Friday, December 15, 2023

December 15

12:05 World's oldest, not made by humans however the Kufu pyramid was build in dry desert air, not surrounded by mountains and in the geographic or land mass center of the Earth, and that could have only been established by what we know as modern cartography which implies processing a huge amount of data. Add to that geometric perfection, smooth limestone cladding and gold pyramidion.

However i am positive that if the Great Pyramid was in a different climate, after being abandoned and loosing the cladding the normal people would have start using it for agriculture. Maybe cause its steeper.

12:20 физик. Trans Siberian Orchestra.

2:10 No man's land. Tribal Police, Local Police, Sheriff, State Police, FBI, ATF, DEA etc.

How come citizens (clowns) of other country can come here and dress and act as armed Police officers trying to stage a "self defense" murder? Just because i said EU is a mad house? They were four SUVs and four cops and four guns, i think is related more to what i wrote about bogus Einstein EM theory.

As i said, Buddhists got it all wrong, though they were warned about misinterpreting the mantra and not to use psychology which is dividing. Illusion of the five forces mean they were only one, a random manifestation of the void (that cannot be restored  by no one) and all others derived from it, not the whole Universe, world society and senses are an illusion and thus they can do what they want, burn the Earth, whatever.

3:57 No man's land. 7 weeks after. Drowning has contributed to the death of a Friend to you and me.

4:04 I said it many months before, the war in Ukraine is done since long time ago, the deal was EU and NATO against territory. Russians will accept one more NATO neighbor when they will be also tired of war. The reason is very simple. The territory now occupied by Russians had at least 10 million Russians in it and THEY did not want those in the EU and NATO because it could have smoothened out the relation NATO-Russia and THEY want to keep Russia an antagonist force in the world, just in case.

4:28 Just figured out something. Rasputin died a treefold death.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

December 14

4:20 AM Subiect vechi, problemă și mai veche, de pe timpul meu.

Pe timpul meu de studenție aveam cam două zile de cursuri pe săptămână. Restul erau seminarii și laboratoare. În zilele cu cursuri aveam de obicei 6 ore de cursuri, câte 2 pentru 3 obiecte diferite.

Nu existau manuale, fiindcă nu se justifica publicarea, studenții fiind o categorie relativ restrânsă. Erau unii profesori care mai aveau manuale litografiate, dar schimbau mereu câte ceva iar manualele nu puteau fi actualizate.

Așa că singura soluție era să scrii ce spune profesorul, iar profesorul de multe ori ne grăbea, așa că tot ce făceam era că scriam 6 ore în grabă, pe câte 20 de pagini A4 într-o zi. Da bine și în "sesiune" adică în acele zile săptămâni cu examene, când nu mergeam la școală, umblam ca nebunul după cursuri pentru zilele/orele când mai lipseam.

Nu știu, poate unii ar spune că scriind se memora parțial, dar vă spun eu că după 5 ore, într-a șasea nu mai memorai nimic. Efortul de a scrie se suprapunea peste cel de a înțelege. Imediat după facultate eu am lucrat mai mult pe calc cu tastaturi, nu prea scriam dar când m-am dus undeva și am început să scriu ceva, scriam exact ca doctorii. Fiindcă scrisul meu era foarte obosit și grăbit. Acum s-a mai reparat dar scriu foarte rar, când completez câte un formular sau lista de cumpărături.

Nu știu dacă mai e așa, nu știu câți ani merg doctorii la facultate, 6-7 ani cred. De aia. Oamenii își strică scrisul. Ei înțeleg ce scriu mai mult fiindcă își amintesc, farmaciștii mai ghicesc, cunoscând doctorul și ce prescrie el de obicei.

Subiectul a ajuns iar în media din cauză că recent am scris chestii (revoluționare) din fizică pe care le pot înțelege numai cei care au făcut fizică în facultate (și mai țin minte ce au făcut). Sorry, nu pot să o iau de la zero. Am încercat aici dar nu știu dacă am reușit prea mult. E prea greu să-mi amintesc ce am scris, să elimin redundanța, să le pun în fraze corecte gramatical și științific, să le corelez și să mă pun în pielea celui care citește.

