Tuesday, December 26, 2023

December 26

7:30 Ab initio. Carmitru și eroul Dinescu la revoluție vorbind poporului român de orice naționalitate în sensul că...

7:40 Da' bunăciunea ruptă de lângă Caramitru cine e?

1:25 I think i have solved (for you) the mystery of the Sphinx. He is there to prove for the other masons at least time travel does exist, i strongly disagree that he was given eternal life because those who lived on Earth after the metal asteroid (flood) are too contaminated for that.

8:50 That's odd eerie. Our founding mother has traveled in time and posts on tik-tok-tik-tok-tik-tok?

10:52 Varză de Barză. Slab populată, zile întregi prin păduri. Estimarea de 400.000 s-a făcut după suprafață și prin compararea cu țările vecine. NU a avut o armată permanentă din țărani.

Din regulile stilului literar (după Flaubert). A nu se folosi același cuvânt de două ori pe aceeași pagină și nu care cumva de două ori în același paragraf mai ales contradictoriu (cu siguranță, cu siguranță) decât dacă te enervezi și încep să scrii la mișto ca mine uneori. Nici o chestie, în această compunere se repetă paragrafe întregi la nesfârșit.

Eu m-am mirat mult cum puteau să trăiască țăranii (în Moldova) fără baie. Asta până am făcut baie la țară în Moldova.

Încălzeai o oală cu 5-10 litri de apă (da, cu coceni de porumb sau tizic, care conține 99% celuloză și nu miroase de loc, baliga de vacă are bacterii bune, nu ca cea de porc, decât poate puțin fum care venea prin crăpăturile plitei). Încălzirea apei dura 10 minute.

Stăteai în picioare sau pe vine într-o balie (un fel de lighean mai mare, care putea fi de lemn) lângă plita unde ai încălzit apa. Cineva sau chiar singur îți turnai apă și te udai după care te săpuneai pe tot corpul (săpun din untură de porc cu leșie) după care altcineva sau tu însuți îți turnai câțiva litri de apă în cap și te clăteai repede după care îți luai haine curate.

Dacă planificai bine încălzeai suficient de multă apă ca să repeți chestia care dura cât un duș în zilele noastre. Da bine părul îți rămânea puțin aspru în funcție de duritatea apei din fântână, dacă nu te spălai cu apă de ploaie, cum spălau gospodinele rufele, dar te igienizai. Apropo mult mai greu era de spălat rufele, care necesita mult efort fizic.

Nașpa iarna înghețau rufele pe sârmă și cristalele de gheață puneau stres pe țesături. Dar ce mișto miroseau după ce se geruiau (cred că e motivul pentru care unii își pun blugii în congelator în loc să-i spele, mor bacteriile mirosului și se sublimează amoniacul provenit din transpirație cred) (dar ghiciți unde se duce în circuitul de aer închis al frigiderului).

Nu poți trăi la țară sau oriunde mai mult de două săptămâni fără să faci baie fiindcă ți se face rău de propriul miros și asta știu din experiență când soacra mea a stat odată la Bacău o lună cu mâinile în ghips iar socrul a rămas singur și până la urmă nu a mai putut, s-a urcat în tren și a venit și el și l-am spălat eu în cadă de vreo 2 ori.

Monday, December 25, 2023

December 25

11:50 This Christmas i gave you my heart i solved the mystery of the extraordinary nerve and impunity of the guy upstairs. He also charged my card yesterday at the car wash.

People don't really want to pay attention to my similarities blog.

12:00 Bill G Gates

12:22 De fiecare dată când văd astfel de știre mă mir. Datele informatice nu se fură, se copie cel mult. Am văzut multe alftel de știri de-a lungul timpului, dar nu am auzit să fie avut vreodată vreo consecință în afară de psihoza momentului.

De unde știu ăia de la IT că a fost copiat un fișier? Pot să știe că cineva cu un anume IP sau un IP ascuns a intrat (s-a logat fiindcă au avut o parolă slabă) și nimic mai mult. A, se gândesc ei că poate le-au copiat fișierele dar dacă hacker-ul e bun, nu rămâne nici o dovadă.

Împreună cu știrea asta și asta, pare a fi dintr-o serie concertate pe justificarea ne-acordării Schengen.

1:20 A modified, in trend version of heart mudra?

