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Showing posts sorted by date for query gsr. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, September 19, 2024

September 19

2:30 AM If Hamas if financed by Iran why didn't they get the pagers and walkie talkies from there.

2:43 It's good to know there are alternatives to bringing home those guy from ISS...

2:51 Bruce Lee, the personification of reverse psychology... But he played other roles too...

9:14 How is that for yet another coincidence? I thing i saw her behind a slot machine at GSR last night.

Talking about Sun-logos and lotus motifs.
9:50 What attempt? Arrested in a neighboring county?

10:18 Hassan

10:40 Mircea Geoană

11:25 Weather manipulation for double reverse psychology. Lotus on the water. On 14 i posted these links...

6:33 I know what Peppermill stands for. Besides being a paper mill. Something to go home with. A correction. Normaly, simply walking or sweeping marble generates crystalline silica dust in the air. But at times they organize repair work which always involves cutting marble or concrete, generating fine submicronic electrified silica (glass) dust that spreads throughout the hotel.

I can feel it for a few days now. Extra inflammation in all areas of the body. The sacred lotus. The images burnt in your brain that are supposed to correct you.

7:02 But there's something else i saw today when i went to McDonalds (McDonnel Duglass). Hubbard Way. Is there a Scientology connection? I suspected for a longtime now, all the machines are actually psycho-meters and they punish or reward you by the intensity of your emotions, doing some sort of involuntary audit on you. Has this anything to do with gambling?

Friday, June 21, 2024

June 21

12:30 Ziua cea mai lungă din an.

Dictatura prezidențială.

Componența X-at.

CSAT, așa cum îi spune și numele, este un consiliu. Conform Constituției, Președintele este comandantul  Forțelor Armate însă doar Parlamentul poate declara stare de război.

Achiziționarea sistemelor Patriot a fost votată în Parlament și a devenit lege. Apropo, din ce buget se va plăti un miliard de dolari pentru un alt sistem (care "se negociază pentru înlocuirea celui donat")? În  SUA de exemplu Congresul a blocat pentru multe luni de zile ajutorul în bani pentru achiziționarea de armament în Ucraina, la propunerea lui Joe Biden.

Vede cineva vreo încălcare a Constituției, legilor sau chiar regulamentului CSAT?

Vede cineva o contradicție între poziția pro-rusă a lui Viktor Orban (șeful unui guvern membru NATO) în războiul Ruso-Ucrainean și susținerea lui Iohannis care este pro-Ucrainean?

Are vreo legătură această donație din pixul Președintelui cu vreo funcție "dorită" de el după ce își termină mandatul în România? Va îndeplini acea funcție cu respectarea legislațiilor în felul în care o face în România?

Cele mai mari tâmpenii din istorie au fost întotdeauna comise cu încălcări profunde ale legislațiilor, constituțiilor, etc., care la un moment dat au fost aruncate la gunoi de către vreun dictator. Însă a fost întotdeauna nevoie de cel puțin 2 dictatori pentru a porni un război, iar în cazul României au fost 3 sau c chiar 4, Antonescu, Hitler, Stalin și Horthy (the perfect storm, furtuna perfectă).

2:00 Mi se pare logic. Din moment ce s-au băgat, trebuie să meargă până la capăt. Sau până la capăt.

2:50 The Re-Gifter.
2:57 Jake Sullivan, an attorney? He of all human beings should know better than anybody else that the giveaway of a Patriot system by the Romanian President, just like that or by imperatives of the present is not legal in Romania or in any country from many points of view i tried to describe above.

US above all countries is a leader of democracy in the world. Democracy is not possible without the rule of law, how can i explain it better.
Falco Der Kommisar lyrics.

8:00 I wanted to post the GSR in Reno logo (the craziest place on the planet, with AC still smelling like sewage) when i found 6 out of 5 GSR logos have some sort of circle in them. Grand Sun Ra?

Talked too much about gifting, got an extra 100 dollars charge from Peppermill in the email. Thinking if the goat in pain is related to my pains problems and how i could sue them from that (if i could find an attorney, other than Hillary).

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

September 12

12:43 Ok a trecut. 9-11.

