Friday, February 11, 2022

February 11

12:03 When talking about Nazca, people are usually talking about the lines (huge images drawn on Earth that can only be seen from a plane, those could be welcoming messages or praises made by scared locals towards those who were flying above them). Tonight i saw a bit of a documentary on Prime. Why flatten a mountaintop so precisely horizontally (minus the erosion, in thousands of years) if not for a runway? Isolated, thus protected from the primitive savages

2:27 Another quick step on the ladder of illusions. And you now what? It only took one google search. For the curious and the intrigued.

11:11 Climate change is real.

12:03/10:03 Trupe în Kursk. Kursk este la 100 km de granița cu Ucraina, însă nu înțeleg ce este în poză. În partea de sus pare că se mișcă un vehicul mic, de gen Jeep. În poza de la Rechitsa sunt 200 de camioane.

2:32 Today, i've been treated again with smoke. All mounds were popped up. Nauseated, got better after i walked half mile but still under influence. An airliner flying under 5000 ft, in the hospital area. Littly thin ladies of all sorts in the parking lots. Hospital security vehicle circling around, meeting with me many times. At the school on Borland, little children always outside, yelling like h... In the park, i was sitting on a bench and one little thin lady came and turned her back on me, watching the pond. I went and stood near the pond, like 30 ft away from her on the other side of the bush waiting for her to leave, and then she left and went behind the bench i was sitting earlier and turned again her back on me now watching the river. Two young women, one dressed all in black spandex, came from around the bush and a her dog started to bark at me real loud and the woman kept yelling: No, no, no! (at the dog).

Wind started to blow, the air quality index was 45 earlier, now is 15, but the apartment was still smoky inside.
11:46 I don't believe this is democracy on either side. These guys go and talk for hours and we can't know what they're talking.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

February 10

8:19 If anyone asked me what i wanted lately to do with my life, i would say, philosophy, rather than bitching complaining all day about people's faces. But again philosophy might lead me to those. Philosophy of macro objects. Faces are macro objects that move all around the known Universe, right? Yuck.

Beauty, literally exists only in the eye of the beholder, and i'm going to prove it to you right now.

Nowadays, if i asked google a question, he will tell me sometimes both things opposite. So it's again up to me to crush the wave and pin down the right answer. Here goes one.
I was in the 2-3rd grade (at a different school of where i've done all the other "grades") when i independently came to think the same as Pythagora. Both ways. First, i thought rays of light come from my eyes. Until, fascinated by those i fell in love with, flashlights, i bought one two with the money i made by playing the accordion at a kindergarten Christmas party. Anyways. We were right. Me and Pythagoras. In a way. Photons do not exist until they are observed by an entity, being camera or human eye or whatever. But do they really exist at all?

11:37 For those who don't know, the weirdest part. Ko and co are suffixes encountered at Ukrainian last names, like ski at Poles (people of Poland), escu at Romanians, sian at Armenians, son at English etc..

Boj means boy in Ukrainian and fight in Russian while buj, buoy in both languages. Bujko or its variants, Bojko, etc.., is an Ukrainian name, confirmed by a google search. So he could be Hungarian of Ukrainian descent, thus the genuine Slavic appearance.

Hungarian judo fighter Tamás Bujkó was killed in 2008 in London by an acquaintance who now is in prison. He was thrown acid on his face and also had 17 stabbing wounds in the face area. At time of death he was 49 or 46 (there are two different birth dates on sites, 1959 and 1962).

Today there was no smoke, they switched to dust though.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

February 9

1:23 I thought i once solved the problem that plagued Constantinopole at the time of invasion by Turks simply by mentioning of the word Sodoma.

1:50 What other problems did i solve lately. My grade school (V-VIII) chemistry teacher. At the end of VIII grade i took pictures of all my colleagues and teachers and made a panel and then i photographed that panel with a borrowed expensive camera and gave everyone an A3 size picture with the panel, made at least 30 copies. But i don't have that anymore, not one copy or the film. That panel could prove the following. My math, sketching and class master (diriginte) was Liz Taylor. Schools' principal was Austrian actor Karlheinz Böhm etc., of course all a parody of Palatine class made especially for King Michael.

