Friday, July 14, 2023

July 14

9:40 Here comes the Sun...

9:46 Dacă nu s-a schimbat, teoria relativității se predă în România în anul II la orice facultate tehnică. Este momentul când studentul înghite gălușca și devine complice cu sistemul.

Mulți se gândesc că e ceva transcendental și/sau magic la fel ca matematica din spatele ei, însă oricine cu ceva matematică poate numai de liceu în ghiozdan poate s-o... am vrut să spun înțeleagă, dar nu e ceva de înțeles, trebuie acceptată.

În România se predă la toată lumea ca un fel de vaccin cred, ca cei care învață matematică în facultăți să nu devină curioși mai târziu în viață când nu le atârnă cariera de acceptarea ei și să descopere adevărul.

Poate de asta Biden a ales acum momentulușureze 804 000 persoane din US de împrumuturi din perioada studenției, aproximativ 50 000 dolari de căciulă.

1:24 I spoke too much about energy and stuff and my laptop's 65 W charger i bought 2 months ago broke too and forced me out for a couple of hours. I went to the computer, wanted to listen to a song, started the bluetooth, the music was kinda loud, but not really, maybe barely audible (bass) from outside, the Japanese child actors came into place.

4:16 It took me almost an hour to get at the laptop to write what just happened. Because when Angela comes from work, especially Fridays, i have to stay in the kitchen and cook for her. She would not accept anything else, like food from the fridge or anything.

There is this guy at work whose name is Steve Eaton, as the company, Eaton, who acts as her supervisor and he is a professor of modern history at a university in Hungary and i think he is also a psychologist and knows how to manipulate her for a whole week so when she comes home she is somebody else and usually it lasts through the whole weekend.

Earlier today i deep fried fish and chips and i turned the AC around and set it as a fan so it blows air over the oil smell however i forgot to set it back to AC and i just turned it around and forgot to start the compressor (set it on cool) and i also did laundry and outside is 95 degrees and it was getting hotter and hotter in here and when Angela came i was telling her the story and then i suddenly realized and went outside to set it.

But people in here monitor every of my moves and thoughts. Probably by the time i opened the door this unidentified bearded guy already started to come down the hill towards the yard and passed me while i was bent onto the AC trying to read without glasses the settings on the dial.

More than this, in a few seconds he turned around to pass one more time and this time there was one more guy with him, the one who looks like Nile Rodgers from Daft Punk, i talked about before, he is floating around day and night, i think now he's got another white van, and they were both staring at my butt in disgust as they passed. Don't get me wrong, i was fully dressed.

Should they have passed at any other time of the day except for those seconds, they would have seen nothing. Nobody was here all day except the Japanese child actors and one more person with her dog. And the Japanese women with two little girls with the black car in the other spot when i first set the AC but they came from the alley.

Now i saw and heard a couple came upstairs to do the checklist for the apartment and she looks like a heavy person. First it was one guy only, with a goatee with a leasing assistant and they climbed while i stepped in the kitchen (out of sight from the big leaving windows) and went back down when i went at the laptop so i gave up and went and finished Angela's meal. But that was my mistake, for not writing in time the paragraphs with the AC.

In half more hour the assistant came with a big woman to do the checklist. It will be one more hell of a ride after all the others i caught here in 7 years that started with Mihai Pacepa, Dick Cheney, Rodney Dangerfield, Mihai Fifor, Chris Jacobson, Frankie Adams and now this yet unidentified Japanese looking heavy woman butt i believe it wouldn't have happened if not for what i described above with bending to set the AC while being "casually" or even "sought for" watched. Action and reaction. (Faked, tricked up) karma coming back at me.

And BTW one more thing. The Japanese believe it is bad luck to go to war without being sexually satisfied. So they had these comfort women, usually Chinese but also Korean for that and i believe them. I think it has something to do with integrating in a plane of resonance with a woman. Cause EM vibrations exist on all variety of wavelengths and some could be used by humans, other beings for communications while our conscience (soul whatever may be of cuantic nature).

So they would do anything possible to prevent their enemies or in this case, their targets to have real sex. For that, they first tried to mutilate me during a visit in the ER and then succeeded with Angela with wrongly directed radiation during "cancer" therapy in 2004.