Am greșit ceva mai devreme și îmi cer scuze. Postarea ce o pierdusem și care demonstrează pe baza unui video de supraveghere că e nevoie de 32 de secunde pentru ca unda seismică să ajungă din Vrancea în București era asta.

Însă faza e că mai sunt încă niște secunde până încep să cadă chestiile, cineva într-o clădire mai mică cu bulină roșie ar avea timp să iasă, dacă nu doarme și îl alertează telefonul. O alarmă cu sonerie în clădire. Testați dvs. în propria clădire, cât timp v-ar trebui.

12:57 Este asta o imagine violentă? Este asta o imagine erotică? Este tenisul feminin un sport erotic?

2:08 Din multitudinea de bazaconii prezentate în media de azi am ales una ptr. deliciul dvs..

Fantasme pline de simbolisme, minciuni scrise sau citite deasupra vastelor decolteuri, asta le întrece pe toate (căpușă = tick). De unde au știut polițai-ii că l-au oprit de 9-11 ori, au o bază de date pentru asta sau au învățat și ei să numere de acum? (ok trebuie să stau acasă vreo câteva zile de-acum că dacă mă prind ăștia pe drum după ce am scris... uitasem să iau untul și nu mai știu ce de la WinCo, forget about).

2:35 The man upstairs is not home tonight. I couldn't hear his heavier steps though the white car with BPM he mostly uses is here. Wondering what THEY are up to. Let me see if the black CJS one is here.

2:56 Ok both cars are here. My truck is here too.

3:15 Michael George Dick of Beaver-ton. Horny (Dick already had...). Yes i know there was a vice-president with that name. I think he lived upstairs for a while.

As i said before, THESE guys won't stop by themselves, uh-huh. However. I was wondering earlier. What would the world do without THEM. Like if all of them would disappear suddenly like in a Sci-Fi movie. Raptured or something. Go on a planet. Will the world survive for more than a month?

3:27 Every cell, slag wool.

9:18 Era nevoie de un moment, de o nevoie, de o sincronizare cu ceva. Au ținut-o în rezervă un an pentru un moment ca acesta. 4 link-uri, 4 ani.

De jucat tenis putea încă să joace dar cred că nu mai dădea așa de bine ca altele mai tinere în poze. Eu am întrebat atunci, întreb și acum.

Cum poate o organizație internațională să recolteze probe biologice într-o anume țară, unde numai sistemul juridic este abilitat prin lege să o facă. Organizație care are chiar și "tribunale".

Cum se poate face analiza pentru sute de substanțe care sunt pe lista celor interzise dintr-un singur eșantion și cât ar costa.

Răspunsul e unul singur. BS. Este o formă de entertainement iar dopajul un element care îi dă sațietate la momente oportune.

9:50 0 frază care se contrazice singură. O linguriță are 5 ml, o lingură 10. Apropo nu cred că Halep a fost testată de USADA care are cât de cât jurisdicție in SUA. Apropo, la cât timp s-a făcut testul B la Halep?

Nu există studii referitoare la cât de mult se schimbă concentrația de Roxadust în urină după 3 luni de congelare (freezing) (apropo la ce temperatură a fost congelată proba?).

12:10 Got two hours of sleep so far. Been breathing on my congested nose for hours and suddenly got a series of palpitations (irregular heart beats and/or fibrillation) that BTW get longer every time. What i wanted to say. I know i will regret this for the next 20 hours or less but here it goes.

I was in Reno and the whole section of the hotel (i know cause i asked to change rooms) was smelling like sewage and most likely it was all coming from one or a few rooms.

In buildings with central A/C including some apartment buildings some of the air coming from all units if not all gets mixed then cooled in the (central, single, huge) AC unit, recirculated again in all units (like in a car when you put the A/C on recirculate, but permanently, for cost reasons). So you basically you share the air with everybody in that building, young, old, healthy, sick, pets, litter dust, under fridge dust, cooking and burning smell, dirty laundry, dishes, pet pheromones, name it.

