4:30 At Lucky Eagle i went to the Main Street bar and asked for a double brandy (which i later shared with Angela) and poured it in my cup with soda. But the bartender gave me a plastic cup because they don't let people drink alcohol from paper cups. My paper cup which for a few seconds had the soda-brandy mixture in it remained there. But it was red and i didn't like it and i put it altogether in a white paper cup. Later i went to the other bar and asked again for a double brandy (i didn't have any with me in the trunk) and she gave me a triple of the same brand i usually drink which i didn't mix with soda and charged me accordingly. At a certain moment i thought a drop of rain fell in my brandy (i was inside) and threw about 1/3 of it in the garbage. So i had a total of 2 shots of brandy at maybe 8 PM and left at 2 AM.
Just before we left Angela was playing at her favorite machine next to a "Chinese" woman while i was having another cup of soda (drank a lot of that tonight). An Asian woman dressed in blue uniform came and took my cup mumbling something i didn't understand but it didn't have any alcohol in it, haven't been drinking alcohol in hours. The "Chinese" woman went to the restroom, left 850 dollars and a card inside the machine and asked Angela to watch it.
In the parking lot was smelling heavily like cow dung and when we left like coal smoke. At gas station there was a receipt for 5 gallons of gas that came together with mine for more than that (can't remember).
There was heavy smoke in the smoking area, brought some on our clothes, had some difficulty breathing (shortness of breath) but as we passed Terwilliger curves we met with a van with black luggage box on top that was putting a smell like unidentified animal dung that combined with the smell inside the car gave me palpitations (probably atrial fibrillation) that got worse when i got closer to home. I passed it at 70 but a few miles later when going downhill he passed me at high speed and the smell and fibrillation started again. On the radio they were playing You can call me Al with that ridiculous hu hu sound and reverted bass line.
10:41 Slept 5 ours, maybe. Woke up in smoke. Installed new brand of filters yesterday advertised as 0.1 microns but are the worst i ever had. Previous were unwoven electrostatic and much better. My monitor later showed 4 micrograms of 2.5 inside and 11 outside. Can't understand why 4 micrograms smells so much like smoke. I thought my heart was sort of vibrating after the first contraction. Like shaking the whole body. Again waiting for the rain next week to see if that's gonna fix anything.
I gathered my courage and listen with the stethoscope. I thought the second beat is kinda quiet when compared to the first. I once read somewhere that is normal in elderly but it's worse than last time i heard it. Went to sites and listened to atrial fibrillation sounds, nothing like it. Could have been like that last night when i came. However my blood pressure was so high i don't have the courage to write it here.
At a certain time in the casino i started the phone and read the news. Within the hour i had pains in my face, hands and all areas that were closer to the phone. Not as much as other times, i used only 4% of the phone's huge battery. And yes i had regular coffee when i left home.
Went outside, covered a number of mole holes but that was not it this time. Smoke is wildfire smoke. Part of the reason i have heart problems is i haven't been for walks in months because of smoke. Believe it or not i have an old unpowered treadmill that i bought at Walmart i guess for 100 bucks 15 years ago. I installed it and started to use it. Particulates in here are 3 times less than outside anyways. I'm gonna check my blood pressure later again.
However, two things. Noises again like flushing toilets every time i go to the bathroom. Which reminds me. Last time i went to the toilet at Lucky Eagle i used for some reason paper towels instead of regular toilet paper and it didn't flush (though the same one was working minutes earlier).
BTW last night (early morning) the passenger
airbag sensor wasn't working again. I fiddled again with one of the connectors and made it work. Thinking about shortcutting the whole thing, making it work all the time even when there's no passenger. That car has been totaled twice already anyways.
Temperature when i left there was 26 degrees (-3 C). On the two lanes road to freeway i passed one guy that was going 10 under speed limit. But it took me too long to pass and i had to come back on the right lane on the continuous line. Within five minutes two vehicles passed me on high speed on continuous lane.
On the freeway i was staring in the mirror to see if that vehicle i saw earlier was still approaching. In that moment i touched the right line. No other cars were within one mile. Within a few minutes a Dodge resembling those of Police came and passed on the right at high speed while touching the line or even crossing in my lane. Instant justice in both cases? Except one all male drivers including of semis i saw last night where either Japanese or (poorly disguised) Mexican looking Japanese. Same in the casino.
