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Showing posts sorted by date for query involuntary. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, January 5, 2023

January 5th

1:22 Got enough of this. Was hesitating but it's been on for 4 days. It never stops. What's special about this news?

I'm gonna tell you what's special. They said over 100000 people died in the war in less than a year. Let's say 300 days, that is 333 people each day. The old technique of erasing information or creating diverting false associations. 89 is the price of my new camera. Cell phones is the theme of my latest involuntary campaign.

5:22 My laptop falls asleep if i let it unused for half hour or so. So i have to go, open it until the screen lits up and come back at the monitor that i hooked to it. So i get some exposure to wi-fi. Modem has two ethernet ports and i need three and i bought a splitter and short cable and i figured a way to shut down the wi-fi at, the router's network address. So i will go completely wi-fi free Saturday when the cable and splitter come, with an extra total price of under 10 dollars (bought before a 50 ft cable and a 25 cable and a USB adapter for the PC, cause the TV has an ethernet port)

After Angela left i put a frozen dinner in the oven to eat something so i can go back to sleep. I went away from it, but when the oven started and not having anything better to do i grabbed the meter and saw a significant increase in wi-fi signal strength (up to 10 mW or ten times the alarm setting). Probably because the oven is jamming the router (they work on the same unlicensed band, remember) and the router increases signal to compensate. And i remembered i wanted to buy a microwave without the transparent door with metal mesh thinking. The mesh printed or glued on the glass may stop 99.9% of the microwave radiation, but at 1000 Watt, 0.1% means 1000 mW, which is what i measure right now next to it when working.

So i searched. Guess what. There are no such things as full metal door microwaves. In fact, you may want to read this. Thinking to tape a piece of aluminum foil on the door and then measure but i'm out of it because of building all the tin hats (which in the end could actually help your brain especially when talking on the phone) adding a piece on the wall, grounded, to cover the 6 smart meters on the other side (no blue tooth works inside without that) and using in it for normal purposes in the oven. There are shielding devices on Amazon but are expensive, some in the hundreds.

6:00 In a video like this one you may hear real people talking real English (the pilots, the investigators), unlike the foreign voice actors that repeat phonetically what they hear on micro ear sets or read on prompters at news and in movies.

As for the reason for the link, i can't believe the engineers who designed the plane did not test the components that are supposed to work at low temperatures in real conditions. It sounds like cutting corners during design which lead to two crashes and one more near crash and ten years of fear mostly for pilots flying those planes and for the investigators to figure it out, who probably covered for Boeing (in the end it cost Boeing hundreds of millions to replace those valves on all B737 around the world).

11:00 EI nu lasă nimic din ce postez fără răspuns. Una din multele. Încă una aici. Pentru aia cu B737 sunt mai multe răspunsuri diferite.

1:00 Poftim cultură (Kind reminder, semne bune anul are. Sexul e temelie). Un bărbos pare că vrea să îl elimine din poză pe altul, cu barbă mai mică. Un buda tuns ca un călugăr creștin care nu mai vrea să audă de nimic (da, și eu m-am cam săturat să postez degeaba), și o tipă dementă care amenință cu o sticlă (violență, alcool).

2:30 Ca noroc. Astăzi a avut loc ședința de constituire a CSM (nu, nu e Clubul Sportiv Muncitoresc), validată recent de Parlament. Se întâmplă o dată la șase ani iar mandatul vechiului Consiliu se pare că expira pe 5. Singura chestie e că majoritatea românilor nu știu ce e CSM și cu ce se ocupă.

Prilejul perfect oportun de multă gargară pentru de altfel tăcutul ales al dvs., pe cuvinte cheie. Imixtiune (cu bătaie la postarea mea despre neaplicarea de către Comisie a legilor, tratatelor UE, adică ce, mă bag în treburile LOR, ale UE), Consiliu, consolidat, radiografie, politicienii onești (o specie dispărută, care nu există în România și în nici o țară de care știu eu), ministeriabili mizerabili care nici unul nu e justițiabil, vechea și interminabilă temă a organizării sistemului judiciar, cântată în media de ani de zile cu titlul "Legile justiției" și în ultimul rând, meritul d-lui în ridicarea MCV en lieu de deschiderea granițelor, conform Tratatului UE (consolidat whatever) semnat de România în 2007.

8:37 Încă un argument în demonstrația că România este în Schengen. În protocolul 19, parte integrantă din Tratat se arată poziția specială a Irlandei și a Regatului Unit, care nu au fost membre Schengen înainte de 1999, care au dorit să rămână în afară cu unele prevederi (adică ei puteau călători în UE, alții invers nu) precum și alte prevederi specifice unor țări. Nu se precizează nimic despre România (Bulgaria și Croația) care sunt pe poziție de egalitate cu toate țările din lista din Articolul 1.

