într-o peșteră?

2:26 There's hope for me in 2023. It's been maybe 20 years since i stopped hearing high frequencies with the right ear. How do i know. I check both ears by gently rubbing the same two dry fingers from right hand next to each of them. Yes i checked with frustration from time to time for all these years thinking on how my body betrayed me who i like listening to music so much. After a month of not using the cell phone today i started hearing those again. Not totally equal yet. It happened overnight cause a couple of days ago i still didn't hear them. Also pain in the fingers that i got so used to started to fade away. Balance problems are much smaller, almost gone.

Will my pancreas and colon heal as well?

Lucky to have right now an old cable modem with two Ethernet ports (and wi-fi) but i need one more port (i guess i could silence the wi-fi from its page, but not sure). Found a cable modem with no wi-fi on Amazon but it only has one Ethernet port (for a wi-fi router of course). Because people stopped using Ethernet long time ago.

So i guess i'll have to use one of these for the three devices i am moving on Ethernet and completely get rid of wi-fi with 60 dollars plus the cables and two adapters (another 50, the new TV has a port). Also stopped using the microwave except for absolutely necessary situations (5 meters distance for several minutes like a frozen dinner is still not enough, i can heat a burrito or a hot dog in a pan with a bit of water i guess). Maybe looking for a microwave with no stupid glass door (completely metal).

2:50 It never rains in Southern California.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

March 23

12:27 Oto peni.

12:54 Yet another post modern disease (yeah i know it sounds a bit like post mortem). Could it be linked to the use of cell phones? A while ago i came up with a test that involves rubbing the same two fingers from the same hand at same distance (closest possible, under one inch) next to both ears. I thought i was getting better but it looks like it's now permanent, three months after i stopped using the cell phone. I hear higher frequencies much better with my left year, the one i didn't use much for my cell phone.

Think about. A cell phone has enough radiating power to reach a tower several miles away.

There are consequences. I have spatial misperception (difficulty locating the source of sound) for those frequencies, can't stand someone squishing water through their teeth like during rinsing after brushing, which only started to happen within last years. Last could be from conflicting perception between location of high and low frequencies. High frequencies are not heard with the eardrum but with hair like sensors.

Modified exhausts during times of maximum concentration? Power blowers? Someone yelling or walking upstairs on a flimsy one inch wooden floor? Who could possibly stand those?

1:12 When i look at this picture with Yoko Ono it's like i'm seeing a block neighbor from Bacău who used to be also Angela's roommate during college but she was supposed to be our age or 27 years younger then Yoko. This one's since 1990 or 6 years after i met her in 84 when Yoko was 51.

1:59 Two days ago Angela bought some beef that expires on 25. Today i cooked it making a brisket (As per Angela). However during rinsing the meat with cold water i felt a smell and it felt kinda soft to touch (though it had the red color of meat treated with CO2 what else). Also after 2 and a half hours in the oven, so we let it more half hour or until the cabbage was partly burnt. It still has a weird taste (or my taste is changing). More meaty, more... bloody? Could this be a consequence of the fact that i forgot to look at the door sign today? I ate a full serving being hungry now i wait to see what's happening...

2:40 There is an unprecedented perceived leadership crisis and leaders crisis in the whole world and i think i know why...

8:13 Nu știu sigur cum se votează în România, sunt plecat din 95 dacă cei fără drept de vot (temporar) sunt scoși de pe listele electorale dar bănuiesc că te bifează pe o listă și îți dau un buletin. Cei care i-au dat buletinul și i-au permis să îl introducă în urnă sunt la fel de vinovați.

Mulți se vor mira că-i iau apărarea însă greșesc. Nu îi iau apărarea, doar încerc să arăt adevărul. Este foarte deranjant să vezi cum se ignoră și încalcă legile chiar de cei care trebuie să le apere, iar media vine și tândălește (exact ca în Păcală și Tândală, Păcală mergea înainte și păcălea iar Tândală din urmă tândălea, adică îi confirma minciunile sau chiar le dubla) iar în cele din urmă chiar marele Gigi tace, nu își ia apărarea, participând la minciună în timp ce își asumă chiar un rol de martir.

Dacă nu ați observat încă, trăim într-un univers al minciunilor, în care fiecare  minciună confirmă o alta sau mai multe (confirmă una) etc.. Asta nu ar fi posibil fără o armată de mincinoși profesioniști în fruntea țării care pentru noi țes o lume a iluziilor. Însă dacă mergi pe firul logic până la urmă poți să găsești și pietrișul din fundul lacului.

