Also. The speed of the bullet that comes out an AR15 at nozzle is at nearly three times the speed of sound, more than two at 100 yards etc.. Just flying, also by impact with outer ear should have created a shockwave in the ear, nearby tissues including inner ear that probably would have created some hearing problems, a blown ear drum maybe.
Friday, July 19, 2024
July 19
Also. The speed of the bullet that comes out an AR15 at nozzle is at nearly three times the speed of sound, more than two at 100 yards etc.. Just flying, also by impact with outer ear should have created a shockwave in the ear, nearby tissues including inner ear that probably would have created some hearing problems, a blown ear drum maybe.
Thursday, July 18, 2024
July 18
12:05 AM Revista presei. În România, cultul personalităților a ocultat de mult cultul personalității (venerarea excesivă). E mai bine fiindcă sunt mai multe personalități de cultat decât persoane iar venerarea excesivă se distribuie.
11:20 Der Leyen. May the circus continue.
Iovanovici, 2013. Did i say a dog savior? De unde ne vine tot aurul
Cum se face mentenanța (2019).
What i really don't understand about American democracy is why is so important if someone candidates for the Presidential nominee if there's a vote, in the case of democrats, one month from now. There can be more than one candidate, right? Though in practice it rarely happens and the (only) candidate is known in advance because the vote is known in advance due to the system of alliances inside the party.
And now they simply can't sop him.
I do understand that once a President is in function it cannot be easily removed, by several reasons. He was elected (usually out of two candidates) by the American general public. He then becomes one of the three concurrent powers (legislative, executive, judicial).
The real elections occur inside the two parties. But do they.
The first democracy ever becomes antiquated. In all other civilized countries the President (with some exceptions) is elected by direct elections, with a short one month campaign before and anyone can participate (sustained by a party or with a number of signatures). If no one has enough votes to win, there is a runoff between the first two, within weeks and that's it.
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
July 17
10:18 Depinde cât de rece e apa. Apa la mine vara este foarte rece, ceva gen 10-15 grade și am încercat odată cu un radiator de mașină și un ventilator. Deci bănuiesc că dacă mai pui și un ventilator spre el, s-ar putea să scadă temperatura cu câteva grade. Bănuiesc că el sau oamenii lui au făcut niște teste înainte.
Dar un congelator este mai scump (dacă nu îl ai deja) decât un aparat de aer condiționat de fereastră (o singură piesă) care în SUA se găsește sub 150 de dolari, eu mă descurc cu unul din ăsta, ei le aduc (normal din China) mai mult vara când este nevoie (băieți deștepți). Este mai zgomotos și suflă puternic aerul rece dar cel puțin nu mori de căldură, poți în schimb să faci o răceală de la curent.
Can remember when i said cigarettes tasted better at the ocean? That was because an essential ingredient was missing there. The air didn't smell much like s...t when i lighted the last one, but the cigarette tasted like s...t. So i went and what did i find.
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
July 16
5:57 AM Was looking for something, found something else and was thinking. They, the meek, are not just a culturally different people. They are something else. Something that is so different from the rest of the world it simply goes unnoticed. Outside perception.
Living there with their Sun God and 8 million kami and with no clear notion of good and evil, they do not understand our moral system as we don't understand theirs. They live by the words or better said continuously sharing with their gods with no regards to anything else. Or us.
How do i know better then anyone else? Because i have been exposed intensively, also because i was "reckless". I look at these sculptures and all i see is the guys i see daily here in the parking lot.
Could this be one of their god-characters they modeled Trump after?
6:53 That is because i mentioned the words fools' gold yesterday. It also tells us these institutions are just manipulating tools, they have no self respect, no moral, no nothing. How would they.
(In the mean time the entry with fools' gold simply disappeared from my blog, will try to re-create it).
Back then they ruled for Romania after i put this match. In the meantime, they replaced her. Now i have to look for the new one as well.
Cât despre firma românească de avocatură care "a câștigat procesul"...
Interesant că toată faza s-a întâmplat pe timpul când Iohannis era pe acolo... A mai negociat Iohannis ceva pentru România?
8:20 Found something here... I know from Seinfeld Americans have wedgies butt this... See what i'm talking about?
Monday, July 15, 2024
July 15
Why was he looking in the shooter's direction and not at the spectators when he was shot?
In the video above he is shown with the hand down in the moment of the shooting and in this picture his hand is up.
Fools' gold. The market today was celebrating the success of Trump's show. Then i added the entry with the raised hand (above) and the market turned around. When i went to sleep it went back al little, then back downed when i woke up and finally ten minutes before closing time, when i closed the blinds, it started to go up again.