Faptul că în urma acestui Tratat semnat la Amsterdam în 1997 cu aplicare din 1999 toate țările din UE sunt și în Schengen se mai vede și prin interdicția britanicilor de a mai călători fără viză în spațiul Schengen și invers, în urma ieșirii din Uniunea Europeană. Înainte de 1999 Schengen era un tratat separat de liberă circulație din care Marea Britanie făcea parte.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Catch Can III

PCV line is a pipe with a valve that allows blowby gas from a combustion engine to go in the intake manifold and be burnt in the engine instead of letting it in the air as before PCV was invented.

Blowby gas is formed by air, exhaust, unburnt fuel, oil vapor and water vapor. Intention is to burn it in the engine by injecting it in the intake manifold instead of letting in the air and stink.

However, some of it and especially the oil vapor part being directed by PCV in the intake in certain conditions condensates in the intake manifold, and end up on valves and/or even on spark plugs.

Some of the newer cars with transversal engines have the intake manifold installed in front of the engine, right after the radiator and under engine's top level. In these air cools the intake (before the engine and radiator gets hot) more like for the intakes installed the other way around or "after" or "behind" the engine from the point of few of direction of air flowing under the hood.

Because these intakes are colder oil condensates in these more than inside the older types installed "behind" the engine.

Catch cans are empty cans with two connectors that allow some of the liquid fractions of the blowby gas to condensates in there before it reaches the intake. But there is a whole science behind those too and i (and many others) where not aware of.

Since catch cans get hot pretty quickly (depending on where the're installed) and are small in volume compared to the intake, they won't allow condensation of all the oil (oil is the most important cause it does not evaporate once it's in the intake or pools at the very bottom of it).

So what else allows condensation besides lower temperature? A drop on pressure does the same trick. (exactly like for the weather). So you have to add an element in the catch can which will drop a bit the pressure of the gas forcing the oil to condensates. (Like mountains in the direction of air flow, which allow clouds formations after air passing them).

Then you have to take care of the condensated oil and make sure it won't "shortcut" through the other connector by sticking something like a piece of metal between those.

The cheap can (25 bucks) i installed does not have such element. Or it has an empty one with holes at one end which are not enough. But i figured i might be able to fill that empty element with wires or washers (some use a kitchen metal sponge) to allow some increased resistance and create a pressure drop. But it's tricky cause pressure drop always restricts the flow.

So i went to Lowes and bought some braided picture hanging wire but also some small washers i will try to fill the empty separator in my cheap can. (A whole scene in there, with a giant cashier, maybe 8' tall and a Japanese woman half his height with red makeup on her face. He even said to her: Your nose is in my butt, could had been an allusion cause there was a very relaxing song earlier at the speakers and i was very... relaxed. It was done with my involuntary participation but the song was put by them. So she appeared red in her face next to the giant, magically, and he said that at that very moment).

Most advanced catch cans on the market are by far made by Mishimoto. Until last year they used a 50 microns sintered bronze element which to my opinion poses to much flow resistance. Still selling it for 100 bucks on Amazon, it had been copied by others already and it is available for under 20 (don't know about the quality though).

That was probably their opinion too cause last year they came with a new design, (what a coincidence, when i started to play around with those) and they call it "high flow catch can" but they won't say what material the separator or flow resistive element is made of. Some sort of oil resistant plastic (nobody other then them would dare to use plastic cause there is the danger of breaking and flowing... into the engine). Probably a protection from being copied again. That one is over 200 bucks.

A description of the older type here:

I suddenly figured out that the piece of sheet metal i put in the catch can does not allow expansion of the gas though condensation, lowering  the volume by 1/3. I think it worked better without. I installed picture hanging breaded wire inside the expansion element and now it's ready to go. But it's too late, i will install it on car tomorrow. I put back the original PCV line.

But it is the first time today i realized it's not so simple. The catch can i have has too stages expanding element i now filled with packed wire. Just trying.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Re-edited 08-29-14. (It was really hard after almost three years of blogging because there are too many problems with this post, especially too many ideas packed in it, but did not want to completely rewrite it, so i did my best trying to patch it according to my current level of "publishing experience").

I was thinking. I cannot afford the luxury of a bilingual blog and since i read the Romanian online press, i will always be tempted to write postings in Romanian because some subjects to me sound better that way. I don't know, i didn't see bilingual blogs yet, i don't know what is going to come out, we will see. :)

And while editing this posting, i remembered the unforgotten words from the unforgotten dr John's song, Such A Night: If i don't do it somebody else will.