The room at GSR was also having fabric like woven dust inside the vents (when i looked with a flashlight through the grill) and with cold air, condensation, mold, bacteria. There was decades old dust on the armoire.

Combined with insulation coming from walls, there is no way you would have a nice complexion while living in one of these buildings, probably months after if you choose to move.

Also probably same goes for recirculating... There are different types of bacteria in different areas of your body and those should stay there (no matter how sexy you think it looks).

For immediate results besides immediate interruption of the cause, i recommend a course of systemic antibiotics with doctor's approval and supervision as they can have side effects like severe alergies. Avoid doxycycline or other tetracyclines cause they may cause heart damage. Augmentin would be a good choice, though more expensive. Should use probiotics during treatment cause antibiotics also destroy your beneficial bacteria.

Intramuscular (a bit painful but time released) instead of oral which can cause (serious in some people, gastric discomfort, liver overloading) but that is rarely prescribed in the US as you need an assistant for every injection every 6 or 8 hours (yes in your lovely butt). IV would be a good compromise but me personally i don't feel great about those either. Patches if you can find them.

At GSR i tried and stopped the AC and used an UV lamp inside (when i was not there) so i could get some sleep. (Should not look at while on, should not use with plants inside and only when you're not home). Cheapest is kinda awkward to use (it gets dragged by the wire, moves around).

But after i wrote about guess what. They sent me next year an invitation (Peppermill, built in the 70s) with a good price (that doubled when i got there) and put me in a duplex (room separated from next room by two locked doors, one on each side).

There was a guy next door on an otherwise empty floor in one of the newer buildings. He opened his door, making sound separation even thinner, turned the TV on and then coughed all night and after a few hundred miles driven and 4  hours of sleep i got so mad i drove 500 more miles, home, the next day.

5:10 Angela got since last week from her HR manager a letter she had to transmit in person to her doctor with the requirements of her job basically asking the doctor if she can do the job or not. The specified requirements within that letter are lifting 40 pounds, standing, bending, squatting etc. which she rarely did at SMT (her job title is machine operator) though sometimes is required at other work stations that do not include walking when SMT is not available. She already had a 20 pounds restriction since she got hired permanently first because of her fist heart surgery and then the hernia basically since 2016. But since, the HR manager changed several times.

The SMT machine she operated is 100 ft long and she has to walk alongside that maybe an average of 100 times in one day (with more partial walks, stops etc.). Both Angela and the doctor are puzzled as Angela nowadays got bursitis in both her legs but there is nothing specified about that in the job description. Because if they did they would basically acknowledge she got sick from the enormous amount of walking every day, for one year and a half.

For a while she was wearing a pedometer while working at SMT and that one counted over 15000 steps or three miles a day.

Before that, people working in SMT were rotating in less demanding stations every few days. But when they recently rotated Angela after she got hurt she got to lift over 40 pounds and she got the 20 pounds restriction because of a hernia created during surgeries post heart surgery (retrieving of forgotten wires). Angela says that Steve Eaton (coincidence of names with the company) her de facto supervisor, the leader who survived several supervisors since she got hired  did that on purpose cause he knew well about her restriction.

5:53 Today they picked the time to call her form dr.'s office probably because i wrote about a few medical things and drug tests on the blog and they asked her what limitations they will write down and Angela asked to keep the permanent 20 pounds limit with occasional 40 and 5000 steps a day for walking, for one or two months, or until the next appointment with the doctor.

The first person who called her and then put her on hold had a very familiar voice i could hear from the other room. Then after waiting she got to talk to somebody else in same dr.'s office.

Angela tried to explain the bigger picture but all that person wanted was Angela to tell her what to write in that paper they will email HR tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. So all the dilemmas were on Angela. At a certain time Angela told her that maybe the company wants to get the tax deductions for hiring disabled people.

Angela also had a hard time concentrating because last night she slept in smoke. There was a large hole at the corner of the living outside i fixed in the morning. There is a filter in the living but none in the bedroom (it broke) and smoke concentration in there was higher. There is smoke in here as i write.

6:31 Non essential duties of the job. They recently hired in there a person who does not hear or talk. There is at least one person with similar lifting limitations that do not do SMT. Angela might be able to do SMT several times a week like other people did before her, after a one or two months restriction.