Dar gândiți-vă. Ce am scris recent e echivalentul a numai 2-3 cursuri de 2 ore fiecare. Matematica și fizica în primii 2 ani de facultăți tehnice și științifice (fizică, matematică) este foarte foarte grea și multă. Mai ales că fizica e de fapt un fel de istorie a fizicii când trebuie să înveți ce a gândit cutare sau cutare care a fost înlocuit de cutare.

Nu e timp de distracție și aproape nu îți ajunge timpul pentru învățat, timp pe care trebuie să-l gestionezi foarte bine. Îmi amintesc o fază de la examenul de algebră din anul I (primul meu examen). Nu reușisem pur și simplu să termin toată materia. Am picat la scris și la oral am făcut două subiecte foarte bine după care la al treilea i-am spus profesorului. "Nu am avut timp să termin materia".

La care tipul mi-a dat un exercițiu pe care a văzut că l-am rezolva la scris. Credeam că face mișto de mine, dar m-a făcu să scot din acel exercițiu ecuațiile din subiectul pe care nu-l știam.

După anul II, încep obiectele tehnice propriu zise și devine tot mai lejer și rutină, iar anul 5 e ca o vacanță cu o singură sesiune în iarnă când începi să vb cu profesorii aproape ca de la egal la egal.

10:15 Semne bune anul are. (Premize emoționale).

Bugetul rămâne o ficțiune fără o dare de seamă pe ministere la sfârșitul anului. Ce a făcut de exemplu Grindeanu cu 59 miliarde de lei? Vrem o listă completă. Un bon fiscal dacă vreți. Man ce greu intră fișierul ăsta. Nu mai vb de 92 miliarde în 2022.

2:12 No it was not by their subtle encouragements i tried to put the pieces together in one post. I wanted to rearrange everything after i saw this page and tried to send an email to the author and realized how fragmented my theory was over many posts and entries with many twists and turns and reconsiderations.

2:33 Asistăm, asistați...

2:38 O știre de acum câteva zile. Românii nu vor mai sta la cozi interminabile. Și una de azi. Iohannis mai are și el ceva de negociat. Tratatul cu UE din 2005 (dreapta sus). A ok m-am prins (de) ce mai are de negociat. Alegerile prezidențiale din România. Vom primi Schengen atunci, așa cum ucrainenii și moldovenii primesc (ofertă de) UE de Crăciun, acum a fost doar anunțul prin Ciolacu. (Trebuie să primească fiecare o bucățică de credit).

Deci nu scăpăm de el cum nu am scăpat de Ceaușescul plimbăreț.

2:52 Cum s-a putut întâmpla un miracol de Crăciun. Momentul acela unic când Orban pică pe fenta regizată de el însuși. Oare de ce nu au făcut-o europenii și pentru noi când președintele Austriei s-a dus pe bune la toaletă? A dar nu, den Bellen e de-al nostru, doar Attila și Karner nu sunt.

Apropo ăsta a fost Consiliu plin, cu președinți (nu JAI numai cu miniștri de interne), fără ordine de zi cred. S-ar fi putut, dacă deschidea gura mutul. Dar el pare mai interesat de aderarea Ucrainei decât de Schengen-ul nostru.

Concluzie. Neamțul nostru e pe blat cu austriecii, după cum am mai spus. Sau mă rog, cu ungurii, aceeași chestie.

Poate au dreptate și rușii când spun că vestul e un fel de balamuc. Sau teatru de păpuși, totuna.


We have come a long way since the first enunciation of quantum theory. Some got used to it so much is like a second nature. But today many people discuss about on forums and they have opinions and sometimes find inconsistencies if not contradictions.

But what it is. In the subatomic world, all quantities are discrete values. It is, in a way, what digital is vs analog.

The reason for that is simple. The state of the Universe was 0 before the big bang and that was one single event.

However, properties of quantum world translates to the every day world and the enormous number of quantum properties put together to form everyday objects make them look continuous and analog. Like composing bits from an wav or mp3 file into an analog wave form which is audible and recognizable.

At the time, all these of course came from observations and not postulates. They determined the properties of quantum world through experiments of which first and most important is the photon-electron effect. One photon is needed to displace one electron from a metallic surface.

They concluded the entire quantum world is made of such discrete particles of which every single one of the same class has the same properties.