8:50 In diabetes it is more important how you breath than how you eat. Before i had diabetes my SPO2 level was always 98, then it went down little by little and now is what, 95 when at the computer? It is all very very simple, if you don't have enough oxygen to burn the carbs in your cells, sugar is going to build up in blood and tissues in  your body. The reason it can't go down immediately when a change occurs.

I've done this experiment for a week after i realized my nose is really really congested and used decongestant every day. SPO2 is back to 98. Not only palpitations are gone but blood sugar never went over 300, in fact is around 250 no matter what i eat or drink. But can't use decongestant all the time.

In the meantime i figured one more thing. The garbage disposal was full deep inside the mechanism with decaying stuff, though i constantly cleaned all the visible and reachable parts, after using it more than it should have (didn't want to throw food in the garbage for some reasons) and after some "good guys" threw some microwaves in the garbage, it got contaminated with nasty bacteria and mold. I guess i never knew how bad it can get.

One day i came home from my walk and felt the smell and figured all these and tried the first remedy i saw online. Backing soda and vinegar. I thought it worked at first but then the smell came back after a new mw was thrown in the garbage. So i finally got to the second one, or what Angela told me a while ago and i ignored. Lemon peels.

They turn into pieces big enough to scrub the space in the disposal from inside, actually removing the bad stuff. I hope cause i really don't want to take it apart. I had in the fridge one drying lemon, but today i never got out of my permanent frustration enough to go to the store. Cause all i can see in there are again actors and extras and (fake)volunteers crossing my path. BTW got to order a lid on Amazon for the black hole just in case.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

December 24

Most wonderful time of the year...

12:03 It's past midnight December 24. I am trying to upload a video and google won't let me. I am searching for a song with earphones on and upstairs never stop squeaking, like in the past weeks. Angela is trying to sleep and she hit the wall three times already and they still won't stop.

I knew it must come from a different time. Too young to know of the Carpenters more than a couple of songs. Tantalizing on the radio, most playful yet elegant voice sounding like a celebration, excelling on lower notes and flying on high. They are playing her a lot on the radio these days making me always ask myself who she was. Lost almost one hour searching and when i found her and started to type of course they started the squeak again upstairs and Angela hit the wall for the fourth time. However i don't understand the lyrics of the song. What do they mean "Everybody knows a turkey"?

8:50 Windows. What a stupid generic name. How many times i thought i was stupid trying to use it and now after decades of using Linux and Chrome i see it wasn't me, it was Windows. If one could calculate how much we heated the planet trying to fix Windows problem, multiplied by the billions of users. Not only by heating our own brains but whole time spent in front of the computer that in the day was using hundreds of watts of electricity.

I had this idea to try and look and see when the Sun is exactly perpendicular to any of  the faces of the pyramids. It looks like thee are no online references about it. That doesn't mean somebody hasn't done it yet. It seems basic when talking about some of the biggest objects on Earth that are aligned so precisely North-South and are built with such a geometric near perfection shape. However it is not on any online searchable articles.

But i ran into something else. At its peak of use, and even after being abandoned, the Great Pyramid had faces covered with high quality limestone which they said it shone in the Sun and projecting sunlight on certain days on certain deity statues in temples at a distance. But can anybody imagine that it was also seen from space, maybe from light years away, like a cosmic lighthouse, as the Earth was turning, especially with the gold pyramidion on top?

For that i knew i could use Stellarium which is planetary software i used in the past to see the alignment of one of the shafts with Polaris. So there i went, jumped out of bed and tried to start Stellarium. First problem. Could not switch time to local time near pyramids. An old glitch of Stellarium. I searched on forums but then i realized i had an old version of Stellarium. So it was not updated automatically. What do you expect. Stellarium is a free software trying to run on a clumsy operating system which is Windows.

Windows is extraordinarily unfriendly with apps not made by Microsoft. So i had to go and manually download the exe file with the newest version and the download was extraordinarily slow. I did not realize what was happening, kept trying and started 5 different downloads that were now going even slower. In the end i realized of course, deleted those, started a new one, and i had to open again and again the file explorer to see the progress of download which of course was not showing in real time.

Finally it finished i started that exe and re-installed the app. Now i was asking myself if stupid Windows deleted the old files and went on that drive and checked and i still don't know,  however i did a manual disk cleanup that cleared half gig from it. I bet Windows is another reason behind the decline of use of PCs.

