Wednesday, July 20, 2022
July 20
11:10 No i couldn't find her last night. Too tired. Vacuuming Monday after going twice at Walmart was more traumatizing and disrupting i thought it would. Firstly, like today, none of the people on the streets or in the store were random or normal people. All actors or extras of the nagas. Synchronizing and getting in the way. When i came back again in entered the freeway in the same point, out of Dartmouth St. Not 72 as i wrote the other day. Ramp is indeed much shorter, the "mergeable" area marked with broken white line is only about 200 ft. Imagine that. Meeting with a 100 ft SAIA behemoth exactly in that area. Having to brake to clear the last of the three trailers to be able to merge. Also i want to say here about another big problem they created with marking the street at Nyberg exit. First two left lanes of the exit go left, but each is corresponding to two lanes on Nyberg and most of the people including the woman that drove behind me and me for years get confused and. Try and follow the curved broken white line here.
While i was vacuuming, at a certain point i saw the vacuum hose was disconnected which means there was not vacuum applied in the brushes area and much unfiltered (through the bag) dust was released in the air. Not sure for how long, i already did half the surface, went back and did it all again. I was sick to the stomach the whole day and next morning (and was out of green beans to fix that). But the smell did not go away until i washed the blue blanket with the polar bear 3 more times yesterday after i washed it once Monday. Apparently it had absorbed the smell that was coming out of the weird bathroom sink, with a "dead end" or useless piece of gutter (at the left of the pipe here). That sewage smell went away from there after i poured in chlorine several times and cleaned with a snake brush for about a week, but it was trapped in that blanket which i washed maybe every 2 or 3 months, Monday evening being last time.
But all these got to me. Yesterday i was drunk when i ate cucumber salad using my defective dentures and those created an infection in the gum that due to whole body inflammation due to inhaling dust while vacuuming spread to my head and got me a pretty bad sinusitis, with a terrible headache this morning which prompted me to take already 3 doses of Augmenting, vitamins and some liquids. Most people ignore the fact that dust is of many types and the worse by far is dust from volcanic rock made mineral insulation present in walls of most houses in the US.
I recently ordered a lens attachment that promises to turn you phone into a 100x microscope which allows you theoretically to see particle down to .2 microns, but i think i will return it and buy a cheap but real 1000x student microscope, to look both at my car's oil and all kinda dust around me and i hope that will end many speculations.
I knew i was going to be much better if i can go for a walk to pump blood in the infected area but it was like 66 degrees and took my Zero Exposure jacket and that made me perspire a lot bla bla.. Again many people breaking ORS 163.732 that is being there with the only purpose of interacting with me including many cars with KGC and KGA LPN but my brain was shutting down trying to save resources to fight illness so i could not positively identify any of them though i'm sure some were from the recent matches.
11:57 I wrote in several occasions about how i believe weather can be manipulated. One method, created by "Nikola Tesla" himself, is by using giant DC lines on the ground that may work in the same way electrostatic filters with no moving parts move the air in a room, but at much greater scale, with the example, Pacific Intertie which stretches for over 1000 miles (Dyson fans have hidden moving parts, sorry). I didn't know until recently that actually there are many high voltage DC lines in the world, including in Europe. There is another even older method which steers the jet-streams by raising or lowering the ionosphere with an antenna (Eiffel Tower) or even clouds. The newer, more sophisticated method, uses microwave phased array antennas to heat the ionosphere and steer the jet-streams and maybe the local winds and this one requires gigantic supercomputers to make the calculations and process the feedback from local sensors, like the Japanese Earth Simulator.
Weather control can be used indeed for improving agriculture and living conditions and counteract locally the effects of global heating, but also, if needed, for psychological pressure. But it wasn't until today that i realized it can serve one more purpose. By manipulating winds, they can raise dust from regions like Sahara and moving it over Europe and that can create... (announced) pandemics and this theory predicts that most southern countries like Italy will be mostly affected.
1:55 Metsubushi. It could be much simpler than that. Taking advantage of weather. When winds are blowing from the direction of a desert, some could simply fly a bunch of helicopters at low altitude or something similar over hot sand areas where there are ascending currents. That wouldn't draw much attention. It will be not visible at the destination. Only the finest submicronic dust will raise and fly 1000 km away. And yes, it could have been done in ancient times. Unsuspected. Undetectable.