One electron has always the same mass and electric charge. One photon travels always with the speed of light and it can never be found resting, one proton has always the same mass and its electric charge will be always the opposite of that of an electron.

More than that, they interact with each other to form what we call matter. Protons and neutrons together form the nucleus of atoms which is orbited by a number of electrons. For each element and isotope of  the Mendeleev table we have the same number of protons and neutrons.

Because electrons cannot be split in smaller particles, they are called fundamental, together with several others while protons and neutrons are formed by smaller fundamental ones.

This discretization of matter goes all the way to molecules. Atoms combine to form molecules by sharing orbiting electrons. Molecules with the same formulas or structure have always the same properties.

However. It has been found that light which is made of photons has properties similar to those of waves in elastic media, like sounds or a wave created by a rock or in a lake, of which one is diffraction.

After much head scratching of the scientists, they came with a solution. Light is not photons or waves but a combination of those they call dualism wave particles of light. That, to satisfy all observations and experiments.

One discrete photon is always accompanied by an analogous wave front and they came with the idea of electro magnetic radiation or wave. And that's where the first confusion occurred.

EM waves let's say emitted by a radio station seem continuous and analog and have all properties of those.

However EM radiation coming from a single electron descending to a lower orbit, which is a short lived electric current, generates a magnetic field and it is said that magnetic field pulse in turn generates and electric one and so forth, hence the EM radiation seems discrete because the speed, the start end end position of the electron can be defined only in quantum world.

And first inconsistency. Since the current generated by that falling electron is a finite line, it generates a magnetic field like a rectangular permanent magnet would, in the shape of a pumpkin that would be near zero at poles or in the direction of the pole. However we expect something more like a cloud, the same way electrons orbit the atom.

Anyways it is not a circular or spherical wave like field we are used to from elastic media. Same goes for a dipole antenna for radio emissions.

Another one. Falling of an electron can create only one front wave. After that, the EM field is not sustained by anything from behind.

Again the velocity of the fallen electron is a quantum affair. Electrons reside in discrete cloud like positions on different levels of energy around the atom. Thus it cannot be established a speed in classical or non quantum terms for that falling electron from one cloud to another. Thus we can't know for how long the magnetic field lives.

Another one. Let's say the front of EM wave created by the pulse of falling of an electron spreads, though not like a sphere but like a pumpkin, continuously, in all directions (with the exception of poles). The photon can only go in one direction out of an infinity (or a few following the uncertainty principle).

After a while the intensity of the EM field decreases by a law similar to the square of distance, and will become insignificantly small while the photon can travel theoretically 11 billion years if it does not encounter any obstacles, (and depending on where it was emitted, can exceed the limits of the Universe and there will be no more dualism).

Another one. A number of photons emitted by a compact source are each created by its own electron so we cannot talk of a coherent analogous EM field but of a cloud of overlapping out of phase short lived fields.

From all the above observations one can realize the precarity of the whole EM theory as we know it today.

Without going into postulate mode yet, or without any changes to current theories, i want to make a first observation. The wave nature of light which is a bunch of photons coming from a single compact source like those used in experiments can be explained much easier if we could consider some sort of resonance between traveling photons emitted by falling electrons or a statistic grouping of in phase photons.

That is there will be always a number of photons in phase with each other, creating a virtual front wave.

But the front wave can only be electric, magnetic or both, and we'd have to accept the photons are carrying each its own pulsating field while the energy of the photon will always depend on its... (pulsating) frequency, field that of course is not spherical or pumpkin like and does not loose intensity and travels with the photon for 11 billion years.

Ok so here comes the postulate. In the same line of reasoning, we have to admit that the falling electron does not produce a quasi spherical magnetic field but transfer its energy to only one pulsating photon that is made of both magnetic and electric fields. Or better said, only electrical.

And that pulsating field can only be an infinite series of successive reactions of the void to the initial disturbance created by the falling electron, following the only universal law and that is action/reaction.

First reaction to the disturbance will occur in such a way it will not interfere with its source, and that is at 90 degrees in space and time to its cause. In turn, that first reaction will create the second, etc.. in an infinite cycle creating a cross traveling quantum we call photon.

