Sunday, May 22, 2022

May 22

3:54 Just went outside to pick garbage and several dog poos of different ages all around the building, i guess all coming from the same small dog. Last night. Angela finally made her money back at Chinook Winds. When we came back home, she said she wanted to check how it goes at Spirit Mt. Like at Chinook yesterday, she won some 200 dollars at first and after i ate a hot dog, i got sleepy and fell asleep in the car. A loud modified exhaust awoke me and at @4 i went at the Shell gas station (the cheapest in the area) to fill the car. In there, at the next pump, two women of whom one was maybe from the convenience store (i guess) or maybe they knew each other, were talking angrily to each other, almost yelling at each other, telling stories from the past (i heard the word mother several times. It was all surreal given the hour and the fact nobody else was at the pumps. The pump stopped once and had to restart it. Went back in the parking lot and slept till 7:30 when i went inside to pick Angela who was exhausted after playing for 12 hours at the two casinos and having all her money lost.

When i got out out of Chinook once to go for something in the car i met with a mechanic i know, Martin, but he acted like he didn't recognize me (maybe because he was with a woman other than the one in the office which i thought it was his wife). When i said, "Martin?" he said "Good Morning" though it was evening. I knew it was going to be followed by some trouble which it did.

I noticed the other day, the whole paint job at the car last fall went suddenly dull, especially after the car wash yesterday.

When i went outside about half hours ago i looked again and saw some abrasions and possibly one tiny dent on the hood, a few mm deep, on a few inches area, like someone maybe pressed down with his hand but can't be sure if it's a dent or just the shape of the hood. The shape of the 4 abrasions is the same as once done in the snow last winter, like one giant claw leaving barely visible 4 marks (only visible from a certain angle) 4-5 inches apart on the paint on front of the hood. Sun is shining and got blinded by the white paint on the car so i gave up looking. Haven't been drinking in a week so it's not possible something happened and can't remember. 

Then i saw in the news the face of a guy, RR Martin who looks like one of the checkers at Safeway in Lincoln City, etc..

10:00 Three years ago i thought going in the basement and fixing the pipes is going to be enough. Forget about the fallen insulation, i said to myself. I'm just going to heat some more. But two weeks after i fixed those they came with a rotary brush to clean the pipes inside. I bet they broke them some more. SAGE construction built a new lid with star shape screws. But somebody simply cut another visiting hole on the other side of the building that has three set of screws which means they've been three times in the basement, since.

Last year by example i had one (de Longhi with oil) heater under couch and one next to it. But since, i've been drunk most of the time, this year i didn't care, spring is not coming and i am sick. Infection at the gum that spread to my head, finally figured the main source, an older denture that i fixed with superglue and used instead of the newer one that can't be fixed that spread to my upper respiratory, my maxillary changed a bit, was hitting in some points, again, didn't feel the pain, the infection, cause i was drunk most time, day and night, infection at the colon. Wetland like smell inside. This is the image with the wet floor right under my couch taken three years ago.
Last night i slept in the car and woke up much better. No hurting feet, no burning face, no hot flashes. Tonight i put pieces of foam all around the couch and under covering much of the surface and i feel like i'm finally heating myself up. Bedroom is a bit better cause there are box like beds that cover the floor and area around beds (twins) is small.

However can't ignore the smell of... wetland? Found the star shape bit for my electric screwdriver and i swear one of these days or nights i'm gonna pop that fancy new lid and see what's inside and what can be done. Thinking of sticking some foam, like the pieces i put around the couch, maybe using some adhesive. Angela says the cheapest apartments around start at 400 dollars above the price we pay here.

Ventriloquist: The "man" upstairs showed after i started to write this, he was gone most day.