5;30 I tried to look for some proof for what i said as i belief is one of the most important consequence of what i discovered, or the planes of resonance. Not because of the future but of the past. I heard on numerous occasions and i know about directly from my experiences, people may experience communications on long or short distances, other by semantic means, noises, radio waves, light etc., or direct brain to brain communications.

For short distances it may be very well vibration, or seismic which may he either acoustic of by means of gravity waves.

But let's first analyze what google brings.

When we talk about great yogis of the past we cannot suspect them of faking. Stories thousands of years old are less likely to be faked. More than this, words. Citta or inner mind. It is present in the hRdaya sUtra in a slight different meaning aimed at (my translation). It is present in interviews done by real doctors (surgeons) to real yogis. Sorry for the unhappy coincidence with the English word cheat.

Didn't i say in my last post about the single void disturbance, that dimensions may not exist, while we perceive them as such are actually action, reaction and time of reaction of the first or single manifestation of void? But what the yogi is saying is beyond manifestations or planes of resonance. He is talking about the void itself. And he is talking about all these things from the past all yogis did agree and agree to this day and this can't be a trick.

I am interested mostly because i know Buddha after giving up his princely status went o India to study with yogis and must have known, if there was some, and ninja must comes with all Buddhist knowledge.

Would have been a dead end like many others if i didn't find out about Ramarujan, another self thought Indian genius mathematician. On the same list with Bose, from whose name the word bosons came from. Not that i believe they exist anymore. Not as matter. It is said he described black holes. Don't know how at that time but i believe they can be easily created.

It was a time, maybe even during the short lifetime of Ramarujan when one single person could cover the whole science of math. But because of him and others, who created and publicized hundreds and thousands of theorems, creating numerous branches, at the present math can be studied only as a small fraction in a lifetime.

For that reason many may give up studying math after school, thinking like me, it is too much anyways for one person if he/she didn't have anything else to do. However it turns that the math behind most fundamental things in Universe is not that complicated.

For that reason, we have this giant particle accelerator near Geneva, called the most complex machine ever built and only a few on this planet know or understand what is for.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Commentaries to Einstein's Explanation of Photoelectric Effect

(Yeah i know it should have been called photon-electron effect, this way it wouldn't have been confounded by so many with some photography related thing).

Photoelectric effect is one of the basis of Einstein's theory (of relativity of course). The experiments done before him showed that an electron is knocked out of bondage if hit with radiation above certain frequency, no matter the intensity of the beam, a more intense (classic, continuous) beam meaning higher energy making no difference.

Though this does not necessarily leads to it he came with the idea that radiation is made of discrete packets of (transversal, vibrating) energy he then considered as particles, later called photons. He even threw a formula including frequency and Plank's constant (don't know how to type scientific formulas with Greek letters right now, was not prepared for all these that for me would have been forgotten forever if not for this).

Einstein's photons do not have a resting mass since the emitters in a vacuum tube do not loose mass by emitting photons, which also means they only exist when in motion but they break the conservation of mass principle.

If they have a mass when in motion they should also have a longitudinal momentum and a kinetic energy, other than the transversal vibration energy that depends on the frequency (wavelength) as shown in the experiments.

Photons' longitudinal kinetic momenta is real by some and included in the design of hypothetical devices such as solar sails. Some say lasers create a weak but measurable momentum, being pushed in the other direction of emitting light. However the different opinions i collect are contradictory as this phrase is.

When a hypothetical photon hits an atom and adds enough energy to an electron and the electron breaks free and some, it then disappears (he said is absorbed). The theory does not explain what happens to its longitudinal, non vibrating kinetic mass momentum.

Also the vibrating energy of a photon would not have any sense without a mass. However it is not explained in the theory how the photon vibrates to carry that energy. Since it has no electric charge, it cannot vibrate in an accompanying variable transversal electric field. It could only be gravitational, maybe against self in time. Asymmetric and spinning?

Even though we cannot calculate its longitudinal kinetic energy by Einstein's relativistic formula of kinetic energy, where the resting mass or non relativistic mass of a particle is used since photons do not have a resting mass, we could at least calculate its longitudinal kinetic energy by the classic formula E=mv2/2 with v the the speed of light. Researchers at Stanford in order to calculate the mass of a photon equated the kinetic energy as calculated above with the relativistic energy of a photon E=hf, where h is Plank's constant and f frequency.

