Showing posts sorted by date for query venom. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query venom. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

October 4th

12:55 Incense flavored pearl like grapes...

9:37 Made some coffee. Decaf soluble of course cause i'm too lazy to make some real coffee and with my means here i can't make it much better anyways. Just remember, got to clean the espresso filter (every 300 cups). Got to wait, need to do some car insurance quotes first.

Woke at 8 AM with shortness of breath. Lethargic. Tried to replace my patches. I have patches everywhere especially behind ears, like Frankenstein. However, after two days of patches behind ears it looks like my bulges subside. Got two bulges by the parotid glands on both sides for many years.

Besides that got some bulged lymph nodes on my neck for at least years. A she doctor then told me "not to worry about those, they will never go away". My medium ears were hurting when i woke up and the bulges are for the first time, or third day since i put the patches, smaller. Hurting because there's a fight in there. Penyciline vs bacteria. Dead bacteria causes inflammation.

My legs also get whiter and whiter every day. Got patches there too.

At the third patche i got really sick. Could not breath even with decongestant and mouth open. So i grabbed my jacket and went for a short walk.

I think it was right before that when i went and enlarged the hole at the corner of the building and poured some oven cleaner in it and then put it back together with some soil from a bulge further away. It wasn't even a hole, there was an undisturbed thin layer soil, less than half inch on top. Unconspicous.

And they started. The guy at apt.3 got out giving me scarred looks (all composure, the short muscular guy is a ninja). He was wearing an Amazon jacket.

When i got by the locker, i glimpsed a school bus entering the complex (it was shortly before 9 AM). Came back. A number of them already started the wave. I didn't care trying to concentrate on breathing. When i got right here the car with NWY or YNW number started the engine and though it's a newer car surrounded the building with exhaust for the half minute the cat was cold (so i won't feel the smell inside?). Inside it was smelling like mold, big time, the kind that comes from the ground from a mole hole.

I started the ozone generator that ran for about 5 minutes. Pulled the coffee on the small table next to the bed had a sip when i saw something like a black bear coming from around the building in front of the windows who started sniffing the area where i poured the oven cleaner inches inside the soil.

Then a teeny tiny dog wrapped in clothing that started to sniff further away where there is a poo i marked earlier with a leaf waiting for removal. A tiny shiny oily smeared dog poop (when you drag the dog while pooping it gets enraged and open the anal sacks and the poop gets oily and really stinky). However somehow this morning i lost my sense of smell. Could it be because of the patches on the neck.

Then at the other end of the leashes a young black guy (or girl), not tall, curly, skinny, coming from the apartment next building, that now has on the window an inscription saying VENOM.

Now i sip more coffee, heated some elbow macaroni and cheese, thinking to go and remove the poop. And my morning started. BTW i don't stay near the microwave when it's working and got really close to almost one wall big door/window when i saw the bear.

Upstairs activity was sporadic with some squeaks, though i noticed someone left like every day, came back, i didn't look at the clock, yesterday i started to suspect the morning trip is to the airport to take or get someone there and then someone left for the day while someone was still inside, squeaking.

Got so mad of all these had to come and write it. My coffee and macaroni got cold BTW.

12:35 A drama unfolding quietly in San Francisco that didn't make the national news, something all Americans should know about, but people are still curious about Trump and McCarthy bla bla as if they can't enough of those, especially of Trump.

40 hours after it happened, 24 hours after last update, no news about the woman as who she is, what or who hit her and what is her status.

(Yeah i know the subliminal keyword here is Crusie).

A lot is at stake. The future of autonomous vehicles among others and i believe behind this news stall are happening intense negotiations. Obviously there are cameras on board those vehicles and in the surrounding area and they should know by now.

But they are facing a dilemma. Those cameras on the vehicles are not so good news for the privacy of people on the streets of San Francisco so they hesitate to release the recordings that would confirm their existence.

