Showing posts sorted by date for query yamasaki. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query yamasaki. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, September 8, 2024

September 8

11:11 AM Toți candidații la Țepea.

6:30 Port Angeles seems to be the logical choice for entry of ninja in the US. Especially if they hadhyperloop tunnel in the shallow waters along Aleutians, south of Behring sea.

7:30 911 was treason. But the story should always start with Minoru Yamasaki. He was carrying the name of god Yama, god of destruction in Hindu pantheon. But in Japanese Yama means mountain and could come from volcanoes.

The dynamic shape of the falling towers reminds of volcanoes, and their initial shape, of a gate of heaven.

The exploding concrete of falling pancake floors reminds of a city scale metsu_bushi. Though the speed of the falling floors was not that great to make regular concrete explode. Must have been a very loose concrete, with little cement in it (also since the did not play a structural role).

9:00 Atta (Toth) reminds of Attila but also of apa which in Hungarians means father. Toth "died" in 2018, the year i started the blog with matches which means those planes were remote controlled. Atta.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

July 13

1:20 AM Trăind pe înecarea cirezilor agreste. Se promulgă.

2:18 Ce poți face dacă te temi de urși și totuși vrei să mergi pe un traseu. Pune-ți un spray lacrimogen în rucsac.

2:23 Da știu sună ciudat, dar pentru București, unde va fi mai cald cu câteva grade, din cauza mașinilor și asfaltului, se pot angaja 2 avioane de transport cu reacție care să zboare de pe la 10 dimineață până la 2 după amiază la altitudinea punctului de rouă (dew point, dacă există în ziua respectivă) și să tragă niște linii pe direcția soarelui. Am văzut asta de multe ori aici în Portland însă oficial nu se vorbește.

Asta ar reduce temperatura cu câteva grade. Da știu sunt controverse însă câteva linii pe direcția soarelui nu vor bloca radiațiile dinspre pământ spre cer ci doar invers. Chestie de geometrie. Părerea mea.

Apropo, știți motivul pentru care o mașină are o instalație de aer condiționat de 20k BTU iar eu răcesc tot apartamentul cu una de 5?

Motivul este că mașinile de azi au bordul de sub geam foarte mare, din cauza înclinării geamului (consum, aerodinamică) iar acest bord captează energie solară, nu știu, până la 1000 wați sau mai mult. Dacă nu mă credeți, puneți mâna pe el când e soare afară. Deci instalația de AC nu luptă doar cu temperatura aerului ci mai mult cu acest ditamai radiator din mașină.

8:53 Ok they convinced me. He's real. Thesetoo.

9:09 It may be a sin a trap but i have to say it. I know for the one on the right. Right pronunciation is Erika Sawajiri.

11:50 Un mm. The Actors.
5:08 Did i say. If in Japanese 山 (Yama) stands for mountain, i know the link with gods Yama and Shiva (both gods of destruction and rebirth). It's the volcanoes. Yamasaki. Yamamoto. Hawaii. The towers were designed to fall appearing like volcanoes.

Or like peeling a banana maybe.

Is that a futakuchi onna? Hollaback?

Monday, September 12, 2022

September 12

2:30 Cuckoo (proudly) calls his own name. A Shiva's lingam on a cover of Time magazine? Looks to me like his whole architecture was inspired by the lotus flower. Minoru YamasakiGyure.

Lotus petals, tridents on the cladding of WTC.

Lotus petals and a Shiva's lingam on top of the new one.

2:40 (AM) After i just ate, loud, deep base in the parking lot shakes the walls and litter dust falls from cracks. There is a van outside parked in a spot with no visible LPN.

3:40 One hour later. Nausea and pain all over.

4:13 WT...

2:20 A number of local and Romanian fake news are trying to erase (from memories) things i just posted.

I don't know what to do, to re-post them or not. If i re-post them, more people are going to see them, if i don't those who saw those will forget what i just posted. Many other "news" you should be aware of.