But most traumatic of all are the memories of physics/chemistry teacher who was Italian actress Laura Antonelli. How many times i was staring at her legs in her mini-skirt when she was walking in front of class or writing on the board. In her bio, it says, before gymnastics, she had an early passion for math and that explains the coherence of her classes and lessons in the brand new lab in the brand new school, one of the best teachers i ever had, when compared to all the others, (even in HS where physics teacher was Shatner and chemistry, Fonda) or the math teacher (Liz), who was reading all the time from the book. But i never understood until now some of the mishaps. At the end of the VII grade she invited me to a "reunion" for the kids that were finishing VIII grade. In the old school building, with few windows in the large round hallway, was kinda dark, she brought a pickup. They were just a few girls from VIII grade, can't remember any boy, and me. I think i danced for the first time in my life with two of the girls (i remember some of the details, one of them had a blue dress), and she was in her prime, 32, standing there, by then shorter than me (i grew up real fast, was 6 at the end of grade school), with her always serious (or maybe sad), intimidating face, but never crossed my mind. To invite her to dance. Yeah, that boy looks like me when i was that age.

Some would say. Bodnăraș (who had a brother in Câm_pulung) was responsible for all these. Both Bodnăraș and Maurer, two old adventurers, died in 76 when i was in HS, but it didn't stop. Some would say, the "task" has been taken over by Iliescu who was then in charge at Iași, over Ceaușescu's head.

Last night i was seriously thinking about getting a lawyer and suing the State of Romania for what happened then. Could this get in the category of imprisonment (in a fake school, unsanitary home), torture (especially Liz was kinda bitchy and she hit me once), these are crimes that are not affected by the statute of limitations in any country. But when thinking about the judges in Romania that i know of...

9:48 Am văzut acum dimineață după reacția bursei că lumea nu prea mă crede. Când povestesc chestiile din școala generală. Nu au fost făcute pentru publicul general, s-ar părea. Probabil pentru scientologie. Nu trebuiau decât să sucească capul la scientologi, care la rândul lor sunt foarte influenți și pot face multe chestii pe care noi nici nu le știm. În orice caz. Am avut dreptate. 4 ani am avut-o în fața ochilor, matematică, desen și dirigenție. Am fost la ea acasă și ea a fost la noi. Soțul ei, vice primar, se pare că era chiar Richard Burton (nu, nu am nici un chef să mai pierd două ore și să-l caut și pe el dar mai mult sigur e tot ungur). Asemănarea asta explică și numele dirigintei, Șuhani (Shoo hunny). Cântăreață de operă. Liz Taylor însă a cântat foarte puțin, specialitatea ei a fost fața și ochii. Nu prea era încântată de ce făcea acolo și era moody și mofturoasă, îi sărea țandăra ușor. Nu-mi amintesc acum numele mic. La 40+ de ani era destul destul de trecută. Prin clasa a VII-A și a VIII-a am mai lipsit de la școală, fiind de câteva ori bolanv (Meningită virală, hepatită, infecție respiratorie, mână ruptă). Îmi amintesc când m-a scos la tablă să demonstrez teorema celor trei perpendiculare, pe care practic am învățat-o în fața clasei, fiindcă lipsisem.

10:43 Da m-am cam plictisit săturat și nu am găsit asemănarea cea mai bună. O să mai încerc. Însă o chestie. Când am ales să traduc cu google pagina Wikipedia cu biografia ei în ungurește, la titlu mi-a tradus Orosz ca și "of Russia". Tipa a studiat și la Leningrad (mai știu eu pe cineva din anturajul meu care a studiat canto la Moscova, deci așa trebuia să fie, ele să fi fost pe acolo) a fost, este, inteligentă (probabil are pe undeva prin bio un eveniment corespondent atașamentului de mate a personajului, Laura), a fost în politică, a primit în Ungaria numeroase premii și a fost membru al Societății Nemuritorilor? Și încă o chestie. Când am fost în Italia și am lucrat la Tormar (o mică firmă care vindea marmură și care nu mai există), a apărut ca și Clara, soția unuia din cei doi fii al patronului. În 93 ar fi avut 51+3 ani, dar arăta ca și de 40. Ce chestie, când eram în școală probabil ea se chinuia să vorbească română, acum mă chinuiam eu cu ea în italiană pe care ea o vorbea ca la mama acasă, cu accente și stiluri (deci a stat mult prin Italia) și părea încântată...