1:15 Minutes after i wrote about the dogs of the morning, another one came dragging a hooman on some sort of umbilical cord. Light brown, two ft long, about 3/4 ft in diameter, it raised a leg and peed inches away from the concrete patio, while i was finishing eating and thinking of a Shasta diet lime soda diluted with water. The human was behind the corner on the right but would soon show and coordinated the dog that was sniffing intensely the same area the first two did.

6:44 They just said (2 hours ago) the story has been updated. That's a lie. It didn't change since shortly after it happened. They keep changing update time.


Tuesday, March 7, 2023

March 7

12:00 I was just getting ready to write something when the guy upstairs started to yell, making almost inhuman sounds. The level is kinda low (some sort of silent yell if you can imagine that) and if i go and start a recording app he will most likely stop or lower volume to the point it can't be recording (smart AI) but the effect is frightening.

What snakes have in common with some moles and other venomous mammals? Well, the answer is caught in the rhetorical question. The venom. Both snakes venom and some small mammals saliva contain an enzyme from a class called kallikrein serine protease (which in snakes may not be the only venom). As the name suggests it is an enzyme that breaks down proteins (protease).

There must be a reason moles aren't very well documented altogether. It is not even "known" for sure if all of them are venomous. One thing is sure. They store their pray for later consumption. That must be done with the kallikrein, the only active known component or venom in their saliva and the only way for keeping the pray alive is by lowering their metabolism. Some say they bite the worms (their almost exclusively food are earthworms) but not all are found bitten.

First hypothesis. Mole galleries are filled with an aerosol (more frightening yells upstairs) derived from drying mole saliva. There could be even a way for spreading the saliva into an aerosol, maybe spitting, maybe spreading it on the galleries with their paws.

Worms in their underground travels may reach a mole gallery and fall under the influence of that aerosol, become lethargic and instinctively start to move within the gallery and end up in the larder, a pouch the size of a fist built by moles for the purpose of keeping them. So there is absolutely no mole activity or chasing, the worms simply come to the larder and wait there to be eaten.

But here's your contradiction. Moles have to eat their weight in worms every day. There cannot be more than a day's worth of food in one of those pouches. So why store them? Maybe because they will die of starvation in a few hours if they can't find food.

From here it's very simple. Moles need to open the galleries at some point for fresh air and for some reason they do this near buildings (where there is less rain due to sides of the roofs). Fresh air in, mole aerosol out. From there, it goes under siding and builds inside a concentration probably lower than in galleries.

Today i noticed for the 100th time that i was very lethargic and sleepy as in the last days i neglected to plug the galleries and if i did they were reopening right away (like they are really furious these days). There is no doubt to me that this always happens, statistically. Open mole holes -> sleepiness. But not only that. For the first time i tried to check my blood sugar in a state like this to see if there'a link (i usually go very lazy and careless on mole aerosol and don't do it) and my blood sugar also went to the roof.

"Breath me in, breath me out, i don't know if i can go without, water melon sugar high", playing right now on the radio, whatever station. Whatever station i tune in they play only songs related to my activity, a method of cuantically destroying information. And the lyrics are poisoned anyways.

I tried tonight a new method of temporarily chasing the moles away, but my system broke down before i finished them all. Cigarette smoke butts is to mask the unpleasant smell of mole gallery gas (unfresh, unclean). Must be another "new and dumb neighbor" that comes to smoke at my door and then throw away the butt.

So i started to look if they found a link between human (unevolved into venom) kallikreins and blood sugar and this is what i found, among other things.

Those muted yells upstairs got me so mad my stomach acid went to the roof and now i got upper back pain (pancreatic insufficiency, pancreas cannot produce enough baking soda to neutralize it). One more reason to go to the fridge and overeat.

12:45 Zuckerberg is not necessarily Guttenberg.

9:00 If i can't see what the man is doing upstairs when he's making those terrible sounds it means i'm an ignorant, right? Today is Tuesday, he still went to work, though one hour later and left me with my brain scrambled.

