Thursday, August 15, 2024

August 15

12:45 Was compelled to do a search, found more than i could hope for. How many things one can tell from a video on the streets of a city in a foreign country? Many, if not all.

Yesterday evening i was intrigued by a girl walking away from me. Did not see her face except with peripheral vision for a fraction of a second when sun hit directly her face behind a tinted window in a car.

Dressed in black with a black scarf on her head, walking on a newly paved black street, she climbed in a black Mustang and drove away. It was then when she turned her head to check for traffic. Could had ben her but i was looking in a different direction so i did not catch her face in the middle of my retina.

Why is this important? When she was walking she had a certain stiffness in her body. A big turn off. I remember when i moved to the US someone told me that people can say by my walk i was not born here.

And yes indeed, look at the girl with red  hair and the one with green shorts and generally to everybody in this video. They let their weight on each foot much more than they should (by our standards). It is that i saw last night at Indian Head.

Why was she all dressed in black. Maybe because of what i wrote. Nirvana. Black magic. The fresh paving that occurs in any place we go. About that, i am writing a whole post but unfortunately i am too tired tonight.

I would assume the chicanos train a lot in Japan only to walk the way Americans do.

Walking style is cultural. (And yes they changed a lot since the days of Gwen Stefani's Harajuku girls).

9:00 AM Kursk

10:40 Market. Oil is up, which usually brings energy and the whole market up, in about the same percentage, Enphase is up, what else, Super Micro Computers, and of course, heavy weight (by market capital) Tesla.

6:45 Since all the good men became better, the bad deserve anything. (Anything You Can Do (I Can Do Better)).

6:50 Ice age.

9:25 White chested dogcyanobacteria. It means to me there are still people in the area, other then them since they are going for their mind. Cyanobacteria do not produce cyanide nor is the deadliest but do poses a health risk. But it's easy to avoid since the bloom is visible.

These guys do subtle things to people's mind nobody recognizes as such because they are at a different level.

How Black Magic Works

Was i praying when i was driving back home? I know i kept repeating in my mind. Please let me be in a good enough shape to write what i have in mind.

Spiritual. What is spiritual. What is based on mind only. What is based on spirits. What are spirits. Entities that inhabit all space around us. I will go by the oldest definition, that of Australian aboriginal. Don't know if other prehistoric people had the same beliefs, but these are well documented, through oral tradition that continued to our days.

And let's mention here. They have direct descendants in our world. A living connection with our distant past. The Noongars of Australia may be today's Hungarians. A direct, last migration from there that took several generation to complete. Attila is the name in aboriginal of the most known Australian landscape. A mountain that is horseshoe shaped. Or has a rainbow snake shape.

As i said, their prehistoric culture is rich and documented. Of their many deities we could mention wandjinas, with their Egyptian correspondent, Wadjet or Arabic (al)djin. All the way to English genie.

But tonight i am interested in the sort of spirits i always believed played a key role in their culture. The name means nothing to me right now. But could it represent the (eukaryotic) cell, from which all life on Earth was created, including single cell organisms (prokaryotic) like bacteria? Could they have handled such concepts?

I know some of the greatest scientists that ever lived on Earth are/were Hungarian, and all the others - disguised Hungarians.

I wrote yesterday about a possible symbiosis between humans and some of the deadliest bacteria that live on Earth similar to the symbiosis with the thousands of species of bacteria in our gut. In fact, it seems impossible to me that humans are completely free of those, since they are omnipresent, though much less than others (that make the bulk in our gut).

Clostridium are anaerobic and spores can survive in soil or human intestine and some are present in rust. I am positive our immune system is trained to deal with those in early infancy. I know raw honey contains clostridium and it may be sickening to young children. Of which tetanus and botulinum are the deadliest.

Ok so i am going to try to shorten it somehow for tonight. Black magic may be tricking our subconscious which may have some control over the immune system to believe the paralysis or stiffening of our body is actually done by our own neurotransmitters, in a state of pleasure or anticipating pleasure.

I am positive fresh asphalt, which is black, but also black clothes may contain some of the deadliest forms since they provide shelter from light and air that may destroy those. So providing some in the environment that otherwise are quite harmless and then creating in subconscious a false association with feeling good and/or anticipating and the color black.

