Saturday, June 22, 2024
Friday, June 21, 2024
June 21
Dictatura prezidențială.
Componența X-at.
CSAT, așa cum îi spune și numele, este un consiliu. Conform Constituției, Președintele este comandantul Forțelor Armate însă doar Parlamentul poate declara stare de război.
Vede cineva vreo încălcare a Constituției, legilor sau chiar regulamentului CSAT?
US above all countries is a leader of democracy in the world. Democracy is not possible without the rule of law, how can i explain it better.
Talked too much about gifting, got an extra 100 dollars charge from Peppermill in the email. Thinking if the goat in pain is related to my pains problems and how i could sue them from that (if i could find an attorney, other than Hillary).
Thursday, June 20, 2024
June 20
8:08 AM Imre Babics. Ruler. Puppeteer.
8:36 There is some quantum rule we cannot understand but they believe they can erase information from this reality by superseding. Minutes after i wrote the above, especially the meaning of the name Imre (house ruler), a maid (housekeeping) knocked on door though there was a do not disturb sign on it and she said "it was a checkout" to see if anybody is in there.
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
June 19
Miezul pământului fiind din metale grele este de două ori mai dens decât restul și astfel este atras de Soare și Lună mai mult, oscilând în cursul unei zile, contribuind la geologia pământului pompând și amestecând magma lichidă odată cu rotația diurnă a Pământului în cele două câmpuri gravitaționale.
Nu am nici cea mai mică idee de ce este întreținută această minciună care este o insultă la adresa inteligenței tuturor și o frână în calea dezvoltării intelectuale a tinerilor, ca o contradicție neproductivă, împreună cu alte minciuni ca de exemplu natura luminii, a câmpului electromagnetic, a particulelor elementare și așa zisa teorie a relativității.
Myth: So called misuses of antibiotics cause bacteria to mutate and create new strains that are resistant.
Fact: If this was true, all the bacteria would become resistant since the new strains are superior on the evolutionary scale and doctors would not start anymore with basic antibiotics like amoxicillin.
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
June 18
7:33 AM PDT I'm in Reno, Nevada, after a 700 miles (1125 km) drive in a bit more than 24 hours, with a one night stay in Medford, Oregon. Many things happened on the road, but i have other priorities now.
8:50 Nu am știut că date meteorologice ca de exemplu presiunea atmosferică să varieze atât de mult de la site la site. Presiunea curentă pentru Focșani, Vrancea, așa cum este afișată de Institutul Meteorologic este mică și nu am nici o idee cum va fi mâine sau zilele următoare. Mai caut. În cazul zonei seismice Los Angeles există date de la un site oficial, NOAA. Mai caut.
10:16 PM California Grrrl
I uploaded the picture at full resolution. Anyone can right click, open in a new tab and zoom on it. She is much younger. Alexa Crush does not exist. She herself stated in a video, she rarely comes out (of the mockup apartment in a studio in Japan). I didn't know i caught her in the frame. Later during the trip some well wishers let me figure it out (when i was staying on the same bench with her, though several people apart.
At some point a guy on a lower deck was yelling a rap, for about a minute. "I'm the craziest dad!" and things like that. Then i moved on a different bench. When i got out the guy with the two girls, most likely under 20, came after me at the restroom.
A whole team of Japanese actors however were present on the boat. Some are in the same picture. Note how only her shows her face and a guy too far away from my 100 dollars Kodak.
Those are responsible with taking my picture and hers. Could have been in the same frame, i never looked at her or recognized her during the 2 hours trip. A helicopter passed by just before the boat started. When we left, the Japanese, all dressed in dark clothes, were walking in front of me. One of them was featuring a black backpack (the turtle Earth) with a red Sun on it (red Sun on black is the ninja flag).
About 100 drivers, most Asian (as far as i could see), more than half with dark tinted windows followed me on my way back to Reno. My suspicion is when i show up somewhere, none of the locals wishes to appear so they push their own actors with cars with local LPN and all kinda a symbolism, including brands, colors and loads. Me and Angela planned this for months. It doesn't matter it came out this way. It would have been something else if not this theme.
10:56 On a second thought. It could have been her. Michi Nishi.