9:01 Got two Rely On Classic devices from Walmart. One is showing 10% more than the other. Also two little jars with sticks, both not expired. One is showing 10% more than the other. Question. Which reading is good? At the worst case scenario i got 320, best 260.

9:30 My yogurt just go cheaper. I mixed yogurt from a jar of Yoplait with plain yogurt, about half and half, and it still was too sweet.

6:40 Mda dar pun pariu că nu aveți din astea.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

August 10

7:21 That combination bleach and backing soda worked, all that's left of it is red to pink skin and an itch (i hope it's not the bleach effect on the skin, making the red areas look whiter), however, before that i believe some of the venom propagated to nearby tissues and the intestines, causing a slight paralysis. Combined with the exposure to the dead animal now i got low grade abdominal cramps, similar to those i had for years before i cleaned some key points in the apartment. The beginning of some chills.

8:22 How is Slartibartfast different from the mice? What a happy coincidence, i just posted about those who want to re-create reality using Art.

Seconds before i posted this, a cat passed by my doors-windows. Pains are now gone, chills are left. Can't wait to eat the rice i just cooked. Furious truckers now use air-horns on the freeways, but no ambulances so far.

12:24 Prof Crăciun? Mate, facultate.

12:37 Daea, miniștrii se ocupă întotdeauna de altceva. Astăzi reglează conturi pe cuvinte cheie. Sirene, pântece, frisoane. Am dormit toată dimineața (e 12 amiază la mine acum). Am început să-mi amintesc despre combinația ardei iuți (jalapenos) din brânză, muștar (din salam), piper (din burger) și mujdei la greu cu fasole verde congelată care nu a fost gătită chiar foarte bine (era "bătrână) cu ceapă, piper, curry, usturoi. Încă se vindecă locul extragerii unui dinte și nu pot folosi parțialele. Sprite, vin și coniac. Azi îi dau cu orez dar îmi crește glicemia.

1:00 De când am postat poza asta cu declarația de dragoste respectivă, au apărut cel puțin 10 știri având drept poză o vedere laterală de aproape a unei mașini de poliție. Dar cred că și autocarul Murat intră în această categorie.


3:50 The frozen green beans sold at Walmart are too old. I found inside the pods beans formed that are 1/2 inch long, 5 mm thick. After defreezing (in the pan), they wouldn't cook in 10 minutes or 15 minutes or maybe even in half hour.

6:33 After my email to management two days ago yesterday the sprinklers didn't start at all. Today they started at 6:20 PM (they leave office at 6) and one of them was sprinkling my balcony and the AC and went and rotated it 45 degrees to the right and now it's working fine, but while i was doing that a guy looking Mexican who was dressed with a orange neon vest, like the one (though younger) came two days ago at 8 AM and reprogrammed the box next to bedroom's window was staring at me from the parking lot. Got inside then the girl living in the next building came to take a shower in all the sprinklers. She ran away when i started to write.

8:06 Piatra din lac sau cum funcționează media. Știrea a fost dezmințită, dar numai în România, între timp a fost însă preluată de mai mult decât niște "site-uri periferice". Așa se construiește o imagine de țară (care a început cu Pacepa). Cineva, acolo sus (imediat la stânga, pe hartă), care controlează toată media în toată lumea, ne iubește.

8:21 În marea Britanie furturile de cablu au scăzut cu 67% după ce au scos o lege prin care nu se poate vinde metal uzat pentru cash.

9:39 Just crossed the alley to pick the mail. On the other side of the bin where i threw the dead squirel (though in a knotted bag) it smells terribly. I knew since i put it, there was already something there, like juices from a meat wrapper that was stinking or even something fresher cause usually the bags thrown do a pretty good job at sealing the lower levels.