7:05 I opened the door trying to figure the cause for the persistent smoke in here (we both perceive it as such though it could be very concentrated mold smell from underground mole galleries) and the kids invaded the area and caught me outside. There was a white kid (a novelty) yelling at the other "stop it" "stop it" while facing me as i tried to retire inside.

In the meantime i had a chance to step on a few holes and the mold subsided a little.

7:40 I was intrigued by the whole story and took a better look at that questionnaire. I don't think Angela was supposed to transmit the letter to the doctor, see the questionnaire or answer those questions. I think the whole process was designed to intimidate us into me stopping writing here. Intimidation is a crime under Oregon and Federal law.

8:12 Sorry for the quality of the images but smoke or whatever this is prevents me from doing some of the things i normally can.

If this letter was for Eaton internal use only and was addressed to Angela then why they asked Angela to give it to the doctor?

What is the purpose of attaching the job requirements to the last page? The doctor does not determine if someone fits or not the requirements, he/she just evaluate a patient.

Also a doctor cannot evaluate if someone can setup the machine, read process sheets, etc.. Doctors can evaluate if a patient can see or not and this was never the case. But what tops it is the fact that an unknown to Angela non medical person asked her the questions on the second page after Angela saw the third page and knowing she does not fit in the job description with the 40 lbs limitation. Also she insisted Angela answered yes at the first question.

To make things more interesting, the HR manager is on vacation until next week so we will try and hold our breath until 18.

8:35 Maybe people keep asking themselves, if i am so smart why i don't have a job myself. Maybe because at my last more serious job in 1999/2000 at AVX Vancouver (formerly Kyocera) my supervisor was Axl Rose? He was coming at work for a few hours a day when he was coming and all he did was pull me from the floor into the launch area. Maybe he wanted to do something good for me, the air there was full of ceramic dust mixed with lead and the temperature was constant 65 degrees due to a broken AC.

No i was not drinking at the job there. I wasn't drinking at all during that time. We just had McDonalds and soda in the lunch room. However my stomach was hurting me all the time, probably because of that dust, dust at home, etc..

Never realized how much Kyocera logo looks like a panda bear head or who knows what kami when turned on a side. After all i know today i begin to realize who was the Japanese woman who came from time to time in there while people were whispering... "She tells everything". Though many people were missing a lot from work, people were punching for others etc.. I was happy to have a job, didn't really want to get in trouble.

Until one day i got mad, probably overloaded with dust and i went to see a lawyer i knew since 1996 and told him about the dust, the cold and people doing all kinda things to me that were getting worse by the day. The guy looked embarrassed and talked to me in the hallway. There was a woman who heard everything.

Typically Japanese style, they demoted me the next day (don't know who told them about the lawyer) from technician to operator and moved me into a hot area for cooking ceramic so i just quit. I was leaving in... Beaverton some 20 miles away.

And yes they put a little 1999 December 31 night show in there. Y2K bug, Putin's coup. The day before i quit. There was this huge antenna across the street from AVX. It is my belief that these huge towers, everywhere across the world can interact with ionosphere, making them geo-weapons. Someone took that one out in that day.

After i fixed all the machines in testing, a bottle neck there and they got an all time production record in December 1999.

If you don't believe me ask Don, the engineer. Nino D'Angelo, Ana Blandiana (Susan Sarandon), the guy from Inner Circle, Tom Green, Nidal Hasan, Cheech and Chong and probably Viktor Orban as John Ciorba.

Same goes for Angela, i think the Chinese woman there, Hao is really Victoria Principal from Dallas. Yes she was born in Japan officially an American from American parents but i think she is all the way Japanese, sometimes posing Chinese. But she doesn't really care.

10:06 Outside it smells really bad probably a huge one, went to see, the sprinklers started in that area, one sprinkler is broken and sprinkles on top of the garages and wets the laves that already fell there making them rot... Cannot pick it anyway cause now it got wet...

10:35 No it was "only" a pee coming from a really sick dog not far from the door.