I believe i see where it's going... The (in)famous equation E=mc2 may derive from here, if you arbitrarily equate the two types of energy and then add them. It looks like the most famous equation in the whole theory of relativity that stipulates energy is mass comes from a non relativistic calculation that factors in the square of the speed of light of a photon with no resting mass and photon's relativistic mass.

As stated above longitudinal kinetic and transversal vibration energy are equal. Which probably makes for the dualism particle-wave and tries to keep them both equitably satisfied.

However there are some bad news. The spherical waves (pumpkin whatever) as we know them loose energy with the square of distance and "EM" waves as we know them are no exception. And still... A single photon emitted by a decaying electron will never extinguish if it doesn't hit anything in its travel (with the speed of light across the Universe)...

Even in the relativist world there are other ways to better explain the mass defect and one of them is same electrons moving at different relativist speeds before and after...

July 13

2:00 If those dogs poops i picked today, about the size of a (constipated) human poop were human poops i could have gone to Office or even Police to complain. But since they are only dog poops... What harm can it be?

2:27 However i think it was replaced immediately by a bigger one i can feel the smell already...

6:27 I look on someone's fb page one day and in a couple of days i see her on an alley... Every night there's a different car in the spot next to hours... But i don't dare to bring my truck there since i've been warned once, years ago. And me i can't get my mind out of theory of relativity, after what i've discovered, and the consequences and i have no one to talk about. I think we took a 118 years old detour... Think of the devices and the revolution it could cause... Anti-gravity and interstellar travel... Free energy...

9:00 Brand de țiară (parodie, mai glumim). Un biliardar român de colecție care așteaptă turcii să termine autostrăzile ca să-și încerce și el bolizii afumătorile. Evils.

10:30 Oare câți generali are Rusia?

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

July 12

July 122:00 AM. Am îmbătrânit de când repet chestiile astea, răspunzând articolelor lor mincinoase, forțate și pline de contradicții. De zeci, sute de ani s-au repetat aceste minciuni combinate cu multe omisiuni încât publicul le acceptă (istoria e scrisă de învingători, repetitio mater studiorum). Cred că până la urmă voi scrie o postare cu tot ce știu despre istoria lor. Până atunci, o schiță, pe scurt.

Munții Ural sunt granița naturală dintre nordul Europei și nordul Asiei, iar stepele Asiei merg până în Mongolia.

Asemănarea limbii finlandeze cu cea ungurească nu înseamnă că ungurii provin din Finlanda sau amândoi din Ural, ci înseamnă că au fost două ramuri ale aceleiași migrații.

În mod ciudat însă, și o spun chiar ei, limba lor seamănă cel mai bine cu japoneza și am să explic mai jos de ce.   
Ungurii de azi au cel puțin dublă origine, la fel cum românii o au dacă și romană. Cel mai bine se vede la o căutare google pe Hunor es Magor. Dacii erau înrudiți cu romanii însă într-un mod mai ciudat. Dacii provin direct din Nordul Mării Negre, așa numita populație Indo Europeană, iar romanii au ocolit puțin prin nord vestul Indiei unde au ajuns mai întâi ca aceeași populație din Nordul Mării Negre, și s-au amestecat puțin cu agresivii pama nyungan din Australia.

Însă dacii au ajuns în România de azi cu cel puțin 2500 de ani înainte de era comună.

Mai găsim în Ungaria legături și cu Mesopotamia, ca de exemplu numele lor pentru Dumnezeu, Isten (Isthar) și alte nume. La fel cum numele românesc pentru Dumnezeu sau Dumitru poate proveni de la Dumuzid, un zeu al păstorilor din Mesopotamia, mai vechi decât Ishtar (zeița sexului și a războiului) cu care până la urmă s-a căsătorit dar a și fost torturat de ea.

În ambele țări mai găsim toponime care provin de la vechea civilizație a Dunării de jos, anterioară dacilor precum și legături și mai vechi cu India.