11:21 Nu poți să scoți ungurii de la guvernare (ceilalți 95%, nu UDMR-ul de fațadă) fără să desființezi guvernul, deci statul, pe care ei ni l-au creat. O trilemă am totuși. Când Dinescu a spus că-și schimbă nuemele în Dinescov, a gândit în limba rusă, ucraineană sau bulgară? Apropo tipul ăla de la mijloc din poză din spatele primarului care înghite sabia, ce face cu ciocanul? A și lângă el deasupra lupei cu două capete, e un soare masonic?

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

August 9

5:34 Sper că nu acesta este traseul, cu atâtea ocolișiri, mai ales când e comparat cu vechea centură sau cu alte orașe din Europa. Londra. BerlinParis e un exemplu despre cum nu ar trebui.

6:01 Meme-urile zilei. Put your hands in the air. Mai e una pe care nu am curaj s-o postez că poate ieși altceva. Avionul care e pus invers față de cele două din postarea trecută în care a murit o persoană. Explozii la o bază aeriană. Am spus că guvernarea prin rotație a fost o tâmpenie. Nu știu, mie îmi pare ca un joc de copii de grădiniță care repetă unii după alții. E fantastic ce mult seamănă replicile politicienilor cu jocuri de copii mici în care cel care reușește să spună ceva ultimul are dreptate. Amin.

Titanul modei de care nu a auzit nimeni. Sunt sigur că dacă îl caut îl găsesc în lista cu actori.

Îmi amintesc ce-mi spunea profa de română în liceu. Scopul artei este de a recrea realitatea, și ăștia asta fac, de sute de ani și au ajuns la paroxism în vremea mass-mediei și acum a internetului. Nebunii s-au pus serios la treabă, vor să creeze altă lume, după voința lor iluzorie, frustrată, copilărească.

6:46 PSD abia așteaptă să ne mai dea și ei ceva. Multe alte nimicuri în știrile de azi.

10:52 Murad. Mai țineți minte de la ce a pornit? Il grande racordo annulare. Ei vor încerca întotdeauna să anuleze memoria unui lucru abia rostit prin cele mai năstrușnice și neașteptate mijloace.

12:54 Se pare că uit să pun link-uri. Formatul acesta de blog este avantajos față de fb, unde poți să pui numai un link pe postare sau comentariu, dar acolo rezultatul este mult mai evident chiar și pentru cel care scrie, aici mai uit. Iar când intru în mod html pentru a pune poze, chestia nu mai este intuitivă deloc pentru mine, uit idei, etc.. Dar un lucru nu am uitat. Ceva legat de faza cu Nirvana (link mai sus). Am ieșit, am mutat truck-ul, am mers la o scurtă plimbare pe lângă balta din parc, care iar s-a umplut de prea mulți nuferi care putrezesc și acum pute. Când am venit și am trecut pe lângă clădirea în construcție, am văzut cea mai ciudată fază. Un tip cu un excavator cu o cupă din acelea ca o gură de dinozaur, cu fălci duble mișcătoare, a prins "în dinți" un con din acela portocaliu, mare, cilindric dintr-un material moale, de care se pun pe străzi pentru a marca zonele de construcție, și l-a strivit, chiar când treceam pe lângă.

Nu cred că acțiunea avea vreun rost în realitatea imediată, conul fiind destul de ușor pentru a fi mutat de o persoană. Con în engleză este foarte folosit în combinațiile con-man, con artist în loc de escroc, persoană care înșeală, adică. Când am venit culmea am găsit un loc de parcat lângă un SUV alb, YUKON, brand ce îl văd prea adesea în fața mea când conduc. Ceea ce îmi amintește de o plăcuță de înmatriculare ce am văzut mai devreme, de ID-A-HO. Deci urmează faza legată de clipul cu Nirvana.

