Tuesday, April 26, 2022

April 26

2:00/11:00 Je crois que son premier jour de repos s'est passé dans l'Oregon en essayant de me faire avoir un accident avec son gros suv blanc bien sûr sur la rue Martinazi, en utilisant l'hypnose (mouvement répétitif avec sa main, le conducteur devant elle) juste après l'épisode avec un deuxième soleil réfléchi par quelques nuages horizontaux au coucher du soleil.

10:09 S-a retras din politică pentru un timp. Dar înainte de a se retrage, Vasile Dîncu devenise campionul regionalizării. A fost înlocuit de Shade. Am scris mult timp despre acest minister, această gaură neagră la buget unde dispar în fiecare an în jur de 2 miliarde de euro. Gala Bute? Un mizilic, Elena Udrea a tocat pe niște proiecte începute, 4 miliarde de euro bani europeni la acest minister în afară de bugetul de 1-2 miliarde euro anual.

De unde până unde a devenit specialist la apărare? Un fiu al monstruoasei coaliții, unde PNL și PSD s-au înțeles și și-au împărțit țara de data asta în timp.

După ce a jăcmănit 3 ani, mai mult de 5 miliarde euro la acest minister, el are de împărțit cu Ucraina sărăcia și nevoile și lipsa noastră de siguranță. Numai cu banii mătrășiți de Dîncu la Dezvoltare România putea să aibă astăzi înzestrare militară ca a Poloniei, Ucrainei sau Germaniei etc..

2:17 Special Military Operation, Sergey Markov.

5:13 After i wrote the 10:09 note i had to leave here right away because of the smoke as i could not find the source at the moment. I went for a 3 miles or one hour walk, was really sick, had to stop and sit on benches and fences and when i came back there was still so much smoke inside (i figured i got used to it before i left and didn't know how much it was) i had to air by opening the door for about half hour. Right now i feel again some smoke and probably again it's much more than i think, while the ice cream van plays its song outside.

9:33 Ciucă, Ciolacu, Aurescu.

11:36 This image
Reminds me of...

Monday, April 25, 2022

Drying Laundry Under Vacuum

Because when i moved the exhaust pipe of the drier was clogged with condensed water in the basement, for years, i reinvented drying laundry by using a heat pump as condenser and heater and recirculating the dry jot air saving energy, by modifying a window AC (because i saw the water that is coming when the window AC is working).

Re-invented because after i saw that only years before such driers that included a heat pump were commercially available, using a third less energy and not requiring an exhaust pipe. It's faster and especially cleaner since the air that goes in the drier does not come from the room but it's the exhaust that is dried and heated inside the heat pump and recirculated and some of the heat in winter time heats the room instead of being evacuated outside with the exhaust. However i am tired to uninstall and re-install it every year when the inspection come and now that the pipe is fixed in the summer it probably works as well in normal mode, while evacuating the heat outside.

Coincidentally i've been dealing these days with car's AC and saw a video that shows that moisture can be extracted from the AC system using a vacuum pump. Because of water's properties, under enough vacuum (low pressure) it may boil at room temperature or even less. This principle is used a lot in concentrating juices, where the water is removed again with a vacuum pump, without much heating thus without destroying nutrients though some heat is applied, because by boiling, the juice looses heat and it may even freeze. In this diagram fast drying (boiling) occurs anywhere right of the curve in the pink area.
So i made a connection in my mind, but instead of re-inventing anything i went and did some searches first and found out it was possible, it requires much less energy, again, no exhaust, however none available commercially yet. Currently around 6% of household electric energy and 2% of household gas consumption in the US is done by drying.

April 25

8:00 During my recent attempt to refill the AC system of my car and BTW, the fact they are selling cans with refrigerant and oil and primitive manifold systems does not mean most DIY-ers can do it properly, i discovered there was mold inside the refrigerant circuit. Again, not in the ducts but inside the circuit itself. As all AC systems leak to some degree, that mold may be a continuous contamination source and the mysterious reason many people say they are sickened by ACs.