La fel ca și în cazul dacilor și romanilor, ungurii și maghiarii sunt înrudiți între ei. Hunii au venit pe o rută asiatică necunoscută direct din Australia, migrație ce a durat probabil sute de ani, provenind din populația pama nyungan (nungarii de azi) și au îngenunchiat pe romani primind provincia Panonia (al cărei nume de asemenea are o ciudată legătură lingvistică mai veche cu pama nyungan) în schimbul retragerii iar maghiarii provin din magarii din Nepal, care de asemenea provin din aceeași populație din Australia, tot via nord-vestul Indiei. Și maghiarii au prăduit Europa înainte de a se alătura fraților lor unguri în aceeași Panonie.

Iar cea mai bună mărturie pentru originea magară a maghiarilor, în afară de numele lor bineînțeles este numele capitalei Ungariei, care până recent a fost simplu Buda.

Cuvântul măgar în limba română provine cel mai probabil de la animalele de povară folosite de magari înainte de raidurile lor europene, când erau mercenarii care apărau caravanele de zeci de mii de animale pe drumul mătăsii între China și Europa.

Și mongolii provin de asemenea din aceeași populație originar australiană. 

Numele Japoniei în limba lor, Nipon, sugerează proveniență nepaleză. Și a doua religie practicată de ei în paralel cu șintoismul, anume zen-budismul, fiindcă Buda a trăit în Nepal. Șintoismul însă pare a avea origine egipteană (o altă dublă origine înrudită). 

Toți acești descendenți din populația Pama Nyungan din Australia care a fost izolată de restul lumii cel puțin 50 000 de ani au fost foarte agresivi și războinici iar azi se proclamă rasa superioară (mai puțin ungurii, din care mulți au trecut la creștinism și iudaism). Însă budismul le-a adăugat o filozofie nouă, a decepției, pe care o practică la o scară imposibil de imaginat de către europeni, creând iluzii care transcend generații și secole.

După una din teorii, s-au răspândit brusc în toată Australia iar apoi au revărsat în Africa, India, Eurasia și poate chiar America. În Africa (Egipt) și Mesopotamia, unde au emigrat prima dată, au transformat populația locală în sclavi. Cunoștințele lor avansate în matematică, astronomie, fizică etc.. indică o posibilă proveniență aliană sau o evoluție paralelă genetică și culturală din cauza separării pentru mult timp de restul lumii.

Există în arta contemporană din Ungaria de azi suficiente mărturii (recunoașteri) ale provenienței australiene precum și a prezenței religiei budiste dar și șivaiste din India. Culoarea portocalie a veștmintelor budiste pare să comemoreze culoarea dominantă a peșterilor pictate din Australia. Muzica rock, în special formația ABBA par a fi inspirate din aceeași artă a pietrelor din Australia (toți membrii formației din care pe unii i-am cunoscut personal, sunt/au fost unguri) la fel ca toți artiștii și politicienii din toată lumea.

Însăși ideea de karma prin care orice faptă se întoarce întotdeauna înapoi la făptuitor.

Oricum ar fi ei (re)prezintă o lume a lor interioară total diferită și o mare "pain in the a..." pentru Europa și în general toată lumea de azi.

9:20 Autogolul zilei. Gardian la ce, dacă nu există alți deținuți.

12:00 Însăși această idee de a-mi întoarce înapoi to ce scriu poate fi o dogmă budistă care are ca pretext conceptul de karma, care în lumea reală, macroscopică, este o iluzie și are ca suport în realitate legea acțiunii și reacțiunii la nivel cuantic. Să nu greșim. Există o lege a acțiunii și reacțiunii în lumea noastră imedită, dar noi o numim cauzalitate. Această eternă întoarcere ca în tenis are o funcționalitate coincidentală (efect secundar) foarte deranjant. Se suprapune în memoria audienței cu informația inițială.

12:05 Ce spațiu cu 10 dimensiuni plus timpul. Și cele trei dimensiuni spațiale sunt doar o manifestare a vidului (void, voință). Prima dimensiune este voința arbitrară, o proprietate numai a lui Dumnezeu. Ea crează o reacție în timp ca în cazul unui electron ce decade și are spațiu liber la dreapta și pe ea însăși în spațiu, ca un ecou al acestei voințe. (Ce putem vedea noi acum sunt doar ecouri distante ale voinței inițiale de la crearea Universului). 

