Tuesday, May 14, 2024

May 14

1:00 Finally figured earlier today (actually yesterday evening) how magma chambers (with volcanos on top or not) form in subduction (and seismic) areas. Until yesterday i thought magma was coming from Earth's liquid core but that one is at 2500 km depth.

What happens is when a "plate" enters under another (subduction), there is lots of friction within the already hot, near melting, ductile (plastic) asthenosphere. And one more point against the rigid plates theory. If the plates were rigid, they would not bend like that. They would possibly break (fracture) but at the surface and producing much bigger earthquakes, something that would not allow human civilization on planet Earth.
10:10 Here are the tide charts for the 5 latest earthuakes >4 around Santa Monica plus the 7.1 earthquake in July 2019 in eastern California suggesting earthquakes occur at highest or lowest tides (possibly of the year) suggesting earthquakes may occur in both direction of the phase diagram of magma, both at highest and lowest possible pressure influence from above ground.

This is confirmed by the charts with Romania's earthquakes >2.5 since 1940 which usually come in pairs at few km and a few months or years distance.

10:52 România este datoare Ucrainei. Federația Rusă a profitat. Un răspuns la provocare.

Există un singur răspuns. Trădătorii cococsați în fruntea României vor să ne sperie bine sau să ne bage cât mai repede și fără rost (toate războaiele sunt fără rost) într-un război proxy, la fel ca cel din Ucraina, cum au fost atâtea în istoria dinainte și după al doilea război mondial care de multe ori au rezultat în desfacerea țărilor în două și/sau eradicarea oricăror urme de independență de ambele părți.

Există ceva pozitiv în toată tărășenia. Nu ne-au cerut să mutăm scutul de la Deveselu.

Un lucru ar trebuie să înțeleagă fiecare. Aceste sisteme nu au fost donate de Statele Unite României, ci au fost plătite cu 4 miliarde de dolari. Da virgulă acum înțeleg de ce România a cumpărat F16 de la portughezi și norvegieni. Sau de ce Ceaușescu a forțat România să plătească toate datoriile externe.

11:30 Hm. I didn't know US fought alongside Soviet Union during Tibetan uprising.

11:40 This list is very interesting. Have to study it more when i have time. Apparently, at times US was in the same time allied an enemy of the Soviets.

Q: Who is the guitar soloist and why is he hidden behind the bassist in the video?

A: He is good at playing but a turn off (sore view).

Q: Is this song gay?

Sunday, May 12, 2024

May 12

9:50 While i was away i had this idea on how to improve my project and could not wait to do it. However, last night, after driving 500 miles in two days of which 350 only yesterday, i was too waisted. So i slept 4 more hours, woke up bloated and then i could not sleep no more.

Ok so i implemented my idea. I added a check box for each eq. I check that box, i only see that one in the chart. I checked like two years, 2007 and 2008 and put it in an html. Those were "rich years". The good news is it proves my theory. The eqs are grouped both in time and space.

The bad news is a ran into a serious limitation of google sheets. It cannot work as an app. I can share it with others but can't give general permission to edit so anyone can check the boxes, it would be a mess if two or more people would start to edit it in the same time. Fizzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Still thinking on it. Maybe i could give permission to edit, but not to save. No, editing a google sheet saves changes automatically. Still thinking. Could generate an html for each year. Ok, five years.

Of course, people with IT knowledge should have no problems downloading the sheet and making it their own.

Note that 0.1 degrees in both longitude and latitude is about 11 km.

No i don't believe two (or three) tectonic plates hundreds of km wide can only bump in two points within a few km radius area every year or two. Which area BTW is half degree (55 km) south from where "the three plates" meet in Romania.

10:21 2021-2024

10:24 2016-2020

10:35 2011-2016

11:53 2006-2010

12:00 2001-2005

12:07 1996-2000

12:12 I'm too tired to finish them all right now. But as usually, while looking for something i ran into something else. Why they were so many earthquakes in Romania starting with 2004 and ending with 2008?

In 5 years (2004-2008) 290 out of 700 total >2.5 for 84 years, though most small, under 4, those above 4 being similar to other years. 2004 is the year when Romania entered NATO and 2007 the EU. Something i've dreamed for but never expected is going to be this way.

17 years after signing the treaty and becoming EU member, Austria still doesn't want to honor her own signature and ratification and Romania is deprived of its legal right and most important part of the EU treaty, that of free traveling within EU.

Bulgaria and Romania are the only 2 EU countries that still need a visa for US.

