Thursday, September 27, 2012

Change Is The Only Constant

I've just been reviewing - briefly - this article
And it seems they are many that bought Kuhn's ideas. And perfected them. And here's the exploit: Statistically, we all see only one slice of the social reality or the paradigm shift, as they call it at a certain time. For reasons that we are busy with our such perceived comfort. Or by reason of learned behavior. Or by reason of artificially created focus points. Or simply because we are not sociologists but only live in the society... Our bad luck is that many of us choose to look in the expected direction at the expected time and sometimes even applauding collectively and approving the whole shift without knowing it as a whole. Never-mind some are changing facts and rules on the fly or tearing holes in the fabric of reality or current paradigm shift in those unobserved gray areas and creating new shifts as long as we're not looking. To us the casual observers it remains the same shift as long as we didn't know it as a whole. And in the case somebody after a great deal of effort is pointing a few of us to look into those gray areas, they can adjust or insert other previously nonexistent gray areas and still make the shift appear whole. (Here, as an example and proof they are following this theory, the on demand fabricated news often with adjacent but not directly related events, for creating confusion). It is not the same shift anymore. But to us it seems as actually it is as long as we didn't know the whole from the beginning and accepting the new additions. As long as we are buying it.

Or simply eliminate or move the few or the some. For our comfort.

They can even create the appearance of two completely different shifts out of the same one to different individuals or groups of different cultures or embraces or simply of any difference including of space or time or if they look into different areas or if they think and act on cultural or biased assumptions instead of learning the rules and the facts of the paradigm shift.

We should never forget, for the shifters change is the only constant.

02/01/2013 1:56 PM PDT

It just occurred to me that in order to successfully deal with reality especially in unknown surroundings one should continuously build dynamic models, adding and subtracting information from the current model. Sometimes he/she even has to switch models in a blink of an eye due to sudden change of scenery, the entering of another entity, etc.

Obviously we have to forget classical sociology when we try do add the concept of scene in reality modeling. Physics, physiology, statistics, perhaps geometry and sociology together are at place here. Can we apply the idea of paradigm when we describe an instantaneous, ever-changing model of the surrounding reality? By definition, is the opposite. However, is the same concept, only applied dynamically. Or maybe it only looks dynamically as we slice reality, or the bigger picture, in order to deal with it one scene at the time?

The ideea that some people got into the habit of entering one's current paradigm through the back door, totally artificially, intentionally, usually pretending legitimacy but introducing some obvious, apparently benign, weird events in order to distract him/her and change his/her final decision on how to deal with it or if he/she is going to deal at all is intriguing to me right now and actually motivates me to write these. I'm convinced that some occult practitioners or even entire social groups have learned to do things by manipulating one's paradigm especially when the subject cannot react and creating all kind of effects, some possibly at distance.

Let's take an example here. Crossing one's path when unexpected and usually the subject is overlapping current monotonous activities like walking or driving with other activity like distant thoughts. When done obviously intentionally and while the subject knowing that statistically that event shouldn't happen at that moment, it violates one's privacy and current reality model forcing him to try to resort at a larger model in which the described action would fit. And while he is trying to do this, the intruder can escalate it even more, by introducing more elements and information like an unexpected gesture, reveal more clothes' color, facial expressions usually justifiable later but never at the present to the subject's mind, or noises or language, escalation that would end in crushing one's ability to deal with in that moment and become totally distracted, disoriented and in a trance like state of mind. This collapse of one's ability to understand what's happening and puts his mind in a sort of slave-like status, in that moment accepting any input as suggestion (if not giving in to uncontrollable emotional bursts that can pull the subject out of this type of cognitive trap but usually risky as the intruder is ready to interpret it as aggression towards him.) Thus unprovable reprogramming of the mind can occur. However, i believe next to every model acquired in ones collection of models known as education this way there is a flag that says "learned on distress" and could be accessed in a process similar to psychoanalysis or clearing of engrams.

Such intrusions sometimes can be used during the waiting time before a meeting or a conversation, when the subject might even try to prepare him/she-self, with carefully arranged, avoidable in the last second accident-like situations usually in the last intersection before the meeting place, or simply two or three people acting weird together in front of the subject in the waiting lounge before the meeting, putting in him in a distracted state of mind and making him more suggestible, depending of what their intentions are.

It may very well that the person that intrudes this way in one's privacy apparently don't even needs to go much out of his/her way to do this, along or close with his normal routine, this way being almost impossible to prove anything. This of course if there is a distribution of such tasks within the members of a group. Or could this be an instance of actions of individuals guided by a "collective subconscious"?

Although this always seem to happen unexpectedly, when analyzed, even carefully, these events are always justifiable down to a certain level, giving for the distracted mind, in that moment even more frightening experiences, looking like a never ending string on coincidences that target him. Only when carefully, objectively analyzed, sometimes the trick can be revealed, but usually with addition of more information and time and effort, sometimes with the entering of more characters pretending helping analyzing and often being covered up with similar events, creating a similar type of effect, so the instance cannot be easily turned as a complaint to the outsiders. Usually one easily discredits him/her-self if he tries to do this in a hurry, because of confusion of elements from two different but very similar instances.

