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Showing posts sorted by date for query dreaming. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, August 4, 2023

August 4th

12:05 (Noaptea la mine) Un documentar care mă fascinează. O privire în trecutul nostru foarte îndepărtat, din epoca de piatră sau mai înainte. Australia a fost un continent izolat pentru mai mult de 50000 de ani și populația fiind mult mai mică decât în Eurasia de exemplu, și nivelul de dezvoltare a rămas scăzut, până la venirea unui grup misterios din India sau Nepal, Pama Nyunga. Însă ei nu au stat pe continent, s-au deplasat în Africa și Europa după ce au preluat totuși niște tradiții locale.

Cel mai ușor de recunoscut și faimos loc din Australia este Muntele Attila. Mulți din ungurii de azi au figuri de aborigeni australieni.

Nu am văzut vârfuri la sulițe, nici măcar de piatră. Nu cunoșteau arcul dar puteau să-și construiască bumerange de lemn, cu care vânau păsări. Aveau reacții elementare, de supraviețuire și un limbaj foarte simplu. Deci nu poate fi vorba de fantezii. Pentru fantezii e nevoie de gândire conceptuală, limbaj evoluat, dialog cu sine, noțiunea de spațiu-timp și ceva ce noi numim imaginație.

Credința în vrăjitorie era un lucru foarte concret, foarte tangibil. Trebuia să fi fost ceva real în spatele lui. Și este. Vrăjitoria este mult mai simplă decât ne putem închipui și se bazează pe experimente întâmplătoare care au devenit la ei tradiție. Limba română conține o expresie. "a umbla cu lucruri necurate".

Multă lume ignoră relația biologică pe care oamenii o au cu mediul lor înconjurător. Organismul se adaptează continuu la orice schimbări microbiene de mediu și invers, contribuie la formarea lui. Parte din sistemul nostru imunitar se răspândește în mediu odată cu eliberarea intestinului dar și cu respirația, etc..

La unele specii de pradă, simbionții parazitari devin arme unelte (așa numitul marcaj teritorial cu care ei de fapt își infectează prada, făcându-o docilă). De aceea acești strămoși ai noștri își curățau locul și își îngropau fecalele, pentru că dușmanii lor și probabil unii din ei înșiși știau să folosească orice rămășite biologice și să le manipuleze pentru a-i îmbolnăvi.

Tradiție ce se continuă până în zilele noastre. Reprezentanți ai ordinului dominican vin în fiecare zi cu câinii care-și fac nevoile în jurul clădirii, în locuri alese special, de obicei în direcția vântului, curenților prin ferestruicile de aerisire a subsolului, cu câinii hrăniți special și urmând un anume ritual.

Trag de exemplu câinele de lesă în momentul în care acesta defechează pentru a-l stresa și a elibera uleiurile rău mirositoare din săculeții anali iar apoi pleacă și nu strâng. De asemene aruncă obiecte ce par la întâmplare, de obicei ambalaje cu resturi, care însă privite atent reprezintă dieta noastră din ultimele zile. Este imposibil să dovedești ceva, și apoi, cui.

Uneori, ca în seara asta, trebuie să merg pe afară să strâng tot felul de obiecte, pentru că altfel nu pot să dorm după ce mi-a fost rău toată ziua. De câte ori am ajuns la urgențe sau chiar în spital pentru chestiile astea iar pe atunci nu beam și nu aveam diabet, ceea ce m-a și ruinat financiar și profesional.

9:16 (Dimineața) În film, realizatorul interviului mai spune la un moment dat ceva. A avut impresia că Buckley sau acel Robinson Crusoe de Australia, un evadat care a trăit 32 cu un grup (mob) de localnici, nu îi spunea totul. Motivul. După 32 de ani, Buckely a devenit unul de-al lor.

Relatări moderne și chiar urmașii direcți ai grupului prezentat în documentar vorbesc despre un un câmp comunicațional, care ar fi fost și un sistem filozofic, juridic și religios numit dreaming.

Regăsim această idee în sistemul de arte marțiale ninjutsu din Japonia, unde se vorbește despre Shin Shin Shing Ghan, o formă de telepatie la care se poate ajunge prin antrenament. Ninja au fost mercenari feudali a căror misiune principală a fost de culegere de informații și influențare a dușmanilor celor care-i angajau, iar unii din ei petreceau o parte din viață infiltrați timp de decenii în taberele inamice. Citirea gândurilor subiecților (țintelor) ar fi fost pentru ei un mare avantaj.

Este vorba probabil de un mod de comunicație ancestral între toate ființele vii care a existat înainte de limbaj și orice formă de civilizație, fie ea doar la nivelul prezentat în documentar, ceva ce omul mai evoluat a pierdut prin folosirea limbajului verbal avansat dar la care se poate accede prin antrenament. O ipoteză ar fi comunicația vibrațională prezentă vertebrate.

Dar poate fi și ceva mai mult, o anumită parte a spectrului "electromagnetic" de foarte joasă frecvență.

Indienii americani (Native Americans) despre care eu cred că au venit și din Australia, au un fel de device pe care ei îl numesc "dream catcher" pe care îl pun în jurul copiilor mici când dorm ca să-i ferească de coșmaruri. Device-ul îmi amintește de un dipol circular în scurtcircuit care ar putea într-adevăr să scurtcircuiteze și  deci să diminueze anumite frecvențe de microunde, după diametru de ordinul de la 1 GHz la 5 GHz sau mai mult, mai ales când bețișorul de salcie din care e făcut este încă plin de sevă, deci conducător.

Timpul meu este foarte limitat și nu pot să-i caut pe toți însă sunt sigur că cei de la Metallica ca și toți artiștii de clasă internațională sunt tot unguri (care se poate vedea și după accentul cu care cântă în engleză). Să fie această melodie o exemplificare făcută de ei înșiși, aproape pe față, a ce am spus mai sus? "So close no matter  how far..."

9:55 Înapoi la timpuri moderne. Am re-postat acum câteva zile o asemănare greșită cu Biden. Mi-am dat seama și m-am apucat să caut din nou, ceea ce mi-a luat câteva zile (nu am putut să caut tot timpul). Între timp au venit cu un remediu. Re-acuzarea lui Trump, cu noi crime care s-a făcut exact în aceeași zi când l-am găsit pe scriitorul respectiv, mort din aprilie anul acesta.

Fiindcă au undeva pe un supercomputer un model cu felul în care gândesc, după ce au înregistrat tot ce am făcut spus și scris timp de decenii, unde pot simula și anticipa tot ce fac eu. Astfel, efectul psihologic ne-căutat de mine a fost exact invers, rușii, chinezii, sau cei care mă controlează au publicat asemănarea în ziua în care Trump a fost re-acuzat, ca o răzbunare a republicanilor evrei răi conspiratori vânduți rușilor și chinezilor pe care Trump îi reprezintă.

12:00 Am umblat în primele zile din săptămâna asta la mașina de spălat și printre altele am desfăcut furtunul de evacuare care avea în el o mâzgă lipicioasă (slime) din mizerie cu detergent veche de până la 20 de ani pe care am încercat s-o spăl, cu o perie circulară și detergent, inclusiv cu clor.