Deși nu a fost deloc azi în predicțiile meteo care arată caniculă, câțiva nori au trecut pe deasupra, într-o ciudată mișcare circulară, formând un fel de roată în cer, și au slobozit câteva picături de ploaie. Ceva din acea mișcare circulară se vede în această înregistrare de pe Accuweather. Numai partea de precipitație, în realitate norii chiar se roteau, sinistru, dar suprafața era prea mare (aproape tot cerul) pentru a putea fi prinsă într-o singură poză, am vrut să filmez dar erau persoane în apropiere și nu vroiam să creez confuzie (adică să spună că îi/le filmez).
A și eram destul de paralizat, și cu mintea, și cu corpul, după ce am respirat în apropierea veveriței moarte (clostridium), cauza din care mahmureala nu mi-am mai trecut de două zile iar înainte când am avut stalactite și stalagmite în furtunul de evacuare de la mașina de spălat vase, de acolo, eram tot timpul deci trebuia o continuitate, când am terminat de curățat aia, au băgat veverița moartă. După cum spuneam în realitate nu locuiește nimeni aici, restul toți vin la caterinci, apar o oră două și dispar. În acest moment mă uit la o bicicletă și mașină (cu număr de IDAHO) abandonată de mai mult de o săptămână.
3:45 Heavy cigarette smoke coming from outside, most likely Apt.2.

5:02 Spoke about clostridium, a spider came and bit me really bad leaving red and white penny size marks on my belly.

Cum vă cheamă?

6:02 Ministru nevoiaș, caut un program. Vai de ministerul lui.

6:11 Poliția a identificat. Fără nume și față, la fel ca și șoferul de la Murat. Cum putea să omoare 6 persoane cu pietre sau cu ciocanul fără să-i trezească pe toți după primul? Poți nimeri cu ciocanul locul unde moare omul din prima lovitură (dacă îl știi) noaptea pe întuneric, fără să scoți o bufnitură de 100 dB sau să provoci un țipăt (de moarte)? Poate un nebun furios să acționeze silențios, noaptea, ca un ninja? Soțul familiei i-a descoperit, unde era el? Nu-i nimic, până vă dezmeticiți voi din știrea asta, mai apar zece.

6:17 Cum dreq poți să furi jumătate de km de cablu și să nu te vadă nimeni (era îngropat?) cred că durează, nu știu, poate mai mult de un minut, în momentul când a deconectat cablul pentru a-l înfășura, mergând pe traseu, a sunat o alarmă undeva, apărut o eroare pe consola unui operator sau s-a oprit trenul (care a tăiat cablul). Hai cupru mai înțeleg, dar acela cred că are cel puțin un kg pe metru, dar ce poți să faci cu cablu de fibră optică și mai ales cum scoți 600 metri din pământ, o singură persoană? Să spunem că are un kg pe zece metri, după o sută de metri ai 10 kg, la 250 deja nu mai poți căra (era cablul ușor de fibră optică întins lângă calea ferată, ca să-l bată vântul?). La fel ca știrea de mai sus și multe altele, fără detalii nu este credibilă.

7:23 Nu are cine să îl ajute, au chemat jurnaliștii să scrie un articol.

10 :58 I think i found the spider that bit me earlier (first realized about 8 hours ago, because of itching and i think i felt the damn little thing crawling on my skin). I think i disturbed its web in a hidden place under a cabinet in the kitchen after i dropped something and it jumped on me and bit me later. Stuck in a corner between wall and ceiling above the bathtub, wouldn't move on a flat area to catch it in a glass so i had to kill it.

11:32 I think this is the first time in 7 years i found a spider web inside this apartment. Earlier i started to have twitches in my left hand but can't be sure, too many things have happened to me lately (including drinking and exposure to a dead animal proximity). Anyways, i saw on the... web pictures with people with skin necrosis (skin turning black) from such bites. For now, it's only red and the blisters in the middle got smaller, but i feel weird in that area and generally. I looked for remedies online and i found a formula for neutralizing the venom. Mixing equal parts of bleach and backing soda (i was expecting they were going to react violently like backing soda and vinegar but they didn't) and applied on the bites and already started to feel less weird in that area and generally. Some trouble swallowing but no headaches, and nausea has been a constant in the last few years (due to the environment).