Bob Dylan.
3:21 Doubling. While i was concentrated to search and write the last paragraphs he started his dance above. He's got a certain way, probably saying a certain mantra, so i won't react. After i finished i felt very tired and fell asleep. When Angela came i took the opportunity to look above. At the biggest patch, next to the pillar there was a bulge made from inside out in the still soft joint compound hiding a through hole (no it wasn't that soft to "fall"). Lost my temper and forgot to take a picture before i fixed it. Just took a shower. When i came back i realized the couch cover smells like litter dust and threw it in the washer.
6:25 I was editing the paragraph above and he started to yell only when i was thinking and writing, before i hit enter. But what do you expect. Each character i type here or on address bar or fb or everywhere else appears on the screen only after it is being sent to google and google then sends it back (otherwise it couldn't do spellcheck by example which doesn't happen on your computer). So it goes through their AI.
7:03 How many times i tried to say. There are all kinda dusts. Millions types of dusts, or actually how many materials are around on the surface of the Earth times their combinations. Silica or silicon dioxide is one of the most common minerals found on the surface of Earth. Soil, sand, name it. But most of it, after billions of years, is in rounded particles. Big and small. Mineral wool on the other hand is made of molten magma in form of fibers, in a process similar to the making of cotton candy. It is fibers of irregular thickness. Now try to imagine what happens when those tiny fibers break for various reasons, mostly vibration.
The resulting dust is sharp. Inhaling that fine sharp dust in small amounts won't do much to your lungs cause it will be wrapped in mucus. But that mucus with the dust eliminates into your stomach and intestines and causes all kinda illnesses we call modern. I know from my own experiences (from when trying to fix things in the attic in Lake Oswego). After a noticeable exposure it will be days until it clears out, with a diet rich in fiber which entangles with the sharp dust, when it will create discomfort, mostly stomach pain, also bloating, mucus in stool and slowing of intestinal transit which in the end leads to constipation. In time inflammation from your intestine will slowly spread in other areas of your body. One of the scariest symptoms during acute exposure is nose congestion which without other symptoms you may not even notice, giving you a shortness of breath while trying to breathe on your nose.
Very few people or entities have the means or curiosity or interest to analyze dust but that could tell your future. That is the reason why i'm buying a microscope, the cheapest real one i could find on Amazon.
And the question of course. Can you hide this type of sharp artificial dust in a "legitimate" sand storm? (drop a few pounds of it from a plane). One thing is for sure. Current sensors used for monitoring pollution do not take into account the shape or chemical composition but only the size and number of particles.
Americans are also familiar with silica sharp dust from concrete (also mostly silica) breakage during the fall of the... twin towers and its effects. Though i believe nobody knows the real numbers.
11:00 He started to squeak again, after many hours of silence, took the dental probe and this time i realized the patch was missing, like it was taken or sucked with some tool from above, only a thin wet cracked layer still remaining. Now again i squeezed a large amount that should make for more than the 3/8 the thickness of the ceiling itself.
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
July 19
Stelarium is no longer available on Roll App whatever in Chromebook so i just went to the other computer next to the open kitchen window to look at something (distance to Jupiter in April 2014 compared to now). At once people started to yell in Spanish, then smoke which made me sneeze. BTW there is no big difference (less than 5%) in distances. Now kids started to shriek so loud it gives me shivers.
Here is the image of Jupiter done with Hubble in April 2014 and the one done now with the much more expensive Webb (infrared). At first i thought it was a lower resolution image, but then i saw the small dots that are part of the rings. They don't show on Hubble image because of longer exposure time. 12:23 After fixing the last cracks in walls, today, first time in maybe one year, someone called a carpet cleaner van which vibrated everything for about half hour. Don't know the effects yet.
Just discovered that pixlr, the online image editor that i used on my Chromebook to crop images ever since my computer broke, saves by default at what they call 90% quality, sparing about 2/3 of files size. I didn't want this, but was worrying about other things and didn't realize it. I compared the images and there are visible differences in quality especially for those that were low quality to start with. Or maybe they changed it recently. No, this review is since 2021. How could i. About 125 matches were affected. Similar thing happened when they changed blogger interface, two years ago and they reduced image quality when uploading in default mode. Here's an example. Kamala Harris done first with 90% quality and then with 100%.