This way, in the presence of color black (which in environment may be represented by objects loaded with clostridium and you breath the stuff emanating from fresh asphalt), your subconscious may allow those to multiply. You will probably not die but your brain will be numb enough for you to turn into a zombie (without knowing of course).

Another source which may provide deadly bacteria more than our (trained) immune system can handle may be a slow healing wound.

The situation may be worsening with intellectual effort and/or depression, with our body allowing more to multiply. Alcohol withdrawal - hangover. Opiate withdrawal - cramps, etc..

And yes i believe it's ancient science and some on Earth are using black magic without even really knowing (anymore) the mechanisms, but with incredible results and and an adjuvant in controlling the whole world, together with all sort of ancient tricks and deceptions - magic, sorcery, witchcraft.

Do you believe we really deserve and/or need all these to be constantly applied on us or we should get rid of them for (our) good?

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

August 14

12:15 AM Opened a can of worms...

While i was staring at the diagrams, trying to figure where it would fit a 2 meter diameter steel ball, she got up from bed, went to the restroom, squeak the floor and awoke Angela... I live in terror, like the whole world lives in terror because of what these guys did to us and are still doing...

From the observation level all the way to antenna, under the roof, there are (were) about 30 ft (10 meters). There have been recent modifications...

Insulating foundation, like the Eiffel tower? Could have more than one function, like ionosphere manipulation? What is that antenna on top? Nobody uses AM radio no more.

12:48 Eye of the needle or Damocles sword? I see. I also see a solar symbol. Complete with rays and stuff.

12:55 There's one in Hamburg where i've been too. Also with at least one restaurant.

1:11 Towers of the world.

1:20 Ooops!

1:20 Ok i posted enough towers so no one can say i am favoring one or another. I think i will go to bed now.

7:50 Their problem is not the Prime Minister or anything of the absurd game they are playing on the political scene. He now quits just to shadow a number of things i said yesterday and recently.

But the Emperor? giving up the (fake) Emperor would be a good start though... The mentality of the people in that country is frozen in time, like thousands of years ago.

And bringing back home the millions of ninja from the US. But i don't think that is possible anymore, that does not compute on their AI, the West Coast would simply stop running cause they replaced too many, mostly fallen in the wars of the last decades.

If i have by example a chance to look at one semi driver, all i ever see is Japanese, barely disguised in Mexicans whatever. And they now go with limit + 10 and and pass other vehicles on the freeway with 80 in a 70 limit in the high speed lane like any car would do...

BTW they redrew some of the yellow line on I5 up north from Portland. It's all crooked and bent, sometimes oscillating with one foot within 100 yards. Never seen such an ample sloppiness done on so many miles. I think it tries to show how crooked the Jews are, yellow of course representing not the Japanese, but the Jews. But to whom cause all i see it's them.

8:05 On demand, or as of today. Warning? We're way past that. What part you people can't understand of "physically occupied"? By millions? All protected by AI or like pawns on a huge chess board? Who justify their absence at home as being hikkikomori?

12:42 For a long time i have been living with the idea that Nirvana is one of the most racist, antisemitic if not plain right far right, not only antisemitic but anti-supposed-semitic-system coming from the most antisemitic far right city of US, Seattle, Wa. Aberdeen whatever. The pure bred highlanders of the Pacific NW (or NW of Pacific whatever).

Since i was at it, tried a search to figure (quickly without waking that part of my brain with all the memories) what was their most representative song (in this direction) and what do i find. "If you're a sexist, racist, homophobe or basically an a...e, don't buy this CD. I don't care if you like me, I hate you."-Kurt Cobain". (teaching hate to haters?) On other sites i read he was a Christian, feminist, etc.. Whattt?

Well first it shocked but then i decided not to be surprised. It wouldn't be the first time when Americans buy everything are being told, and/or get it entirely wrong, like opposite from right wrong. Told by the man himself. Should not listen to what he said, should listen to what he sang. If you don't believe me, watch this video which i'm sure you watched before but nobody told you about the words.

