Wednesday, September 7, 2022

September 7

1:03 Vreți să fiți șocați de răspunsul că de ce la un smartphone cu Snapdragon cu 4 miezuri ritmate (clocked) la 1.5 GHz trebuie să așteptați 5 secunde ca să aduceți pe ecran o amărâtă de aplicație de cameră?

Când se întâlnește Python (da, mai este și Anaconda) cu un începător.

Și mai puteți intui dvs. vraiștea inimaginabilă din IT și abuzul de hardware și de baterie când firmele angajează începători pentru profit. Când bătrânul C care are 50 de ani a rămas referință și bază de comparație, cu doar Java (care până la urmă este tot un fel de interpretor) între. Asta e. Singura noastră treabă pe aici e să ne agite șerpii ca să încălzim planeta.

5:24 Și tot ei se plâng de "cancel culture". După ce că am acceptat provocarea de a scrie despre vraiștea inimaginabilă din IT ca de oriunde (Information Technology, după postarea despre distrugerea informației, care este pur teoretică) riscând să-mi "cancel" propriile idei (nu-mi pasă, acea postare este pentru un public destul de îngust, adică cei care au făcut ceva fizică la nivel de facultate) și care (în mod ideal, ar trebui să) nu amestece în mintea lor ideile , iată că au venit cu o chestie să "cancel" și ce am scris mai sus, astfel încât totul să fie "cancel" și să rămână ei mereu deasupra nestingheriți. Le dernier qui a parlé, amen. Apropo și de baterii. Și încălzirea planetei, oare de unde au scos ăștia poza cu 4 turnuri de răcire în loc de două?

Capisci? The Sun is eclipsed  by the Moon.

9:42 Let's give them something. Talk about love.

2:22 I was so wrong. This morning at 8 they started to hammer and cut. I was so tired i fell back asleep. At 9 i got out of bed, ate something and left ASAP. What was happening. They didn't finish. There was one more window (not visible in any of my pictures) and one sliding door in the back. As i got out, besides the hammering noises (don't really understand why they have to use a hammer for one hour to remove one window) a siren and an airhorn started. As i stopped to look they were staring back at me. A car came on the alley, but i saw it. I left for the walk. The tree miles loop. I was relaxed and happy i got over one of the biggest health problem i ever had. An accident i can't talk about (not a car accident).

There i saw this. Hanging above the little bridge over the little canal linking the pond with the river. Maybe because i was so relaxed and took my time, it was there for a long time. Thinking. Is this a ninja groomed life size bonsai?

Got home around noon. Read the news. FEDs Beige Book brought the market up nearly 2 percent. Lael Brainard? Late last night i posted Brain Damage and Eclipse video by Pink Floyd. As i was searching for her once pretty face and of course watching many beautiful women's pictures, right in front of me, beyond the sliding doors, ninja disguised as Mexican were carrying garbage, planks and other materials they used today at the building which BTW isn't finished as right now. Then they left for "siesta". One window and one door,  not finished, while the next building has been done in one day (5 sliding doors, maybe more windows). Had to start the AC cause it's too hot in here and i have to dry some laundry. Than around 1 PM it started. First it felt like a bit of smoke going past the AC or under main door. Then, dust. Then, pain, trouble seeing. On a scale of 1 to 10 right now i feel pain like at level 7 on my whole body. No, it happened many times before i had diabetes. Blurred vision. Pain in my throat. Normally i would have had a few drinks, but not today, not after what i've been through the last days (inflammation with infection extending from colon, bowel, peritoneum) of course after treating nano dust pain with alcohol.

6:53 I was sitting here on the coach watching again Expanse Season 5 which apparently i just browsed at the time, i don't remember much of it when he started the drier for the second time, without the washer.

Litter dust smell came and i taped again one corner of the room (the closest to the drier, where he squeaked earlier). As a result, he dropped a heavy object making a new crack in a different spot, behind me, the smell came back. I will go and tape the suspected area as well.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

September 6th

11:36 Painful dust still lingers in here, i went outside and hosed this corner of the building, found a poop and when i took that one to the garbage, what did i see? Is this a guardian eagle meant so scare my subconscious so i won't look?
Though they must have seen it, they never fixed the building, the tape i put is still there.
Same at the next building. The garbage bin is still here though they finnished this one.

