2:01 Doing a search. I did DEQ, 221 bucks, can't remember how i passed the last red light camera. Much dust in here (stinging redwood dust). During the last rain which i don't remember (was at night or i wasn't here) a lot of the mulch got washed in the alley and then it dried and cars are grinding it further. Not as bad as insulation dust, still stinking in my throat. Today they came and blew it away from the alley (don't know where it went).
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
May 4th
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
May 3rd
6:31 It was stinking in here bad so i went and picked the usual items from around the building but then i ran into a dark green pickup on the first parking spot in the direction of office that has garbage in it that stinks.
5:00 Found a pile of poo about this time again close to our building door, from a big dog.
DEQ is road tax. Could not find the average car age in Oregon compared to Washington and California. What i could find is on West Coast cars are the oldest. Per several reasons i guess. One is salt free roads in winter. Another is there are more Asian cars on the roads which tend to be more reliable. Better mechanics, more conscious or nostalgic owners, lower income?
So could not find the reason Oregon is still calling for DEQ every two years which cost about 200 bucks while neighboring Washington and California gave up. Could this be one of the reasons I5 in Washington, especially southbound past Olympia is in such a bad shape.
10:38 Litigiul s-a încheiat în 2009, moment în care exploatarea putea începe. Dar s-a dorit dependența României, Europei de gazul rusesc, pretext prin care Rusia s-a retehnologizat iar unele țări europene încă își arată atașamentul față de aceasta. După gafa enormă pe care au făcut-o ciucații, i s-a trecut pe numele lui Ciucă această măreață realizare, (cu începerea exploatării în 2023 adică peste un an, promisiune care la politicienii români, de obicei înseamnă de zece or mai mult), readucerea în patrimoniul României a unui bun care a fost de la început în patrimoniul României, totuși într-un moment incert pentru viitorul țării.
10:50 Ieri când am aflat despre vizita doamnei Jill, (erau vremuri, ca de exemplu pe vremea ciucatului original, ați ghicit, Ceaușescu, vizitele de stat se anunțau cu săptămâni înainte), dintr-o dată a început să-mi sune în cap vechea melodie a lui Falco Der Kommissar (așa pățesc câteodată, de exemplu Kokomo mi-a sunat în cap 3 zile în jurul perioadei când am postat-o). Dar nu am postat nimic, fiindcă eram și foarte obosit după vreo 500 mile (800 km) conduse în weekend cu o piuliță la suspensie slăbită și după cele 16 ore aproape continue când l-am căutat pe Mizintsev (o excepție la regula -3 ani, de data asta actorul este cu 4 ani mai tânăr) și nici nu am găsit o oportunitate mai acătării (în ce context s-o postez). Iată că a apărut și Der Präsident la București, înaintea lui Jill și/sau chiar Joe, dându-mi apă la moară.
5:00 Found a pile of poo about this time again close to our building door, from a big dog.
DEQ is road tax. Could not find the average car age in Oregon compared to Washington and California. What i could find is on West Coast cars are the oldest. Per several reasons i guess. One is salt free roads in winter. Another is there are more Asian cars on the roads which tend to be more reliable. Better mechanics, more conscious or nostalgic owners, lower income?
So could not find the reason Oregon is still calling for DEQ every two years which cost about 200 bucks while neighboring Washington and California gave up. Could this be one of the reasons I5 in Washington, especially southbound past Olympia is in such a bad shape.
10:38 Litigiul s-a încheiat în 2009, moment în care exploatarea putea începe. Dar s-a dorit dependența României, Europei de gazul rusesc, pretext prin care Rusia s-a retehnologizat iar unele țări europene încă își arată atașamentul față de aceasta. După gafa enormă pe care au făcut-o ciucații, i s-a trecut pe numele lui Ciucă această măreață realizare, (cu începerea exploatării în 2023 adică peste un an, promisiune care la politicienii români, de obicei înseamnă de zece or mai mult), readucerea în patrimoniul României a unui bun care a fost de la început în patrimoniul României, totuși într-un moment incert pentru viitorul țării.
