Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Budo and Geoweapons
It is probably just a true linguistic coincidence which are quite rare around major historical subjects, cause Buddha was a peaceful happy man. Or a mean of cofusions, which is so typical of ninja.
Budo or the martial way which comprises 3 ninjutsu schools (ryuha) and 6 samurai, of each Gyokko ryu seems to be the oldest.
However Togakure ryu is best doccumented in Wikipedia. In there, we can find attached a quite impressive list of training areas needed to "graduate" as a ninja, and combat trainning is less than half of them.
In Bansenshukai, the so called "skeleleton" manual "which needs to be completed with many times more oral or family scrolls knowledge", a number of credits (points) atr given upon learning a certain skill. Probably the oldest known (to me) credit based learning system. (Jidai_geki).
Why do i bring this up now. One of the training area listed there is meteorology.
Of course they did not have a network of sensors or satelites connected electronically to a supercomputer. It was all based on human observations.
A key factor in meteorology ignored by many is atmospheric pressure, given by the weight of the air above us. One cubic meter of air at sea level and normal pressure is about one kg in weight with many cubes on top of it.
That can vary within a range of about 6%, mainly with movement of the air, temperature but also periodically, due to gravity pull of Sun and Moon, pretty much in the same way oceans and ground are being raised.
There is a tripple chart of temperature, humidity and pressure that dictates the weather.
There are ways to tell the air pressure by simple observations. Different types of clouds are associated with different pressures. But there could be others. Behaviour of animals by example. Variations in size of some organs could not go undetcted by their instincts. Plants. Rheumatic pains. Etc..
I remember in grade school our phyisics and chemistry teacher taught us how to build a barometer. It was based on density (and/or volume) changes of the air with pressure. Basically, an open empty can with a plastic membrane at one end. If well sealed, the plastic membrane will be pulled inward with higher pressure and outward with lower (when air is less dense and expands).
It crossed my mind before just before i started to write this. A drum (as a musical instrument), if well sealed, could do the same. The drume will also change the tune with weather.
Transparent glass was knwon to Ancient Egyptians. Who used long tube like recipients for items like perfume.
We all know that if we fill a tube with mercury and put it upside down in a recipient, the mercury will not fall, becasue of the air pressure, creating vacuum at the top. The height of the mercury in a tube that both were available at that time could have been used to measure the atmospheric pressure. Amazing how it loosk like a Shiva Linga with the three lines representing a measuring ruler?...
In fact, the height of the mercury in such a tube is still used as a measuring unit for atmospheric pressure. When i concluded my observations in a recent post i said that big eqs do not occur under 29.95 inhg even at highest tides.
Why is this important. Because it is possible that ancient people, like Egptians or the ninja of Japan, could predict earthquakes by this simple method. Observe tides and observe atmospheric pressure.
This would give them an unprecedent strategic psychological advantage over their enemies. It is like when Columbus impressed the Indians by predicting an eclipse, to the power of 100. Cause eclipses do not create casualties. In a country with frequent earthquakes, the smart ninja or Buddhist monks before them could not have missed the links between those phenomena.
Back then they could say they were in league with some powerful god or demon who was listening to them.
How could they use this in their advantage. Blackmail. Of course they could not create an earthquake (though i believe the Egyptians could trigger one by using one of the many functions of the pyramids).
I believe there are two ways in which an earthquake can be triggered or even amplified, if the conditions are right (pressure linked to position of Sun and Moon and temperature inside a magma chamber under a seismic area).
Atmospheric pressure and weather in general can be influenced with huge antennas that can raise and lower the ionopshere and thus steer the jetstsream.
If seismic areas are in fact magma chambers that did not developed into volcanoes. or under extinguised volcanoes, each has its own size and thus resonance frequency. Heavy machinery like presses for car body parts, at a certain distance, can be tuned into that frequency, again if the conditions are right. 100 elephants marching in cadence at a certain pace, controlled by their handlers?
But even traffic in such a huge city like Los Angeles could trigger it in a day with high tides and high pressure.
June 4
6:13 Mesajul secundar al acestei noi acțiuni mediatice. A fost aici, între noi și acum pentru noi. Ca și Petrov și alții.
9:00 În ce buzunar vă țineți telefonul?
6:52 Proof that ocean levels are rising.
Toți profesorii pe care i-am avut nu au fost calificați, începând cu Claudia Cardinale și Liz Taylor în școala generală. Suzana Gâdea la mate în liceu și Jane Fonda la chimie etc. (cu John Travolta coleg de gazdă)? Ia uitați-vă în poza asta. Joe Dassin? Joan Jett?
Monday, June 3, 2024
June 3rd
10:45 In the last monthmonth. Missing data, stations too far, cannot evaluate in easy steps with my current means those that are far from ocean shore.
(After last chome update chrome doubles the text when adding links)
8:00 From what i've seen so far in California significant earthquakes do not occur if atmospheric pressure is under 29.95 inhg even during high tides. However, one should understand that the isobar maps we've seen so far ar far from precise. Here is a more accurate representation of surface pressure, from Switzerland. There are "river like" peaks that cannot be represented on old synoptic maps but those are quite narrow. I believe they are due to the presence of mountains.
Force of July
Ok there was one in Pasadena yeserday before 10 AM and one in Mexico today right after 9 AM, at Moon culmination, four hours ahead of low peak of tidal waves.