Friday, May 10, 2024

1:05 PM In anticipation for precipitation. Eu am spus asta acum vreo lună, este unul din factori, singurul mod în care presiunea atmosferică și cea datorată precipitațiilor ar putea afecta declanșarea cutremurelor este modelul magmatic, renunțând la teoria plăcilor tectonice. Cutremurul se produce când magma îngheață pe un canal (la fel cu apa într-o sticlă în congelator) la creșterea ușoară a presiunii.

Dacă ar fi vorba de plăci tectonice, ar trebui să ploaie/ningă doar pe una din ele. La cutremurul din 4 martie a plouat în est, a căzut chiciură în vest în toată țara iar presiunea atmosferică a fost relativ ridicată, cu lună plină la apogeu.

Depinde de ce înțelegi prin cutremur. În general putem vorbi de cutremure peste 2.5 grade. În rest, magma mai poate să și bolborosească, să se miște pe canale subterane, cu degajare de gaze.

Dacă ar fi plăci tectonice, forma distribuției cutremurelor într-o zonă seismică nu ar fi un cilindru sau con ci a ar fi mai aproape de ceva rectangular.

Nu am timp acum, mă pregătesc să plec undeva, când mă întorc am să descarc de curiozitate date din Japonia și alte zone seismice, să vedem distribuția.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

May 9

1:30 AM

I hate to refer to an image that i know is not correct, but look for yourself and see the multitude of theories as what a magma plume is. But i do not have any drawing or illustrations making capability right now so i have to recycle whatever i can find and then refer to it as nearest...

According to the charts i plotted using raw, real data, a seismic magma plume is dendritic, or has branches, like those represented under volcanos (lower image) but short of being volcanos. Temperature inside the branches varies from hot near the plume to colder near the end, and phase from liquid to solid. There is always some point on the branch that is at equilibrium on the phase diagram.

All that a branch needs is a trigger that can be a change of pressure that may be orders of magnitude smaller then the pressure inside that branch, but enough to trigger a wave of either crystallization or melting which happens with changes in volumes, in a very short time, generating the shockwaves we know as earthquakes.

But it can happen both ways, it can turn from liquid to solid like when Earth is squeezed around a diameter perpendicular to the direction of the Moon (compression), and when pressure decreases on the lobe, this can revert (decompression) creating replicas.

There should be of course a hysteresis which keeps the branch stable for a while, but also accumulates energy.

The differences in pressure in the high/low daily cycle that are accompanied by ocean tides are greatest with Moon at perigee (closest) and smallest with Moon at apogee.

11:15 Putin's next aim, Transnistria. But unlike Eastern Ukraine, the Russian minority there is only 29%. And unlike Eastern Ukraine, Transnistria has no border with Russia. Transnistria is internationally recognized as being Moldovan, however they have declared themselves independent.

Moldova has a 82% Romanian population. Historically, at times Moldova was part of Romania. Note that at the last census, only 7% of the people there declared themselves Romanian.

Actually Romania was created in 1859 by unification of Moldova and Valahia, and by that time part of Moldova was under Russian Empire.

It is true that Russian Empire, as Christians, helped both Valahia and Moldova from being liberated from the long ottoman vassality. But this came at a price and that is today's Moldova, that fell under Russians.

There is absolutely no doubt Moldovan language is Romanian. I have been there shortly after 1990. Despite an accent, Romanians and Moldovans can talk to each other with no effort. All vocabulary and grammar are identical.

Problem is many were still speaking Russian, the language of the colonists during Russian Empire and Soviet Union and many were still shy to speak Romanian. The situation and my presence there was visibly awkward to the Russian speaking people.

Back then Russia was still seen by many Moldovan as the metropolis.

Before the fall of Soviet Empire many Romanians had antennas so they could watch Moldovan TV mostly because our TV program was only 2 hours a day, showing mostly Ceaușescu, without any other forms of entertainement (Russian and Moldovan TV was much more "liberal", compared to Romanian) and besides an accent, at the Moldovan TV they were speaking Romanian.

Putin, Zakharova is playing on Russian people's feelings who are considering Moldova, Transnistria part of Russia and gets on everybody's nerves.

But i suspect this prompt intervention has something to do with what i posted above, they (who control all countries, including Russia) want to get out of people's mind the images of dendritic ramification of magma under seismic areas by bringing the image of Transnistria into focus.

2:06 Could it be the loss of vitamin C synthesis played a key role in conscience development in humans, as closed loops in neural pathways, with increased stress as a main factor?

3:42 "Nobody has been there yet to see!". Ok what i've done is i downloaded the USGS data for Vrancea only, with all recorded earthquakes which means above 2.5 and again plotted the charts. That took me like 15 minutes. Do you see what i see, and that is strings of eqs?