Monday, March 22, 2021

World of Enzymes

(On PCs, please click the links on this post with the wheel of the mouse to open them in separate tabs)

The little i know about.

Up until yesterday to me vinegar was acetic acid diluted in water eventually with some flavors and colors. But i found out something very important. It contains, as leftovers from fabrication, at least for natural brands, a couple of enzymes which are essential in metabolism of alcohol and aldehyde in our bodies. Alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenase.

These enzymes, (also produced in our bodies), are responsible for us not getting killed or blinded by even small amounts of alcohol. For those who don't know, ethanol or the alcohol found in most alcoholic beverages is as toxic as methanol of which we have heard many stories. Or like ethylene glycol, the antifreeze, or any other alcohols.

In the past when people got to ER with methanol or ethylene glycol intoxication they were given whiskey.

The reason is ethanol in whiskey (or any other spirit) triggers the increased production in your body of dehydrogenase while the other alcohols don't. Because of a mutation in our bodies inherited since one of our ancestors, million years ago, survived after eating fermented fruit. However, once triggered, the enzyme breaks down all alcohols, not only ethanol.

Yesterday i found out those enzymes are present in vinegar. Together with an inhibitor of amylase, the enzyme that turns starch into monosaccharides (simple sugars) that are basis for alcohol fermentation and acetic fermentation into vinegar. Both the enzymes and the inhibitor are produced by acetic bacteria, the third in the chain processes of turning starch into acetic acid.

As zymase (yes, i know, it sounds like Zemu, who must have been Semitic, or Semi) from a yeast (same plain baking yeast) (yeast is something in between bacteria and mold) is responsible for turning simple sugars, cellulose etc. into alcohol, alcohol that can be further processed into acetic acid by a bacteria that uses the same two enzymes that are responsible for breaking down alcohol in our bodies.

Why an inhibitor of amylase? Simply because those acetic bacteria don't want the alcoholic fermentation of that food source (presumably starch which is ubiquitous in plants seeds) to continue and alcohol concentration to increase until it would kill  them. So they slow down the process of turning starch into sugar by amylase thus cutting the source for zymase to produce alcohol (otherwise the process will continue until alcohol concentration would eventually kill both the yeast, around 15% and acetic bacteria).

But what are enzymes?

That is a good question, because an enzyme is basically a whole standalone chemical nano reactor in one huge protein molecule. They can turn sugars into alcohols, alcohols into acetic acid, break down toxins, dirt in laundry, etc.. One single molecule of those can work in succession transforming many molecules of the primary substances mentioned substances before they break down themselves eventually.

Proteins which are encoded in the genetic material of each species and cells of those species or even individual unicellular beings. Organelles in every eukaryotic cell can produce according to that code proteins of which some maybe be enzymes which help them survive.

Today's industrial production of alcohol, acetic acid, medicine, other substance relies on enzymes.

Together with enzymes, some cells may produce enzymes inhibitors. Simply to compete with others ('s enzymes).

The presence of both hydrogenase and amylase inhibitor in vinegar is beneficial. Enzymes/inhibitors work in very small concentrations. Even smelling vinegar may both reduce transforming of starch in your gut, lowering blood sugar and/or help breaking down toxic alcohols that may be present in your gut from reasons such as fermentation produced by unwanted yeasts that may produce let's say methanol (aka wood alcohol) from the fibers you ingest.

Why some people could not have (maybe temporarily) enough hydrogenase? I don't know, could be liver disease, could also be an inhibitor produced by those unwanted yeasts in your gut during a hangover, moonwalking, who knows.

Years ago they discover drinking grapefruit juice or consuming the fruit interacts with medicine "bioavailability".

Our body is one universe away from being unicellular. It has organs with cells that specialize in let's say producing this and that enzymes and many other functions, like contracting, in the case of muscle cells.

There is a class of enzymes, CYP3, produced in again many individual cells or in our livers that help breaking down toxins. Either at cellular level of multicellular level, those enzymes are the defence of every living organism.