1:30 What? Nothing. Something i ran into. Is this for real or an advertisement picture with actresses?

2:03 Apropo tipul ăsta mi-a trimis un email, aproximativ cu o săptămână înainte de moartea lui Vadim, și mi-a cerut să scot de pe blog postarea aceasta.

2:45 Am întrebat mai ieri, WT... are doing all the teachers and students in universities with all those trillions in grants and the answer wasn't late. But if we apply an extrapolation of Moore's law (the only one of the kind i know of), will have double that time in 30 more years. How long till it will work indefinitely? 1000 years?

Wednesday didgeridoo terror is here so i will postpone what i wanted to write by an hour or so. C_Rackets?

2:58 Ok they're gone so i will say it. Why built utopical machines which supposedly contain temperatures 10 times like in the center of the Sun when we can use heat pumps at near ambiental temperatures, following the idea stipulated by Szilard in 1929, which lead to the great depression and WWII, showing the world wasn't ready for it or the great conspiracy (which included Einstein) worked against it like they constantly do in my case? Like with this "breaking news"? There is a constant "dialog" between what i'm writing and what they come up with, but they will never acknowledge it. They got their own alien laws we can't understand.

Szilard's ideas apply to heat pumps which coincidentally and independently worked for decades producing (transferring from one place to another whatever) 3 times more energy they use. And i'm gonna tell you why. We need to heat the planet so after we end our purpose here (send all the gold) there will be no trace of what happened. Illegal mining of gold using billions of slaves, against galactic laws?

A question to google lead to an ambiguous answer. Yes they require an initial input of energy, which again, is three times less than than the final result.

9:48 Under the influence. Literally. I was still working on the right wheel of the car, trying to solve the mystery as why all the suspension nuts i worked on now come loose. I saw a tall guy, Asian, looking like an athlete, maybe young sumo, coming towards me, then he veered and supposedly enter the building, i didn't look, was too busy with the car. Following him, the smoke.

What moles do. They divide their territory in networks that are a few meters across where they dig tunnels under the grass. Tunnels are filled with aerosolized mole enzyme that zombify the worms that go by themselves in the larder awaiting to have their heads bitten and then kept alive to be eaten (pretty much like conspirators drive the rest of the people crazy mainly with entertainement). So the "hunting" area needs to be very little ventilated at the time, so the enzyme won't be wasted. Maybe sealed.

What ninja do. They come with special shoes and push some burning pellets into the ground, prepared by ancient recipes, that worked to these day. The whole network bulges, and finally pops in one of the bulges and the smoke start coming out. If there's little or no wind, the thermal laminar flow that is driven by the heat of the heated buildings takes the smoke towards the building and inside through any opening. The surplus washes the walls and goes up in the sky.

Half hour later i finished with the wheel, thinking to go and wash battery's terminals with alcohol, reconnect battery and add some adhesive on the screws so the nuts won't come out, like they do. It was then when i figured a number of things.

Why old cars are not like the new ones. The secret is the battery. When it's time to change the battery, the car finishes its first life, and starts another one, with less performance. Why? Simply because when you unscrew the nuts on the connector for the first time in 4 or 5 years, you contaminate them with grease from the screw, that is always present in detectable amounts under a car's hood, no matter the brand. One drop of oil at oil change would contaminate all contacts and connectors that are not covered, and even those that are covered. A screw contaminated with even tiny amounts of oil or grease won't hold, no matter what. Will get loose with vibration.