However there is not a B wave but only E disturbances which pulses once transversal like in the animation below and then jumps 90 degrees ahead longitudinal and pulses again at 90 degrees transversal.

Though each transversal pulse is made at peak of two quarks that have mass, the total transversal (electric of course) momentum is zero while it's still photon, the pulse balances self after one cycle of four pulses as if those four pulses were emitted at once which makes us thinking if longitudinal time has any significance in its own reference frame.

I think the mass of the two quarks may come from the electron also falling into the gravitational field of the nucleus which is very weak when compared to the electric but it exists. (we cannot not dismiss any amount in quantum).

Even in this animation one starts to ask self if the fields are balanced. But we are talking here electric and magnetic line fields, not mechanical yoyos with inertia and stuff. Why should they be anchored at one end? And here another question for the EM theory. If one field causes the other, then why are they always in phase?

The representation does not apply to EM fields emitted by falling electrons because those can only exist for the time of the electron falling, that is one half period, and hence the first confusion. We don't have such things in nature (dipoles fed by oscillators).

The deducted appearance of the moving quanta would be a succession of lines at 90 degrees each in a succession of parallel planes that seen on the direction of propagation will look like a cross. The apparent rotation of the quantum is its spin.

Depending on the frequency, or the difference in levels of energy of the origin electron (or possible other sources) we will have light, microwaves, radio waves etc. or all the EM spectrum as we know it.

According to this theory, light can be bend when an electric field is applied in the direction of the quanta where is moving away with the help of a very high frequency high voltage stimulation (maybe not at every cycle) that may be created with the help of so called Helmholtz resonators or other type of very advanced "stone age" device inside pyramid or simply with the help of a very strong electrostatic field applied from very close when light generated at the top of they pyramidion moves down the gold faces.

Also light quanta could be accelerated or rushed from behind down the pyramidion by other in phase quanta.

Again using the hypothesis the pyramid is a indeed a photonic device capable of splitting light quanta created at the top in its four components. By doing this in a fast energetic successions it may bring anything contained inside or in a focused area to its frame reference and the time inside may slow, space dilate (According to Einstein time stops for anything that travels at the speed of light).

By bending light around pyramid light could be slowed down by the angle effect or accelerated by other quanta pushing from behind thus time can be reverted. But you need to revert time all the way to before that region of space was inside the expanding Universe to create a wormhole.

Or maybe they didn't want to. BTW, i was thinking yesterday, i don't see any restrictions to traveling into the future if you are about do die inside that pyramid anyway and never to come out. Or maybe if you abide a few simple rules. Or if you don't care about creating parallel universes and stuff.

We know this is possible in the microwave or even terahertz range with today's electronics. Did i mention vacuum creating mechanism for the Helmholtz resonator inside the pyramid?

All these and probably more were known of course to Ancient Egyptians, who build the pyramids to manipulate quanta, possibly others. By forcing the cross quanta down the slopes of a pyramid they split it into a square (in a way similar to opening a 4 blade iris) (final stabbing of Christ on the cross) using high voltage electricity and the shape of the gold pyramidion they could basically bend light, induce speeds much greater than light, stretch space, revert time, etc..

I know where they got their ideas for the string theory. But do they know what the strings are made of?

Ok i think i got it. When an electrons falls to a lower orbit and creates a photon (void reaction) that is too energetic, it can break down in two other particles, which are open strings too small to create their own void reactions and in turn start vibrating. Because the reaction to void is dynamic, the split creates two charged particles.

Here are (named only) a few ancient and modern symbols reminding of this model of Universe and demonstrating knowledge of it. I won't add the graphic symbols because in some countries are banned.

Square and compass.

In Ancient Chinese mythology there is a story of two half snake half human brother and sister, Fuxi and Nüwa, who supposedly rebuilt the Universe with a square and a compass. In this representation they look surrounded by strings made of rings. Their modern continuation seem to be the freemasons.


Toyota logo

Audi logo

Subaru logo

Also. The striking similarities of these fundamental scientific findings with major themes of the four main religions of the world, possible other religions, suggest these themes were popular in the past, possibly carrying symbolic informations about lost knowledge belonging to advanced ancient civilizations that ended in a global conflict conflict, possibly the one described in the oral epic story (that has been later written) Mahabharata.

