Wednesday, January 24, 2024
January 24
Its movement represent a tiny electric current initially created of a single falling electron that in turn may cause a magnetic field made of a single line, at 90 degrees. However the magnetic field cannot close cause it is following the movement of the only electron that ends in a different position.
This proves this magnetic field is nothing but a reaction of the void to the electric one in fact is just another electric current, made of only one virtual negatively charged particle, and the cycle repeats, propagating in space.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
January 23
9:30 Again, what do they do with the money? Fundraising? I would guess one million would be enough to pay salaries for 100 people for 3 months. Maintaining this myth that only rich people can candidate due to their long itinerant campaigns since the beginning (of democracy) when the system with caucuses and primaries was very democratic mainly because they did not have communications like TV and internet and local people "would get to know the candidates".
This way we get stuck with one or two candidates that we will watch debating for months from now on, and only them know what they debate cause nobody watch those, being local.
2:20 More on Siberian shamanism.
Monday, January 22, 2024
January 22
11:05 Altaic shaman's drum. Shamanism was the main non-Indo-European religion before Buddhism and Islam. You can see these motifs from Northern Europe, Siberia to Alaska and even in Oregon and probably beyond. To me it looks like the motifs have also similarities with Australian cave paintings.
Question. Does the shaman's trance and healing process actually create for his followers or those who believe in him a parallel Universe, in which the sick or dying person is being healed and well? Does the images at the left and right of that human like figure represent the two branches?
This has anything to do with the kunoichi upstairs hitting the floor, like in a ritual dance?
Enigma cover. Scârbele. Nic Sârbu.
Saturday, January 20, 2024
January 20
Big catch, big reaction. Always on time. Trump smiling for the first time in years. Which proves they will never stop. Reacting. Confusing. Canceling. What an entropy.
Friday, January 19, 2024
January 19
Recently i identified two more, one living again upstairs (sub-renter) and one at Apt.4, both members of Ashura group ment to attract new members in the dark craft. Could it had been all part of a promotion to recruit new ninja in Japan, trying to show them how easy is to work in the US and manipulate people there and pay everybody a lesson. In which the Emperor itself who is a ninja participated.
To me it has been about 13 years of torture and confusion and exposure to all kinda substances as smoke and mold, ruining my health. And probably the guys upstairs are now moving and are getting away. But what can i say. Fake cops are acting on cameras like the one at Walmart yesterday.
It has been almost 10 years since i wrote this page. I didn't know how to put my suspicions in writing and i used this formula. A fantastic novella that in the end proved a nightmare came true.
One more event i should not overlook. A few weeks ago a guy with a big truck backed up and pushed the small Dodge SUV into the building. That SUV belonged to a Japanese woman that was posing as a Chinese, supposedly the mole in the area. In fact i am positive it is nothing but them in the area.