10:40 De ce nu spune nimeni niciodată care sunt limitele legale și cum se măsoară. În SUA limitele legale sunt de 10000 mai mari decât nivelurile deja dăunătoare și de 1000 de ori mai mari decât în Rusia de exemplu. În acest tabel din Europa (ultima coloană) limitele sunt în W/m2, în SUA sunt în mW/cm2 deci de zece ori mai permisive decât majoritatea țărilor din Europa.

Dar sunt țări ca Bulgaria, Italia, Polonia, Rusia care au limite de 100 de ori mai restrictive decât cele mai multe țări inclusiv România și sunt doar de 10 ori mai mari decât e setată alarma pe aparatul meu de măsură.

Nebunia apare din faptul că politicienii care fac legislația nu se pricep la nimic. Inginerii care au făcut acest aparat de măsură au pus limita tot la 10 dar în mW/m2, de o mie de ori mai restrictiv decât în Europa care este totuși de 10 ori mai restrictiv decât în SUA.

Politicienii nu se pricep, se expun pe ei înșiși și pe noi toți, dar chestia e că dacă limitele ar fi cele reale de siguranță telefoanele nu ar mai putea funcționa ca atare, nu ar merge nici la 10 metri de turn. Și totuși nu înțeleg cum funcționează ele în Italia, Bulgaria, Polonia, Rusia. Înseamnă că nu au nevoie de atâta putere.

Multă lume nu înțelege dar în cazul telefoanelor radiația este însăși puterea de emisie necesară pentru a accesa cel mai apropiat turn, după ce le scanează pe toate, la putere maximă.

Normal că se pot seta din soft însă cine știe să le măsoare și cine garantează că nu o iau razna doar ca să arate fabricantul că telefoanele lor merg mai bune? Ca să nu mai vorbim de viruși și de hackeri care pot schimba setarea. Cred că telefoanele ar trebui să aibă un cip hardware independent ceva care să măsoare puterea de emisie în orice moment și să bipăie o alarmă.

11:20 There was a piece of garbage next to the black car than went and came minutes ago. I picked it up then i regretted.

12:00 Dacă vreți să vă luați un aparat uitați-vă după RF și setarea în mW/m2, EMF și ELF sunt pentru vânătorii de fantome.

Stau și mă întreb dacă acest pendant funcționează fiindcă seamănă cu un dipol în scurtcircuit de lungimea de undă respectivă și ar putea atrage și scurtcircuita undele, 99 de dolari? Aș putea să iau o bară de cupru rotund și să o tai la lungimea respectivă și să încerc apoi cu aparatul de măsură să văd ce face.

Însă nu vă va putea proteja de propriul telefon mai ales când îl țineți aproape de cap. Doar de turnuri sau telefoane la un metru doi distanță.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

June 22

9:30 Highlight of the day. I will not be today at Rolling Hills in Tualatin, to witness the blowing of the parking lot and mowing of the lawn with 200 mph blowers and 100 dB mowers. Lowlight. I got awakened by a bathroom fan after almost 6 hours of sleep (or what i like to believe) and then kept that way by desperate housekeepers left and right though there are 2 and a half hours till check in hours in what i thought was a soundproof room. I was wrong when i said that the hotel is new. Just read in Wikipedia. 1971. Wondering if they ever cleaned the AC ducts. However that is not the biggest problem here. When i went to restroom today i noticed this picture on the wall next to the throne. Ironic isn't it.

Considering i checked in at an automated kiosk.

In the first night after we checked into the rooms Angela won like 300 dollars which made us worry free and in the mood to play.

Yesterday at Atlantis. After the shock with the transformer at Eldorado, i was in a bad mood. Had some brandy but that didn't help. Went to Atlantis (wanted to do the tour of casinos), Eldorado was my choice, wanted to have a Cuba Libre in there like i did last year, but got pissed off instead by the "line of sight" game, which means everywhere i sat, immediately one came and sat so i can see her/him while playing, so after some misadventures got at Atlants. By far bigger than Eldorado and smaller than Peppermil, it was full of smoke. The big buffet was attracting people and there were many kids and even babies in the casino that at times made me (like Peppermill last night) choke with smoke. Forgot the decaf soluble at home and bought some caffeinated at Grocery Outlet (they didn't have decaf). For one more time out of 100 i got the confirmation that i'm not supposed to drink caffeinated coffee.