I read today in the Romanian press about the emanation of the methane somewhere in the Ocean of Siberia... . I remembered one of my favorite thinking subjects... And i tried to put together here some ideas about the subject before i say anything...

Within the article a comparison that doesn't say much, "is comparable to the amount coming out of the entire world’s oceans." A subliminal metaphor. Let's put this aside. We don't know the amount. We don't understand from the article other that there are other sources to blame for the hypothetical green house effect, others then cows belching methane. Let's put this aside too.

I found a while ago a strange idea on the web, as an important cause of the fall of the roman empire being lead poisoning from the plumbing. I didn't know the Romans had running water. With lead pipes. Wondering from where, who thought them, where they assimilated the idea from. But this is another subject as well. The important thing here is they had it. According to this

But even us, the Romanians, had it. During Romans, they were Thermae in Romania. In modern times, the "soviet" style buildings that are still the norm and for about half of them, the quality norm.

But the pipes under the kitchen sinks for all of them were made of lead.

I looked in Wikipedia in the article about lead poisoning and saw that they don't know the lower level for lead intoxication in humans. Any level is considered toxic. They just don't know. The big scare with lead. But i've been asking for and nobody in any doctor's office doesn't have a test available. Although there are tests for detecting the presence of lead in old paint. (But i tried and it reacts with any paint, probably they need to sell the new paints.) Let's not forget the dental fillings which in Romanian are called plombe. Made of an amalgam of lead... (Alloy of lead and mercury :mrgreen:).

But let us jump from the ancient history to the recent one. Everybody in Romania knows about that strange, mysterious and esoteric statement, streamed from the wind of freedom and change by The Last One On The List, and the apparition, "with your permission" of the emanated ones from the revolution, the bulk of The List. La crème de la crème, the emanated, word that suggests something unstoppable and unfailable in the same time. The Emanated Ones.

Cause what is an emanation, but something unstoppable. And i kept this word in my memory, like a hidden treasure within my soul, like a key that can unlock the chains that freedom has been kept in.

But later i discovered the word subliminal. And the manipulation of ideas. And the false, the imaginary and the fabricated news. Unverifiable. Sensational and forgettable. That always warn us of something terrible that's about to happen.

Even more tragic. Events being created for the only purpose of generating news.

Things so embarrassing that you would wish to make time stop or to hide somewhere where they cannot reach you.

Cause what is an emanation but something unstoppable. The speech of someone that makes you wish you to close your ears if you could. And you cannot and only strain yourself. A faucet of a Roman bath like the one above that probably was leaking because they didn't have the today's standards and machining capabilities. The emanation from near the column of pipes in a communist style condo in Romania. The car alarms. The formaldehyde from the walls and floors. The smell of the dumpster. The neighbor's yelling and door slamming. DOWNSTAIRS BATHROOM FAN. Anything that is annoying and unstoppable, sounds, smells. Unverifiable and Exagerated news. Do these unstoppable flows are really toxic per se? Maybe. But anybody knows how annoying is a faucet that leaks in the night and cannot be stopped. And the picture above suggests permanent leaks. It's The Emanations.

All these have psycho physiological effects not by their direct toxicity but by the straining of the mind to the point of really affecting the physiology. Most likely by blocking the intestinal transit, especially gases, with all the effects on short and long term like shortening and acceleration of breath, anxiety, hyperventilation. Bile blockage. Raise of histamine. On long term, pancreatitis, fatty liver disease (by blocking of the bile), high blood pressure. All generated by the increase of the abdominal pressure due to unconscious, involuntary, temporary and intermittent transit blockage or holding.

These are the real toxic effects of the annoying emanations. And like any toxins, they can create addictions, especially if they are unconscious. Any toxic action on the human body create endorphins in the brain for protection on the short term. And your body can get used to them and not avoid them anymore.

Could "annoying emanations" be the missing link between the words tension, pressure, stress and depression?

And let's go back to the news. If the mentioned pseudo news from the information channels occur at a calculated pace you don't have time to react, to digest them before a new one comes and take their place. The addiction to news. The thirst for the light from the TV and the computer monitor.

I was thinking. The only difference between me at 50 and the one 30 years ago is the number of addictions and conditionings.

Let us all hold our breaths until the methane emanations of the Ocean Of Siberia stop. Or until the Gemini meteor shower passes. Or until all the 012 combinations of these year's dates will pass.

May the Force Be With You... [saying smiley]