12:20 I went and dusted whatever i could reach. A few windows were open. At one window a woman came near and started to cough, so i gave up. A very short woman dressed in black, pants and A-shirt and jacket on her hand and a writing board on the other went in and out of an apartment where i was dusting. Building next to ours seems in a very bad shape and deserted.

3:00 To this point i fail to understand why they cut so much of the old siding, exposing the insulation. The resulting dust, seen on this building and the other (They dusted buildings A to D) is wood dust mixed with insulation and some mold.

4:30 There is little doubt in my mind that the god of freemasons is the emperor. I mean all i see around here at the complex are ninja and on the streets, today i saw a few freemasons, risking their lives. All cars on the streets are now potentially dangerous to me, as they maneuver unexpectedly and of course beyond the limit of the law since their intention is waiting there in dangerous situations for me to make a mistake on cameras.

Monday, September 5, 2022

September 5th

12:00 Buddha, Sage of the Shakyas. Shakespeare.

I remembered what i once told the English teacher in HS when she asked me (and everybody else) why i wanted to learn English and i told her that i hope some day i will be able to understand Shakespeare "in original". Just because everybody was talking about, had no idea where his ideas came from and that we had our own poets with similar ideas (though i knew of that poem at the time). Today i tried to read "To be or not be" from Hamlet, which is however full of Old English words and expressions of those days that sound weird (since the spirit of those days is gone, can't feel what they felt when they read it, mission impossible) i never heard about, but i think my goal was generally achieved (50 years later, lucky enough) and surpassed since i am able to write a no nonsense blog partly in English and have meaningful conversations, though generally with ninja and foreign actors who speak by ear prompter.

12:05 It was quiet all morning, which is an exception to the rule. I had this idea which is actually older, came at the computer to do the searches, he became animated, some micro rubbish fell on my head so i added more duck tape on the ceiling in suspected areas (last resort).

Nothing new except i remembered i thought i saw him last night at Chinook Winds. Different hairdo, glasses, looking younger, but i think it was him. More than that, was getting in my way, discretely, everywhere i went, making it look like we were together. Here he keeps pouring gas in that motorcycle with a leaking carburetor. The gas falls in the engine and then in the lot, through that breather which in modern cars have been replaced by PCV circuit, stinking.

1:15 Yesterday my love (dor) for the Ocean beat the smoke an i stepped down on those stairs which i haven't done in a while and took three unusual pictures.

First. There was a fog bank close to the beach. The Ocean seemed like a river with a shore on the other side with monster waves coming at you.
Nobody steps that way. That is a masonic step.
3 of the seven fires.
One of the`goals of the window replacement were replacing the siding under with a scale like siding where it is impossible for water to get inside. However they left enough space between planks for dust to get out. He just shook the building with his washer and litter dust fell from there and came in inside i guess from under the door. I went in his apartment the other day and i saw the grill from the in-wall heater under that window is removed, with a missing screw, exposing the inside of the wall. Also got to hose the dust buns under the roof cause nobody else is doing it.

5:38 But what's around the corner, right where his washer is upstairs?

As i said before, once you enter this complex all rules and laws disappear, people are walking and driving chaotically, kids are playing and yelling unsupervised for many hours a day, buildings are not cleaned after major repair, etc..

Don't know, it's been like yesterday since Eminem "settled all his law suits", nowadays there ain't no shame, they pump porn in the air all day long, but this?

9:00 I went to Walmart to buy a phone and a plan with AT&T. People in there were acting dumb. Many people with many babies squeezing around. In Electronics some guy came around, he looked like a young musician or actor i must have seen in a video. We were waiting in line. The Asian woman came and said they're out of those phones, though they were on display. Somebody in line in front of us bought a real cheap TV, for 280 bucks or something. Our TV was old 40 inches and not 4K and had a vertical line on it so we decided to buy one similar. 50 inches, 4k, Roku whatever. A group of Arabs talking loud surrounded us.