From the point of view of oud body as a whole, and usually for a target organ, medicine is beneficial. From the point of view of most other cells, they are toxins that must be eliminated. That's why concentrations of medicine in your body starting right after peaking after ingestion, is being decreased, by several mechanisms, one of them being breaking down by the CYP3 class of enzymes. Thus, when given medications, concentration and time of repeating doses is calculated taking into account the breaking down time of medication by those mechanisms.

Grapefruit juice, pulp, peel, other fruit, contain a substance called bergamottin, because it was first found in bergamot, a type of citrus fruit that inhibits those enzymes. It cannot harm us because it stays in the gut or at most in the blood stream all the way to liver. It can harm the microbes (bacteria, mold, some unwanted, present in your hut by inhibiting the CYP3 enzymes of those cells). It also inhibits the CYP3 enzymes from your liver responsible with breaking down medicines, thus increasing breakdown time or "bioavailability".

That is why grapefruit juice is a potent anti-parasitic cause it inhibits CYP3 enzyme inside parasites like T gondii in your intestine rendering them defenseless to your body's immune system or hostile environment (digestive enzymes, antigens, etc.). Outside of your body, when used wisely, it can be a life saver disinfectant.

However vinegar could have more than those two enzymes and one inhibitor. Got into temptation of eating cereal with soy milk and a few raisins while (not knowing) outside there was smell of laundry and got nauseated again. Smelled vinegar and nausea that otherwise would have lasted for hours, increasing acid production and loading my already sick pancreas. The nausea would have turned the next day into intestinal pains, etc..

Proteases are enzymes that break down proteins. They are commonly used for fabrication of cheese. Starting with small amounts in farms, where the source is the stomach of a slaughtered calf and continuing to industrial scale preparation of cheese. Still present in fresh cheeses, like cottage cheese and mozzarella, are beneficial to your body as they may break down proteins belonging to parasites, thus killing them.

Kallikreins are digestive enzymes. In moles and shrew, they have, during a case of parallel evolution, turned into a venom that can paralyze or "zombify" prey.

I long suspected sulfur as being an enzyme inhibitor. Right before i ate sugar and was perfumed by the laundry, there was a walk upstairs. Walking on the moon pumps sulfur dioxide that may form inside the cells of drywall (open cells aerated calcium sulfate).

In the image. Sulfur on paper in the reflection chamber of apprentice masons. Exactly the same materials American houses are made of. Drywall is a sandwich of calcium sulfate and cardboard. Calcium sulfate is hardly a rock.

"Thou shall not build your house of sulfur".

Did you reflect long enough after reading this blog post?
Another suspicion for enzyme blockers or even destroyers is smoke. Cigarette, wildfire, city smoke, car exhaust all contain heavy metals freed from organic combinations and thousands of other harmful substances. Some of those may attach to the huge proteins that made enzymes, blocking their activity.

Smokers and drinkers know, when you smoke you will get a higher high than when drinking only. Because dehydrogenase, blocked by the smoke, will be less available to break down alcohol.

Trouble begins though when you lack not alcohol dehydrogenase or ADH but the second, aldehyde dehydrogenase or ALDH, that is responsible with breaking down aldehyde, the highly cancerigen intermediary byproduct of your body processing alcohol, also contained in coffee, bread, some fruit. Most interesting is coffee, that also contains freed heavy metals from roasting, that may block the enzyme as well.

Conclusion is, i recommend a drop of natural apple vinegar in every glass of water, even in your morning tea. it even tastes pleasant. Like soda. One drop only.

I also remembered, there was a trend in recent years, with a justification, drinking warm water with some lemon juice in the morning which is acid, will render you body less acid during the whole day. It didn't make sense to me back then, it does now. Lemon juice may contain enzymes or enzyme blockers like CYP3 blockers that may reduce the number of bad bacteria in you stomach, thus the stomach would have to produce less acid to kill those, etc..