Ca rezultat aici miroase acum a vomă, deși am generator de ozon dat la maximum, iar mie mi-au apărut pe ambele mâini niște bubulițe care mă mănâncă fantastic, din care unele chiar peste cicatricea rănii pe care am postat-o acum câteva zile. 

Am dat cu antibiotic de pe vechea rețetă, Mupirocin, și mă aștept să-mi treacă în câteva zile fiindcă nu m-am scărpinat încă să găuresc pielea. Aceste mașini casnice (appliances) prin felul în care sunt gândite, cu aceste furtunuri de evacuare, uneori crețe (corrugated) sunt încă un pericol pentru sănătatea dvs.. Ar putea fi la originea misterioaselor "flesh eating bacteria" (necrotizing fasciitis) sau unor boli ca plantar fasciitis și poate chiar Alzheimer. De notat coincidența cu cuvântul fascism.

Sfatul meu. Nu încercați să le spălați. Schimbați-le cât mai des, dacă puteți și pe cele din interiorul mașinii.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

June 25

12:38 Fear factor. I thought i fixed tne noise (vibration) coming from under car. Being totaled twice, when they did the body work they didn't put the panels back right with new clips or whatever, they make a big noise at highways speed. I bought clips more than year ago but they don't work so yesterday i tried something i saw on a forum. Zipties. There are places where the're easy to install, other places where i had to drill holes. However there are places where i can't put nothinug i know yet.

So i went outside to look under car and see where panels vibrate and saw again something i saw before but ignored. Maybe because at the apartment above there's a huge German shepard overlooking the area with the two parking spots for me and for the above and grass between building, where children were playing yesterday while i was trying to fix those, other things, for hours.

1:20 It's amazing how every time i go to pick (and bend) to pick something from the trunk they came with a car or even walking to catch me like that. Or every time i open the hood a woman passes (probably the perception of an wide open stinking mouth). It's like they know. Or put my brain patterns inside an AI supercomputer and can predict every move, minutes in advance.

11:35 Shivaism with 70% of followers in India, Buddhism that fell out of grace, Australian dreaming, they all came and found a home in the middle of Europe in medieval and today's Hungary. But they never stood put. Attila, Hungarian (magars) raids in Europe at the turn of the millennium, secretly taking over of catholic church, creation of states and controlling those to this day.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

March 16

9:27 With their kuji-kiri and shin shin shin gan they can give you dreams and nightmares. It happened so many times to me. Especially when they are trying to influence me to do something or to meet someone in that day. I wrote 2 days ago that we live in a nightmare, today i was dreaming i was about to get drowned, woke up and smelled the mold and realized the fact that my nose was congested and i was  barely breathing.

The good part is, i remembered it. It is my belief that the use of cell phones zapped many of my neurons and synapses and could not remember dreams (or nightmares) anymore (a sign of brain and neuron degradation).

BTW yesterday in the park i felt like could not do the last mile. Crashed with diabetic hunger. I have to eat before my walks and yesterday i didn't. So i started the phone, put it in the grass and let it boot up.

Closer to my feet than the rest of the body. It started and it was 3:35 and Angela was on  her way and tried to call her. I tried a couple of times, bending and reaching the phone in the grass with one hand, but the phone kept asking me to add money on my account (a 5 dollars a month account with Hell Mobile). Then i took it in both hands and shut it down. Because of a site where i tried to buy something, i  had to cancel the credit card that was feeding that account and somehow i overlooked the warning email?

Just checked the email. The last email i got from them was on february 10 saying that my account will be automatically charged in 2 days. After i paid yesterday they are also sending me a new SIM card which means a new number. Great. Anyways i don't use it.

Anyways it's been more than a month i haven't started that phone and when i did i saw the account was canceled. However something weird happened. All of a sudden i started to feel energized and could continue my walk. Got home, ate, watever and fell asleep and slept till 9 when i woke up with a terrible pain in my calves, insteps, hands and other sensitive areas that lasted all night. Areas that were closest to the phone.

I had these pains constantly before i quit using the phone, but i was used to them. Now that they're gone and came back i felt them. Trouble is i think the healing process is very very slow. I hear the (microwave) radiation destroys mostly small blood vessels to the point your body can't find any to re-route circulation. Probably the reason my feet are getting so cold after i sit at the computer i can't warm them up with an electric pad not even in an hour. My feet were exposed a lot when i was using the PC that was sitting on the floor with wi-fi antennas at my feet. Talking about 6 or 7 years.

This morning i put some rubber gloves, mixed some chlorine gel with water and treated all walls using the smartest thing i ever saw. The Libman mop. I know what's happening but keep forgetting. About a week ago i told myself i should do it every week, maybe Wednesday after the big blowers are gone, in areas were i saw visible mold in the past but today i realized i should do it maybe every time when there's maybe under 35 degrees (2 Celsius) outside.

The walls get wet with invisible condensation and there's nutrients from dust and ever new strains come from the mole holes and if the walls were recently cleaned, there's an invisible mold that grows on them and chokes you (it takes weeks or months for mold to build up and become visible).

Saturday, December 31, 2022

December 31

4:20 One of the first pictures done with my new Kodak camera. f/3 0.038 4.9 mm ISO 400 WB Sunny. What do you know, it's a real (pocket) camera!

12:06 Here is the project i've been dreaming at for months and is the result of more than two years of thinking. It started when i bought the plug in USB adapter with digital voltmeter for the car. It was then when i started to understand how things work electrically.

The initial reason i bought it was to be able to play music in the parking lot without having to search for a jump start (later i bought a jump starter the size of a book for 40 dollars which is very good and only after that i realized the battery was too old and bought a new battery just before that accident in August 2021).

Then i saw. It's not a 12 volts system as many people say. It's a 14.5 volts system. This is what the digital voltmeter shows all the time while the engine is running, at both cars i used it on. 12.5 is the voltage before starting the car. Similar to this one but now i regret mine it doesn't have two decimals. BTW it shows 14.8 in the pictures which on a car means battery doesn't get charged. It has to be 14.5 or less.

Most people think batteries are only good for starting  the engine. But they also act in a way similar to a capacitor for filtering the pulsating DC that's coming out of the alternator diodes which again is 14.5 and not 12.5 as most people would think and for that is required very good contacts. If  you don't have a smooth voltage, all your electric systems and most importantly fuel pomp will not work properly.

Second, i noticed that when i freshly tighten the battery's connector the voltage goes down like 0.1, which means better contact and charging the battery. I also noticed, less vibration at the engine, improved driveability by several points on a scale of 1 to 10 but most importantly, improved mileage by at least 10%. But the contacts wouldn't stay long that way. The connectors are spring like devices and the terminal is soft lead, and after a while that usually was one trip the lead would give in and the contact force would settle to a value that is not sufficient.

And me could not settle for less mpg since i knew it can get better by one simple thing. For two years i tried different methods of securing those contacts, including drilling horizontal, vertical holes and threading in the lead terminas, with the same results.

Right now it drives so nice i regret a lot i didn't do it earlier. But couldn't have, it required lots of thinking to get at this point. Soldered bolts on top of connector and on car's chassis to double the car's original connectors.