After doing all these i am already tired and not in the mood anymore. Especially that the guys upstairs awoke and the room filled with smoke.

There are changes in handling the Stellarium after maybe 5 years of new versions. Have to get used to it. However i found out one thing. The Sun becomes perpendicular on two of the faces of the pyramids, maybe three, for a few minutes, every day.

Why is this important. Because at that time and around it it may have been possible the pyramid start to resonate on the light frequency it was build to resonate beginning with the pyramidion and initiate a quantum vortex without need for any other source of energy. Maybe drawing energy through resonance from Sun, like in Asimov's book (not talking about the puny amounts captured passively by solar panels nowadays).

And the Sphinx looks like George Washington.

No wonder the main god in Ancient Egypt was Ra or Ramses or Rama, Amaterasu, whatever, the Sun God.

And thought of one more reason they build the two others. After hundreds of years, it was not aligning precisely anymore with something, maybe in space, maybe in time, because of variations in Earths orbit.

And yes one of those times is in the morning around 9.

And another question i cannot find an answer on the web right now. Is Mercydes logo a clock showing always 8:20? (And i remembered how it all started, with me staring at the clock on the wall while still in bed). I think i'll figure it later.

11:30 Mudras, o yoga a mâinilor folosită mereu de politicieni. Teoria mea mai veche că privind persoane in diferite posturi putem fi influențați. Yoni mudra (nu risc să pun link, încercați să căutați singuri pe google yoni). La fel și linga. Semnul ok (Thumbs up).

3:10 I guess all the freemasons are left with since the beginning of the world are their Sun God and the ability to synch with (other) humans, to screw them. And play victims.

3:45 Not funny. There has not been one single day lately to not get laundry vapor when i step outside though i never hear the washer, only the constant hum of drier. And i think i figured why i never hear them talking upstairs, except a phrase or two learned phonetically when they go or come. The man doesn't speak either English or Spanish as he poses, he speaks only Hungarian and Romanian.

4:15 What should i say now? Meru Christmas?

4:21 Black hole Sun. Not serviceable. I can only imagine what's in there.

However there was at least one guy who dared and then filmed.

5:10 O guess google had enough time to "process" this video i uploaded almost 24 hours ago. By processing they mean downgrading it to the lowest resolution possible.

8:00 They left the blinds cracked upstairs so i went in the yard further away and could see one younger guy, dark hair and complexion, Filipino like, moving, intentionally shifting weight from one foot to another, like a maniac, to maximize the noise. It's been like that for hours so we will just live cause we can't take it no more. Not the guys we saw moving here or "going daily to work".

At times he drags the table and chairs senseless over and over. I am nauseated by the dust. Angela kept yelling and hitting the walls for the last our with no results.

The room is also nicely decorated so if i call the cops our will look worse.

The moment we decided to go he stopped. I remember the old man and the last one were usually leaving the moment we decided to go.

8:30 I think it may be him. Of the Marcos family. When i get back i will start searching cause i'm pretty sure the're all Japanese.

12:30 We went to Spirit Mountain and managed to stay there one hour with 30 dollars. On my way back i was able to think and i think i found a major flaw to string theory. We are in the quantum (discrete) world and string according to their own theory seem to vibrate in analogous mode. I see sin like waves there...

Unless... unless sub particle world is again analogous. Yeah i know they have discrete vibration mode but that is because strings vibrate in fractions of length... Or we have again dualism like in case of light.

December 23

7:30 As for why the pharaohs had masks and were wrapped in bandages and stuff. I think those were manifestations of the locals after they broke into the abandoned pyramids (due to constant change of the landmass center of Earth or magnetic poles whatever?) Trying to imitate the space/time travelers who needed suits to survive the vacuum in the chamber and/or the hellish environment of a wormhole, maybe.

Apparently the pyramids of Meroë were covered entirely with gold while the big one at Giza had only a gold pyramidion on top and then "lanes" for the stretched electric 1/4 quanta (photon) like in this google maps interactive image. From this we could probably figure more of the science behind it if we were not too busy with Trump and wars and stuff.

10:25 Nehammer

10:27 It looks like everything we can remember, like the war of gods in Greece, where Olympics beat and imprisoned the Titans in the underworld is true. I thing "Hubbard", Scientology is trying to overlap this with their story about thetans being buried by Xenu in volcanos.