10:30/8:30 Steve says:

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Kaly Yuga

De ce a ales faimosul istoric al religiilor să ne spună o poveste care unii o consideră ușor autobiografică, cu o damzelă grăsuță cu nume de Buddha care transpiră în căldurile din Calcutta (acum iarăși Kolkata), orașul zeiței Kali din India de Nord Est (care nouă românilor ne-a dăruit secuii sau clanul lui Buddha), unde zeița cea mai tare este Kali, făceți-mă să înțeleg. Că despre firul cu eterna întoarcere, care străbate toate scrierile sale, cred că am o idee de unde a luat-o.
V-ați întrebat vreodată de ce deitățile indiene, inclusiv Kali, zeița timpului (cuvântul australian pentru boomerang este kylie, care aruncat asupra unei ținte în mișcare înseamnă un rendez- vous cu moartea într-un timp viitor), a distrugerii și a morții este reprezentată cu mai multe brațe, la fel ca și Victoria Pavuk în vide-ul Shake it up? Ei bine și eu m-am întrebat dar cred că am găsit și un răspuns.

Dansatorii din Noua Zeelandă, când execută dansul haka, cei din rândul I acoperă pe cei din celelalte rânduri, din care se văd brațele mișcând.
Iar satârul scurt din mâna zeiței la fel ca și zvastica pot să reprezinte de fapt un boomerang. Însă modul preferat de ucidere al zeiței este prin sufocare, cu praf sau alte metode asupra căilor respiratorii, care praf poate provoca o iritare și constipație cronică, iar la sfârșit, cancer al colonului.

May 21

12:00 Ok so it wasn't Johnny Depp at the bar. It was him. Good thing i searched and found Johnny too.

Updates, upgrades, the "man upstairs" got a dog. I heard it for a few days now, wasn't sure. Running at midnight, releasing dust from ceiling in my eyes, nose and mount and throat etc..

Friday, May 20, 2022

May 20

3:00 A couple of weeks ago i filled a hole behind fridge with ready made joint compound from Home Depot. Did it in two steps, cause i knew it was going to shrink. But it didn't act like the powder compound i used before, which was actually mostly gypsum, and it shrank more. I didn't check after filling it the second stage and though the hole was completely covered after the first, it looks like it shrank after the second, and a hole appeared in the middle of it. But i covered the whole section of the wall with a plastic foil just to be sure. However tonight when i came home sitting here on the couch trying to figure who the guy at the bar was (where i ordered burgers) when the fridge started i felt the specific smell of th`e wall insides. So i plugged the hole, cleaned the floor under, didn't want to make much noise, Angela's sleeping and removed the now contaminated plastic foil. Tomorrow i'll check again, wash that foil and put it back.

3:05 Yeah i found the man (Amber was there too with several women, one partially dressed as a bride of whom i mostly seen the back, all besieging the soda machine), was thinking all night of how much damage did to me the artist known to all us as David Copperfield (old style post). I wrote a lot in a post about my experience in Italy, when i lived in an apartment with two students and a violin player, Davide from Bari. One night i organized a party, like we did a lot when we were students, the Italian students seemed clueless though they were attending discotheques, where i once was invited by thought i was too old and bald to go (33). Now i know what they did, Davide did not participate, don't know if he was in his room, but i think he made it all look like some sort of ventriloquist trick, with me playing the guitar and speaking Italian almost seamlessly. Have to explain this. Speaking Romanian and French makes you learn Italian very quickly especially since i had on cable all the major Italian channels, for two years before that with all movies dobbed in Italian etc.. He tried some more, and actually this is how i figured (now). He acted like he didn't have a job when he moved and invited me to go and play together on the streets, he with his violin and me with the accordion which i was very good at and probably told him.

But that's not all. After i came in the US, at my second or third job 1996 (if i count the one with the accidental exposure, at Electronic Specialty in Vancouver) there was also a guy called David... Cooper, who my supervisor, others, didn't like and he didn't stay long. But there also was present... the artist known to us all as Prince, Maurice Gibb (like from the Bee Gees), Sir Tim Berners-Lee, others. It doesn't surprise me now since two of my neighbors in Romania where Robin Gibb (acting as a piano player) who was married to Whitney Houston, acting as a judge.

Ever since people believe i can't speak or read English, or maybe can't read at all, and it's all a trick when i start speaking English. The man at the bar tonight was implying just that, he would not listen to me but only to Angela, when we made the order.