Yakima girl missing.

A young woman gravely wounded in a motorcycle accident.

Calling sick and old.

Simona Halep is a big star in Romania, occupying a good chunk of the news, surpassed maybe only by the war in Ukraine. Mainly because of nostalgia, Năstase and Țiriac where some of the first people of Romania to break through the iron curtain (with approval of authorities on both sides of course), tennis remaining a glorious symbol of freedom in Romania to this day. But she plays for money and though playing tennis for money has its advantages, but i don't believe it deserves so much national attention.

After divorce a few days ago, now she's got nose surgery. Could it be a direct allusion at the differences at the nose level in many of my matches? Those pictures are picked from the internet, they were not intended for identification purposes, we are lucky enough to see them as they are. Some are done at different ages, lights, with different cameras and position of the head, focal distances, etc..

Emma Răducanu is not Romanian or British, she is just another Japanese model. On top of that, she resembles a bit the woman upstairs as well, could make a good double. BTW, Jacqueline Cristian passed my sliding doors again this morning.

I wrote a few days ago about being puffy all over, and blaming it on exposure to insulation dust, or inflammation causing litter dust.  However there are two other major causes and i strongly believe dehydration is most common while most common cause for dehydration is drinking regular coffee and alcohol on top of inflammation due to exposure to pollutants. I can't believe a guy in his position, whose mother had two valets and a cook just for her (majesty) dogs, doesn't have the necessary nutritional advisors at any time near him. Or maybe he ignores them. The pain he has to endure.

8:06 There is a vehicle with big loudspeakers playing loud base outside for more than half hour, asking for it, i just can't ignore no more.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

World Trade Center Failure Analysis

(Re-edited several times, for syntax errors, clarity, broken links.)

This post contains images with emotional impact.

A new video about WTC popped on youtube which prompted me to write this blog post because i suspect the number of casualties by dust, unreported to this day, where many times more than those who died in the towers.

04/09/2019 Video is gone, can't find quickly a similar one without the offensive music. Here are some pictures showing the scale of the disaster brought by dust. I don't believe people could really survive in that dust for more than a few seconds.

Before WTC designed by architect Minoru Yamasaki and after, all high rise steel constructions were done in the "classic" fashion with structural vertical and horizontal rolled steel beams with cross reinforcement joints and numerous interior walls. As the looks suggests, this type of design is solid and can't be easily damaged.

WTC structure was made only of two so called tubular frames or cages, using about half the steel the old design uses. Outer frame was made of prefab panels that were actually made of three vertical, square section, rolled steel beams (2nd image below) welded together with other three huge pieces of sheet metal. This image, like many others, is tricky cause it suggests the building in the distance was built in a similar way. It only appears so because of its shape, no other building has ever been designed in this way.

The prefab panels themselves seem to be inspired from a Buddhist architecture ornament called Torana. (Torre means tower in  Spanish and Italian, and toro means bull with two horns of course).

Panels were put together in a new, revolutionary, also unique design:
 An outer tubular frame made of prefab inter-positioned panels (outer cage) and an inner core of "classical design" (inner cage), though only for elevator and shafts, with vast floors in between that were connecting and preventing the inner and outer cage to sway or buckle (bend) in or out.

Outer frame panels are connected together with four bolts at the end of each rolled steel square tube.

This type of joint would take a lot of vertical compression, as much as allowed by the rolled steel maximum compression load, some horizontal or side compression, limited by the bolts, (which have a cross section far less than of the cross section of the rolled steel) and could take almost no bucling (bending in and out of the cage wall) because of the prying effect on the bolts at the joint level.

Buckling and shear of the outer cage was was dealt with by inter-positioning of the of the panels and by floor trusses between inner and outer frame (cage) which allowed  the construction to stay vertically.

I tried to search to see how many bolts held together the structure and could not find. It's 12 per each prefab panel. Can't find how many panels either. What i found is many other analysis were blaming the bolts for the failure. But not those, the bolts holding together the floor trusses to the walls.