One more thing i forgot to say about last night. I figured the steering problems (pulling left or right with any side slope due to road irregularities) come from the EPS (Electric Power Steering). The alternator connector was loose and after i tightened it is was steering much better.
Outside an engine is idling at high RPM for 10 minutes now. It just stopped before i had a chance to finish this entry.
11:50 Oricât de dureros ar fi. Da în România există o adevărată cultură a minciunii care este, a fost promovată timp de decenii de de media, politicieni și oamenii de cultură vizibilide pripas. Un mic exemplu recent. Impunitaea plagiatului care-și face și reclamă, aproape zilnic.
După multe generații de muncă intensivă ea acum a pătruns și în
Vreți alte exemple? Păunescu, poezia
Rugă pentru părinți (multe multe altele din cele 50 de
volume pe care le-a scos din care probabil nu ai ce să alegi). Strofele se contrazic între ele, într-o strofă poetul se roagă pentru o întârzâiere, în alta pentru o grăbire cu referințe la reîncarnare.
Marea majoritate a lucrărilor literare sunt similare. Misoginia lui
Sorescu, alții. Viața inversă la
Corola lui Blaga îndeamnă la ignoranță și închiderea ochilor. Viața
absentă a la Minulescu. Contradicții și îndemnuril la ipocrizie dar și multe alte
păcate la tot pasul.
Da, nu am știut de toate astea pe vremea când am făcut traducerile din acești poeți prezente pe blog. Știam poeziile pe de rost dar niciodată nu le-am privit în felul acesta. Între timp am mai îmbătrânit și m-am mai deșteptat. Prea târziu pentru mine.
Toată cultura românească dar nu numai (nu există alte refugii) este virusată. O pot
demonstra cu orice lucrare, aproape în orice paragraf. Nimic serios. Nimic care să urmărească o logică de la cap la coadă. Nimic care să construiască pe solidele idei ancestrale ale românilor care între timp au devenit o amețeală generală.
7:06 180 million dollars "
9:45 Aztec
11:05 Today all day i kept wondering who who that black guy at the bar who gave me my first drink. Until i saw a show on ABC.
With thin lips indicating loss of collagen in his body, thinner face, he was unrecognizable to me. Especially after 2 hours driving 120 miles in hostile traffic with all kinda crazies or simulated crazies blinding me, and one drink of wine in the car.
I won't say much about it, but one word. Circus. Also need to emphasize, it happens all the time when people are about to pop in a show. They come around me the day or night before. As i told Angela, wouldn't have gone to that place if i wasn't under the influence of that smoke from outside all day Saturday morning.
I spent some time today at Angela's computer from where i type right now and was ok. She put her phone to charge next to me in the same place where she always does and i paid no attention to it. About one hour later i started to feel pain again in the right hip, right abdominal, hands, face. Then i checked and realized the phone was on.
Was thinking of buying of a more preformant device for checking microwaves (wi-fi, phone, etc..) but then i thought there's got to be some apps that does the same since the phone has a wi-fi microwave receiver. So i found the app but then i thought how the phone is going to measure its own emissions.
Anyways i used my microwave detector which i built myself with a
ME type of volt-meter stripped of everything and a GHz diode which i never used on this phone (Motorolla e7 power with 5000 mAh battery). All passive, no amplifier, no nothing. One has too imagine how strong a radio microwave signal has to be to move the needle of an ME (magneto-electric) type meter with no amplifying. You could have bought one of these 20 years ago at Fry's for 7 bucks under the name "microwave leak detector". I believe a new
brand appeared recently.
The thing would move a bit when close to microwave oven when working, especially empty, a bit less next to a phone (barely moving the needle). But today when i tried next to Angela's phone, it went off scale. Which means there's something wrong with our phones.
Here i used my phone to film Angela's while starting it up with the voltmeter next to it. I think this is crazy. Phone has either been hacked and wi-fi has been turned to max or works over the max allowable by FCC.
The video played in drive only once, then i got an error message. I tried to film another one, shorter, it happened the same. If you want you can download it from
drive and play it on your device.
By starting the phone twice, i feel now pain the known areas. But i think it affects my vision (everything went darker), my brain and probably my heart, after such a long exposure (got them since January this year). On top of that, the laptop.