Tuesday, February 28, 2023

February 28

1:38 Made a plate, they started a gigantic vibrating tuba outside.

1:40 Campanii de dezinformare sunt 95% din ceea ce publică ei. Un exemplu major. Nu Consiliul ci Comisia UE este responsabilă de aplicarea Protocolului 19 din Tratatului UE, și a întregului Tratat. România este membră Schengen după apariția versiunii consolidate a Tratatului UE după Lisabona, în 2007.

Directorul SRI este un actor ungur. Toate serviciile secrete din lume sunt construite după modelul primului, Kogi-Onmitsu, de unde probabil vine și acronimul KGB.

11:55 Within last few days, following the clock screw incident, i started a campaign to search and plug any hole in the wall that might still be in here. Because in the last year or so i neglected completely this activity, because of clarity of mind after not tolerating smoke from outside, experience. I found indeed some holes, some cracks that were filled with silicon that was aging, etc.. Tonight i think i done the last one, air quality inside improved a lot (by feel), hope we both are going to stop coughing. 

So i grabbed the laptop thinking to write a few more lines, maybe do a match when i started to sneeze uncontrollably. Had no choice but to go outside with the flashlight and a plastic cup with borax, plugged a few holes with borax, that finished, the rest just stepped on them, smoke subsided outside first. For the whole time i was outside a midnight train was honking desperately, when i left a dog in the next building started howling, the guy upstairs started yelling obscenities when i got back inside.

Monday, February 27, 2023

February 27

 6:23 Artiștii mArțiali. Teatru Bula&dra. Can love me better

6:52 Among other things. The apartment has been flooded with smoke.

4:32 I know where the smoke is coming from. One of the types. When the fan fridge starts it pulls smell from the stove. But i washed the stove a few days ago with baking soda and no final rinsing. The cooking sheet was particularly smelly. I washed it with baking soda without rinsing and most of it went away.

4:35 I made some salad. While i started to eat it a shockingly annoying dog started to yelp outside, for minutes. Then Angela cooked some eggs (her passion). 4 eggs slowly cooked sunny side up. Some people were talking loudly outside patio doors. After about 5 minutes could not resist anymore and went and cracked the blinds i saw three of four miniature teens (Japanese made to look like islanders) all dressed in puffy blinding white coats and a dog (or three teens and a dog) as they started to walk away.

Yes of course i had other things to do than write these here but wanted to give another example of how things go around here. Everything for one single reason. Everybody with no other business here.  Could it be linked to the picture with my sweat shirt? The eggs? BTW is this price for real?

Sunday, February 26, 2023

February 26

5:00 Babiuc

5:08 Poporul rus și popoarele din Rusia. Sper că nu s-a greșit traducerea. Ba da, s-a greșit, în multe locuri. Unde credeți că această lipsă de profesionalism mimată de atâția ani va conduce România în final?

Spunea Blinken la ONU că un singur om, Putin a pornit acest război și numai el poate să-l oprească. Putin e ca un punct de pe vârful unui munte, nu prea are cum să spună altceva decât ce i se spune să spună, dar vârful muntelui e rupt de restul și e în Ungaria.

Da e adevărat. Acest război a fost pornit prin deschiderea posibilității invitării Ucrainei în NATO. La ruși le-a sărit țandăra când au văzut că NATO se mută tot mai aproape. Tot ce mai era nevoie era un Putin dar el pornit războiul într-un moment care nu era necesar favorabil rușilor. De fapt războaiele nu sunt pornite niciodată într-un moment favorabil.

Chestia e așa. Ăștia ne-au înhămat la Pământ, cum spunea Păunescu, tot ce putem face e să ne vedem de sinecurile noastre, de familiile noastre, atâta cât ne este dat să trăim, noi nu avem nici o treabă cu deciziile lor și cum ne manipulează, pentru că scopul lor declarat este mult deasupra noastră, a unei țări sau unui popor sau unei generații, ei vor să distrugă Pământul ca să curme orice suferință care se naște pe pământ prin noi. E compasiunea supremă a lui Buda pentru că toți cei care se vor naște pe acest pământ deocamdată prost făcut vor suferi.

Coincide și cu scopul masoneriei, care vrea să reconstruiască totul lumea universul cu un compas și un echer.

13:36 Nu am avut  nici o idee. În 95 sau devreme în 96 cineva mi-a făcut cadou un pulover. Nu l-am purtat de mulți ani. În ultimele zile a fost frig, nu mă pot încălzi, l-am luat pentru că cel gri trebuia dat la spălat și pentru prima dată, după ce am văzut și postat ieri simboluri ale gărzii de fier, mi-am dat seama.
10:45 After a few day inside (me, a whole week) due to snow who took a chance today and went to Lincoln City. Angela won like 300 dollars, i fell asleep in the car with the glass with brandy in my hand and didn't spill it. The same ritual. After Grocery Outlet we went to Roads End. One rude driver with a 500 bright red got in front of me and i was staring mad at him when from the right, about the same place where last week but from the opposite side, a couple of deer, one very young, crossed the street right after the red car. One of them started to eat from a green fence so i got it documented on camera.After we ate we were getting ready for a glass of cherry liquor when a woman came in front of us with a red Subaru with number ZEV, pulled a big dog out of it and went to the beach. Got mad and left, and about one minute later i realized who she was.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

February 25

1:33 Sub R U? To the left... Kaged be.
I personally wouldn't eat anymore from a subway station. Because of sewer gas and bacteria present more or less in any subway gallery anywhere in the world, due to connections (drainages) to the sewer system. Of course, this is not in a subway, just thinking of the symbolism.

8:00 Ce a fost mai întâi?

8:13 Big wheel keep on turning
And the others...

10:00 Nine cuts. Garda de fier.

4:48 Uroboros.

Friday, February 24, 2023

February 24

4:33 Woke up at 4 AM  with smoke coming from the bulged areas of the frozen ground behind the apartment, with clean air wind blowing from that direction. They were steps in the snow around the bulged areas made by the moles. Smaller human steps and some small dog steps. Overall, the smoke nauseated me.