Even with this design (outer-inner cage) building would have behaved differently if the vertical square rolled beams making the outer cage where of one piece from bottom to top or anyways, fewer than one per 3 floors or assembled with a smaller square beam in between called "inner sleeve". This type of joint can take almost as much bending (side compression), shear and buckling as a continuous beam.

When assembled, however, the building had the appearance of outer cage beams being continuous also because of the aesthetic aluminum cladding installed on the outside on top of the each beam. From one of the images below it results some 258 vertical (interrupted every 3 floors) beams all around the building, which makes for 86 panels per each 3 floors, 110 floors, resulting approximately 4,730 prefab panels and 56,760 structural bolts (and nuts). Most of these bolts popped during cascading failure of the building, which apparently was designed in such a way that each the concrete floor turned into dust when falling onto next.

These are called bridge trusses making up the vast floor and connecting inner and outer cages. Thin, nothing like the sound, solid "classical" design seen in the second picture in this post (above), used in all high rise buildings before and after.

This design provided indeed ample floors with no walls in between.

Diagram (above): Constructional features of a prefabricated floor unit

21 Floor covering
22 In-situ concrete (4 inches)
23 Trough decking (1 1/2 ", ribbed)
24 Bar joist
25 Electrical services duct
26 Air-conditioning duct 

In this image after first impact on South Tower or WTC2 one can see prefab panels taken as a whole at least at one end, caused by failure of bolts. Pieces of the concrete floor missing.

This is a picture of the the exit area of the first hit tower. It was not until i have seen this picture that i realized the failure started at the concrete and steel components of the floors.

After impact, fuel spread across the vast floors caught fire and the expanding concrete and metal trusses making the floor heated by fire started to push, mainly alongside the trusses, and steel decking ribs on top, inner and outer cage against each other in the same time with floor buckling of the floors in other places creating a prying effect on the bolts connecting connecting trusses with the cages and those connecting panels with each other. Floor's structural role in stabilizing the sway of the outer cage in this case reverted to causing buckling of the cage caused by floor elongation (by heat expansion) and gradually breaking the bolts between panels and between cages and floors by prying effect. When enough of those bolts broke the floors started to fall onto each other.

Towers' "revolutionary" tubular design made of only two cages (tubes) (inner and outer) had several major design flaws.

Vast, relatively thin floors, where floors were/are also made of rolled steel beams played only a "minor structural role" compared to outer and inner frame, except sustaining selves, the concrete, and holding the outer cage to prevent sway or buckling. Without floor trusses and steel decking connecting inner and outer cage, the outer cage could not keep its shape, but sway, buckle, or bend inward or outwards and break.

About half of the weight of the floors was supported by a single shell or the outer cage with lack of redundancy. When that frame failed, there was nothing else to prevent the whole building from collapsing.

Ultimately, lack of inner walls and vastness of the floors due to unique design contributed to spreading of fuel and fire almost instantly to an entire half of the building (on several floors), when the floor expanded, heated by fire, and because of the length, the expansion was in the range of several feet.

Thermal expansion during hot summer days and the contraction in the winter times is the reason all bridges made of steel reinforced concrete have expansion gaps, while the roads themselves loose enough heat to the ground underneath not to expand and buckle. But if the temperature raised not with 20 or 50 degrees or whatever but with several hundred degrees, those gaps would not be enough. There is also a thermal inertia which prevents the bridge from heating all the way during the summer days while cooling during night time

Unusual hot summer may have been the cause for collapsing of that bridge in Genoa, Italy.

Another examples of metal structure that expand with heat was supersonic Concorde' fuselage. At 2 times the speed of sound, because of intense friction with the air, Concorde's (and other's supersonic planes) fuselage was expanding as much as one foot while of course the cabin's floor inside stayed at room temperature).