Many people on forums with digital voltmeters in lighter's plug, like me, theorize the hypothetical existence of a "smart charging system" on newer cars. "The alternator stops charging when the battery is full", etc.. Wrong. When the connectors are contaminated, the more voltage the battery has, the close to the alternator's output voltage and if there's not enough difference, it will indeed stop charging, but with some flickering of course. That flickering drives all the powered sensor crazy but especially the fuel pump which works at lower voltage, with difference in fuel pressure, in newer cars with no pressure regulator on the line.

So i was thinking (a way of saying, my brain was, is, in some sort of fog otherwise pretty scary now that i think) that the same thing must have happened with all the suspension nuts i messed with. By untightening the nuts, the grease from the screws got into the threads, and then you can kiss your torque goodbye. It's that simple.

Shall i tell i suspected for a longtime mechanics change parts many times because of contaminated connectors and bolts and nuts?

So i went to Wilsonville, second exit, about 6 miles, did 47 mpg (on dashboard, probably 43 for real) in open loop (computer was reset, needs to do all the test cycles) but i had trouble keeping myself on the lane, because, of course of the smoke i inhaled unwillingly earlier.

10:45 As i said, recipe 94, saltpeter and sulfur and probably other stuff that takes care of your mind, body and soul. Click on 29 for more info.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

February 8

10:07 Câciu și Ciucă (rozaliu bonbon), Un ho-limpic și un paralimpic într-un guvern de...

Mai știu două cazuri de pești la state mari, de apă.

11:57 A few days ago i had a terrible craving for chocolate, probably not uncommon this time of the year.

My luck probably was i didn't have any. I had instead a paper jar with baking cocoa i just got from Fred Meyer (Kroger).

I once wanted to buy cocoa powder at Walmart on Dartmouth St. and asked an attendant where it was and she pointed to a whole shelf with chocolate products. Pumped with sugar and fat, none of the products where 100% cocoa. Then i've been wondering around and found the baking cocoa on a different isle, next to other baking products. Labeled as baking, on a different shelf, the cocoa powder is probably ignored by most buyers. However, on the ingredient list of the cocoa i bought at Kroger there is only one ingredient: cocoa. I just read on a site. If it says 100% cocoa and is lighter in color, than it's pure cocoa. Not treated with alkali, in a process that comes from Holland where the great chocolatiers of the world live. Alkali meaning potassium carbonate, the brother of sodium carbonate we all know as baking soda (keep asking myself, why not use it in the kitchen and as antacid cause it's probably much healthier since we all lack some potassium in our diet, not sodium). All that because it is said that natural cocoa is a bit acidic and needs neutralizing in the so call dutch process, which makes the cocoa darker and also kills about half of the nutrients, as they declare.

Thing is, natural cocoa has lots of fat and fiber, and the potassium carbonate gets in that fiber making it potentially candidate for... a sort of natural time release antacid fiber.

And here i get to the reason i'm writing all these. After preparing in that day a "cocoa fix" (like i clandestinely used to do a lot when i was a kid), that is a cocoa based instant desert, made of two spoons of cocoa powder (yes, the so called baking cocoa) in a cup, a bit of sugar to make it edible (again for those who never tasted, pure cocoa is bitter) and turn it into a "mousse" by mixing a few second with a teaspoon with the aid of a few drops of water and of course eating it in ecstasy, i realized the next day it kinda took away the constant pain in stomach area, that i had for such a long time, it's like a friend of mine (trouble is the inflammation started already to spread in other parts of the body, possibly pancreas, lower digestive and even muscles and articulations).

That's why i've been puzzled tonight when i read the ingredients on that jar. Cocoa only. No potassium carbonate. Could it be "the bitter principle" that lives in foods like cocoa, grapefruit, Zyrtec, something that inhibits the parasite that torments me (T.Gondii) that i can't avoid due to environment (picked and threw dog poos again lately, found a fat cat wondering under main door, etc.) or even the opposite, time release acidity.