It's copper connectors enlarged to 10 mm holes (3/8 whatever) sandwiched between two serrated nuts tightened against each other on the 3/8 bolts with two wrenches (for avoiding apply rotating momentum on the soldered bolts). In the right it's a similar bolt soldered on car's chassis.

Battery is a (not so) cheap 100 dollars Walmart one because i didn't know how the soldering of the bolts on top of terminal will end. They have cheaper ones (59) but not in the store i go to.

It involved filing the outer hex surface of the bolt until removing the stamped 3D marks, filing some more using flux on the file or sandpaper to keep the oxygen out of the metal surface, using clean flux on a paper towel to remove the flux with filings, heating the bolt set on a side on a red hot stove's coil and applying solder, filing some more while hot by holding the bolt using long nose pliers on sand paper covered with flux sitting on a flat surface, wiping against a paper towel again soaked with flux again sitting on a flat surface, repeating until the entire hex surface of the bolt is covered with shiny solder, adding some more solder to make a small round melted drop, heating some more and applying.

Prepping the target area in the same way, with flux on a piece of coarse sandpaper, cleaning the filings with flux on a piece of paper towel, applying the heated bolt with long nose pliers and cooling immediately with water from a glass.

In the second picture you can see shiny slightly irregular protruding solder at the joint, under the bolt's hex end that is darkened by the heating with flux.

15-30 minutes project for a bolt if you have the tools and everything ready. But it's worth it. You can save 10% of gas money. Drive better, have better acceleration, save engine's life by eliminating vibration.

Materials. Connectors. A 3/8 drill bit to enlarge those. 3 bolts 3/8 by 1/16 one inch long from Lowes or Home Depot. 6 serrated nuts. Electronics solder. Flux. One medium size file and a few pieces of coarse (80) sandpaper. A few paper towels. A plastic glass for water.

The idea came to me after i saw the marine type batteries (for starting boats engines) that have both bolts and terminals. But i couldn't use one of those because they have the terminals the other way (plus on the right). But now that i searched for those to put a link i think i found one that could have worked.

Already thinking on how to improve it. One version would be soldering copper bands or wires directly to terminals and chassis (with no bolts) with a big soldering iron that i can heat on the stove again with keeping in place the original system just in case. Have to do it fast and cool the terminals within one second of starting soldering. On the plus i will need a short copper band with a hole at one end and solder it directly on the terminal.
And here is a crop of the original picture yes done with my new camera.

2:26 One of the reasons they won't give us a yearly report on budget spending is because the fiscal year like the water year starts on October 1st. My bad (that doesn't mean they couldn't, even itemize a bit).

I once wrote a post containing comparisons of charts for spending budget for several years. 5 years later, the spendings budget grew by more than 20%, deficit (borrowing, red) now is 1.37 trillion or 21% of the same budget.

There are two things i don't understand. Where it fits the recent "anti shot down" 1.7 bill (trill whatever).

Is it on top of the budget, part of, increase of deficit for next fiscal year, whatever. Same with the infrastructure bill of which i don't see nothing going on yet. Still digging but i doubt i will find it.
Got it. Temporary continuing resolutions, omnibus spending bill. As for the infrastructure bill, i don't know yet.

3:00 Figured that one also. 1.2 T for 8 years, melting somewhere in the annual budgets or in parallel, it doesn't matter, seems insignificant over the 7 T yearly budgets in both cases.

An average of roughly 3 billion per year per state. California is spending that amount a each year for high speed rail projects. Yeah i believe Oregon could build a much needed freeway to the beaches.

4:31 It looks like they never thought of that. There are other priorities.

5:08 There was a large amount of microwave radiation on the top level at the new parking at Chinook, between 10 to 20, and i moved the car in  the other parking lot. Didn't look until i felt it though i heard the meter that beeps above 1 because i didn't believe it was much bigger than that. Much more than near the tower at Grocery Outlet.

The meter fully charged works for about 24 hours, i tried to measure something in the other room and i saw it shut down with 11% battery left (sometimes it shots at 20, i don't know why). The USB plug was half way pulled from the charger and not working, though yesterday it charged  the meter completely. In the same time i started to feel something in the known places like i was recently exposed (within the last hour). And that did not come from our apartment.

6:06 Cute weregirls for the New Year celebrations on the streets of Romania. 

7:23 The pain was quite intense, lasted for about 2 hours and now it's going away. Minutes earlier i said i wanted to go check at the car to see of the last nuts i added didn't get loose, like the first ones, they weren't however they waited for me outside with a scene, all they have to do is figure what i'm going to do next and wait for me in that point in space and time with something.

8:10 Iar văd o gură strâmbă și un nas pe partea de roșu a drapelului în mijloc, alta jos pe galben roșu, care pare să înghită soarbă stelele, un Z întors pe galben, etc.. Nu vă mai jucați cu drapelul României!

În Tratatul de la Amsterdam, 1997, implementat în 1999, toate țările care erau membre UE au devenit automat și membre Schengen iar lista a fost inclusă într-un protocol parte din Tratat. În 2007 sau după aderarea României la UE în Protocolul de mai sus al Tratatului, care a devenit Protocolul 19 al Tratatului UE a fost adăugat în listă și numele României și a celorlalte două țări, Bulgaria și Croația.

9:20 Maria Bateria, o altfel de știre de anul nou. În legătură cu ce postez de mai multe zile despre bateria de mașină.

11:45 15 minute până la anul nou în Oregon. Am căutat sursa imaginii de mai sus și am văzut că este o imagine de stoc (site-uri unde fotografii își pun imagini la vânzare, nu știu de ce pentru că un drapel de țară este proprietatea statului respectiv). Toate imaginile cu steaguri care sunt în mod evident fotografii și nu photoshop sunt ok, cu excepția a încă două. În asta în care soarele bate din spate dintre nori dar steagul apare iluminat din partea opusă sau dinspre cameră, apare pe roșu jos ceva ca o tipă foarte tânără ce execută un dans sexy. Pe cealaltă, unde steagul este încrețit la partea albastră, pe galben apare o imagine greu de descris în cuvinte. Un șarpe care intră într-o peșteră?

2:26 There's hope for me in 2023. It's been maybe 20 years since i stopped hearing high frequencies with the right ear. How do i know. I check both ears by gently rubbing the same two dry fingers from right hand next to each of them. Yes i checked with frustration from time to time for all these years thinking on how my body betrayed me who i like listening to music so much. After a month of not using the cell phone today i started hearing those again. Not totally equal yet. It happened overnight cause a couple of days ago i still didn't hear them. Also pain in the fingers that i got so used to started to fade away. Balance problems are much smaller, almost gone.

Will my pancreas and colon heal as well?

Lucky to have right now an old cable modem with two Ethernet ports (and wi-fi) but i need one more port (i guess i could silence the wi-fi from its page, but not sure). Found a cable modem with no wi-fi on Amazon but it only has one Ethernet port (for a wi-fi router of course). Because people stopped using Ethernet long time ago.