The only reasonable way to refill your AC (if it hasn't run to low on refrigerant and oil and there is no damage to it) is to connect it to a machine at a dealer, where most oil and refrigerant and some say the moisture from the drier/receiver can be removed under vacuum, and then proper amounts can be added but there remains the question if the machine has been hooked previously to a contaminated system. And/or of course there is the recommendation of replacement of the desiccant bag inside the receiver, but that, depending on the type and model of your car may require lots of labor and expertise. But then again, if your AC works with lower amounts of refrigerant and/or oil as it leaks, and the pressure switch quits turning the compressor at very low refrigerant levels, well beyond optimal, it may not be so critical as how much refrigerant the DIY-er will pour in, as long as the pressure does not increase too much.

BTW what bothers me a lot is the absence of a check engine light when the amount of refrigerant and its pressure in the AC system has become too low for the pressure switch to start the compressor and the fact that oils and/or refrigerants do not have an anti-fungal additive.

There is a lot of trouble with the ACs also because the compressor is installed on the same belt with water pump and alternator and you have to maintain the AC, so it works, otherwise the compressor may get damaged and seize and cause lots of more damage, but most importantly, loss of steering while driving because all late cars have electric power steering.

1:36 I never knew Trump's attorney's name is... Alina... Hubba.

What is the fine art(ila) of clowns. I'm trying to redo the match with Trump but can't find one single decent ID type picture of him. That is, him without putting a face.

2:03 Drove last night the 100 miles from Warm Springs to here, with 10 percent less mpg than last time. That was because it was early and they were lots of cars on the road, many pushing from behind and then slowing after passing and i had to accelerate uphill to pass them again. Never been bothered so much by the incoming lights like last night. Less then half of the cars had lights that did not bother me. Though i had polarized glasses. Many having aftermarket bulbs that were on low beam 5 times stronger than stock on high. Some on one light only though on high. Many simply not turning on low at encounters. Some with aftermarket, after being flashed, turning the real high beam only to completely blind me. But it happened only in the most dangerous curves.

But that don't bother me nearly half of what the guy upstairs does to me these days. Staying in here for days with short exceptions, yelling like crazy from time to time obscenities in Spanish or Portuguese, scarying me and Angela. Squeaking and releasing dust that aggravates my whatever rhinitis, otitis tonsillitis i have. Within minutes after a squeak, i have the chills/hot flashes. Yesterday, Sunday, a guy came across the alley and did a carpet, hammering for hours, shaking dust out of buildings and releasing dirt/dust/mold out of that carpet that flared up my infection that was clearing. Red dust on 26 across Mount Hood. A van with LPN BRG going in front of me and touching the shoulder all the time, releasing extra dust, etc..

Today i picked 8 doggy piles, numerous pieces of garbage and treated a number of mole holes with Borax  which took me about one hour. On my last trip i met with a 14 years old emancipated Hungarian Gypsy girl reminding or Anca Parghel when she was that age who when she passed me she was calling her dog... Come! Come! like women do so oftenly when i pass them in the park etc.. Exactly when i was thinking about posting a video like this the guy upstairs did a prolong series of yells, like the loudest a human can do

3:53 Evan Williams bourbon on sale at the liquor store in Tualatin is different from the one i bought at Walmart and at American Market in Grand Ronde. Probably the reason it's on sale, much smokier, harder to drink, different batch, i figure.

8:27 And we both got slightly sicker by drinking it. Like when going to the beach and walking through smoke. I gave up buying whiskey long time ago, for the same reason. Too much smoke aroma in it. But about a week ago i was at a Walmart in Woodland Washington, and that by mistake, by missing an exit, should have went to Safeway. But there they did not have brandy or rum and since vodka is out of fashion (don't buy it anyways) i just got a bottle of cheap wiskey. To my surprise, it was drinkable. Then i bought another bottle again at the Market in Grande Ronde which was ok, again.

So, very confidently, today i bought the 1.7 liter bottle that was on sale. However, the same thing. Too much smoke. So i went back at the store, got there 5 minutes before 8, closing time. But when i passed over I5 on the Tualatin Sherwood i saw something really weird. A cloud formation in the sunset (is the sunset already at 8, due to hour change) that was reflecting the Sun in such a way it was looking like they were two Suns in the sky. Slightly tired, slightly sick and slightly absent i was too lazy to grab the phone and take the picture while driving, it requires lots of effort, from the only window where it was visible until i took a left on Martinazi. So i lost it for you. But i thought. I wrote about George Lucas yesterday.