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

La Camisa Negra

COVID started 100 years after the end of the Spanish flu epidemic in 1919.

Did this 2005 summer hit in... Spain by, Colombian singer Juanes (How do you pronounce Wuhan?) of his 2004 released album Mi Sangre predicted COVID?

Watch the video carefully. Driving in one of those wood decorated station wagons that reminds of a coffin. A short, old, guitar player looking a bit Latino, a bit Asian, sitting on a chair, playing for nobody and the two skinny dancers. Dancers, who seem like being in a trance, or ill, moving like cats and looking like Ancient Egypt cat goddess Bastet.

A wave starts from the old man's guitar and from there it starts spreading around in town. Whoever is touched, gets caught in a time loop repeating over and over the same gestures. 

Then the wave reaches a corner of a street and starts going backwards... erasing all the people that have been touched the first time. What it seemed a low budget, novelty Latino video, it suddenly turns near the end, when nobody pays conscious attention no more in a twilight zone style. (What's hanging on the mirror of his car?). It was only then when i realized the video is not so low budget, with the space bending effect of the wave and the message not so banal.

This is the moment when the wave reaches the corner of the street, with four logos reflecting in a window, a horseman, and it turns backwards and starts sweeping everybody, ending back in the big ROUND hole of his guitar.

Lyrics. Not speaking Spanish, they first seemed usual to me. Bla bla bla "amor" "pena" "duele", "moribundo" "difunto" "Por beber del veneno malevo de tu amor". Ok, a bit morbid. For some reason kept remembering it over the years. Can't remember how many times i posted links to it.

The controversy with black shirts in Italy (a nazi symbol there).

Here is a bilingual version.

I wear the black shirt.
Today my love is mourning.
Today I have a regret weighing my soul
And it's the fault of your witchcraft.
For drinking from the evil venom of your love,
I was left dying [lit. moribund] and full of pain.
I breathed of that bitter smoke from your goodbye
And since you left all I have left is...

Again our ignorance playing tricks on us. Why i kept playing this song over and over again without understanding the lyrics?

A bat laying upside down. La camisa negra. The bat wraps in his own wings to sleep upside down.

Kept thinking. Is it possible? Juanes, Wuhan. How do you pronounce Wuhan in Chinese? That's it. 

But is is possible? 14 years after the song was first released? And what all the connections mean. Prophecy? Threat? Precursor? Was it mass suggestion causing all this? Was it an accompanying manifesto?

If we were to follow the prediction of the song, we know the vaccine may be the only way out of this "engram" as COS (Church os Scientology) would say, but remember. The wave in the end is caught back inside the guitar.
(No) need to say. I think i met with the man or the actor. Some ten years after reaching success, fattened, slow and getting in my way as a customer rep at Fry's in Wilsonville. Me, stunned by the smoke at home. I think it was after i bought that guitar, also at Fry's.

An article in Romanian press caught my eye today. A woman looking ill on a sofa with a cat nearby. Cat has access to the pillows where she sleeps. Then i wrote a whole thread on fb about what i think. Following, the pasted fb thread. I don't believe i added in any of those comments the fact that toxoplasmosis nowadays is treatable with antibiotics including with azithromycin. A few years ago when i looked last time it still wasn't.

Here is a thread i wrote on fb showing the possible route of transmission of T gondii between cats and humans. All it takes it for the cat to eat a wild animal to get infected.
February 3 
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Cineva a observat epidemia de poze de pisici pe fb? Există o creștere a numărului de pisici de companie ca urmare creșterii numărului de poze și video-uri cu pisici pe fb? În imaginea de mai jos se arată că pisica are acces la perne, unde oamenii pot câteodată să ațipească ziua.
"Cleaning a cat’s litter box when the cat has shed Toxoplasma in its feces"
Pentru că în momentul acela se deranjează praful acela microscopic de silica.
"more than 40 million people in the United States may be infected with the Toxoplasma parasite".