So i guess i'll have to use one of these for the three devices i am moving on Ethernet and completely get rid of wi-fi with 60 dollars plus the cables and two adapters (another 50, the new TV has a port). Also stopped using the microwave except for absolutely necessary situations (5 meters distance for several minutes like a frozen dinner is still not enough, i can heat a burrito or a hot dog in a pan with a bit of water i guess). Maybe looking for a microwave with no stupid glass door (completely metal).

2:50 It never rains in Southern California.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

October 27

2:00 Did i just quote The Terminator? (There is only one memorable thing he can be quoted for. I'll be back. Ok maybe two, Hasta la vista, baby!).

Ok i was sitting here on the couch minding my own business, headache, nausea and dog p♾ smell that was growing by the hour. At a certain point, i said no way, there's got to be a fresh one outside (and it was, in the same place i found one some 22 hours ago, when i also took a glimpse of Orion, which at 4 AM was creeping threatening right between buildings, through a brief brake in the clouds). At that very moment i heard the quite loud beeping sound of a commercial vehicle backing in the parking lot. Does it make any sense to you? 2 AM? Then it stopped, and when i thought again, i should go, it started beeping again. Then it stopped and started beeping again when i opened the door. Then i went to pick the poo and when i wanted to go to throw it, the van stood in my way to the dumpster with the guy out and back in. And since i was quite mad, didn't want to confront or give an "ugly look" to the guy so i went to the other dumpster. And that's my first story of the day.

Ok i wanted to post something else related to the infinity sign as Ouroboros, did a search and coincidentally found something i lost and now found after a long time.

Trouble is, i can't remember what i was searching it for. What are we but our memories. If those don't function... I remember a bit now as i partially wake up... It was about The Dreaming.

8:45 Ilie Șerbănescu. Am scris ieri că cei din dreapta în blogul meu de asemănări arată ca și cum nu le-ar place ce trebuie să facă. Șerbănescu însă în pozele din România arată ca un om nebun. Profesor? Economist? A fost membru în Parlamentul Ungariei! De ce nu îl arestează nimeni pe visător?

A ok m-am prins. El trebuie că e șeful lor, de la început. Al delegaților din câmpul de mătrăgună. (Cu sula-n coaste).

10:35 Una din metodele lor folosite aproape zilnic pentru subminarea încrederii populației în justiție, morală, este folosirea unor metode strâmbe pentru a face dreptate (cu un corespondent în media, morală îndoielnică pentru a face morală).

Dintre acestea, menționăm încercarea Guvernului Ciucă de a combate o decizie CCR și a reveni la vechea formă a articolului 155 din Codul Penal, însă printr-o ordonanță neconstituțională (puteau ca alternativă să înainteze un proiect de lege în regim de urgență, care ar fi fost aprobat de mult), care este încă în proces legislativ în Parlament (chiar, trebuie să verific, în caz de OUG există un termen de promulgare a legii de aprobare), deci dând apă la moară pentru respingere la ICCJ. Respingând această ordonanță neconstituțională, pe care totuși o vede intrată în vigoare, ICCJ comite actul de care toată lumea vorbește, adică acordarea unei amnistii prin modificarea retroactivă a termenelor de prescriere.

Prescrierea este  perioada de timp de la comiterea infracțiunii care se calculează în funcție de pedeapsă, când păgubașul (care la fapte penale nu poate fi decât statul, persoanele nu pot fi decât parte civilă) poate să ceară ceva în justiție. În cazurile penale, prescrierea (trecerea timpului respectiv, dacă nu s-a depus plângere) înlătură răspunderea penală, iar conform acestei versiuni a Codului Penal, nu poate fi mai mare de 15 ani. Deci dacă în această perioadă de timp de la comiterea infracțiunii nu s-a făcut nimic, inculpatul este absolvit de vină și nimeni nu-l mai poate urmări vreodată.

Întreruperea termenului de prescriere este necesară pentru continuarea anchetelor. Dacă timpul de prescriere ar curge neîntrerupt de la data infracțiunii/crimei, și s-ar atinge acel moment în timpul anchetei, ancheta ar putea fi întreruptă iar cazul clasat.

În vechiul Cod Penal, timpul de prescriere începea din nou la valoarea inițială, nu după data comiterii infracțiunii ci după data începerii anchetei care era abuziv. În țări ca SUA există o limită, de 120 de zile timp în care se desfășoară ancheta (investigation), chiar dacă timpul de prescriere este depășit, la noi era încă o dată perioada de prescriere iar ei au lăsat-o așa, pentru o perioadă, adunând dosare pe capete grele, știind că va veni acest moment dar normalizarea situației nu ar trebui făcută retroactiv, pentru că ar încălca alte principii din drept, și ar zădărnici justiția însăși.

Este într-un fel similar cu schimbarea definiției abuzului în serviciu din codul penal, care aplicată retroactiv a dus la amnistierea celor mai mari infractori instrumentați pe acel articol.

Și probabil mai au și alte trucuri în sertare, pentru viitor.

12:02 I tried to go for a walk. With about 1.3 inches of rain over past weekend, many fires are still burning. Wind is blowing from south or from direction of fires. Index shown on IQAir site is 50, perceived is 50-100 so i turned around.

2:50 Togakure ryu, school of the hidden door which means mainly they don't have to be here with me, they can do it from a distance. Everybody please forgive me for what i'm about to say, though i said it before. Just went to the bathroom, they started to hammer next door or wall. Like yesterday, like the day before. Sometimes they just flush the toilet, in that very instant, triggering a fear based reflex.

It even happened at the hotel in Lincoln City last weekend, several times. Once with a noisy motorcycle. I sit here at the computer for hours and nothing happens. Only if i go there. It started in 2007. One day i went to the restroom and the man who was living downstairs yelled: Silence, cause i want to poop!

Ever since, starting suddenly the next day, i had big trouble going to the bathroom. Problems would have faded away if they didn't continue. For days, months, years, some times more often, some times not so, just enough to maintain it. But it's not just about going out. Intestinal, bile blockage, probably main cause of my diabetes.

For the past week i acquired a colon infection just by going into a bathroom with an urinal that was smelling very strong like a urinary infection, which i got first, just from droplets, than it passed to the colon. It was very stubborn to go away with strongest antibiotics but i got out of it. Almost.

Right now they continue with the hammering. Probably maintenance (since i used the word maintain). Dust concentration growing in the air. But it doesn't matter. What matters is when they started it. Constant noise for the past several months, with hammering outside, but like they have a feedback on my brain waves or vitals, and releasing of dust that also irritates my colon. Cars with loud exhausts, but only when i start eating, etc..

Contrary to popular beliefs, due to movies. Ninjutsu nowadays is not about sword fighting, jumping on walls and throwing smoke bombs (though they use smoke but on small or larger scale, like recent fires in Oregon).

Ninjutsu is more like a game of chess when pawns and bishops and knights are acting casual and move around, occupying positions in space, sometimes talking, making noises and dust, coordinated by one or more smart persons.