10:50 Ieri când am aflat despre vizita doamnei Jill, (erau vremuri, ca de exemplu pe vremea ciucatului original, ați ghicit, Ceaușescu, vizitele de stat se anunțau cu săptămâni înainte), dintr-o dată a început să-mi sune în cap vechea melodie a lui Falco Der Kommissar (așa pățesc câteodată, de exemplu Kokomo mi-a sunat în cap 3 zile în jurul perioadei când am postat-o). Dar nu am postat nimic, fiindcă eram și foarte obosit după vreo 500 mile (800 km) conduse în weekend cu o piuliță la suspensie slăbită și după cele 16 ore aproape continue când l-am căutat pe Mizintsev (o excepție la regula -3 ani, de data asta actorul este cu 4 ani mai tânăr) și nici nu am găsit o oportunitate mai acătării (în ce context s-o postez). Iată că a apărut și Der Präsident la București, înaintea lui Jill și/sau chiar Joe, dându-mi apă la moară.
12:10 I was pretty sure i found Zelensky as a writer (by a video, two more pictures). However, today i ran into this guy, who works for a Hungarian IT firm. No age, again, a few pictures only. Then i went back and found a picture with that writer, showing him tall and big. Couldn't be him so i reverted that post. I'll check on this one tomorrow.
Monday, May 2, 2022
Sunday, May 1, 2022
May 1st
2:23 I think someone got tired of the classical square grid like city planning in Portland. X is from Xenu?
BTW McMinville UFO jubilee is only two weeks away from now! Though the real reason i started to search on google maps is this. Every time i pass this graffiti or around it, something happens. Yesterday there was this classic car, a Packard i guess on the lane right to where i was and a pistachio Toyota Prius came from left behind it and while i was still staring at the old car, the Prius moved towards me like the driver didn't see me, i touched the brakes, he moved the wheel back right and didn't touch my lane. Is that image saying Luser or Luger?
Saturday, April 30, 2022
April 30
3:25 Within minutes i got completely lost in the vast complexity of Ancient Greek and Latin trying to look again, on a suspicion for the origins of the words homo and human as we know them today.
In Romania those born in 1960 like me were the first not to be taught Latin, i guess in the 6th grade, as well as Russian. But still we learned French since 5th grade and English in HS where available.
They were times when Greek and Latin were the main objects of study in any type of schools, considered useless nowadays.
But then an example came to mind. Something i did hear in HS from my roommate, guru and mentor. Homo homini. And another one i heard on TV or a church i guess. Ecce homo.
As for humanus. Simply no entry in some dictionaries. Human (Humain in French means human not humane) was first mentioned in French @1160, where it came from later in English. When Huns were already part of Europe and Catholic Church as a state for 160 years. St Dominic was born in 1170.
Homo as we know it was introduced in 20th century. The word in modern Greek and mainstream ancient dialects (we can only try to reconstruct pronunciation) is omo. Should have been omosexual?
And one more thing. Homo also overlaps home. For that reason only, writers, trend makers and dictionaries should have avoided this word.
In Romania those born in 1960 like me were the first not to be taught Latin, i guess in the 6th grade, as well as Russian. But still we learned French since 5th grade and English in HS where available.
They were times when Greek and Latin were the main objects of study in any type of schools, considered useless nowadays.
But then an example came to mind. Something i did hear in HS from my roommate, guru and mentor. Homo homini. And another one i heard on TV or a church i guess. Ecce homo.
As for humanus. Simply no entry in some dictionaries. Human (Humain in French means human not humane) was first mentioned in French @1160, where it came from later in English. When Huns were already part of Europe and Catholic Church as a state for 160 years. St Dominic was born in 1170.
Homo as we know it was introduced in 20th century. The word in modern Greek and mainstream ancient dialects (we can only try to reconstruct pronunciation) is omo. Should have been omosexual?
And one more thing. Homo also overlaps home. For that reason only, writers, trend makers and dictionaries should have avoided this word.