Saturday, December 24, 2022

December 24

12:45 O Suprapunere de drapele, o multitudine de imagini subliminale încorporate care apar în funcție de distanța de la care priviți. Câte puteți să identificați? Prima și cea mai evidentă este gura lui Lenin, nasul și ochiul lui Putin, un avion, un tanc, o lopată, zâmbetul lui Iohannis pe galben etc..

7:45 Șarpele din Pomul de Crăciun și cel de toate zilele din fața unei școli din
 (Șarpele Liber) Ungaria care este alintată chiar așa, Școala Șarpelui (Kígyós Iskola). Încă unul asemănător tot în fața unei școli în Nagykanizsa.

Banca în formă de șarpe de lângă Templul Mormon din Iadaho Falls pe unde trece Snake River.

2:20 Nobody's going to believe what i've been going through today. Again. After i bought the meter i measured every corner of the apartment especially around the router. I measured in the place where Angela was sleeping in the bedroom and next to her and i didn't see big values.

Today i watched for about half hour an incredible movie (a fantastic comedy) from the other side of the double twin beds or with my head just over one meter away from the router, in the other room which was installed next to the cable outlet. Angela sleeps 2 meters more further from it. I stopped the TV while falling asleep.

Woke up 2 hours later with pains everywhere i was exposed to the laptop or close to it in the last 6 months. Grabbed  the meter and the signal strength was normal in the area. Then i started the TV and the signal was an average of 5 which i think it's too much especially after i got exposed for so long to CRT monitors, wi-fi and phone.

Half hour of exposure re-triggered everything which was fading away in the last weeks since i put everything away which also shows the shape i'm in.

3:45 I learned the first words in English in 1972 when i was twelve in a summer camp near Hamburg Germany. As per Ceaușescu, Maurer, Bodnăraș, Sergiu Nicolaescu etc.. My grand grand father was there since the war, when remember and analyze the whole thing is clear to me, they wanted me to remain with him. Director of the camp Klaus Meine insisted half day i would give him a call but i didn't because the scared me (lower ranks Securitate guys) when i left Bucharest.

Then i actually studied it (one hour per week for four years in HS). Consolidated a bit in college and with programming. All the movies and music. I was able to understand most lyrics but stumble at a few words and get it all wrong many times. Maybe it was good for my protection i guess because some of the lyrics are so screwed up.

But i never knew why i couldn't understand some of the words like i still can't today and have to pull the lyrics to end the riddles. I listen to the radio on KG_ON and there's a couple of guys making all kinda jokes and i suddenly lose one word or two and the whole joke.

But this never happens to me when i watch DIY-ers videos on uTube. It's so plain and clear, no effort to understand. Because the sometimes naive but true speech belongs to authentic native English speakers while most artists are foreign actors.

5:05 Here's an example. If you try to forget the images in the shocking video and listen carefully, you will detect peculiarities in pronunciation of words, letters like r, t, unsecure hesitations, more than a supposed "Seattle accent" in "Cobain"'s "song".

Not exactly your athletic blond German.

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