2:13 Trying to remake some of the important ones. Looks like it's not so difficult but not too many at a time cause people might not scroll far enough to see them.
4:02 Oaia neagră a Europei s-a albit, dintr-o dată.
8:12 Yeah but what is she wearing?
Monday, July 18, 2022
July 18
8:14 Eu de multe ori m-am gândit. Mașinile electrice puteau exista de cel puțin 50 de ani. Camioneta mea din 98 avea o versiune electrică cu baterii cu plumb. Chiar dacă nu aveau autonomia celor pe benzină te puteai descurca cu ea prin oraș, mai ales dacă puteai s-o încarci la job. Mașinile pe ardere internă au o eficiență în jur de 30%. Asta înseamnă că 70% din energia chimică înmagazinată în combustibil este transformată în căldură. Însă oricine a învățat fizica la școală știe. Și restul de 30% din energia necesară deplasării mașinii până la urmă se transformă tot în căldură.
Creșterea populației, chimizarea agriculturii, zootehnia dementă și folosirea intensivă a energiei a fost o caracteristică a secolului 20. Poate părea ciudat, dar cele 2 războaie mondiale au dus la o mare deversare de energie în mediu, prin exploziile respective.
Concentrarea puterii politice prin înlocuirea tuturor politicienilor din lume cu actori dintr-o singură țară, care are legături mai ascunse sau mai directe cu budismul, care a infiltrat Biserica Catolică acum 800 de ani prin ordinele religioase, ca de exemplu Templieri și Dominicani (care au dat lumii inchizița de exemplu, care pedepsea păcătoșii prin... ardere pe rug).
Este binecunoscută legenda Sfântului Dominic, parțial ras în cap, a cărui mamă a visat că va naște un câine care va da foc planetei.
Cine a citit ce am mai scris, știe. Este posibil ca Ungaria, care acum se numește Magyarorszag, a cărei capitală s-a numit Buda pentru 600 de ani, înainte de a deveni Budapesta, să aibă la conducere în mod secret o misiune budistă în Europa, care a venit în jur de anul 900.
Toate acestea pot avea un motiv iar acel motiv poate fi religios. Grăbirea raiului, care conform acestei predici a lui Buda, nu s-ar putea întâmpla decât peste sute de mii sau milioane de ani. Cel mai probabil Buda a fost un vizionar și a prevăzut ce s-ar putea întâmpla cu Pământul în viitorul foarte îndepărtat, dar el a mai spus că după, va veni raiul, iar unii mai deștepți din audiență s-au apucat de treabă.
Puritatea etnică ar putea fi una din iluziile prin care ei conving majoritatea să facă toate aceste tâmpenii pe care le vedem mereu în jurul nostru.
10:53 It is by far cheaper than any place around. However it is a one spot apartment. That is, you only have one designated parking spot. There are enough visitor spots to accommodate all the cars except for about 10 (there are about 20 visitor spots in total and about 300 apartments in the complex) that park at Meridian next to the street. But i never knew until today that i cannot legally park in a visitor spot for more than 24 hours. I got once a ticket on the door window for parking more than 2 weeks in a visitor spot (and found a radio ID tag in the truck's bed) and once my vehicle was towed by 21 Century Towing and the driver was criminal William Shatner who tried to run me over while i was taking the garbage out with the towing truck while towing my truck. He refused to accept a card payment or go to an ATM and had to pay 300 dollars and bring my truck from their site off Columbia Blvd.
On the first ticket it was written "stationary vehicle" that is would not mention the rule in the lease contract so i won't search and write about.
"Tenant may not park in... visitor spots" "Guests may park in spaces designated for visitors or in any unnumbered space that is not assigned to another apartment. It is the Tenant's responsibility to let his/her guest(s) know where they may park. Visitor parking spaces have a 24-hour limit. Vehicles parked in a visitor spot for more than 24-hours risk being towed at the owner's expense."