Tatooine, the lawless planet with two Suns. Tualatin.

Then i remembered another thing. Years ago, i think i was in Lake Oswego, i went to the refuge (Tualatin River in  Sherwood) with my old Sony DSLR and saw again the weirdest thing in the sunset. A cloud formation that was looking like the roof of an ancient temple, could it had been masonic, with the Sun right at the tip of the angle. It lasted of course no more than a few minutes. But i didn't want to take the picture, because it pissed me off. Don't want to participate in popularizing freaky things. Same with the "wheel in the sky", a cloud formation that was like a perfectly round hole in the clouds around Sun again in Lake Oswego. Or the formation of Christmas trees or masonic signs like ships flying slowly, silently, in the park in September 1995, that i could have followed on the street to get closer for a picture. I was, like today, like paralyzed. But the genie. The genie that showed on my 49th (7x7) birthday in Lake Oswego, that one i still have on flickr. I am writing all these for those affected by drought in California, other states. There are things, levels above us, that may control weather and stuff. Some we may figure, but some, like the masonic temple, or the genie, we may not.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

April 24

12:24/9:24 Emanuel, God is with you.

1:26/10:26 Ariane Lapin

I congratulate those who didn't vote. À bon entendeur,...


SEMPER FI. In 🔱est we trust.

11:27 In Communist Romania we at school were sitting in benches for two. My benchmate after IV grade at some time was most likely second from right in the first row in this picture, who might later have become the actor we all know as Tom Cruise. Though he was one of the few i din't know where he lived or how his parents looked like. The one in the upper row, middle, with white collar, like me, is probably George Lucas. Of others, Mircea Baniciu third from left upper, the AHA girl, 8 from right lower, i spoke about before. Teacher could have been Claudia Cardinale. As i discovered recently, most might have been 2 years younger then normal age for the grades.

And my boss at (z)IMU Bacău starting with 1987 was most likely Ron Hubbard himself who BTW was giving me bonuses to go out drinking with him, others, copious amounts of draft beer most likely diluted by waiters.

Other colleagues, Olivia Newton John, Julia Roberts, Mick Jagger, Gregorian Bivolaru, Angela Ciochină, others. Many others in between, in HS and college. If you change L initial to E and add a d at the end you get

Friday, April 22, 2022

April 22

6:37 I-au distrat pe alții la viața lor, acum vin și se distrează și ei în România... Să vedem ce spun și aliații... Da, la aliați le-ar fi ușor să spună. Dar de ce să nu facem ce vrem noi? Un lucru e sigur. Avioanele acelea sunt de nimic, nu ar schimba cu nimic soarta războiului în afară de faptul că România ar intra și ea în război, fără armament, fără armată, fără populație care să fie mobilizată și fără motiv.

Și apropo. Există în Ungaria cel puțin două tipuri de țigani. Cei care provin din India, aduși de mameluci întâi în Egipt, cei mai săraci și cei care provin din Africa și poate chiar Australia (ungurii cu pinguinul de pe scutul din cea mai veche pictură a lui Attila), cei creți. Și magarii budiști din Nepal. Restul adică majoritatea sunt europeni captivi, imigranți germani la invitație, sârbi fugiți de otomani în secolul 14, români originali și imigrați, ruși, ucraineni, etc.. A și secuii, tot clanul lui Buda. Ei s-au așezat în munți normal pentru că vin din Nepal. Nu, secuii nu pot fi unguri fiindcă ungurii vin din Australia iar secuii din Nepal.

6:43 There is some sort of vibration in the distance, coming from several engines that makes my heart fibrilate... Not the first time.


12:12 A poet andgentle_man.

12:15/10:15 Mai țineți minte când spunea Băsescul, Dumnezeu să-l ierte, că dacă vrei să faci politică externă, trebuie să ai o hartă a lumii în cap? Una e să fii liniștit la 2000 sau 10000 km de Ucraina și să cântărești argumente filozofice, dacă să trimiți arme sau nu și alta e să fii în graniță cu războiul.

6:33/3:33 Estimp, ce mai fac ăilalți aliați.