Wild turkeys, split pyramid, pyramidion and a solar symbol (left) part of a museum across Indian Head Casino, last night, inside Warm Springs reservation, Oregon.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

December 13

1:08 This is a very interesting one. In a laser ray each photon flies perfectly parallel with others. Will a convex mirror open the quanta of light into a higher wave length or will it just reflect each of it into a separate direction? Common sense says that each ray (photon, quanta) should depart into a different direction.

There are so many weird things in the world of physics, more people should spend their time thinking of those instead of movies and racism and stuff. And not leave it for scientists. Scientists are few and they can be coerced.

Locking the physics into hard to read and understand formulas (that BTW don't really work) that happened more than 100 years ago scared many people away from it. Like Windows and object oriented scared away the programmers.

1:25 I know nowadays people are scared of rainbows and stuff and i tend to agree because it is a bit scary. But do you remember the prism diffraction experiment in school? Something that shines on a Pink Floyd cover?

The page linked below looks like for school children, the source of light is not even mentioned.

Sun is a source of light some would say of continuous spectrum, where all colors or wave lengths or frequencies of visible light and beyond are present. I don't know why, cause the Surface of the Sun is supposed to be made of hydrogen, right, which emits only a tiny part of the spectrum. Ok neverminded, is the temperature. Gas is plasma at 6000 C. (Then how do they establish chemical composition of distant stars through diffraction?)

This image which looks like a vectorization following strictly a real one, each ray that exits the prism seems to be dispersing, as each color is made of separate rays that at some point will separate. Have to note the weird coincidence with this prism having a pyramid shape. Could have been a blade shape, wouldn't have changed this experiment but i think would have been harder to illustrate.

Though i think this particular coincidence could be beneficial. It brings me closer to understanding what has happening inside Egypt pyramids.

Light is just a tiny bit of the so called EM spectrum.

There are let's call it for now EM radiation with wavelength bigger than light that could be created by high voltage/frequency applied to the gold pyramidion that could propagate through limestone or primitive concrete whatever like light through glass and be diffracted, diverted, dispersed or whatever by those or better said, air/rock separation surface, like air/glass for light. Though it gest a bit more complicated than anticipated. But closer to an end.

After enlarging (normalizing it to my blog size) the image shows each wavelength stays the same after separation though each changes a bit direction. Do you remember why?

But i think there should be a also wavelength shift for each color after passing through a separating surface (air/glass and again glass air).

3:38 If it's from Hungary, it's reverse psychology. Hungary and/or Japan or other entity through coerced Hungarian actors control all governments of the world. But let's not forget, Orban is a movie director by trade.

4:00 See? I'm not alone in the Universe!

9:05 Was thinking. While descending in squares above the surface of the charged gold pyramidion the super (pyramid made) quanta (made of arrows like in this video though one on each side) is stretched (turquoise ones) and the 4 disturbances (arrows) get longer as new ones are pushing from the tip and accelerated (as distance between those is increased by repelling) to speeds faster than light. Many times faster.

It can do it without breaking the laws of physics if it stretches space, reverses time or both. In a way, it makes sense. To recreated the original void you may need to turn back time all the way to the big bang. Or at least to the time the space where the pyramid is was outside the expanding Universe.

Now i think i know at least one way to build a ship wrapped in a void bubble. By using a pyramidion pointing backwards at the end of it (stern).

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

DeCember 12 (12)

2:02 AM "My purpose for the day was to see if it's possible to design a practical device that could do what the warp engines were doing in Star Trek but the day has passed drowned in unnecessary noise a and stomps and s...t."

Let's see if i have anything to say about the link above. I don't believe in negative energy and mass an s...t.

I believe in traveling within a void bubble. What is a void bubble. It is a place... no place at all. It is what this Universe was before big-gang (or first true random void disturbance).

In that no place at all distances do not mater. So if you open one of those and then another one in a different place corner of the Universe whatever was in the first one would migrate in the second when first one fades away. No other opening (of bubbles) can intervene in those moments or loss of material and lives could occur. Or parallel Universes be created whatever.

That's why i was telling, it is a limited resource in this Universe.