At the opposite pole. I constantly keep reading many hosannas dedicated to coffee. To me, a 61 year old diabetic, the worse i can do is drink coffee (even decaf), second worse, soda (of course diet). Not even wine or liquor by far does me as bad as coffee or soda. Coffee: Anxiety, irritability, high heart rate,  insomnia, dehydration, feeling of fainting, etc.. Could it be in conjunction with the parasite, i don't know.

Monday, February 7, 2022

January 7

1:49 I was intrigued ever since i saw those non-human characters in "Dua Lipa" "Elton John" old new song. Accidentally ran into something similar, an anime made by a dead Japanese voice actor. Then tonight i realized where it might be coming from.

10:00 Uncomfortable, inside, together with the smell of animal dung. Finally figured where the smoke is coming from. I saw dozens or hundreds of fires along Hwy 18 during a time of air stagnation (no winds), mixed with fog. I don't believe it's legitimate agricultural activity, but a religious one. The dominicans or others who manipulate them have lit a large number of fires in the area. I didn't stop to take a proper picture of them, as i was in a hurry to escape. However there was no escape, except in the casino at Lincoln City, as they did it on the beach as well. Two of these at one mile distance kept all the beach "in check". When we came back we entered Spirit Mountain and their AC systems was overwhelmed by the smoke outside.
(Car was just washed an hour before that trip, those were undried drops from washing the windshield with the sprkinklers).
The index for Tualatin is 70 at least from one private network that uses their own sold detectors that are hooked on wi-fi, but the perceived index here at the apartment is 100 and inside is bad enough to notice it like every time you breath in and i think there is extra smoke coming from holes. While in bed (i forced myself this morning to stay again as much as i could in the "pod" made with metalized polystyrene insulation). Last week, while i quit drinking (except a few glasses last night) i slept several nights inside which raised my temperature and reduced my whole body spread infections. If i didn't do it, i think i would have been really sick today. While in there as much as the smoke let me, i read some pages on the laptop. The Orion alignment theory and its critiques. I didn't know the Sphinx was representing constellation Leo, or forgot. Then i remembered i saw on the Stellarium representation of Orion a few days ago a constellation, Canis minor, right next to Orion, across the Milky Way (which may represent smoke, fire). Orion the hunter, and a dog. Then i figured. That's where all (my) troubles come from. Dominicans could have something in common with this constellation as Orion is the most important constellation in many religions, including Sumerian, Egyptian and Mayan.

I read about Ed Krupp of Griffith Observatory who said he used "planetarium equipement" to prove the three pyramids were not aligned as Hancock, Bauval, Anthony West and others stated. Then let me tell you a few things about planetariums. We are not in 94 anymore and some people made efforts and provided with a really impressive (free) planetarium software, Stellarium, which has a 400k stars database. However, there are problems with planetarium softwares as with any "planetarium equipment". Good enough for some purposes, they use simple mathematical models (3D ellipses) to describe stars and planets movements, and do not take into account gravitational interaction between those. For what's worth it, i will go to the other computer and input the data into Stellarium to see how the three stars from Orion's belt where laid 10000 years ago. Krupp's "planetarium equipment" which i believe is math based mechanisms and optics cannot be possible better then today's software planetariums.

12:54 I went to Stellarium and did a bit of time travel. What is obvious is the angle between the two apparent lines formed by the three stars of the belt changes in time. While i saw everybody was concerned with the angles with maps' coordinates system (N-S, E-W), i would say more important is to find the time when the angles were coinciding, if we were to figure the time of the buildings of the pyramids, and found this pdf which seems a serious work on the subject, confirming the theory, that was not even mentioned in the Wikipedia page.