We paid at the department and one minute later, i thought i saw again Jacqueline Cristian. i went outside and Angela went to check some other stuff. At the entrance, though it didn't happen in a long time, an Asian guy asked for the receipt, and insisted to see it, though i was asking myself. How could i have gotten a TV that was not on the shelf (they got the display ones which are not in boxes) and not paying for it (you have to pay at the department) and gave me back the receipt though i didn't look at. On the road here, many dangerous situations, including a speeding semi (70+ in a 55) in the middle lane, touching lines, other lanes. Got home, installed the TV and for some reason i wanted to see the receipt but all i could find in the pocket was the 5 dollars receipt i got at Indian Head for a shot of brandy, though i don't remember taking it and keep asking if i had the same jeans on me.

10:10 Just finished a shower after i went and dusted the building as seen in the last picture above, reaching maybe one meter above our level (upper plank). Most dust is from cutting the siding around windows, thus is contains wood dust and insulation dust. Right in the middle of the picture, around the corner, there are two vents at the basement level and they both have dogs in the corresponding apartments. Vapor from possibly dog laundry gets inside our wall (right) which stinks like a stable (from the outside). Can do more with a hose,  but not on that side of the building with many windows.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

September 4th

10:25 Am mai văzut, nu demult o asemenea bazaconie în știri. Teoretic este zona în care unele mașini pot încă să meargă. Am văzut pe un forum, Porsche, unele BMW modificate, un Corvette nou (adică neuzat) ajung la acea viteză, dar îți trebuie drumul liber, poate un minut doar că să accelerezi timp în care faci cam 2 km. Odată ajuns la viteza aceea faci un km în 13 secunde (78 m/s sau un sfert din viteza sunetului). Deși timpul a fost șters de pe poză, pare să fie ora 14. Dacă accelerezi doar așa pentru câteva secunde, trebuie să știi unde se află radarul, ca să te înregistreze. De asemenea o singură groapă adâncă de câțiva cm te trimite pe orbită.

Da am avut dreptate, am găsit pe un site mai puțin citit poza cu ora necenzurată.
Prince Rogers Nelson 10:48 Nu am reușit niciodată să înțeleg ce vrea să însemne în această melodie "in the middle".
Apropo mă gândeam nu mai departe de ieri (pentru câteva secunde, înainte de a intra în magazinul acela T-mobile), cum știe ZEDD să-și aleagă vocalistele, din păcate alta pentru fiecare hit.
11:33 Apropo ieri am condus 216 mile (aprox 350 km) pe un drum expres (highway) cu o medie de 60 mph (100 km/h) cu un consum la bord e peste 40 mpg (sub 6 litri la sută), altitudine peste 1000 metri pe un drum bun cu multe reparații recente (drumurile americane sunt în general de calitate, dar nu știu cum să spun, uneori vălurite, adică nu așa drepte ca cele din Germania, Franța etc.), cu un peisaj de vis (munți, deșert, faceți clic pe centrul imaginii), (pe care le-am văzut puțin de prea multe ori, mi-e dor de cele din România),  ceea ce ar fi foarte relaxant dacă nu ar veni nebunii care mai recent (mai ales după accidentul de acum un an) roiesc cu zecile în jurul meu, se bagă în spate foarte aproape doar așa ca să șicaneze un dictator extraterestru.