"heating had a significant impact on the construction of Concorde. Perhaps the most important issue designers had to contend with was the fact that heat causes materials to expand. I've seen different values on exactly how much the aircraft expanded, but most sources indicate that the air-frame stretched by 5 to 12 inches (12 to 30 centimeters) at Mach 2. Given the aircraft's normal length of 204 ft (62.2 m), that change amounts to little less than a 5% increase in the size of the Concorde fuselage."

Thermal expansion by heat was the direct cause of failure of only one or two floors. But when those floors fell on to the next one the accumulated weight of all the above floors accelerated by gravity lead to a cascade failure of all the other floors and corresponding walls of the cages. Concrete component of each floor, that was made by a certain recipe, was turning explosively into dust upon hitting the next floor.

There is little doubt in my mind that the towers were designed on purpose like a card castle, to create some day, when the right moments arrives, this type of spectacular frightening failure.

When re-editing this post and was searching for different shapes (sections) of rolled steel (for the purpose of further documenting this blog post) and on a site i found out some shapes are no longer available as a result of America's steel industry decline. There are probably also not many civil engineers left to deal with these kind of things or write on blogs or on forums and actually no more high rise buildings to be built. Or too few to matter.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Twin Towers Fall

As all hell broke loose today in the media, a myriad of subtle allusions that seem to top many things i've said, the clearest idea just came to mind. First, a question and an answer from Google.

"One World Trade Center and Two World Trade Center, commonly the Twin Towers, the idea of which was brought up by Minoru Yamasaki, were designed as framed tube structures, which provided tenants with open floor plans, uninterrupted by columns or walls. They were the main buildings of the World Trade Center."

And a link to a Google search. Surprisingly, most of the images are misleading, suggesting the load on the outer columns was minimal. They were some interior columns mainly for elevators and air shafts, taking maybe last than a quart of the load.
In a way is similar to the design of unibody cars which have no chassis but a frame made of sheet metal. There are advantages and disadvantages of cars without a chassis. I've once been hit from behind waiting in my truck at an intersection by a small but heavy Nissan Z built similarly to Porsches that is with a heavy chassis. Chassis hitting another chassis both with massive, steel bumpers made my mandible and bones in my spine move a bit from their normal positions which hurt for weeks after. Luckily though i had my foot pressing pretty hard on the break pedal when it happened and i was not pushed in traffic at that intersection. Also, minimal, almost invisible damage to both cars.
If i was in a unibody car, the frame would have bent and suffered damage while the shock would have been minimal.

As i said yesterday as i vaguely remembered reading it a long time ago, the WTC twin towers where designed by the American architect of Japanese descent Minoru Yamasaki in an innovative fashion for skyscrapers at that time. He was given the task after winning a contest against more famous architects. Today i checked and my memory was right.

Towers, instead of having massive columns inside, they were built more like a unibody car or wide bodied plane or most expressively said, like a can. All the resistance was at the outer walls, leaving
more freedom for floor plans.

How innovative this type of design was?

"Tube structures cut down costs, at the same time allow buildings to reach greater heights. Tube-frame construction was first used in the DeWitt-Chestnut Apartment Building, designed by Khan and completed in Chicago in 1963.[4] It was used soon after for the John Hancock Center and in the construction of the World Trade Center."

Among the requirements the towers should have withstood 80 mph winds and an impact of the biggest plane at the time. Probably like all the others.

But there is one difference between the previous and even following tubular structure design of tall building making the WTC design even more innovative. The size of the outer beams. On the same cross section, the load was divided on thinner, more numerous beams, 1 meter apart each. That made them more prone to breaking when the plane crashed through them and more vulnerable to heating by fire.

On September 11 2001 two planes full of kerosene after just taking off hit each tower.

What freedom means for floor plans? Lack of walls allows installing vast areas with cubicles which allowed the fuel from the shredded planes to soak the carpet and furniture and air go get in all the way to the core to feed the fires where about 1/4 of the vertical load of the building lays upon.
Kerosene is a type of fuel that comes out of the distilling process of oil at a temperature between gasoline and diesel. Lighter than diesel fuel, it has more carbon or more energy packed per gallon than gasoline.

