Thinking how i've been metsubushed (again) tonight.
There use to come real Latino guys at Spirit Mountain. Tonight we ran there for a couple of hours (mpg on the truck was 26, mixed, but still has some bad gas in the tank, again mixed), place was pretty empty, machines were pretty tight and we were pretty tired and all i could see was Japanese Chicaons playing there scenes around us. On cameras, with masks and learned gestures is pretty hard to tell i guess. On my way back, i think it was on this point i saw a sweeping car on the right. Probably taking advantage of the direction of the wind. I saw from a distance it because it was yellow flashing in the night. Though i shut the fan, the dust raised settled on the car and minutes later after we passed through that stinking wooded area (stinks like a dead animal, always a fresh one?) i started the fan again. Throat, esophagus, stomach and now intestinal pain. It's fine silica sharp dust scrapped by the wire brush of the sweeper combined with that bacteria that does it. Face burning.
Question. Why my mpg on the truck when new was 23? Until i first (and unfortunatley last) replaced the fuel filter, i think before year 2000, Cindy was still manager at Sussex, when it went 27 until i went for 3 months in Romania in 2004 and when i got back it went to 20 or something.
2:02 Working from home for the TV presenters, even politicians all around the world means they get to stay most of the time near their studios in Hungary, right? Is Dave Salesky presenting the weather from Portland?
BTW. 土 What did i say about all tennis matches being fixed, like all matches in all sports?
10:53 Un fel de bilanț al lui Drulă. Așa cum ne-am dori, periodic, de la toți miniștrii, sau cel puțin la venire și la plecare, însă cu sume numai derizorii și acelea de "bani europeni" (probabil primim înapoi mai puțin decât cele 10 miliarde de lei anual cu care contribuim la bugetul european, cine să ne spună, Ministrul de Finanțe nu știe care este salariul minim).
Multe din proiecte nu sunt ale lui, nu sunt ale predecesorului lui, ci ale predecesorilor predecesorilor lui, de decenii.
Pleacă Drulă în pusta lui, vine înapoi alt ministru, alt guvern, pe următoarele miliarde până la sfârșitul anului, la anul, că și acela este un an cu bugetul lui, cu propria "perioadă de grație" în care nu spun nimic și cu iată, "perioada de demisie" în care spun foarte puțin și scandaluri multe și mărunte între. Nu vi se pare că toate aceste schimbări de guvern la 1 an (sau la un buget) din 90 încoace sunt de fapt trageri de timp perene, organizate minuțios?
I took this picture back in 2007. To show what i thought it was a leak on the thermostat housing. Three mechanics replaced that part (which comes with the long black pipe that goes to the core heater attached to it) three times . I was still messed up after the work accident in 1996 (started to come back a bit a few years ago) but the mechanics knew. The leak is actually at the coolant temperature sensor, also attached to that housing. Fixed it Sunday with a quart of a turn of the sensor. However in the picture you can see a bit of the last stud of the exhaust manifold which is kinda oily and shiny, in the forque of a bracket (wasn't even a hole, but a forque, the nut touching only half of its surface). Also an oil leak from the PCV hole (it is not a valve, but a hole in the cover where a rubber hose goes into and then in the intake box before the throttle (PCV through vacuum throttle i guess). That stud looks like that because there is a bracket (by design) attached to it. Truck has been designed by GM in cooperation with ISUZU.
Torque spec for the nut on that stud is 10 ft lbs and that torque doesn't even closes full contact between the bracket which is kinda irregular sheet metal that comes at a bit of an angle and the manifold. The bracket installed in between the nut and the manifold holds the pipe of the oil gauge which is long and heavy and oscillates and opens and closes intermittently an exhaust leak. The seal of the hood was literally twisted and permanently deformed by the heat. I bought one from the junkyard and installed, but didn't realize the importance of adding some adhesive at the ends. The result is i've been breathing exhaust in that truck for decades.
Yes the Hyundai brought some life in me. Because of many luxury features, look and performance i became interested and figured many things, with my today's partly restored brain and i applied back those things finally fixing the truck, after 23 years.
Yesterday i modified the "design" that is i put the nut directly on the manifold, the bracket with another nut after it. Wheel click on a picture for best view
While taking the last picture, the mail lady who just finished the boxes came @ with her 70s nostalgic van to hand me a delivery. I noticed a heavy knock at the engine, the rusted wheels and exhaust surrounding the whole van (she was also kinda dizzy, couldn't scan my item easily), also looking kinda red in her face.
Among other things, in the mail was a letter from US Bank saying it increased APR from 7 to 14 for a balance transfer that was done just a month ago, based on their own offer. What could have changed in our credit history in one month? We still have a valid offer from US Bank we planned to use. Wondering if that is still valid. I suspect is because of what i just said over the weekend about frugal Warren Buffet.
Which means they also shortcuted the normal postal route. Wouldn't be the first time when i suspect this. On a hunch, searching to see who is their CEO cause i know by now (mathematical induction, everybody i searched so for i found) all US financial institution are controlled remotely by some AI software and accountants from Hungary and Japan, with actors as CEOs. Thing is how many i have them still in my lists until i exhaust those and how many will remain unknown.
BTW David, "son of Warren" was acting, for years as a salesperson at the Liquor Store at Zupan Market in Lake Oswego, and one day "Warren" himself, in shorts, was there when i went to buy liquor.
7:11 I was Lucky enough to find Cecere, CEO of US Bank Corporation. I had a checking account with US Bank since September 1995, loocking forward to close it.
But right now i got bigger problems to worry about. When i bought this truck back in 98 i wasn't paying much attention. Like right now, i had bigger problems to worry. I was going to my job as software engineer at Quadramed, in a building near Safeway in a neighborhood i believe called Ralleigh Hills, without knowing that my manager was Andy Carson, one of my colleagues Jeff Gianolla, possibly Shatner, Nimoy, others. Was trying really hard to catch up with Windows programming (only did DOS in my time in Romania), object oriented, version control, remote programming, all new to me. Though i have finished my first project, for a hospital in Corvallis, my stomach pains which now i believe was caused by exhaust, coolant leak, dust and sciatica, made me quit.
We've been in a roll over with our 89 Escort GT, driven by Angela (yes she was driving stick back then but after 22 years of driving automatic, she forgot), one mile to our destination near Cape Meares at Tillamook Bay. So i bought this truck because i liked trucks since i drove them when i was working at Les Schwab, it was a lease first, the truck had a number of problems, should i have ended the lease and buy another one, among those was pulling right really hard, angles on front wheels were all screwed up, suspension was really stiff but the clutch. It was so stiff, Angela could not depress it. In years it brought me some bad sciatic problems, but i was never so sure until now when i started to drive it again. At the third clutch, Steve put one with more human springs, but somehow these days i find it stiff again. After driving the truck in a number of trips, today i could barely walk, i mean, i can walk if i start but if i turn around, there is this sharp pain in my right hip. But it's not in the hip, if i press it with my hand. It's in the sciatic nerves. Also since 2007 had some sort of paralysis which lead to other kinda of problems. And Angela can't drive it.