Blue eyed blond hair (short-not-so-aryan) Christian feminist racist hater supremacist anti-family anti-semitic defiant anti-system. And he's got an accent that could be German, but i know it's Hungarian. Attila Hungarian. Entraining because it's accepted. In Seattle. (click on video to go to youtube to see lyrics).

Hello how low. A Mulatto, an Albino, a mosquito (three members of the group). Probably in reference on how they could have been called by the establishment serious people (supposedly Jews).
And here what a Jew has to say (sing) about it.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

August 13

2:00 AM Cani-cula. Yesterday i had this weird idea. I know Sahara desert in some points is under sea level. I know they found fish skeletons in there. Then i remembered one verse from the Killers. "The Nile used to run from East to West".

And then i thought. What if the Nile was diverted, by the Aliens, to feed the zombies they used to build the pyramids. In the geographic center of Earth. Could we possibly divert it back and re-fill Sahara?

But than i said, the drying of Sahara Lake and turning it into a desert is not necessary a bad thing, except for locals. Deserts actually contribute to cooling of the Earth, by reflecting heat back into space.

So if we really want to cool our planet, should cut the Amazon forest and turn it into a desert. What? Well, it is one choice. Or cover all the buildings with aluminum foil etc..

3:00 Nevermind, the Nile could not have passed the Tibesti mountains, Sahara is vast, there are (were) several different "hydrographic systems", there are (were) other rivers that filled West Sahara.

9:45 Bomba cu pițipoance (sluts)... Dana Arambescu, o pițipoancă rea ce ne vrea mici, cu capul jos...

Rusia pregătește arme... Eu personal cred că nici una din părți nu le are. Totul e o cacealma (bluff), începând cu Hiroshima. Cacealma care nu se putea organiza decât de japonezi și care a și terminat războiul. Altfel veneau americanii și îi ștergeau de pe fața pământului. Bineînțeles cu complicitatea și ajutorul conducerii SUA.

Motivul pentru care armele convenționale au o carcasă (shell) este pentru a crea presiune și a menține materialul în interior, înainte ca acea carcasă să se spargă în bucăți și să devină efectivă. Singur, materialul din interior dacă este aprins fără face o flacără mare dar nu explozie (un mare fâs).

În mod similar, asta se aplică pentru armele neconvenționale. Ar trebui carcase din multe tone de oțel sau beton pentru a crea o explozie de mărimea respectivă, iar asta nu se poate instala pe rachetele care spun ei că le au. O mare parte din material s-ar răspândi (pierde) înainte de a intra în reacția în lanț. Motivul pentru care reactorul de la Cernobîl nu a explodat (prea mult, cât a ținut tavanul adică) ci mai mult s-a topit (meltdown).

De câte ori au repetat aceste sperietori în media românească? De câte ori cineva a scris ceva ce i-a deranjat, ceva ce a deranjat ordinea stabilită... Acești "jurnaliști" ar trebuie legați și băgați la pușcărie și/sau la casa de nebuni.

Un document secret, revelat de Financial Times. Ca atâtea altele, care zboară din cancelaria lui Putin ca avioanele de lemn hârtie. Păi dacă e secret, de ce a ajuns în media?
1:18 Yesterday i said caffeine may act against the clostridium toxins, like botulinum and tetanus toxin. (Yes, botox is botulinum toxin and is used to intentionally paralyze some of the facial muscles). Though it may not affect the metabolism of the toxin, it can have the opposite effect, improving the symptoms.

Today Starbucks was leading the market, with a near 25% advance.

Both botulinum and tetanus are clostridium bacteria. They act as cholinergic antagonists, blocking the impulses of the nerves that control muscles, while caffeine (and nicotine) are cholinergic agonist (stimulants). Botox is so potent it may lasts for months at the injection site (probably used in a combination with a stabilizer though).

Choline is an important nutrient, also classified as vitamin B4, found in many foods, and a precursor of acetylcholine which is the most important neurotransmitter of the sympathetic (involuntary) nervous system. 

I think there are many "degrees" of the infections, with some, in very light forms occurring probably more often than known to science. They may play roles in makeup of our daily psyche and more rare, mental diseases.