So i lived here for 7 years and never knew i'm not allowed to park on visitor spots. But know that i covered the last holes in the walls and there's nothing much they can do to me, they started to enforce that rule.Ok so this morning i was going to Walmart to buy vacuum bags to vacuum the litter dust that has been pumped extensively in the last week (much more than usual) from upstairs through cracks in joint between walls and ceiling. So much, it now smells here like litter deodorant. I found the orange ticket, saw the Hungarian male writer disguised in the handy-woman floating on a cart, got mad, pulled the truck out of the spot and proceeded at very low speed (i once got ticketed in here for going more than 5 mph by the maintenance guy with the cart who was is now gone and was doing always more than 20).
Somewhere in a spot in the office area i noticed a white car with a small water bottle taped to the trunk. Suddenly it started to move backwards when i was close so i hit the brakes but that car also stopped WITHOUT THE DRIVER HAVING A CHANCE TO SEE ME.
Fiddled with the phone a lot before i left and that could have been the cause i forgot my wallet at home (i always grab them together when i leave). T-mobile, Motorola e7. After every time i go to a casino, the phone stops working until i restart it, but sometimes it takes days until i can make it work. I tried to free and trial antivirus apps last night and did not find anything. It helped after i wiped cash and storage data, but now i can't here ringing when i make a call. So i just left my stuff there (one onion, two avocados and a vacuum bag pack of three).
Within the last year, in there they stole from my truck one good wheel with new tire and one bad catalytic, though the truck passed DEQ and i had stickers for more than one more year.
When i got back at Walmart, they kept the bag with my stuff, but the masked woman who gave it to me big one, looked like the Japanese female sumo wrestler known in the US as Lizzo.
I figure, the enforcement of the rule with visitors spots could have something to do with me complaining about the van with flammable liquid barrels (that BTW is still in the same spot, that i think is a designated spot, though i saw traces of a ticket on the window) or the floating van where people sleep in, that doesn't have anything on the window. There are numerous cars that seem abandoned or sitting in visitors spots for more than a week, but i believe "some playful kids" stole the tickets. BTW there is a big mess in front of the one floor building and in front of the balcony next to mine.
12:43 Did i just complained about my truck being towed by Shatner? The Thermal Apocalypse? When i came from Walmart and entered the freeway on the unusually short ramp at 72, A Saia train passed me and should i had not known they usually have 2 trailers in tow, could have merged, cause my ramp was ending. Deja vu, not the first time when i meet with semi with trailers in that difficult point. Imagine what they have to do achieve such a magic degree of synchronization, just to match the theme of the day. Say, say say, they produced that in front of me many times when i said something important. Curious thing, can't remember right now of other lines towing two trailers. Do they have a special rule just for SAIA? Does it matter, in the US anything that technologically can be done, was or will be done, what are lobbyists for. I looked at the driver and he was 100% Japanese with the mustache of a Mexican, who looked back at me, intrigued. What did i wanted? (like the woman who last night was driving with her safe van at 10 ft behind any car) was saying his mute face. Just measured the ramp on google maps, the "mergeable length" is about 600 ft (don't know exactly but i think most are longer), which passes in about 6.6 seconds at 60 mph (you have to merge with the speed of the traffic and worry later about speed limit) and a triple trailer like this one is about 100 ft (33 meters) long.
1:07 I will not play the game called "now move your truck every day, big mouth". Just parked on a "No parking on Thursday" spot. That one from what i know has not a 24 hours limit, the only restriction is i have to take it early Thursday, before the (21st Century) towing truck passes, Angela leaves usually just before 5 AM, move it here on our designated spot and put it back after the garbage truck has gone and there i can keep it no problems one more week (if i don't need it).
One more thing. I complained about SAGE removing a good part of siding on top of my living sliding door and putting back a bad one which i just taped. Today i saw SAGE started to work on siding by removing siding under windows, at the other side of the complex, but i believe it was scheduled (saw a SAGE guy inspecting the building about 2 weeks ago).
2:06 Rolled the small red carpet and wanted to take it outside to keep it a couple of hours in the sun, in the same moment i opened the door the veteran's daughter opened her door and came outside, walking every step with much affection like she meant it.