Or maybe it was something else. I was playing my 20 dollars at a poker game and it wasn't that bad (i was holding on) when a Japanese woman with a N95 type of mask sat next to me (one free place in between where she put her handbag). (Got to interact in total with up to 100 Japanese people, everywhere). I started to feel more and more tired, had some pain in the legs and finally decided to go in the car to take a nap.

Got outside, two planes took of going at a 30 degrees angle with big noise at the airport nearby. I was walking on a street thinking it was a parking lot but luckily didn't get hit by any car. Finally got on a sidewalk but at first stop light when i pressed the button, i saw there was this black woman with two kids ft behind me. A Police SUV waiting at the light. I crossed and met with another black woman with kids and another Police car. Made it to the car. Stinking badly like dog poop. Started the AC, tried to take a nap in the stinking car but couldn't. Up until 9 PM i was "crashed". That is i wanted to sleep badly. Went back to Peppermill, Angela went to the floor and me in the room, but was afraid to sleep because i knew i was sure i will wake up with severe apnea because of all that smoke. Finally after 9 got better but Angela got pissed from me being sick and unreasonable probably from sitting again next to a Japanese woman with mask and a big bag. Went to GSR and back to Peppermill. All evening i could not decide if it was me stinking like dog poop and sewage or the casinos, in areas where there was not thick smoke. Finally convinced Angela to go to the room to get some sleep before we leave tomorrow (check out time at 12 or one hour from now). The worst experience so far with road trips and casinos an probably my last time here. No matter how many postcards with cheap hotel offers they will send to me.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

A Theory on Earth's Magnetic Field and Lightning

Due to constant solar and natural background radiation, air at different altitudes carries a non zero positive electrical charge.

That charge varies with height creating a potential gradient, with an increase about 100 volts per meter at ground level becoming weaker at higher altitudes reaching a maximum of 400,000 volts.
If conditions of pressure, humidity and temperature allow, clouds form within atmosphere. Clouds are droplets of water which float in the air (fog) and can carry much more water than saturated air (100% humidity or water dissolved). Clouds can charge according to the potential at each level and when they get denser eventually become conductive and shortcut this potential generating lightning.

But before lightening happens. All clouds carry charges that are several times bigger than the atmosphere alone, according to their position within Earth's potential gradient shown above.

Atmosphere together with clouds and ionosphere, all charged positively, turn with Earth at a speed that ranges from 0 at poles to about 1000 mph at equator. Ionosphere is part of the atmosphere. Ionosphere being ionized it is also electrically charged. Moving electric charges always generate a magnetic field. Ionosphere and atmosphere together with clouds, jet-streams and electrojets all rotate with Earth from west to east.

Total moving electric charges rotating around Earth that is made 35% of iron are responsible for Earth's magnetic field. Applying right hand rule for coils we even get the correct direction of the field.

It doesn't matter that the iron core rotates together with the atmosphere. Even without the core, there would still be a magnetic field created by the rotating atmosphere, though about 200 times smaller.

If the surface of the Earth was charged negatively, as current common knowledge states, clouds will be attracted to Earth. It is also common knowledge that Earth itself is neutral and is used as such when wiring the buildings.

Here is a cloud catching device seen near GSR hotel in Reno, Nevada, right after it released a cloud that caused a little rain in downtown on a hot day, for purpose of lowering AC bill. Clouds being charged, it attracts them by means of electrostatic force. .

Friday, October 2, 2020

Fire and Rain

This is the fire situation in western states as of today (post time). You can see fires grew back since after last rain that i managed to catch in a different blog post. (That post is done through a different method, screenshots in a slideshow, that is very time consuming. Much easier with gifs, but there is no easy way to pause them when playing in html).

Since, the jet stream moved way up north leaving an area of high pressure, high temperature, low winds and especially no rain. Time shown on the map is PDT+7.