Yes i  believe that going close to the garbage bins (or landfills) may pose a risk, depending on the state of general health. Hwy 18 that leads to Lincoln City passes by a landfill. Could that be a mood changer for the beach goers?

2:50 This is what radiation does. It destroys small blood vessels that feed the tissues with oxygen and nutrients and those can never grow back. That's why you have a life time exposure limit. When i showed the doctor my wi-fi legs, he didn't say a word.

This heroic Ukrainian pilot dumped lead and other materials on top of the burning reactor (High temp graphite rods used as moderator burn in contact with oxygen). He became ill a few years later and given a 20 dollars a month compensation or something.

The amount of radiation released every hour was twice as that released at Hiroshima in total. If he and others didn't do that, Europe would have been much more affected. I was living 370 miles south of Chernobyl. The reactor was sealed within 10 days.

All Geiger counters at the University in Iași have been locked. We were told to stay inside and not to eat dairy products from free range animals (cows, sheep). Don't know about Soviet Union, but the disaster was only announced a few days later (@ if not May 1st). The announcement of the end of an era.

Soviets did not have cruise missiles and could not prove it was not an accident and did not retaliate but stood down. WWIII started during the first year of Gorbachev leadership. Next episode was Kursk submarine, within 8-4 months of Putin's presidency.

Two weeks later Ostankino tower caught fire. It is my belief these towers all around the world play a role in controlling the ionosphere. They are both offence and defense in a geo-weapon war. First such tower was the Eiffel Tower, build a few years before the Tunguska event. They can be used as electro-static antennas, to oscillate and shortcut the electrojets to the ground, usually downstream, up to thousand of miles away.

Next episode of WWIII was the Chelyabinsk meteor.

But let us not forget about the Chalenger disaster which took place about 3 months before Chernobyl. (Che, Cha, Che). But who knows what the real payload of that shuttle was... Many NASA spacecraft. What are those many NASA spacecraft good for?

And yes we see from time to time "fireballs" over US cities.
6:18 The diameter of a concrete sphere of 270 tons is 6 meters (Steel three times smaller, about 2 meters or 100 tons of steel). It would have to be that big of a rocket to make some of the smallest (Hiroshima type). However. For ICBM Low signature radar is not such a big priority as size. You need smaller size for hypersonic re-entry. So you make it of steel, at the same capability, 3 times smaller in diameter.

It is said Sarmat warhead is 10 tons for multiple warheads, let's say one ton each. (For a one hundred ton shell you can very well load it with conventional explosive, you won't get much more with nonconventional). And said all bigger than Hiroshima. It's all bluffing, on both sides. But the bluff is for us cause they both know (at the highest level, maybe, and the highest level is Hungarian actors who don't know s...t).

Talking about both sides. They can have installed 100 tons steel shells on top of big buildings (or towers) (invisible, inside, last floor). And yes, Chernobyl could have been an inside job. Like Challenger. Etc.. All keeping a semantic link though. Gorbachev. Che, Cha, Che. Gore.
12:00 (14) One last thought on the subject. If it could have been done differently. That is, "spend the fisionable material gathered at much cost, in years" and do a demo in the woods, like at Tunguska. But no, it had to remain in history as an act of barbarism and the whole world to be terrified by what Jews can do. It had to be Harry Truman, a Jew, who signed the order. Einstein, though he was just the theoretician, had to be the symbol. If there was anybody in Hiroshima (and Nagasaki) at that time, who can know.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

August 11

11:15 I was living under the impression that the ona at 4, who shoes at the balcony right in the middle of the building upstairs, talking Spanish for hours was coming through the attic and acting like the woman at 6 (Apartments numbers are confusing), left to right down stairs is 1,2, 5, upstairs is 3,4,6, four is next to 6 and 5 is above.

But no, she is the same person, under a different disguise.

Today after the woman upstairs left, she showed at 4. But i had a revelation. She is no other than the ninja who acts as empress Masako. That explains why authority, Police here could never do, over the years, a thing about her.

12:02 After a short recession, there she is back talking in the balcony. She speaks Spanish with many intonations. I read from the manual that ninja have special methods of learning local accents. I think know she speaks English.