Chiar mă gândeam. Într-o democrație poporul este legiuitorul suprem. El votează Constituția și pe cei care la rândul lor votează legile. Pe de altă parte sunt sigur că majoritatea celor care votează la referendumuri nu cunosc Constituția (bine, la acest referendum s-a votat doar pe un articol, însă la celelalte ca în 2003 s-a votat în întregul ei). Cât despre legile votate în Parlament de cei pe care i-ați delegat (le-ați împrumutat puterea dvs. legiuitoare), când v-ați uitat ultima dată pe listă?

Pe site-ul Camerei Deputaților (cdep punct ro) în stânga mai jos există un link ce se numește Repertoriul legislativ. Acolo să clic să vedeți. Un exemplu.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

March 5th

2:30 Can't remember, i think Spirit Mountain Casino has about 2500 machines with a similar max rate of occupancy, for comparison, the newer Ilany, just north of Portland has close to 10000 (but it looks like an industrial installation or a sweat shop in China). The average occupancy at SM is around 1000. So what i'm going to say is going to shock you more. There are over 1000 security cameras at Spirit Mountain, or on average one per customer.

If one would ask him/her self why so many, the answer is certain not for security. For that, about 50 cameras or 20 per customer would suffice.

There is another, much more troubling reason and it has to do with the business itself. I googled earlier, and the number for a strip area Vegas casino is 2000 security cameras.

But wait. One camera does not watch one machine only. When you sit there you are being watched by several cameras, from different angles. Of course, there is nobody behind walls of monitors to do this. Every move or blink of an eye or temperature change is fed to computers and analyzed. They have supercomputers and AI to do the job. And the job is to know how you feel in every second so they know what to throw at you and what to keep.

For those who don't know. Most machines have stop and go buttons. That means, you put in your 5 or 20 b bill and press the button and spend 40c or 60c or one dollar etc. for one hand and then you have a choice. You can press the button again and stop the reels yourself or let the machine stop them for you which takes more time and it's not so much fun. So you watch the reels and press the button when you think you just saw the beginning of a good combination or the end of a bad one or when you feel. Needless to stay, it's just an illusion, the time needed for the reels to stop after you saw and pressed the button is too long and the combinations are unpredictable. But some times they will give it to you nevertheless, to keep the illusion alive. If you start and stop the reels, they will detect when you get too tired to follow and stop and will fill the screen with wilds, before you have time to react and then you will try at least ten more (loosing) hands  until they will give you a small amount. In short it's a game of waiting and analyzing emotions and optimizing how they separate you from your money in the most pleasant way.

Does it have anything to do with gambling? Are the combinations random? (in a reasonable way, theoretically no machine can generate randomness, only God can, but it can be simulated pretty close to).

Of course not, but they invented the Indian territory solution so there is absolutely no legislation or definitions or anything that can regulate what the're doing. But make no mistake, it's no Indians, it's the same sharks that control everything.

7:08 But why media outlets can't verify, they evacuated from Ukraine too? However, they can come up with things like these... Maria of Donbas hits again, under a new zero (90) name...

7:59 Off Piste... Japanese believe not having sex before battle brings one bad luck... But could it work the opposite way... Prevent your enemy from having sex (before all battles) so it will bring him bad luck?

8:08 Could this be the reason they brought the huge rocks in the complex in front of every building? Are those my enemies too? Truth is i don't like them... When they brought them first time i went and knocked on them to see if the're not ninja in disguise. But to this day i'm not sure... The place now gets filled with smoke or mole mold, got to go outside and see. Found a mound around the corner in front of the other apartment (took a picture but it came blurry because i was so nervous and moved the phone (was that tree bonsaied to make it look like a snake?)). Stretched my legs to step on it without getting in front of their window. Came back only to see in disbelief the Mercedes stretching sign on the rear windshield of the floating van, leaving. (The floating van is an old white van with Japanese people inside that on top of everything else moves around the complex and at times is parked in the alley in front of the building. One day i thought they were homeless, but their appearance varies continually according to show needs).

8:38/6:38 Papagalul de pe pârtie planul înclinat... După evaluarea noastră... Nu calculăm.

9:13/7:13 (Pick at you... Cred că încep să devin răutăcios, după ce am stat atât de mult printre ei...)

9:35 Aha. Animated dolls have souls.