Just by looking into their main manual, they have a disclaimer, saying something like "don't do these at  home", "theses are military technics, bla bla" which would make it illegal in the US. Because of that they developed a school of ninjutsu using the word Budo, or Bujinkan, to make it sound like Bushido, the samurai code of honor, however, samurai in Japan are long gone, eliminated by the ninja and there is nothing honorable in ninjutsu (they are thieves and mind twisters) and also it is a base for recruiting to more advanced levels, and a cover for instructors from Japan to officially be here. Cause on top of the millions of ninja disguised as Mexicans present here, they sometimes need locals that can't be replaced with anything into their ranks.

5:40 Desperate with the collagen eating bacteria i get from the fiberboard under the sink, which is wood fiber glued with animal glue made of collagen, after i dried it and disinfected with UV i spray painted that board with some leftovers from aerosol cans. Both windows were open, ninja kids chose the moment to pass under the window and yell whatever.

6:56 There's one thing i can't understand though. How come Twitter, which is nothing but a glorified software, is worth 44 billions.

8:15 Just before i hit enter to post the entry above, he upstairs came. When i finished maybe half hour later he left. Part of the reason he's doing this is if anything happens to me they can claim somebody else done it. Part of it is of course we're together.

9:28 Au început. Sile Petroi. Lucian Diniță.

9:52 Smile, tomorow will be better.

Monday, October 17, 2022

October 17

8:35 AQI is 75 due to wildfire smoke. However there was much more smoke in the apartment. Had some shortness of breath due to nose congestion during sleep. When i opened the balcony door which now is usable (on the old door the screen was glued for years) i saw the lock was off which means could have been opened from outside though i remember i put it on. Under the wall next to ours they were three mole holes which i covered and then aired a bit. Feeling better now.

1:50 Nu e secret, ci discret. Aporo, Șoșoaca și masonii. Masonii nu primesc femei în lojele lor. Există una sau două loje pentru femei, dar nu știu dacă în România. O ilustrare a acestui fapt o găsim în melodia lui Linda Perry, solista de la 4 non-blondes care poartă niște ochelari ceremoniali masonici pe un joben (și ca să pară mai înaltă). Tiler (faianțar) este o funcție de îndeplinit în masonerie, însă de multe ori mă gândesc că poate veni de la numele TILE, vechea denumire a Groenlandei, cu referință la cultura Thule, care este o acoperire pentru extrema dreaptă.

Apropo, mi-am amintit de ceva. Monday business as usual. Pe unde am fost, pe cine am văzut. Mă gândeam mai mult la tipa din cazino, care semăna cu o prințesă grasă făcută brunetă.

Sâmbătă ca de obicei am ales să fugim de aici unde vedem cu ochii. Fum, zgomot, cârtițe. De asemeni am ales să nu mai beau (de) câteva zile, doar așa să văd ce se întâmplă, dar nu s-a întâmplat mare lucru, deși mi-au mai trecut durerile abdominale de prin jurul pancreasului, mă simțeam tot high, probabil de la fumul din găurile de cârtițe pe care nu le-am mai verificat recent.

După mai mult de o oră de mers, sâmbătă la 3:44 după amiază am ajuns la o barieră care bloca drumul (undeva la marginea deșertului, unde începe drumul marcat cu roșu pe acest screenshot de google maps venind din sus). Pe barieră scria că a fost un accident, care s-a întâmplat aproximativ 21 de ore înainte. Când am plecat de acasă google maps nu arăta nici o deviere, cu 107 mile până la Indian Head, ca de obicei.

Telefonul cu GPS și google maps s-a blocat, nu mai spunea nimic (mi-aș lua un GPS adevărat dar nu știu unde să-l instalez în mașină, de fapt ar trebui să încerc iar cu aplicația Android Auto - telefonul vechi nu mergea - dar și Android Auto se bazează tot pe GPS-ul din telefon) așa că am înjurat mult și am luat-o după alte vehicule (în general camionete gigantice de care acum mă tem în trafic) pe un drum pe care nu am mai umblat niciodată. Când am ajuns la intersecția de sus pe harta ODOT am intrat la o stație de benzină să întreb unde eram și pe unde trebuiam să merg. Un tip cu mustață îngustă și înaltă punea benzină într-un SUV de California și am crezut că e stație cu autoservire iar tipul era din California așa că am intrat să întreb.

După 2 ore de condus și puțin fum în ochi, direct coborât din mașină după un drum cu multe curbe și împins din spate eram destul de obosit și îngrijorat că unde sunt și dacă ar trebui să mai iau niște benzină de la o stație din pustiu cu o singură pompă și nici nu-mi păsa cine putea să fi fost. Tipa dinăuntru era micuță și avea o figură familiară simpatică cu păr cu șuvițe șatene însă mi-a spus că nu știe (unde era?) și să-l întreb pe el, care mi-a spus de 3 ori "straight this way" cu un accent ciudat și mi-a arătat drumul care pe harta ODOT de mai sus era cel din mijloc cu gri. După google maps am mers astfel. Am luat-o deci în jos pe drumul acela vălurit și curbat și s-a luat după mine o camionetă roșie uriașă care stătea prea aproape în urmă și mă împingea cu mai mult de 70 mph, uneori cu 80 (așa fac mai recent sau de vreun an, după accident) așa că mi-am luat inima în dinți, am tras cât mai aproape pe dreapta, cât să nu cad într-o prăpastie și am semnalizat dreapta și în sfârșit m-a depășit mergând mult peste limita de viteză pe o stradă cu asfaltul uzat și în valuri. Deci dacă tipul de la stația de benzină nu era real (nimeni nu mai e  pe unde merg, sau poate nu a fost vreodată în 27 de ani, dar m-am gândit că nu s-au gândit la accident) nici accidentul care a blocat drumul nu a fost real deci nici autoritățile nu sunt reale deci nimic nu e real.

Toată faza s-a întâmplat pe rezervația indiană. Steven Tyler spune că e de origine indiană. Eu nu cred.

Two Spirit. Apropo cred că l-am văzut pe tipul ăsta în cazino, tipul e sigur japonez, am să-l caut (am o listă lungă înainte).

Așa că mă duc la Liquor Store, o tâmpenie care există numai în Statul Oregon, mici francize specializate pentru tărie, unde șef la un moment dat era mortul Gary Moore, să fac slalom prin trafic la oră de vârf, cu multe capcane, și unde mă așteaptă alți artiști, pentru o replică sau două, fiindcă încep să am impresia că dacă nu beau sunt și mai prost.

5:15 Don't have the time to write about the adventures at Liquor Stores. The important thing is i made it back, in one piece. On my way there i had this flashback about a troubling news from a Romanian site and remembered something that always intrigued me and made a commitment to write about when i get back (if i don't forget and i didn't).

The names on the Vietnam Memorial. For some reason, they are not written in alphabetical order so i would assume it would be a big task to find one. But at 58k names there should be people with same names (middle name included) more than they say. Started to think about this long time ago, after i read the material written on conspiracy theories sites on early internet, complaining of all kinda things irregular about the war. So what did they wrote on the wall when two guys with the same name died?

I think you know where i'm getting at. What if they arranged the draft in such ways they were 10 for each name? Relatives would go there and eventually find the name. 10 different sets of relatives that is.

Other than that memorial, there is no other hard evidence for the public about the numbers.