1:56 Stationary planes of EM resonance in all directions in our Universe may be a brake for expansion limiting, the speed to the speed of light for light quanta that is very hard to reach for slow moving confined quanta.

3:40 As you can see i didn't have to use any frightening matrices of differentials or other nonsense stupid math or sophisticated experiments to figure all these. I think the hardest part was to think the unthinkable. There are no particles. There are only planes of resonance and/of EM manifestations. Time and space only exist through those.

If they had wires and batteries and stuff (and at least Egyptians did) they could create the experiments needed to figure the electric and magnetic manifestations any time in history and if they had means of measuring time they could figure the speed of light through astronomy. Writings like hRdaya sUtra and who knows what others mention them.

Try to imagine what they could do if they figured all these let's say 10 000 years ago. Australian Aboriginals by example do believe in instant communications between individuals at great distances etc...

Maybe they know the true nature of soul and they know for sure we reincarnate. However i don't believe we can take our memories in the next life.

One idea here. We could film the most crucial aspects of our lives, technologically possibly today for younger people, clone ourselves and make those clones watch in a virtual reality environment and relive those moments.

4:45 Landscape maintenance today made almost no dust and little noise. However i hosed the building just in case and tried to revive with the hose the burnt grass areas that are not reached by the sprinklers.

I really don't understand why they say June 21 is the first day of summer. It is indeed the longest day of the year but from that date on the days become shorter and shorter, until December 21 when is shortest.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

July 11

8:03 Starea națiunii Ungrovlahia. Simbolism deșănțat. Au adus Steaua cu bec înapoi în ghenă ca să suprapună crucea cu steaua lui Isis (aka Ishter, aka Onana, aka c...a Babilonului) peste imaginile prezentate de mine ieri cu scopul unor demonstrații științifice pe care le scot în afara percepției. Becali mulțumește lui Ciolacu, deci se vâră iar în politică.

Iohannis are amnezie, ar trebui să-i amintească cineva că Budăi a fost numit de el, ca toți ceilalți. Tot ce se presupune că s-a întâmplat în afacerea azilelor groazei și multe altele (toate) s-au întâmplat în timpul domniei sale echidistante. Însă toate acestea îl prind așa de bine... Mult circ, multă frământare a apei în piuă, nu putem aștepta de la ei nici măcar nimicul. Liniște. De fapt ce este lume-a decât nimicul în mișcare

11:25 Psihologie inversă. Ungaria este "țara" care furnizează actorii pentru toate guvernele lumii și UE.

11:43 Psihologie deviaționistă, au scos-o acum pe Carmen Electra de la murat și au băgat-o în cabina de machiaj.

9:25 The plants at our garden bed have been contaminated with aphids and funguses. Fighting really hard to keep them alive with almost daily spraying with Neem oil. Good thing i bough 80% concentrate and i dilute it like one spoon per one liter of water. For the same price for a bottle i can make 10 gallons. Neem oil is not toxic for humans and is even used for therapeutic purposes. Anti fungal, antibacterial.

Tonight when i started to spray 3 black women and one white older man with a dog came from an unexpected different direction than church's parking lot. I stopped spraying but the dog was barking like crazy until i put the spray bottle away. One of them has a bed and she's got only kale however her kale is not contaminated like ours and is not far away. Tall, thin, model type, looking of Caribbean descent.

When we left a car came unexpectedly from the other parking lot and crossed my way. Like never before and like this morning all of a sudden a lot of people on the streets were jogging in all directions. When i got close to home the guy with the black Chrysler who left a wheel next to stairs wall was parading in front of me through the whole complex.

10:44 Axl Rose acted as my supervisor at AVX Vancouver, WA for almost one year, between August 1999 and August 2000 under the mane Orville Oster. Situația cu bătrânii în SUA e similară.

11:32 Talking about Carole King from Sussex Village Apts., got one of these in the mail. And it's only $6.66! Isn't this what they call false advertising?

11:40 La Steaua. Phil Collins, the most successful talentless (boring depressing) singer.  

11:47 Nu se poate. Dacă Ucraina ar intra în NATO războiul s-ar termina instant iar războiul trebuie să dureze.

12:00 Electra