1:51 We both slept until now as no more smoke came in today, something that didn't happen in a long long time if ever here at this place. Planning to go to blow the area above filter under grill, as last night i took some pictures with a snake camera and found more "peanuts" as we call them or pieces of dog food remaining after i cleaned that area in November and also some hairs. While searching for the post with that story, one older forgotten story surfaced, that with the grill at the old car (it's good to blog). Now i started to ask myself if they're related (i mean they arranged the car and the auction for me, not a lot of trouble if it's all one single organization). Also this morning someone passed by and put some mineral insulation flakes on the windshield, to create another story, cause i wanted to go somewhere to borrow a hose with compressed air to blow under the grill to remove those few remaining pieces cause they got contaminated by the dead mouse i found in the engine's fan box and the car keeps stinking like a dead animal, making me sick and the smell also propagated lately inside, capisci? BTW now i'm really glad i quit fb cause there there was no ways to put links in the text like this (or do searches like this) which BTW is as easy as selecting the word(s) to click on and, right clicking and pasting the address of the linked page from browser's address box (next to reload button that looks like a recycle sign upper left). But i dread getting in the car again and going to search for a place with compressed air cause now i know why i'm getting sick in the car and ready to vomit and Angela doesn't want to come with me.

4:14 Did you know that you can make one gallon of windshield cleaner with a few ounces of rubbing alcohol and a few drops of liquid soap? Rubbing alcohol will also drop the freezing point. I just did, but with this which also repels water, i removed the grill from the car but my phone's battery was too low to take a picture directly inside that duct, scores of people organizing shows, Japanese models vacuuming cars inside engine compartment for hours, Hungarian kids yelling like crazy or like swallowed alive by giant snakes. But when Angela's long time planned beets soup was ready and i came to eat, the guardian angel upstairs started to flap his wings hit the floor with his hooves. Now a very loud exhaust roaring.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Perfect Fries

20 minutes hands on time, 40 minutes total elapsed time.

Five pounds of potatoes at Winco cost around 2 dollars. The cheapest. Could make 4 times if they were all medium size and healthy which sometimes are. Choose 6-8 medium size potatoes. Wash thoroughly rubbing with your hands, emptying the tub several times. Peel. I use my wonder peeler i bought in Vegas for about 2 dollars. Wash again. Could buy the pink potatoes and don't have to peel them, only wash. Fire the oven.

Don't mind the dimples, try to get rid of the mold stains. Cut in two, four, eight.
Spice. My favorite is dill, but i'm out of it. A bit of olive oil.
Mix by raising the spoon from bottom up. 10-15 times. Grease the pan (cookie sheet) thoroughly. I use a bit of coconut oil. This way you will be able to remove them from the pan. Arrange them.
Put in the oven at medium for 20 minutes. Check with a fork. Serve with yogurt, garlic sauce, V8 or as side for burgers.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

January 23

10:22 I knew it was going to be bad luck when Angela won 1000 dollars last night. After she just pulled 90 dollars from a card, she played by mistake one hand at 25 dollars and that hand brought her the whole amount. That made it for the last 2 or 3 times, not last 20-30, cause we didn't leave with a positive balance in long time. Also because i took the money in my pocket, leaving her with 100 bucks which she lost. Me too i won 50 bucks catching 4 deuces at poker which didn't happened in years where i lost continuously (except for Indian Head where i was holding even). However, Angela lost last week at the 401k because of market crash more than she lost in a whole year at casinos. The number of guys and girls who bend backwards right when i was looking. The never seen at this level nervous frenzy with many people rubbing with us, trying to create scenes, making me look like the super bad guy. Here, so obvious intentionally "casually" blocking the main alley at Spirit Mt, forcing me to go between machines (and behind a number of people) while they were raising drinks, to make me salivate in my subconscious. I wouldn't dare but since i had the courage and this is the type of scene it repeats so oftenly, here it goes. Here's a link for full quality of this video. Have to use a different player than the one on google drive though.

The woman vacuuming next to my table at the food court were i went to eat some fries i was craving, with me and the two cops from Tribal Police in line, at Spiritus Mountus "Food court". I remembered when i choked (dysphagia) that year after i saw "chew back ah" at the UFO festival, when a guy, again was sweeping there as i ate rice and teriyaki dried all day in those hot trays and i drove like that all the way home (with a break at the hospital parking in McMinnville), where it took some baking soda and  then vomited.