Other examples can go all the way to introduction in the ever changing, continuous local news show of shocking elements, carefully chosen from the otherwise statistically normally distributed local events, matching some groups or even individual's state of mind, although in a twisted and toxic way in order to change minds and creating some sort of virtual, parallel, mocked reality.

(One particularly other  good example of reality recognition manipulation is parallel talking. You can talk to a person who for some chosen reason prefer not to talk to you directly about a subject, but starts talking using phrases composed in such way that they contain for the much part the information they want you to catch, without even touching the subject. Usually in the last part of the phrase you realize they are talking about something else. It also gives them the advantage of seeing you reacting at those informations without much risk, other than an "unjustified emotional burst" that he/she might even be prepared to take advantage of by claiming agression. Parallel talking next to intentional mistakes that pretty much do the same job as describe above has become lately very widely used in media. However they cannot impact you on a subconscient level as privacy cognitive intrusion through unsuspected action as described before because they come pretty much when you are expecting some sort of input from that source, whatever it may be. Or even people talking in front of you on a phone, conversation that you don't usually pay attention to and then asking you a question that might be influenced but what you just heard)

(Sometimes the newcomers are "embraced" at first invoking some moral principle they presumably abide by and let him get used to. Then unconsciously, suddenly or constantly they introduce some unrecognizable elements into his/her already learned paradigm forcing him/her to get assimilated or enter in a state or permanent confusion, discomfort or even distress and desire to leave, for no definable reason. But this is the more common, happier case.)

Sometimes the subject him/her-self is active participant or made to look so, by synchronization of intruders with his/her activities, and creating a false sensation of causality, feeling of embarrassment or even guilt, which is furtherly exploited in creating distraction, disruption, trance and reprogramming, or psychosis and/or emotional bursts. Or even more troubling, something like erasing one's thoughts with overlapping, or entrainement with very similar ones, but belonging to others, making one forgetting or bowing his own self?

Could this influence others' mind at a distance through some unknown bio-transmission mechanism, like emitting a distress or even a surrender call? I don't know, but statistically, by the number of these practitioners and instances encountered, it is an indication that it is done so.

But if there are some religions that include these kind of practices in their un/declared rituals, could they still use them in the larger society on basis of the principle of the freedom of religion, since it is obvious that they could significantly interfere with the whole?

Could this kind of experiments prove indeed the existence of a collective mind or a social integration on an unconscious level? Maybe temporary. Maybe on subconscious level on lower educated individuals. Or maybe between close relatives or larger DNA alike ethnic groups. Or maybe the existence of an unknown or unrecognized bio-communication system that can work best when one is in a very acute state of mind or total relaxation.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Oregon XLX

There was some kind of a smoke this morning in the apartment. (I later filled some more cracks near the bathroom floor next to the bedroom wall. It appears that vibrations make walls pump stuff from inside outside. It actually makes sense since the during vibrations the air from inside goes outside because of the rhythmic change of air volume between panels in empty interior walls.)

Last night i fell asleep late and this morning like never before i slept till noon. Then i woke up, read the news and fell the smoke choking me. It was cigarette smoke mixed from shit smell from the ground level neighbor's bathroom. I can recognized it as i smelled it once in the attic while his bathroom fan was working. Coming from the walls.

I left and drove towards the park. And then it started as usually. Some asshole in a black SUV possibly Chevy Suburban with license plate Oregon XLX was putting out diesel smoke or oil smoke from the pipe. I couldn't see the license plate and drove faster so i can read it then pulled in the park's parking lot and called DEQ's hot number to report the smoking vehicle. First i told the woman the location and then the license plate number. She went: "That's not a complete number" and i said "no ma'am that's the whole number" and she said "thank you", then she hung the phone. Then i realized, maybe she thought that it was a joke, given the number. Then i called DMV and asked if that was a valid number and the woman said yes, and i asked how can they issue such numbers and she said maybe it's a Roman numeral, anyways, everybody on the phone seemed up to something. (By the way let's see what XLX means as Roman numeral... 50, give or take ten).  Then i stepped into the Tryon park and all hell broke loose. A very low altitude very high RPM very high noise plane flew by (By the way the parking lot was empty, i was the only one there). And lots of other things happened for the 45 minutes i was in there, maybe i'm gone continue this tomorrow.

Live Histogram In Optical Viewfinder

Different metering methods in modern photography have all something in common. They measure light in different ways using a sensor array. And display the average or weighed average or some sort of related indication on the optical viewfinder in the form of an indicator under a scale at the bottom of the image. So you have an intuitive indication that even tells you which way you have to correct the exposure, moving that button or ring in the other direction until you get it right. So you can turn the button until you come close to center or do it completely automated, sometimes using exposure compensation to move the indicator one step or a few permanently off center.