Equally troubling. I read news that recruits in Ukraine war are being pushed in the front line while other "friendly" troops cut their way back. Some are misfits and/or drunks grabbed from the streets or prisons, some clueless youth. Providing them with no training and gear that sometimes is not military grade, triggering the fear they used so much they ran out of it. You can see the enthusiasm on the faces of these activated reserve officers caught during a short (eastern orthodox) ritual in a mistitled picture.

WWI. WWII. Asian wars. Iraq. Afghanistan, both for Russians and Americans. Pandemic. Propaganda. Decimating the population, currently mass killing the young people of Russia, maybe of Ukraine too, to whom could serve this?

10:23 While i translated this poem, i realized this news appeared after i posted a link with the original which can be translated with google. I also complained of shortness of breath in the last few days.

10:37 What was i saying? Cruise and XenuMore recent.


11:00 Sper că încercând să țin pasul cu contraștirile lor, am reușit să arăt suficient de mult pentru a crea un interes, o ancoră în mintea cititorilor despre faptul că știrile fac parte din simbolism, au o viață a lor aparte în spațiul cuantic sau metafizic al simbolurilor, și au doar ca pretext sau substrat evenimentele din realitate, care de cele mai multe ori sunt falsuri sau exagerări sau chiar evenimente create special pentru introducerea unor simboluri "de corecție" în spațiul comun. La fel ca și personalitățile politice și mediatice, care în realitate trăiesc în spațiul metafizic numit de australienii antici "dreaming". Treaba e nașpa, vă spun eu.

11:10 Social Darwinism is an extension of Darwinism and first justification for Nazism. If it was true, would humans be the first social animals to exhibit competition and hostility towards the same species?

Or maybe it's not the same species and that is pure, not social Darwinism. But if they can interbreed, they are the same species.

Let's look at other social animals. Do different beehives compete among them? Can that competition lead to selection? Could be, if a beehive eliminates the other. Same goes for a wolves packs. However, Nazis see themselves as wolves and the Jews (their only true enemy) as goats. Killing the goats is not competition but simply feeding and leads only to survival of the pack. Killing of all the goats and taking the lebensraum of the goats can only lead to their own destruction.

But what is the true motor of evolution? Competition or adaptation?

But then humans are more than animals. Human conscience as a result of evolution is also a radical step towards a new kind of biology, that of sentient species when minimalist or basic or even "social" Darwinism may not apply at all.

One more question. What are those humans who give up individuality and any power of decision over the most important aspects of their lives, thus what truly defines a human being, in favor of obeying a hierarchy that has on top one single human (leader of the pack, queen bee) that is thought to be god, imitating wolves or social insects? Or those who erect a dictator that acts almost as a god and then obey him in life and death living the illusion of achieving victory thinking themselves a superior race? I would call it devolution, downgrading, nostalgia of being a non-sentient species living in a lost paradise, without human worries.

But then there are those who say individual conscience is an illusion. It may very well be. They are trying for decades to convince me to give up.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

September 15

12:49 And everyday the paper boy brings more... Faces that is. Looking frantically for a new Putin ally i didn't know it existed until they ran out of others and dragged this one into international spot light. While doing so of course my attention is increased and see more things i otherwise wouldn't. Like this author that attracted me with her legs instead of her books' covers. Also because they poured a new batch of fresh she dog in heat poop on my head, tonight. This cover says more about continuity of Australian culture in Asia and Europe and America than one million words. Clear as daylight. Australian cave art. Dreaming. Shiva. Jainism. Judaism. Neo-Zoroastrianism. etc..

1:21 Just remembered something really bizarre i saw on America's got talent tonight.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

September 14

10:05 Din Boto_sani, cu prietenie.

10:23 Nu, Fuego nu este fiul.

10:23 Și praf se vor face, la fel ca bugetul, fără nici o dare de seamă (sans autre forme de procès).

10:28 De la unguri în schimb, numai psihologie (inversă).

12:07 Billy Rose.

9:08 I once put the recipe for Romanian "zacusca" in here. It is very close with the French ratatouille  that also doesn't have a very flattering name, without the zucchini.

Anyways cutting eggplants and peppers to small pieces requires some labor and was doing that when the "man" upstairs worked on his motorcycle which involved starting it and shaking the building for minutes at the time. Today it was Wednesday, the blew dust on the building, dust is also falling from some newly created by replacing the windows cracks. Somehow dust got in here (from tiny openings around door) and now i feel it in my throat and teeth.

Two days ago i've done an experiment with the car, adding 80% silver conductive epoxy in the threads of the battery's connectors, i drove the car  yesterday or after 24 hours, the car never ran better

I'm thinking, the most overlooked problem in modern cars, the battery contacts are not good enough to smooth the fluctuations after rectifying the voltage coming from alternator that may influence sensors, fuel pump, electric power steering, etc.. There can also be fluctuations from alternator's regulator and even from car's vibration.

Battery works as a huge capacitor and can smooth those out, however, if the contacts are not perfect, the voltage is not going to be perfectly smooth DC but pulsating DC. The very expensive silver epoxy i bought is very slow to cure though, still soft after 48 hours, and very expensive, 20 dollars for a few grams. The cheaper ones are only 60% silver. So i'm wondering if they're not going to sabotage this. I remember a year ago, just before the accident, when i discovered this, i put some adhesive on top of the nuts that were loosening selves after tightening battery connectors and that again improved mpg and drivability visibly so i was wondering if they're gonna let me run like that, at least for one long trip.

Was thinking at the 24 carat gold covered chocolate statues done by Wolfgang Puck and if i could find some of that gold dust to make a paste and put in the threads. Yes it is worth it (and a much better use of the gold than going down the toilet LOL) the mpg increase is at least 10%, which means one gallon out of ten at every fill-up bur it's not only that. Car runs much smoother, drives better, has more power and less gas burns in the catalytic.

9:54 Nevermind, this can't be gold dust, is too cheap. No prices here.

12:49 And everyday the paper boy brings more... Faces that is. Looking frantically for a new Putin ally i didn't know it existed until they ran out of others and dragged this one into international spot light. While doing so of course my attention is increased and see more things i otherwise wouldn't. Like this author that attracted me with her legs instead of her books' covers. Also because they poured a new batch of fresh she dog in heat poop on my head, tonight. This cover says more about continuity of Australian culture in Asia and Europe and America than one million words. Clear as daylight. Australian cave art. Dreaming. Shiva. Jainism. Judaism. etc..

Sunday, August 21, 2022

August 21

8:56 Should i apologize to other casino goers for what happened last night? I had no idea this would happen. I thought there would be not so much dust on our clothes. To have this effect on others. Yesterday before we left i tried to wet the activated carbon filters, like i did during wildfires, which was stopping most smoke. Wet filters are the only way to filter particles 10 times smaller than the smallest a HEPA filter can get. Or electrostatic, but that one has not enough capacity.

It's all BeeZee's construction fault. They put all the garbage they extracted from around the windows in one huge open bin right at our door and left it over the weekend. Some of those pieces of wood are full of dust from inside the wall, dust that may contain sharp silica nano-particles. Not talking about trying to seal the exposed holes in the wall with pieces of flashing too short. Noises like from cars with modified exhaust, cars hitting the bump outside the building easily raise that dust. I developed a feel for it in Lake Oswego, when i went several times in the attic to fix exhaust pipes. I know when huge amounts are present in the air.