The guy and gal from the truck next to me at Chinook Winds. While Angela was playing, i went back in the car for another drink. I ate all the remaining potato salad not caring about the diabetes. And there they came. First simulating hitting me when arriving, than veering off and parking rear first. After 15 minutes of idling with their modified exhaust diesel, i was drunk enough to go and confront them.
Inside, a little boy with a little girl who came onto me, aggressive. I told them about the law (i read somewhere) that says in Oregon you can't idle for more than 15 minutes at a time in a parking lot on upper level (regardless of how big or small the sound is). He said it was only 12 minutes and they were from Utah. Then when i called security they finally stopped and went inside, wished me a good night while i gave them the finger. From enough distance, she was looking like 2 points on a scale from one to ten better than she should. Super model quality with here extra long legs in leather pants. Then, scared by my own courage of what i've done, i went to move the car, and while driving in the other parking lot the car in front of casino started beeping at me, because i went over 10 mph without seatbelt. I was curious to see what happens if i slow under 10, if it stop, so i hit the brakes, kinda hard, engine was cold, lots of vacuum, car almost stopped only to see an Asian guy jumping in front of my car from between two parked cars, whom i probably would have taken on my hood if i didn't brake, absolutely by chance.

Wondering all night if it was just some AI predicting my behaviour as it happens more and more (obvious to me only) as i believe they keep updating their hardwares and softwares and getting better by the day (probably simulating my whole thinking process). Just others to say. "It was the will of God himself!" (For me not to be arrested and "continue to do what i'm doing", that is deepeng in a bottomless pit of sin). Just a few examples out of many. In fact, it's continuous, from one scene blending into another. All professional actors moving around me.

Smoke at home. As soon we made it home, i guess around 5 AM, a sulfur smell, similar to the smell of landfill area we pass through on Hwy 18 close to McMinnville. (Why they had to make it so close to the town and 18, for anybody who go to Lincoln city to pass right through it?).

BTW, yesterday the gas needle went down unexpectedly 1/8 of the dial indicator and had to go to McMinnville, didn't have google maps setup for a gas station, i got to parade on the same street where the yearly UFO parade takes place (last time was there in 2018, link above), with a city looking so old, like antique, like from the old west and a girl with a bad exhaust smell of a red classic car behind me.

Finally made it to a 76 station, gas was 3.95, i took 10 dollars only, rest at Spirit Mt, when there was 20 cents cheaper, and a double cistern in the gas station, apparently doing nothing. A total of 12 gallons, which was a lot, even for that position of the needle. Half hour lost, we almost missed the sunset. We went at Grocery Outlet at Lincoln city to buy the now traditional Reser's potato salad and hard salami and some wine.

At Road's End in Lincoln City, a whole parade, like usually. Just more lively, more people, more determined in their ballet or pantomima. People with their dogs in front of us while we were trying to eat. But most interesting, a Japanese guy with a professional camera who climbed on the table's seat in front of us, trying to capture... the nothing, cause it was just a red sky and a blue sea, no clouds, no birds, nothing to take pictures of, doing energetically all kinda contortions and reverted bows until i almost choked with food.

On my way back i was very thirsty, drank lots of cold water from casino and the car, further irritating my stomach (the dust earlier at home and on the road on my way there). The cop on the street on the last miles of the street, staying there in the fog on an alley, real close to the left lane of the two way street. I was looking in the mirror for a mile of so to see if he doesn't take off (i was 10 miles under limit because of fog, and obviously not in the best of my shapes). It was then when i started to nervously breath with nose congested, not realizing. By the time i got home where the smell of sulfur was waiting, i was already breathing hard. It usually goes away when i go to sleep (or after to be more precise) but i abused myself beyond any limit after i realized who that girl might have been (saw her in a wrong picture on a side in the news, also in a video earlier yesterday). So i had to search for her, at the end of which i found myself with a heart rate of 100 which would not go down no matter what. I started pacing in the room, until i tried to do what i've done before. Forcibly empty my bowels so i let the gas escape. Take some baking soda to calm my irritating stomach. And then i remembered. I had too much coffee (one teaspoon worth of regular soluble, plus the soda in the casino). I remembered the conversation with a relative who said her mother had a heart attack last week and recovered. And my advice for them not to drink real caffeinated coffee. I finally laid down counting my heart beats watching the clock on the wall (oximeter doesn't work right, it shows about 10 bpm more beside being saturated at 99 (hyperventilating). At 72 i tried to relax and fell asleep.