Just read "David's Wikipedia page" and found his "mother's maiden name was Gispan", which corresponds to the name Gipaya (Dino) of the Hawaiian supervisor at Credence so he could have been him as well. As i once explained, the building where i worked at Credence was on Nimbus alright but at the end next to... Fanno Creek. Latabar, (Davide) di Bari, also in this look, the Albanian male prostitute i met at the shelter or Caritas. He made one attempt to drag me into his business.

12:23 He worked really hard to ruin my whole morning and when he finally succeeded and i grabbed my laptop to document it he ran into his car and started the engine but waiting there for something, maybe for me to finish writing. He was here at least the last 10 days, with only one day break. This morning he woke me up at 10, (i went to bed at 6) after doing Johnny Depp and Copperfield, on a wave of irritation, i wanted to sleep some more by he started doing laundry which he didn't for weeks. I was half asleep and the other half of my brain was wondering about what i done and post it lately, but now i'm just mad. Imagine someone walking on top of you, catching your most tender morning thoughts like with an antenna (or maybe shin shin shin gan) and then walking on top of you in the rhythm of those. Of course making you breath some fresh dust from the ceiling.

12:28 Just looked through window, he's gone, the washer keeps running, now the guys next door took over and started hitting the wall again in most critical moments of your thinking processes. When they're done, some will start shutting the doors of a car like maybe 10 times for each car, a siren's already been on, but then they will start over with their mind torturing tools. As i prooved unintentionally the other day, there is no one really living here in the complex. When i go outside, the guests are ready and pop from their holes, walking in front of me, simulating all kinda things, for show, but when i took the pictures they all ran inside, not to be seen in those.

5:50 It stinks like mold in here. That is because there are numerous items like food wrappers on the red carpet. I picked some, wanted to pick more, but the ice cream van came. I checked with the weather sites, it's 58 degrees (so much for the first day of spring i was expecting). They should not come when temperature is under 70. One more proof it's all simulated. One woman with a baby passed me and said "gracias", i believe in her bluetooth or phone. Etc. BTW, after i finished treating the mole holes with borax, i saw rats going in and out a hole in the next building.

9:33 Just remembered something. The names of the owner of Tormar (Torrenova, Marmi) was Ventrella, like from ventriloquist.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

May 19

10:14 Will it finally be spring, starting tomorrow?
10:16 I had swelling of the parotid glands i can't remember since, but surely after i started to use partial dentures and/or adhesives, but starting about a week ago, they became infected, what tipped the balance i believe it was the vast amounts of dust released by shaking the building last Tuesday, when the City of Tualatin decided to use for many hours a tree milling machines withing sight from my windows, Wednesday when large amounts or dust where raised by landscape workers who blow the parking lot from the remaining of granite dust and redwood dust. The vibration could be felt, the amount of decibels can't be described. The infection spread throughout my body. Any area of the body exposed to cold was hurting within an hour or so, until the next day. I started on antibiotics from some leftovers, it got it somehow under control. I discovered yesterday that if i rinse my mouth with salt water after eating, it's better. Left parotid now hurts pretty much like an infected tooth would. Today i thought i could stop the antibiotics bur ran back to them after one missing dose.

I think i finally figured the reason for the swelling about a month ago, when i stopped using the Walmart brand Equate adhesive, which has petrolatum or petroleum jelly as main ingredient. Petrolatum was never meant to be used internally. I believe some if it got into my parotid (salivary) glands. Should i knew and stopped using it, i probably didn't get so far.
10:38 Also. Got an intermittent severe pain on what i thought to be lower colon. However, a strong massage on a certain lower lumbar vertebrae makes the pain go away almost instantly.

1:32 Got it. I was wrong. My infection started after i stopped using the product. (Vaseline and petroleum jelly are the same but not the same with...)
Yeah i know. Jelly is a bad word in Scientology but grease is not.. Siste-mate-ique Hide-oh-mate-ique.

4:15 Azovstal, Mariupol. Also probably the reason they never made it in EU.