Mă dau la o parte, să scap de un nebun vine rezerva (dar dacă mă uit mai cu atenție mulți șoferi sunt asiatici, deci totul e simulat, ca să vadă alții, probabil filmat din drone). La plecare, în Sandy în timp ce noi am desfăcut o pungă de cartofi galbeni (chips) o blondă superbă, pufoasă, deschide ușa și se bagă pe bandă, iar după Sandy, pe banda din mijloc era tot așa un tip blond, plinuț, dezbrăcat, beat, cu ușa deschisă care aproape a pășit în fața mea (pe banda din dreapta mă depășea alt nebun). L-am claxonat și mi-a arătat degetul. Deci la jumătatea drumului (de 108 mile), la venire, mai întâi îmi apare un coiot jigărit, nu ca cel gras din video, probabil animal de companie care nu poate prinde un șoarece, pe rezerva (shoulder) din stânga, care stătea nemișcat. După vreo 5 minute, pe o zonă cu linie continuă vine un nebun cu SUV și mă depășește la care eu am ridicat piciorul de pe accelerator, poate am frânat puțin. Când era vreo 10 metri înaintea mea pe banda cealaltă, încă în depășire, lovește tot așa un animal mort (căprioară, coiot, nu știu) care sare din roata lui chiar pe linia continuă din mijloc. Dacă ar mai fi mers vreo câțiva cm, l-aș fi lovit, nu aveam timp să evit, iar mașina mea este foarte joasă (aerodinamică optimizată pentru consum) și probabil aș fi pierdut controlul.

Mai aproape de casă, pe la 4 dimineața, văd în fața mea pe o stradă pustie (în Boring sau Gresham) două trailere din astea de ridicat mașini de pe stradă (towing), cu o mașină de Poliție (State Police), în urma lor, aici, țara fără poliție politică, sunt în schimb multe poliții poliții, adică locală (în fiecare oraș), de stat (în fiecare stat), șerif (pe comitat) etc.. Ei toți mergeau puțin sub limită așa că nu am îndrăznit să-i depășesc, în zonele cu două benzi puteam dar trebuia să fi mers puțin peste, iar în urma mea venea un Morris cred cu număr maro (Oregon cultural) pe care scria ceva de genul CRYWLF. Faza asta chiar n-am înțeles-o de loc.

2:00 In Liz we Truss.

2:30 We were sitting here in the living, watching news, videos, writing on blog, whatever, when they brought in the yelling kids, a couple of hours ago. A couple of Japanese kids that are trained to move around, yell and do a whole audio-video show guided by some AI software similar to what they use during live or even "reality" shows. I know from experience, when those show, they will stay all day (to make their trip from Japan worthwile) so we just decide to leave and i think they now pulled them out.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

September 3rd

10:22 O altă metodă de a fura masiv de la români... Link la comparator ANRE.

11:23 While i was watching for holes outside next to window, inside 3 holes "grew" on top of my head above couch and one on where Angela sleeps.

12:27 Distrugerea ideilor, din fașă. Cel mai probabil, aluzii la ce am scris eu recent unde am folosit o expresie în engleză într-o frază în românește și mi-a fost lene să pună ghilimele, iar gardianul păzitor curent (ministrul de serviciu) al limbii române a sărit, subliminal, subconștient și subversiv. Orice lingvist știe, limba română e plină de neologisme introduse aiurea, de acum o sută și de ani, cine știe de când ne păstoresc ăștia, și în general plină de rahat lingvistic, de care nu se va cur_ăța probabil niciodată. Fundul cur_ții, o sintagmă atât de drag_on a ocupanților culturali asiatici cu fețe împietrite de care suntem dependenți și care ne-au distrus, ne distrug totul până la anihilare completă.

Cât despre expresia "banana e în coaja ei" o știu de foarte de mult, cred dintr-un număr de Știință și Tehnică unde se descria (bineînțeles cu critică și mânie proletară poate justificată) rezultatul unui experiment de îmbunătățire a funcționării creierului cu droguri psihedelice în vest, iar unul din subiecți a venit cu o mare descoperire, cea enunțată mai sus. Am încercat "să google", în schimb am dat de alte chestii pe un forum cu entuziaști (de droguri psihedelice) unde se spune că banana dar mai ales coja conține niște chimicale care pot stimula producția de serotonină, unul dintre neurotransmițătorii de tipul "feel good".

8:00 Cine era din Tupelo, Mississippi.

10:38 If these are  the original brakes, than ceramic brakes are good, at 88k! (of which 18 k i've done myself, mostly on highways when you don't use much brakes). Except for the dust (i cleaned them once). They squeal once or twice if i go at the Ocean, could be the salt in the air. Or maybe because of smoke in the air a couple of days ago.

12:00 Și eu o întrebare așa. Pe ăștia doi i-a văzut vreodată cineva împreună?