Some would say, myths. Just because they found some mummified pharaohs in the chambers of the abandoned pyramids...

What people in its right mind would pass down from generation to generation for thousands of years so precisely myths like the war between Olympics and Titans?

However it's a good clue they might not come from the future. Many of the myths speak about them descending from the sky. Though there are not many amulet ships left around. Maybe just local, or ours. They wouldn't have used a two engine air fueled delta winged jet plane to come from other solar system...

But it still could be possible, different people from different times to come here and fight over resources...

2:07 Ok so you are an engineer from the future or other planet whatever and your task is to build some transportation gates on Earth. What would you chose? Current technology from your time? I would rather not.

Reasons. You need materials that are hard to transport even with gates. Spare parts. Maintenance. You don't want to build a shiny fancy building from the future cause it would draw too much attention and contaminate the culture. Knowing you will never take it back, you don't want to leave that technology behind when you're done cause they will eventually learn to reverse engineer it and then will change the whole damn history and you eventually will cease to exist.

You want them to believe you are gods and everything is magic, and choose the most simple possible solutions using only materials available Earth at that time. Limestone, granite, gold, etc.. Photon splitting pyramids only through shape and electricity, probably a power supply and a device that is transportable for the small ones or a Helmholtz generator made of stone with vacuum created by falling stones through a pump like tunnel.

Even if the locals will evolve into a technological era, they will still be looking at those as at some fancy rock huts or burial mounds. But if they get to look into higher sciences, then you instruct one of their zombies to issue a false theory, like the case of Instein, based on which they would understand nothing.

And if they start understanding, especially after blowing the dust of those pyramids (Napoleon) drag them in wars like WWI, WWII, pandemics, things like that until they give up.

It is my belief there are people on Earth who know what i'm talking about, even before i was talking about but those are afraid do say anything because this is how it probably started the social-demographic disaster in the past century with hundreds of millions dead. And let them heat it until much more less will still be around to complain.

If the planet is run by them nowadays, or their remote controlled zombies, nothing and nobody would ever officially approve what i'm writing here as for some of the human rulers they promised to take them over there.

Cellular technology of which we are now dependent will soon turn us all into zombies by frying whatever is left of our puny brains.

3:34 Again i stood still for 3 minutes, Angela is sleeping and they started over.

3:05 Padmaja Brahma. Paddock. The subtle connection with Vegas pyramid.

7:45 Tik Tok. Right click loop check in youtube, best thing since wrestling youtube. Have a nice weekend everybody@...  'It Is The East And Juliet Is The Sun'.

10:15 BTW is pizza a solar symbol?

10:40 Evoluție. Oamenii se adaptează mereu.

10:43 Patru.

Mount Meru

I believe i identified the original Mount Meru from Hindu mythology, described in Mahabharata and also mentioned in Puranas. However, not in the Himalayas but again close to Ancient Egypt, though not the Great Pyramid and still close to the geographic center of the Earth that BTW could have changed in the meantime due erosion of shore lines, changing of water level or raising of the land.

The pyramids at Giza were too old and also "non functional" at the time of the events described in the epic poem which some say must have been be around 200 BC but i don't agree with that either. Mt.Meru probably existed and was functional @1500 BC when some say Aryan Invasion happened in India.

One can figure how important it was by the google description above. Five peaks. The adobe of Gods. Could have been the gods involved in the epic battle. It is well known that in Mahabharata are described some events that can show the involvement of aliens (or time travelers), including intercontinental tunnels, travel to the Moon, vimanas, superweapons, things like that. Golden because the surface has to be conductive.

Island of Meroë. Must have been an island sometime, or at least surrounded with trenches with water which coincides with some descriptions of the "mountain". I would think the water was needed, like in the case of subterranean water under the Great Pyramid for dampening something emitted alongside the pyramid.

There are currently 200 pyramids in that place that could be the echoes of the 5 original ones which as the description of Mt.Meru says, were covered with gold. It is said to be the residence of King Padmaja Brahma.

However when i googled that king's name this is what i found out. Kushasthali coincides with the name of the kingdom of Kush where the pointed pyramids are. Subsequent name is Dvārakā, also known as Dvāravatī (Sanskrit द्वारका "the gated [city]", possibly meaning having many gates.

Stargates?  Time travel gates? Novus ordo seclorum.