Got awakened after about 4 hours. Was feeling ok, but i vaguely remembered a dream when someone was yelling. I went outside, again, sulfur smell, they gu on the upstairs balcony next to our apartment having a yelling party in Spanish with someone else while smoking. Got mad again, was sleepy, didn't realize i wasn't breathing right, it started again, but this time it was difficult to breath only, heart did not get involved. Not out of the woods after finishing here. No it's not "COVID". This repeated to me 1000 times during the last 26 years which in the past lead me to the ER maybe up to 100 times (don't go anymore, got used to they symptoms, they always go away (until now) and it's too expensive).

One thing. When we left Lincoln City last night, there was a road block next to the gas station at the intersection at Otis, just before 11. No other warnings or detour signs. They were two vehicles in front of me, they veered left and let the three feet wide white and red horizontal stripes barrier exposed in front of me that was not that visible. Almost hit it, then i followed those two guys, one of them took a right, and i followed, not knowing exactly knowing where i was going. Luckily there was signal and Angela pulled google maps and we found our way back to 18. Found something on a site, second result here, but the site does not open.

I remembered i had to cross a railroad just before i got back on 18 when somthing really strange happened, maybe i will tell it someday.

4:40 Every time when i get sick i find one of these, other items, on the red carpet put in a such way so it may leak or drip. A water bottle with some concoction that seem to contain tomato juice. Most times the bottle is half full, today it was less. For who can analyze it.
Or maybe hot sauce? I tried years ago with hot sauce in the mole holes. Didn't work very long. Got it. It must by hot sauce. It leaks, dries out and flies in the air, making the air hard to breath. But i think somebody got tires of dog poo as i did. However, the aerosolized hot sauce makes its way here too.

9:09 Tow days ago i ordered on Amazon next day delivery a kit with screws for LPN because i didn't have any. Though it was more expensive (7 bucks) but i hated to go at Homo Depot, loose one or two hours and try to figure what size and everything to get them for 4. Thinking of all the home boys coming next to me and doing all kinda clown performances around me while i was looking in those drawers.

They came, 4 in the front and 4 in rear.  Today i looked around. Nobody uses 4 screws through licence plate has 4 holes. No problem with using only 2 of them, especially in the rear. But in front at the previous car, because the plastic supporting plate on the bumper was standing out, the thin plates were bending during a car wash. So i was thinking about putting all four screws. Thing is, it's not possible.

Because the lower holes in the LPN are just at the edge of the plate behind (pictures tomorrow). In other words, licence plate is half inch bigger than the supporting plate behind. Then i was thinking. Oregon licence plate letters are bigger than California or Washington or any others. Also because there's only six characters, because of fewer cars. But they stand out. Easier to see from a distance and from a camera.

Thinking of my old car with JKB plate. Thinking of all similar plates i see when i look around. KGA and the sort. Angela just saw one with 666 at WinCo. Just saw on my new one that personalized or vanity or custom plates are not 3D, or stamped. How come they are around so many stamped or "sequence" numbers (basically all that i see everywhere i go) that seem chosen or personalized. Could it all have been deliberate? Oregon also having plates and letters bigger than any state? The Twin Peaks state, with the two volcanoes on background? Part of an ongoing propaganda of an unseen entity, meant to mentally enslave everybody?

Went outside and measured, plate is 1/4 or 1/8 of an inch bigger that 6 inches as it says on sites and/or what it seems standard in US. (I will come back with pictures, tomorrow). However, the letters are biggest of all states. Here are some examples of licence plates per state or the sequence ones, every state has up to maybe ten different background themes, second from left third from bottom.
10:37 Finally stopped hyperventilating, after almost 24 hours, most likely because i picked that bottle and other sugary food wrappers from the red carpet. Nobody wants to know how this was. Because of it, made numerous mistakes in what i wrote above, had to make corrections for an hour or so.

10:44 Sorry but...

11:32 My new phone camera at work (with the open camera app though).
11:36/9:36 Nu-mi iese din cap greva de la București. Sunt mai multe posibilități. 1.Toți angajații întrun sector pe care până mai ieri nu dădea nimeni doi bani și care acum se dovedește atât de strategic (took for granted) sunt de-ai lor. 2. Toți șoferii sunt supuși unor presiuni enorme (șantajați) sau/și manipulați psihologic, la greu.