I think it happened before, but not at this scale. Dust is constantly falling from the roof through the airing vents, again at noises and bump hitting.

We were carrying unknowingly tiny amounts of those particle on our clothes. Once inside, it spread everywhere. I think of the times when they were smoking inside the casino. Cigarette smoke would have trapped that dust.

Never seen so many people so excited in my life. They were swarming frantically in the casino, passing from one machine to another, twice as fast as i've seen usually. A woman won a hand at a table game and was yelling for minutes. More people than usual at that day and our were present, according to google maps. I think they owners made much money that night as people when they get excited tend to play and loose more.

I'm taking big chances in writing this but i think it's an opportunity to prove what that dust does in tiny amounts. Don't bother trying to analyze. You won't see anything in an optical microscope and in an electronic one you won't find the particles among others as they are very few with such dramatic effect.

Try to imagine what's happening to us. Not much to me anymore, cause i know. But Angela awoke and started to yell already.

I am also sitting here at the computer and the guy upstairs is raining contaminated litter dust on me. I smell like coming from a stable, though it's less then 24 hours since last shower.

Because of pain, yesterday i drank in the parking lot there about 500 ml of brandy and fell asleep passed out. Angela didn't want to drive, being too tired (after all the effort it took to loose 600 dollars). So i did it after i slept a couple of hours there, with doors unlocked. At Sheridan a Sheriff's detours took me on a very narrow road with no shoulder.

Pele's hair happens when a strong wind blows during a volcanic eruption. It is the design inspiration for mineral fiber found in most American homes. A good thermal insulator, very cheap to manufacture, all you have to do is heat volcanic lava inside a centrifuge machine, like for making cotton candy. Fibers are irregular and breakage is submicroscopic.

And yes, Rihanna was present dressed as a security guard. I talked to her and wrote Angela's name on a piece of paper in front of her cause i had to page her (got lost, gave up searching, she didn't hear the phone or whatever. The insulation in older homes is loose, the final product presented here is bound and packaged. However, my thoughts go to those the walking dead who work in there, without a breathing apparatus or even masks, especially in pre-binding and cutting areas. Not that it would make a difference, those particles are too small.They phased out and demonized asbestos because this is probably cheaper to manufacture, and no study has tied the effects on human health, which are more psychological than organ damaging, at least at first.

2:03 16 éves Nagy Adrienn

2:57 Dug-in for you. I think it's wrong to say: this guy started the war, or Putin or Rasputin or whatever. These guys live in some sort of collective consciousness they brought with them from Australia called "the dreaming" (yes, i believe now the American dream is just a part of it).

11:04 I think the significance of bowing in Japan is more deep that we all think. First, there is the bowing to the emperor, who is a god. But then the emperor bows back and all people bow to each other, head first (there is another type of bow, reserved to enemies, the other way around and  that also has some weird but negative power  to that person and i have experienced many times, like several times yesterday while driving). I think when the emperor bows back he transmits some of his divine power to the people.  Could it be a form of syncing their brainwaves, a form of deep communication like that of aboriginal Australians based on vibrational communications.
Then they all start to feel a bit part of it. Lesser gods. Their kami in connection to the emperor's kami. This and other supernatural powers, like shin shin shin gan (or maybe the same vibrational comms), other tricks of which some are plainly mundane to modern people, and some that deserve attention, known and used by ninja, all might have started the belief that Japanese are a superior race and also their extreme cultural isolation.

11:43 Hip and knees problems, debilitating pain, trouble standing and walking? Before trying hip replacement surgery i suggest you should try a few servings of bone broth (and removing the offensive pollutants source). Not exactly a fan of the taste, i mix it with noodles soup. Don't know exactly what it is and how it works but it does wonders on inflamed tissues. After being exposed for a whole week to again sharp submicronic possibly electrified silica based, sulfur contaminated mineral dust, i started to have that problem again and got relief after only one serving.

12:00 Scars, the dreaming and other ideas took from me. Their method of killing information and Dugina is not dead since she was not real but a tennis player from Hungary which for some weird reason chose to show in the parking lot at Safeway in Lincoln City tonight, though she ran away and was replaced by a double after i recognized her.

Rușii nu-și doresc hegemonie globală, ci doar Euro-Asiatică. Și ei au toți politicienii fake, provenind din aceeași sursă, adevărata putere mondială, auto-declarată în melodie. Like it's 75 again.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

February 6

7:55 Left without driver's licence yesterday. Too many things to worry about. Had to fix something at the car (loose battery connectors, eternally, like Xenu's battery), face a hosts of shows in the parking lot. The cops knew. Somebody came here and saw throw the window my wallet on the desk. At some point in the middle of nowhere (I think in Sheridan's surroundings, next to penitentiary) a Sheriff's deputy with a radar, something i haven't seen in a long time (like one year ago when i got fined for speeding in the same area by State Police one mile away where the cop was). I was on the ending right lane doing 60, everybody slowed down to 55 bla bla. I discovered i didn't have my wallet a few miles after i left Chinook. Turned around to check with Security desk. At the Casino, as usually, a number of celebrities. One of them was her which prompted me to do the search, after seeing her face in the news, again (In Romania, she was dead for days, don't understand why people don't understand all these women dead recently, killed by their lovers, husbands, look to good to be real). Don't ask me why. Who can understand the aliens' minds and their ways of influencing ours. Last night after i got home i ate a little and had a cup of herbal tea. After an hour or so i woke up with severe reflux, probably the worst episode i ever had (the other type of choking i'm experiencing, though not recently, first being dysphagia). Couldn't breath for about one minute. Haven't been drinking in a week, don't wanna die before i see how all this ends. Now i woke up in smoke, got to go outside to check. Knowing i will do so,  they already started an ambulance siren. (It stopped the moment i wrote).

As usually, after spending 5 minutes outside, when getting back inside was choked by the thick smoke with an animal dung component. Laminar flow at the surface of the ground towards and inside heated buildings with smoke not perceived outside. But "normal" people don't understand this, right, just a tiny minority who studied hydraulics and engineering.

Outside. Met with the black cat i saw under door a few days ago. Cracks in the ground from where the smoke comes from. The empty cans thrown carefully arranged on top of bushes, fow some weird reasons.
10:26 A apărut numele Ana, au venit și ei cu o știre cu Ana, Ana are COVID numai că Ana nu poate să aibă COVID fiindcă nu există.

1:48 Alien ingenuity. They got at least two guys in nighborhood, who both speak real good, real fast, one in English and one in Spanish "while on the phone", to be heard in all microphones and "prove" the area is populated. Now the "Spanish" guy yells real real fast at my window and i was sleeping after i took a Zyrtec because of the smoke with animal dung. In my dream it entrained my brain and i was dreaming i got mad in traffic and was racing with some guy and i we were driving real fast on the sidewalk (i passed him on the sidewalk, it was a dream sidewalk) and got flashed by a red light/speed camera.