But here came the digital cameras with megapixel sensors and real time computer processors. They can use the main or auxiliary sensor to measure way better the light. Why? Because instead of having let's say 9 sensors that measure light in a conventional array, they have millions of pixels, each actually being a sensor and not only on broad spectrum but color specific.

But how to use this new fantastic possibility? The first way they thought of is the histogram. I looked at the definition of the histogram especially for the purpose of writing this and it does not match with my intuition on the subject.

What the "live histogram" function in my camera does is it displays in real time an animation with number of vertical bars in the left lower corner of the LCD display when in that mode, each bar giving an indication of the number of pixels of a certain intensity (for live histogram, black and white only thus an average of all colors). So actually the software in the camera counts many times a second the different intensity pixels on the sensors and displays them in an animated graphic. I don't know why it is called a histogram. To me is just a graphic with light intensity on the X axis and number of pixels on the Y.

Nobody really needs to know how many pixels of a certain intensity are on the screen. But by looking at the "histogram" one can instantly... well it depends of one's definition of instant... can realize if there are missing pixels of a certain intensity, and this happens usually at the left or right end of the graphic. Or how "thick" is the "histogram", that giving you an information of how much usable information is ready to be transferred in the flash card when you press the button. Missing bars on the right means i'm underexposing and on the left i'm over. If the last right bar touches the top of the graphic it means i have "burnt" - saturated, useless white pixels and on the left, black burnt pixels. It's that simple. I am saying by one's definition of instant, because it actually takes seconds to look at the histogram on the LCD display and interpret it even in the most intuitive way. And by doing this you lose the framing and change the histogram itself. Then you have to come back at the optical viewfinder for a better framing and this is serious time when you are trying to take instant or candid shots.

Histogram is the best and unmatched exposure measuring method before taking the picture, the next best thing to looking at the picture itself after. But even looking at the picture sometimes you cannot tell if you have burnt pixels but the histogram will tell you. Another method of visualizing the burnt pixels is one of the many display options on the camera on playback mode, when you can see them as blinking areas.

If you have a big, fat histogram with no bars touching at the ends, you will have the most incredible, fine tone, balanced, high contrast, high dynamics and colorful image. And that will not always be with the exposure indicator in the middle. Sometimes, the indicator is 3 or 4 steps off center while the histogram shows the best picture.

But then I've been thinking even further... Why a histogram anyways? What if you had an indicator like the one in the picture above that would work using the same information used to draw a histogram from a megapixel sensor (instead from the metering sensor array), through counting all the pixels of a certain intensity and instead of displaying the histogram, displaying an indication of the thickness or the white area on  the histogram, and letting you center it (or optimizing the non displayed histogram) while adjusting the exposure the same way as with the current indicators based on the old metering systems? After all it is all the information you need and use from that histogram. With keeping the histogram only as an option.

My Sony DLSR 300 has two sensors and two mirrors. One is the main sensor behind the lens and mirror like any DSLR camera. One, smaller, like for a compact camera, is up near the prism like in the images below and it works when the main mirror is closed and secondary mirror is tilted and is for the LCD display behind the camera body and not for the picture itself.

The optical viewfinder is unbeatable for framing. The histogram is unbeatable for exposure. So what if they could be combined?

Today (post date) i've been looking on the web for such a camera. Couldn't find one. I found some with an electronic viewfinder (that might include a histogram), which is better then an LCD viewfinder  because no ambient light comes on it (especially on sunny days) when you close it with your eye while watching through it but it has a poor resolution. It is a compromise with poor results.

And than i said to myself... What if the manufacturer would add a crude histogram made of let's say 10 bars on the optical viewfinder? But the problem with building a histogram while looking through the viewfinder is when the eye see the image through the optical viewfinder none of the sensors does.

I can think of two ways this can be solved, one by using the same second tilting mirror, or second, a semitransparent one, sort of like for the rear view mirror at cars in night mode and temporarily redirecting all of the light or permanently just a percentage towards the live (secondary) sensor. For the semitransparent mirror solution, you don't actually need that much of the image on that sensor since you only want to build a histogram. At the expense of the quality of the optical image in the viewfinder. Or by having a button that can (or periodically for short period of times) tilt the second mirror temporarily sort of like the main mirror opens when you take the shot, to redirect the image for short periods of times towards the live sensor just to build a histogram. My favorite is the last one but both would still be better than switching to LCD viewfinder and back to optical as i am doing right now. And probably better than the electronic viewfinder, i don't know, haven't had one yet on my hands. And you are not so interested in the quality of the image when looking at the histogram and/or indicator anyways. (Or maybe even an eye direction sensor that would tilt the mirror while you are looking down at the histogram or indicator).

September 30, 2012 at 4.25pm PDT, Near Mt.Hood, OR