The reason i came up with this again is frustration with the smoke. But when i looked today again on the visible and infrared satellite images i saw the situation is much worse in central California. And it looks like it's going to stay that way unless it doesn't rain. Maybe for months. And  then my frustration grew bigger. And i remember something i wrote several times in different posts and wanted to put them together once and for all.

Here is a very comprehensive explanation of what jet stream are. Rivers of high speed air way above surface winds, flowing always west to east (except for meandering).
They are mainly caused by the difference in speed of surface of Earth between equator and pole. They are important because in temperate regions they are determining the weather. Above or at higher latitudes is cold, below is hot and right under is where the precipitations generally occur (except for cyclones but those are also formed within the meanders of the jet stream).

Here is by example the current jet stream situation over Europe

And the powerful cyclone it formed.

However, i think there is a possibility to alter the direction of jet stream. Imagine you have a huge microwave antenna (similar to radar but much more powerful) pointed to the sky that can punctually heat up the ionosphere. If you heat it up let's say, left of the jet stream, it's gonna steer left, etc.. Now you also have some supercomputers with real time global weather models that can calculate where exactly you should hit it to get most of the effects all the way to thousands of miles downstream.

This of course can not be done with huge electrostatic high voltage DC fans like the Pacific Intertie. You will need something else, which needs to be located also at the most western point or entry area for jet stream in the US. Alaska.

This is the current situation of jet stream over northern US. After staying for about a week, beginning two weeks ago, on top of Oregon and California, last week it moved the way it is right now and it looks it's going to stay like this for a while which is kinda unusual because it should change direction more often. This configuration promotes unchanged weather and winds over Oregon and California at least until the end of next week when there's 50% chance of rain in forecast in northern Oregon. Unlike normal atmosphere, ionosphere is conductive. And you know what happens if you put by mistake a piece of aluminum foil in the MW. It heats up and melts.

"The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was initiated as an ionospheric research program"

"This is a high-power, high-frequency phased array radio transmitter with a set of 180 antennas, disposed in an array of 12x15 units that occupy a rectangle of about 30–40 acres [12-16 ha]."

How much power and what frequency? It can peak in GW and MHz range.

Many people don't understand what a phased array antenna is. They are used mostly for modern radars and have no moving parts.
Instead, the beam is steered electronically, by shifting phase at each element (in this 2D theoretical desmos example you can simulate shifting phase and steering the beam by moving the second slider and front propagation by moving the first). For a radar it means you can steer the beam hundreds of times a second to cover a wide cone (smaller than 180 degrees) in front of the antenna, like the electron ray in an old CRT TV. For HAARP antenna it means the beam can be steered in almost all directions above horizon, covering a radius of hundreds of miles at the ionosphere level. So you can heat precisely one point of the ionosphere in the area where jet-stream enters most of the times the American continent.
"HAARP is a target of conspiracy theorists, who claim that it is capable of "weaponizing" weather. Commentators and scientists say that advocates of this theory are uninformed, as claims made fall well outside the abilities of the facility, if not the scope of natural science."

If you think in terms of heating the air, of course, it is outside its abilities and scope. However, you don't need to heat the air to change the weather, you only need to steer the jet stream by punctually heating the ionosphere which falls well within those two categories.

"In May 2014, it was announced that the HAARP program would be permanently shut down later in the year. After discussions between the parties, ownership of the facility and its equipment was transferred to the University of Alaska Fairbanks in August 2015."

I first wrote about the possibility of weather manipulation by steering the jet stream in November 2012.

I think besides these two described above (HAARP, Pacific Intertie) there are other ways in which you can mess with the weather, like using huge antennas (Eiffel tower, other unusually high towers with multiple purposes) to electrostatically raise or lower the ionosphere, influencing the pressure in the atmosphere and ultimately the jet stream, or my favorite, simple and elegant catching clouds antennas in areas with low and slow clouds like the one in front of GSR resort in Reno.

Here is this image you can see the "legs" of Eiffel tower sit on a foundation made of limestone.

"This cement was used for the base of the foundation piers. After, large limestone blocks were placed on top of the cement and covered by layers of cut stone."