1:14 How is this important. I already used once Stellarium and accidentally figured that the northern shaft (of the Great Pyramid) is pointing at the Polaris all the time, day and night. While some theorize the whole Egyptian setup including pyramids and the Nile was an allegory of the celestial image with Orion, Osiris, Milky way, Canis etc., i found it hard to believe. Why build a 300 meters pyramid and shafts pointing at stars for that? For the soul to travel, they say. Or deconstruct and teleport them all back to Orion. I had once a different idea. The northern shaft could be a channel to collect and filter photons coming from Polaris only. In the idea all photons created naturally come in pairs, and some might end on different planets. And we all know that entangled photons can be the basis for instant (much faster than light speed) communications across, in this case, galaxy. Like if an alien spaceship was stranded or landed on Earth, they could have used mass manipulation (starting a tradition that followed to this day) to enslave local population to build a low tech (using available material and workforce) but (using) advanced science communication device with their homeworld. That communication device stopped being used long time ago, when the enslaved population disappeared due to inbreeding by imitating the aliens, something they had to resort to since they were severely limited in numbers (a few), and the pyramids were partially buried in sand. Again, other shafts could have been openings for particle accelerators partially (re) using what they had on the ship, and they sent back materials unavailable on their planets. Uncovering by Napoleon and the followers, could have literally opened Pandora's box, by activating at least the communications again. BTW, i'd like to use the opportunity to call to put a lens cap on that shaft asap at least for now.
2:30 While i was slowly getting drunk standing alone in the kitchen and eating Doritos, was staring at the screen of the other computer with Polaris in the middle. And even thinking. What seems indeed strange as coincidence is that this planet we call Earth rotates around an axis that points to a major star, something needed indeed for communications with the asteroid miners stranded on this penal colony. Or their supervisors (big brothers) whatever.
2:53 Angela just came from work, a flock of birds (or a drone) pooped the car all over, including the windshield. The whole universe is against us. Can you please shut that damn pyramid down?

7:54 No matter how much i tried, i couldn't. Measuring  the angle between the two lines made by the two stars. Stellarium has a primitive angle measuring tool which does not snap on objects or something. Looks like i also ran into an inconsistency. Every time i go back, the angle is slightly different, though the app (rolling of time) is paused.

Or maybe i don't know how to use it. Gotta go ask for help in their forum which may last days. Keep asking myself. Why am i the only one doing it? Or at least i tried... What the... are doing all the teachers and students in the universities, not solving one of the easiest and most important problem, too busy using all those trillions of dollars in grants? Time of building of pyramids? Why are we all wasting our time here on this planet competing like hell against each other instead of being happy? BTW got to go in the back, i spotted another poo earlier and it stinks and nauseates me and gives me a chilling sensation in the lower colon, like always.
8:05 Was thinking of the "theory" behind novels like The Invisible Man or The Man Who Walked through Walls (an idea also found in a Fringe episode, Season I). Space between molecules in our body is so big, it would allow matter or light to pass (if it wasn't for the fundamental forces of the Universe, of course). So it happens with the visible culture of the world and contemporary cultures that are out of this world, like of Japan or even Hungary which resides in the middle of Europe. They are so different from mainstream, they simply cannot be seen by majority with the example of the Anime linked earlier on this page with Mr.Ando. But i provided for you an example (with the windshield) on this page.

9:32 Only trouble is our culture could be a simulation or subset of theirs.

11:00 There goes another cardboard billionaire. Was it worth it?

11:24 Vroiam să spun de mult chestia asta. Da arată foarte flashy, aceste supermașini de sute de mii de euro cu motoare de peste 500 de CP ce pot face 0-100 în 2 secunde, timp în care te lipești de scaun ca o mămăligă de fund și nu poți ridica mâna să apeși butonul de radio. Pentru a obține acest tip de accelerație, dar și din alte motive, aceste mașini sunt de obicei construite din materiale ușoare, compozite. Chiar dacă autostrăzile din Germania sunt cele mai bune din lume, mult deasupra celor din SUA, eu personal nu aș accelera pe nici o mașină, în afară de cele construite pentru curse, mult mai late, mai lungi și cauciucuri și suspensie speciale și cu aripioare ce te împing în jos, dincolo de 150 kmh. O pală de vânt lateral sau o mâncărime în palmă te pot trimite pe o orbită joasă în jurul solului.