Friday, January 19, 2024

Heavy Metals in Soda?

Can there be such thing as organic metal? We define organic anything that is made of these 6 elements. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, even sulfur and phosphorus. Things are more complicated, like in the case of "organic" metals.

Metals are necessary in developments of any living organism. There is a magnesium atom at the core of every chlorophyll molecule and iron inside any hemoglobin one. About one third of all enzymes have metals in them by design.

Thus very small concentrations of metals are necessary in any organism usually caught in organic combinations (with one of the 6 elements listed above). However plants grown in polluted soil or soil that is rich in minerals may absorb metals in higher amounts than needed.

Once ingested, they may pass the intestine if they are caught in large enough molecules. However, if we burn vegetal matter, like in cigarettes, the metals are freed from their organic combinations and as smaller molecules or atoms they may pass the lung or intestinal wall and go your bloodstream.

Once there, one way your body can get rid of them is if they bind to ascorbic acid molecules (vitamin C) thus depleting your body. More ways is by chelating (bonding) with proteins. In both ways they become part of molecules large enough to be filtered by you kidneys. Otherwise, if they get into your cells they may damage the chromosomes, thus leading to weird mutations and the next cellular division.

Then why people insist of smoking or ingesting those? Things like coffee or cigarettes may contain large amounts of unoxidized metals. Cigarettes may have surprising benefits, like killing mold and pathogens in your lungs, while contaminating your mucus and mutating your cells.

However today it occurred to me caramel does it as well because of the metal impurities present in its precursor.

How about the controversial charcoal?

Activated carbon made of coconut shells may be good in case of acute food poisoning, because it is porous and absorbs big molecules or even bacteria from your digestive tract, and some sites say it can even absorb metals, which puzzles me. Maybe because it is made of compact granules that do not allow the metals in it to be dissolved.

Even coffee does the same, on a smaller scale. The burnt coffee granules may absorb bad stuff from the intestine. However when freshly ground, the granules may release some metals, at their surface that may at first have the same benefit. Besides absorbing, killing bad stuff in your gut. Maybe combining with it and then get eliminated.

But in the case of caramel present in soda, i now (as of today) believe you are taking a load of metals with every serving. I saw once or twice ascorbic acid listed as ingredient in soda, but most time is citric acid and the controversial phosphoric acid as preservative. What to preserve in diet soda? Caffeine? Aspartame? Caramel?

Thursday, January 18, 2024

January 18

7:53 It is pretty clear to me, the aliens (or the futuristic) have been here for at least 5000 years, it looks like they met with resistance or maybe they just lost their advanced knowledge over generations of too short livespan due to contamination, inbreeding, lack of infrastructure. Could they have been genetically close enough to humans to interbreed, which supports the time traveling theory.

One of their races seems nowadays to be concentrated in one or two areas of the Earth and it looks like there is a full swing revival going on.

11:05 Right on.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

January 17

12:27 Kagura suzu and the djed with ankh. I said the other day the four discs on the djed could represent the KLMN electrons levels.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Monday, January 15, 2024

January 15

5:30 I think i was right to believe the motion of an electron around a proton would look weird, because of the existence of 3 quarks forming the proton which obviously have a non-zero distance between them, of which 2 are positively charged. In mechanics there is a situation known as three body problem.

If they were only two positive quarks, the orbit would not be anything like a circle. In fact people have thought of that and there is a blog post that quotes another one and is showing the orbit of the Star Wars planet Tatooine that gravitates around 2 Suns. And no, it won't have anything like years, crop seasons, thinks like that.

And this is the case of an atom with only one proton. Think about bigger ones. How complicated would be to describe the orbit of 16 electrons (oxygen) by example that also repel each other when moving around 16 protons of which all are made of three quarks. A 64 body problem (not counting the neutrons)?

Ok so Bohr and even Heisenberg didn't know about quarks but they knew about protons. However in Bohr's atomic model the electrons all turn nicely around the nucleus like planets around a Sun of which masses are negligible (except for Jupiter) when compared to that of the Sun by means of gravity which is not polar like protons in an atom (and even those gravities influence heavily each other).

And one more thing. In heavier atoms electrons on lowest levels (of energy?) turn at speeds close to c and that according to Einstein can cause their mass (and energy) to increase dramatically. Could that stand for the (in)famous mass "defect" problem?

Thing is we are stuck in physics at a level not far from that of fuzzy math Heisenberg and confusing Einstein, at nearly 100 years since their theories and waste the time of the children in colleges with stupid inconsistent naïve theories.

And no, it is not a Jewish conspiracy. Einstein was not a Jew, or maybe he was, by the looks, but he was also made by an actor, like Tesla and all others. The conspiracy is much deeper than that and goes all the way to Ancient Egypt and their today continuators, the elite of Japan and the Sun God and their alliance with Hungarians who provide the European looking actors.

6:25 Statul abrupt. Una e să protestezi și să faci grevă ca profesorii care nu voiau să încheie mediile sau chiar ca cei din 10 august și alta e să blochezi capitala unei țări cu utilaje grele, ca într-un asediu. Se atentează la funcționarea ordinii de drept într-un stat iar eu nu cred că șoferii aceia sunt români.

7:10 PM Aplicați legile existente și nu lăsați o categorie dotată cu utilaje grele să terorizeze toată populația României acționnând ca și complicii lor. Câte încălcări de exemplu ale codului rutier au fost comise de așa zișii protestatari, prin blocarea șoselelor cu vehiculele lor private?