2:10 I feel so dirty both on the inside and outside, took a shower, could not feel the smell of shampoo, so the clothes. Off i go for the rest of the day but can't take Zyrtec anymore cause it makes me too sleepy.

Both Angela and i like the steering wheel in the lowest position, and because of that we can't see the speedometer. So got moving my head to look around it, i will order, for evaluation purposes, a 20 bucks thingy that projects your speed, other parameters on your windshield, for evaluation purposes (too see if it's not to distracted)

Thursday, February 3, 2022

February 3

12:47 Late this evening i went to look at something under the car. As usually, i took pictures with the phone, in places i don't have direct sight. I left the door a bit open and then after spending a few minutes outside, i noticed the smell of a dog poop. I looked for, haven't seen any. I thought the smell might come from inside and got used to it. As i was laying in front of the car, taking pictures with the flash, they dispatched some kidos, some planes, the usual.

A few minutes ago i noticed the smell inside is getting stronger. And then suddenly i realized what happened. When the temperature reached 80 inside i stopped all washing and drying. Got some pillows in the washer, that were spun and ready to dry. But i also forgot to pour some water in the drier, just in case all water from the s valve was gone due to siphoning. Or was stolen. Whatever. Then they shook the building for one hour to bring in both dust and sewer gas from a sewer where they throw in dog poo. I filled the valve and now attempting to air in here, in several stages, as i search for one more guy, but it's been a lot of smell. A towel soaked in water with a drop of chlorine on top of heater.

8:44 This morning, again a number of coordinated actions, including seeding burning pellets loaded with biological material into the ground by an unknown person, and bringing a big engine during quiet hours under some pretext to vibrate everything at 6:30. I think someone let a car on an No parking on Tuesday spot, 21 Century Towing, the same that almost ran me over when i was taking the garbage having with my truck on tow and would not release my truck under promise of payment, they were not equipped with taking cards, nobody uses cash no more). In a few words this morning in an act of retaliation they (dominicans) acted deliberately infecting someone with a live biological agent (T Gondii) by performing a religious ritual in public.

2:10 The ultimate craft, an invitation to another world. Since no physical phenomena exists without an observer, so the whole Universe which may be the creation of our minds agreeing upon (nothing new).

Thus the number of parallel universes is infinite or at least equal to the number of observers, but what if a number of observers agree to converge to a separate Universe, that could coexist (paralel) with ours, that both us and they might call Unum (The Dreaming)?
2:52 Food production requires one quarter of the whole energy the world uses or produces. However. I think letting rot or throwing away food should be made a crime. Or at least establish quotas. Limit.

3:04 Electric sweepers are in great demand, instead of price going down, like for any mass produced items, it goes up. (By example my Bissell vacuum cleaner with bags cost 40 dollars at Walmart). When i bought my sweeper, a few years ago online it was 22 bucks. They are very useful little things, in between vacuuming. With a tiny motor and three small rechargeable batteries, it is amazing the speed that brush rotates at and how fast you can sweep a limited area, be it in the kitchen after cooking or under desk after eating. However. In a year of use it gets so dirty it becomes unusable, though still in trend, still necessary. 

Especially hair getting in the little bearings, dirt covering transparent, unreachable areas. Built well enough to last indefinitely, after that point where it slows down and/or stops rotating being clogged with dirt or hair there is no option for the average user but to throw it away. This morning i took the thing apart (about ten screws, one connector, handle, wheels, etc..) and cleaned all the parts, basically rebuilding it, in a couple hours. Was it worth it? That depends on how much an hour my own maintenance cost. It works like new, even the batteries are holding.

Here's an example of designing things that are not easy to maintain and prone to be thrown away after being underused. A waste of materials, energy, while increasing the pollution burden. I've once been told. It's not the engineers, it's the accountants who decide. Why put more effort into designing more maintainable items when the pressure is to sell more?

10:29 I've been very busy within the last few days searching. One thing was leading to another etc.. Wasn't paying attention around except at times, when i was going to stop the smoke. But right now the smoke is so bad inside it is intolerable and i just don't know what to do anymore. I went outside briefly to take something from the car. A guy with a car parked next to mine on red curb with flashing lights came promptly from a building. The smoke outside was so thick i just could not stay in the car and search for those things so i just came inside. Now my clothes smell like smoke. Earlier. After a week of silence, with car parked outside, i heard the guy upstairs. Made a few noises earlier and a couple of squeaks. Interestingly, the noises made me forget what i wanted to do next. Feel like i don't want to do anything no more anyways. Disgusted with everything. Maybe one more thing worth mentioning. Not only Americans are flooded with hidden symbolism aka subliminals. From top to bottom. From the eye of the pyramid. By, then.

11:00 It's the same though on a different scale than what's happening around this building. Anybody believes me now? Just remembered something.  Another burning hell in Centralia,... TranPennsylvania, less than a mile away from... Ashland. St.Ignatius? Now i remember something. My first job at Sheridan was on MLK, close to... Ash and Burnside Bridge and Street. In the fall/winter of 95/96 i was crossing that bridge every day twice with my 83 wooden Fairmont Ford with 306 VCZ? (With Z figuring an overturned N) LPN. Some Romanian Christian "friends" were telling the year of birth of Christ was miscalculated and 1996 is actually 2000, year of the Apocalypse. How many Apocalypses have been since? I can't remember, they've been a lot, but i think it's only one and it started at least 100 years before year 2000, with industrial revolutions and the world led by religious fanatics who literally want to set the world on fire (climate crisis), and we are now in the year 2022 closer than ever from their goal. (We just passed 2/02/2022, beware now the date 2/22/2022).

Question. Who's gonna clean after, if ever? My guess. After all the gold from this planet will be pumped up on  in Orion constellation with particle accelerators, this planet will burn pretty much like Venus so nobody will remain to remember anything or God forbid. Grow taking advantage of all the resources here and go after or challenge them.

Many would say. Concentration of carbon in the air on Earth increased i don't know, 0.4% in 150 years of industrialization and there is a long time since will reach 99% like on Venus. Wrong. That concentration is merely the final effect, not the cause. All it takes is melting completely the ice caps, which are planet's "air conditioning". After those are gone, it is possible the temperature would go high enough for all the vegetation to dry up and then of course burn and that would be your runaway effect, and that will probably consume much of the oxygen in the atmosphere, without possibility of regenerating, capisci?

BTW anybody asked themselves why the world's biggest particle accelerator is in Switzerland where world's most numerous gold bunkers are. Instead of directing two beams with vaporized gold ions into each other at near the speed of light, you can redirect the beams to a direction in space.

6:20 Just took Angela to work, i needed the car to work on it a little today. As i pulled in the spot, a teenager from Apt.4 popped in front of the car, coming from where? at 6 AM. The smoke was rather vague, and the soft spots and mounds were moved away from building. No, nobody is bothering me when i go to step on those, doing the rain dance, when there is smoke there is nobody in the buildings, they probably got tunnels to move people in and out. But when i stepped back towards the door, i saw a black cat with a bell running away scared from under deck and i can only guess what it was doing there. Kinda absent minded, not necessarily hight. Ok, a bit high.