Sunday, July 17, 2022
July 17
Asta ar înseamna și că pentru fiecare 100 lei cheltuiți din Bugetul De Stat, statul se împrumută 8 lei și mai plătește aproximativ tot atât dobândă în fiecare an). O altă versiune ar că noile împrumuturi practic finanțează dobânzile și atunci nici un leu alocat pentru pensii nu provine de împrumuturi.
1:38 I cooked some lunch and the kids including those who started the alarm that day when i changed oil are now running in the backyard. Very skinny brown "snake like" kids. I don't believe they're Spanish cause they don't speak Spanish or any language at all. They just yell.
1:47 One of them holding a cardboard box came around the corner, in front of the bedroom and living windows and left. At times people leave cardboard boxes with "free" food items next to mailboxes.
5:48 What an Ukrainian cargo airline is carrying these days (or what CNN forgot to put the headline).
Saturday, July 16, 2022
July 16
Dust so fine, it goes to any filter. Felt it in my throat and eyes. I shook the filters at Spirit Mountain, things have gotten better in our way back but some might have gotten inside the oil and it won't be stopped in the oil filter. Tried it with my fingers, there is a difference in the oil quality but there always is after a few days. Gotta to buy a microscope, there are 10 dollars digital ones on Amazon that are advertised as 1000x but in reviews people talk about max 40.
Also upstairs he started to squeak again. I felt the smell of litter dust, deodorant and s... and looked above and the patch that is right on top of my coach was cracked. It is true the joint compound i bought last time at Home Depot is terrible, it shrinks a lot, and the gap was half inch but i don't think it should have cracked while still soft... Now i'm nauseated, and i think the crack and the amount was bigger than "normal". Gotto go and buy the good one, the only reason i bought this is because it was a smaller amount. The good quality one made with 70% gypsum and 30 lime comes in 20 pounds bags...
Also. Just ordered a locking gas cap from Amazon.
8:47 Slept some 5 hours. Still have the sting in my throat. A number of ashmoles started their noisy modified exhausts, one after another. Each times they raised dust as the fridge's fan is working. Stinky and stingy dust.
I don't know anymore if there was dust in the car left by another vehicle, especially since Angela would not confirm it. However i made a big discovery. It's all written here.
10:44 One movement of a heavy object upstairs followed by some little squeaks lead to more dust being brought here as i just ate and i don't know through what hole. I ordered Paris Plaster on Amazon but that is coming in a week or so and can't go to Home Depot to buy next best thing because i will loose my truck's parking spot and will need to park at the street.
11:41 As i finished filling a gap between ceiling and wall, another heavy vehicle started in the parking lot, but waiting for more squeaks to locate maybe another gap? And yes, i used one of these for filling the gaps with joint compound.
12:52 Took a shower and smelled and filled another one. At this point i start to believe that the panels are actually "falling" down by bending of the nails that hold them to studs or moving of the nails within panes. That is accelerated by the speed bump in front of building, biggest in the complex but also by the multitude of heavy vehicles that pass, some not being from here.
12:57 Saw this man Friday night at Safeway at a check-stand next to us. He was talking a lot with the attendant as was having trouble self-checking, and the next day at the liquor store, also very talkative so his voice can be heard in cell phones. He had some black cap with gold embroidery and was dressed in some ethnic clothes.
1:00 Every time i post something about Hungary, like the picture with Orban-snake yesterday, some activity starts that makes Romanians uneasy. Don't know if any weapons pass through Romania (Hungary also has a border with Ukraine) but i don't trust the politicians, which are all the same in all countries. Hungarians.
Besides ethnic separation in Ukraine, the motor of the current war, they might want to pay a lesson to Romania with retaliation by proxy as i posted too many things about them and to everybody to mind their business. Could be the reason behind so many pro Putin declarations of Orban, so they will be above any suspicion while getting others in trouble.
Orban is openly against NATO stance in Ucraine, though Hungary is a NATO country. Isn't he endangering the alliance and the countries within with this attitude, while encouraging Russians who otherwise might have given up if it wasn't for him, Macrobius with his long phone talks with Putin, and Germany which is always addicted to gas.
3:50 Deja vu.