Here is a diagram out of the web of continuous oil distillation process.

Heated oil is pumped continuously inside the column and fuels separate by weight and come out continuously from those pipes. The temperature inside the distillation column is higher at the bottom and lower at top to keep the heavier fractions flowing. The fuel fractions separate by weight of the fraction, the more hydrogen and less carbon content of each hydrocarbon fuel fraction distilled, the higher in the distillation tower.

I brought this up because burning carbon gives you more energy per each individual molecules combined than hydrogen. The heavier the fuel, also the more energy per weight it packs. From this point of view kerosene is close to diesel, that is a more energy carrying fuel than gasoline.

I has been speculated a lot on the web about burning temperature of kerosene being lower than melting temperature of iron.

But does kerosene have a precise burning temperature?

Everybody who has ever seen somebody welding with a torch fed with acetylene knows that temperature or volume of flame can both be adjusted. The more oxygen you give to the flame, the higher the temperature.

Now that i think i started to realize there is not a precise burning temperature for anything. What is burning. Combining oxygen and hydrocarbons. Each hydrogen molecule that combines with carbon and hydrogen gives a precise amount of energy, not temperature. Temperature in a fire is dictated by the volume of the burning involved. The more oxygen you have or better said the closer to ideal the mix, the higher the temperature.

"It is unfortunately not too rare to find that fire investigators estimate flame temperatures by looking up a handbook value, which turns out to the adiabatic flame temperature. Statements are then made about whether some materials could have melted, softened, lost strength, etc., based on comparing such a flame temperature against the material's melting point, etc. The purpose of this short paper is to point out the fallacies of doing this, and to present some more appropriate information for a more realistic assessment."

In a typical open fire you will have burning only at surface surrounding the fuel. That is because oxygen is all being consumed at the surface and cannot reach inside because of the dynamics of hot gas or plasma moving and preventing it from reaching inside and because of being spent there. That's why all the blacksmiths since the beginning of iron age invented and use the bellows.

They also use porous carbon rich coal made of wood that allows air to flow inside their volume after eliminating hydrogen and water from it usually by partially burning it in a low oxygen environment like in sand at high temperature.

They blow air with the bellows like in this video for reaching high temperatures necessary to forge the iron, usually above 771 Celsius or 1420 Farenheit when the iron starts to soften by changing to a different allotropic state, from body-centered cubic (BCC), most resistant (same with diamond) to a face-centered cubic (FCC) which allows movement or slip of crystals on slip planes.

But way before that happens there is another phenomenon happening.

During fabrication of beams through cold roling the steel like any metal hardens (before breaking). This hardening through lamination done by stressing metal is an advantage of cold lamination. But this type of hardening is lost if metal is heated at re-crystallization temperature, which is lower than the temperature stated above.

Hot rolled beams are also hardened during the controlled cooling process.

Both type can loose strength if heated above 260 degrees Celsius through a process called re-growth (of crystals).

Because of the dynamics of the fire, the oxygen from the air in any burning building cannot reach inside if there's something to burn outside first, simply for being consumed. Any firefighter knows it is not a good idea to break windows or open doors if unnecessary, that only bringing more oxygen and intensifying the fire.

With all these being said i think it's easy now for everybody to figure that if the steel towers were designed in a more "classical" fashion, with vertical beams way inside, the air and fire could not have reached to create near the beams the temperatures necessary to weaken them being consumed by the fire in the windows area.

Once the breakage started at one floor, the rest of the building above will start falling reaching enough moving energy to break he floor under. Simply because the outer beams where thicker towards the bottom of the tower, breaking first in the weakest area which was always at the floor under the breakage front. In a way, it was like a controlled demolition, only by design.

Inside the floors they were enough materials like concrete that would put out vast amounts of harmful dust that would cover significant areas around for a long time.