This was done on Earth with a pyramid shaped device during Ancient Egypt and then nowadays using tokamaks (in a different purpose then declared). Synchronization is the key for the transfer.

Was thinking of a dynamic process. A traveling device could wrap itself in a bubble while opening a bubble ahead at some distance. While advancing from one bubble to the other, the ship does not exit in the normal space so i don't know if it could open a bubble in a continuous mode but who knows for sure if there is not some trick for it...

Though i'm pretty sure it can be done because we need it and this Universe, or the first disturbance, arose to fulfill any rational need or anything mind can think of.

But will a ship traveling using successive or continuous jumps, obviously slower than bubble to bubble disrupt the busy schedule of site to site traveling?

Only salvation would come with size. If a bubble will resonate only with one of the same size, or only with one created at a certain precise time after the first one, then yes, simultaneous multiple site to site pairs of bubbles could exist, including ships.

2:50 Yeah i know, it sounds a bit like Scientology. But then let us not forget that...

2:52 And now that we have all the philosophical premises in place, let's think of a practical device. However, it may require brainstorming, or who knows, all the thetans have again to agree...

But i think all a ship has to do is to create ahead a tunnel of void long enough for the end of it to be in phase with the beginning... But that would require a lot of energy and probably should think first of how to extract the energy from the void. Or maybe the bubble can travel as a wave or something, conserving the bubble... As a worm maybe?

3:12 Visionary Jules Verne writes in his book about Paris in 1960 (or after 100 years he wrote it), reality that seems to be postponed to our days (his mind was a bit fast), among others, that journalism would not exist anymore, as they were no news and i think he was right about that one too.

Superweapons used in the first decades of twentieth century (Tunguska event) and reactions that followed (WWI, WWII, totalitarism) wiped the need for war thus the one for news. However they keep waging wars as a mean to control population that was getting smarter in the west and writing something that replaces the news, i call it the continuous show, which is a very sophisticated and complex live show, using the addiction for news of the population as a mean to keep them dumb.

1:00 This suggests a couple of large superconductive coils similar to those of tokamaks that could wrap the ship in a void bubble. However, the coils themselves that are attached to the ship are out of that bubble.

3:43 Spin and orbit the nucleus? Ok let' say for the purpose of this discussion they spin in a circle. Thus the magnetic field is nothing but again a reaction of the void, creating again closed loops perpendicular to its motion in a way similar to electron rotates in a closed loop. 

No further reaction to the reaction cause this one is closed and not moving. Since the electron rotates it probably rotates with it and there is a continuous "field" of rotating magnetic lines around the rotation axis.

This type of reaction is again an electric field but since it has no polarity (no beginning or end) as it is closed it does not interact with other electric nearby fields. But if we were to consider the fact the electron is rotating like in a cloud of uncertainty around the nucleus, the multitude of lines of field at some time parallel to the axis of rotation in a plane containing the electron rotation radius is generated by the uncertainty (cloud like) position of the electron around the rotating axis.

So in the end there is only one "force" and that is electric and when dynamic (single, open or moving) it causes two different types of reaction to the void. Light quanta, for single open linear disturbances like in case of an electron falling to a lower orbit which propagates in squares, the so called magnetic field described above, gravity being just an attraction between orienting dipoles from two different objects.

In case of the "magnetic" field above,  things are clear. The reaction to the disturbance created  by the rotation of electron has a direction following the direction of the rotation of the electron and the poles attract each other in order to sum the reaction.

Why is an electron charged and why it repels other electrons. This is not an easy one. Electrons spin and they probably have asymmetric charges made of smaller particles like polar molecules and thus they create a "magnetic" field. But electron is spinning and changing direction of the spin too fast fast to allow its void reaction to close through it, hence the field lines appear open. Uncertainty of the direction of the spin and spin speed of electron create unipolar fields. Probably same with protons.

And from here on i think i got a direction into explaining what particles are. I think they are light quanta with such a high frequency or small wave length or side length of their square they can't move the way light quanta does and small ones combine into large ones to satisfy the weird properties of very small ones. Or they probably move into a different time frame and/or space than light does, whatever you may like. Anyways  they are trapped into combinations within larger "molecular" particles.

Ok i got the whole of it. It's all in my mind. Shall i put it here for free?