12:08 Și nu l-au arestat?
12:35 As i said earlier. As soon as i point to something, they shift the paradigm. Tonight smoke is not coming from the ground but from somewhere else in the building, in waves. I saw several real Latinos and they were not short like most ninja as they pulled most Asian except for those who drive cars. It must have cost them something to bring them here but i would assume they can by now coerce anybody on this planet. Smell is similar to that of burning coal
12:42 Într-un fel pare distractiv să demontez toate tâmpeniile din știri dar la un moment dat te plictisești dreq. Citeam articolul și am văzut faza cu pumnii lui Dincă și m-am uitat mai cu atenție și am decupat din poză și am văzut niște bicepși ca de copil. Ce mă miră totuși e că e în pușcărie. E singurul din pușcăriașii celebri pe care l-am văzut într-o poză credibilă din interior.
I didn't dare walk out of the car because i am banned from that casino and the parking lot and all of their property. So i just drove away. An old man was walking in the same direction and when i was about to pass him he made a sudden move as trying to cross the street but i saw him and stopped. He had this arrogant smile on his face i would have love to wipe out but i could not get out of the car and he was shorter and older than me.
I am pretty positive it was all intentional to provoke me so i can get arrested (i also had a few drinks thinking i do not have to drive in the next few hours. I went back in the Safeway parking lot and kept calling Angela (and exposing to the cell phone) until she answered. She said her phone wasn't working.
Then i went for a long walk on the beach. I think i walked 2 miles in the south direction when i met with the smoke. So i turned around and walk back this time in smoke all the way to the meeting point we established. There there was this Japanese "homeless" woman since we separated. I picked Angela and let her derive because i try to "train her" that is let her drive o longer distances at night so she get used so she can go alone to casino whenever she wants.
Then at Spirit Mountain (which is in between Lincoln City and here) she unexpectedly veered off the highway and entered there and i fell asleep i believe because of being tired from the walk but also the smoke on the beach and had only 4 hours the night before.
Angela didn't stay long inside. She won again 300 bucks and now she was happy and i was still mad because of the pains earlier and then she drove home but she was tired and made some mistakes especially when we met with a group of cars with blinding lights. So i'm still afraid to let her drive alone 80 miles at night on a narrow freeway with blinding incoming lights.
I said it many times before. They are selling cheap LED lamps on Amazon that are not up to standard. I mean they are bright but do not have a cutoff line. That is they point at the other drivers too. To my estimate more than half of the cars on the streets right now have those. It is not a big problem in the city where there are poles with lights and it is not dark. Only on freeway outside cities but there it's really really bad. 11:30 A blond almost tall woman with two dogs was in front of my living window and then she went in fron just when i was about to leave where she stood for minutes or until i left. For many it would have appeared as i let her out through that door before i left.
12:12 Real Dacian Draco.
Right after i took those they sent the young short blond woman to ask me what and how (i caught times when they did not allow taking pictures, nowadays everybody does it so they can't stop you) but she is not my type. I am pretty sure this is one of the reasons they banned me from there, about 8 months later.
However i remember now i did not upload on drive all the images from that card taken in that amount of time, some were out of focus.
Most machines in all casinos are like this but these are the most obvious. I don'y believe there is anything that could fix those. They all need to be shut down, beginning with Chinook Winds.
4:44 Are Hamass ninja acting to save Netanyahu's regime? Hamas act in the name of Palestinian people but don't have anything to do with it. Now they all suffer. 5:07 Spread you wings and fly!