4:03 I've been searching ever since, though google sheets is impressive, it won't allow customization of tooltips, so one can see the date and magnitude while hovering mouse on each blue dot. Right now it only shows the two axes of the chart. Found some workarounds, working on.

Found something here but do not understand how it works. I am too immersed into earthquakes subject, Moon is still turning in my head, vitamin C is also on my mind, got to switch to IT mode. I'm taking a break.

4:55 Also can't flip the Y axis so i can put the plume in a more "natural" position.

8:20 I first published this in 2016, together with all the ideas, and this in July 2019. Currently working on this.

Was it before the "pandemics"? Before the war in Ukraine? The President of Romania was Tuesday in Washington while i was working on it. Today Maria Zakharova threatened again neighboring Moldova, which is actually made of 82% Romanians.

Thinking of all the torture i've been enduring all these years which intensified starting last July. We all know who was involved. Hungary and Japan. Me being gassed in early 1996, turned into a vegetable. No more jobs after year 2000. One botched oral surgery in 2006. Angela taking all the heat all these years.

3 botched surgeries (forgotten wires), mutilation. Being smoked in Lake Oswego for 5 years. Radiation from the hacked laptop, phones. All the attempts to get us in an accident on freeways, several per each trip. The 2021 accident.

I had all these in my mind though i didn't know. I now remember each instance when they embedded the messages in my life before i came here. I was Dacians' messenger to the gods.

10:53 One clear example of a string of earthquakes begins with the yellow dot right under the 100 km line. 2005, 2006, 2007. It looks like at first the branch was filled with molten lava, which would go upwards (the chart is upside down), and then it started to freeze backwards. There are many like these in the whole chart. QED.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

May 8

1:45 I hate to see every time i want to post something the date has changed. I mean, time is flying so fast.

Got to a conclusion with my study regarding the correlation of number of earthquakes and moon distance. Apparently the column i added manually for Moon distance 8 years ago was wrong. I can't remember where it took it from, a calculator from a site, it was showing a correlation but could not interpret the results.

Recently i looked at and realized that correlation is possible, however i only had distances added for 8 years out of 76.

After a few days of work and emotions i added in the table columns with the most updated formulas for calculating the Moon distance, those from Wikipedia. But this time i verified a few instances with Stellarium. Stellarium does not give center to center (Earth center and Moon center) distances but the distance from a point on Earth and the surface of the Moon.

Since Earth is rotating, the distance from a point varies according to the our of the day, by up to 2 times Earth diameter, or 12k kilometers but for the instances i verified, the distance calculated was within those limits.

As base for calculations i used the Julian date or day, used by NASA and Stellarium that starts on 1/1/4713 BC.

There is no doubt the chart is not random (if there are not other mistakes), but it shows a strong correlation, a bit different from the one with the wrong distances. As for why there are more earthquakes in certain distance ranges, i think it has something to do with the pull of Moon on Earth on different points of the ecliptic.

But the way the earthquakes happen both on small distances and long ones can only mean one thing. There are two different types, one that happen at high pressure when the phase change in the magma (under and @100 km depth) is in one direction and ones that happens at low pressure, when the phase change reverses. This way we can have earthquakes in the same magma pocket as long as the pressure and temperature conditions are near equilibrium in that pocket.

I will add here a link to the sheet, not the html but the sheet itself. I guess it can only be opened if you have a google account and you are signed in. So those interested can see how i implemented those formulas in the sheet.

There is one more thing i have to add. If you scroll down in the sheet will see on the left two diagrams showing location (longitude, latitude) and depth of the 431 events >4 between 1940 and 2016 in Romania.

It looks like they are distributed on a well or grape bunch like structure, and not on a line or "fault" as expected when talking about "fractures" of the "tectonic plates".

There could not have been mistakes, for those charts i used the data exactly as downloaded from USGS.

BTW Anybody who  knows a bit of Excel can try and do this for any seismic area. Go to USGS search catalog, choose magnitude, time range, etc., draw a rectangle on a map, and then chose CSV as download format. Then you upload the data in a sheet, draw charts in longitude-latitude-depth coordinates, anything you like.

There is a software called jmol used to represent interactively molecules in 3D big. I plan on finding something similar so i can represent in 3D + magnitude (tiny ball size) an entire seismic area. This way we can all see the distribution and basically the anatomy of the seismic area so we can study it cause it looks like our scientists don't care if it doesn't sell.

If you click on the link above, then click on the static representation and try to stop the rotation with your mouse.

I would think if you could do a time based slider controlled animation of the evolution of a bunch you could probably see how the earthquakes move from one place to another and figure what a seismic area actually is and maybe how it works.

Please note the software is free, done by volunteers. Think of what they have on supercomputers and AI and keep for themselves.

12:45 O aluzie abia mascată...