Tuesday, May 10, 2022

8:00 În aceeași excursie cu trenul în circuit dinainte de facultate. La Sulina era să mă înec. La Mamaia am cunoscut-o pe Anca Parghel aka Sade, deși o știam vag din Câmpulung, am văzut-o odată în clasa VI-a într-o tabără pentru câteva secunde, care poza într-o arăboaică într-o rochie albă cu mulți bani și mult chef de...,  Pe Kirculeacu la București, care a pozat într-o rudă îndepărtată din Bucovina de Nord. Pe tipa asta cred că am cunoscut-o la Timișoara unde probabil am mers cu ea și alte tipe și tipi la ștrandul termal. După ce cu o seară înainte am băut o sticlă de palincă și am mâncat o salată de vinete, singur.

Cred că unul din cei doi vecini și colegi de școală care practic m-au luat cu ei a devenit Gheorghe Flutur.

11:11 There is no doubt at least in my mind that the Mayan (south American ancient nation) calendar issue with the end of the world in 2012 which actually was the end of one cycle in the calendar was an (created) illusion.

However, it is just a coincidence with the Sanskrit word mAyA (Harvard or ASCII transl.) which means illusion and the whole religion with mother of Buddha of Sakya and everything. (2012 was also the year when Maia Sandu entered politics as Minister of Education). My first mention of it i can find on fb is in 2014 but is possible i knew and/or wrote about earlier on g+.

In my quest towards explaining a number of phenomena including substituting over centuries of all politicians, billionaires, media people and generally everybody who counts in this world in all countries with actors from two different countries, Hungary with capital Budapest and Zen Buddhist Japan, i was following an idea tonight and i could not believe my eyes seeing what i found. At least in Wikipedia, Mahayana Buddhism, one of the two main branches of Buddhism in the world, with hundreds of millions of practitioners, which puts and emphasis on प्राज्ञ पारमिता हृदय सूत्र prAjJA pAramitA hRdaya sUtra, or the great mantra (prayer) of Buddhism, states.

It is stated very clearly in the mantra that Nirvana, with its many definitions, translations or interpretations, sometimes coincident with enlightenment itself, of which we should consider the literal definition which means "blowing out", is the ultimate goal.

From here to the next idea that haunts me for a long time now. If they believe that everything is illusion (which philosophically may be true, by quantum physics, though it's much more complicated, even the mantra says that matter does not exist without consciousness or at least this is what i understand of it), they might have taken matters in hand, trying to control it or even enhance it (the illusion) by their own consciousness of will. Project a man made illusion onto us, if you like.

It is my fault i never finished my own translation of the mantra which would probably shed a light in all this confusion but it's very difficult because every time after a few words and searches mind gets carried away.

All i can tell until then is... Enjoy the show! (while you still can).

Monday, May 9, 2022

May 9th

11:00 Zakharova

May 8th

12:36 I'm wasted. Been all day. I would cover one hole, another one would pop up. I just went outside and stepped on two that are very close to the "wall" but did not put borax in those. I also believe i put borax in one of those earlier anyways. There is an SUV idling by the mailboxes. We ran late afternoon at Ilani.

Cannot describe what i saw in there. They did everything they could tonight. Saw at least one person from the news, in the parking lot.

Could have been more inside, but i got drunk in the car before i went in there. Angela lost some of her yesterday's gain.

But on our way back home. I was on the left lane just before the bridge after i passed one truck that was in the middle lane then i tried to move myself in the middle lane in front of it because it's safer on the three lane bridge with one ft shoulder.

I saw a faint shadow in the right mirror and i hesitated and that was my luck. There was this crazy hiding behind me, could have been a white Toyota Solara possibly with no headlights on that went in front of the truck where i wanted to go passing me on the right. Then he went zigzagging among other cars and took the first exit.

Going down just before 84 exit. A Radio Cab and one car in front that both took the exit slowed down, the driver having the foot on the brakes on the slope anyways and taillights didn't show a difference. Had to slow from 65 to 45 downhill on the wet asphalt. Could have changed lanes, if i couldn't slow. More just before Terwilliger curves, some guy passed me on the right touching the line, etc..

Yesterday going to Spirit Mt.. There was this huge tan SUV in front of me. Before McMinville (yes, the UFO city) a guy coming from 223 merged on 99 and then went straight into my lane coming from the opposite direction. It wasn't that he missed last part of the curve. He cleared the curve and then veered into my lane. The huge SUV veered right, but still in the lane and avoided it and i did the same and i still had room in the lane and then ample shoulder to maneuver but he went back into his lane. But now that i think. He could not have fallen asleep in that point after merging if he made that curve. Not right away after a rather complicated maneuver. 

Saturday, May 7, 2022

May 7th

12:27 An old never finished project. Timeline of history defining moments. I remembered i had an entry about the origin of freemasons. -2900 it says, by masonic sources. Fu Hsi, Fuxi in other transliterations. Wikipedia begs to differ. Other sources say twin sibling snakes Fuxi and Nuwa recreated the world after the flood with a square and a compass. Either way, the square and the compass are held by the twin snakes in most representations and there is little doubt that masons are not of Asians (Ancient Chinese) origin.

Snakes (nagas) are also mentioned in Mahabharata that basically described the Kurukshetra war. Very interesting depiction in Wikipedia of Takshaka, the king of snakes that possibly started the war. But wait, it gets more interesting.

9:45 Maitreya, Maitrey and Mátrai. Thinking of mAyA and trai.

1:40 Every time i try and open the news, somebody is making noises at certain news, like a modified exhaust, waking upstairs, etc..

Friday, May 6, 2022

May 6

6:07/4:07 Mai aveți țevi de plumb sub chiuvetă? Îmi amintesc că în România bucata de țeavă dintre coloana care era din oțel și robinet era din plumb, mai ales pentru flexibilitate în timpul instalării.

Romanii foloseau mult plumbul în instalații, (chiar și pentru vase de gătit), ceea ce a dat în engleză cuvântul plumbing, care înseamnă tot ce e instalație pentru apă într-o locuință.

Există teorii care spun că Imperiul Roman a căzut din cauza toxicității instalațiilor din plumb. Însă americanii au renunțat de mult la plumb, un metal cu rezonanțe masonice (firul cu plumb folosit în construcții, a treia unealtă simbolică a masonilor speculativi, după echer și compas) din cauza toxicității. Deși a fost folosit decenii și ca aditiv, pentru a mări cifra octanică la benzină (azi e înlocuit de alcool etilic).

De asemenea cuvântul plombă, care vine din franceză are tot plumbul la origine. Inițial cariile se acopereau (umpleau) cu plumb, fiind mai apoi înlocuit cu amalgamat, ceea ce este controversabil.

8:18 For my own records. So far i only chocked (had dysphagia) with pieces of meat. Aggravated by rice that was dried and/or pasta al dente. But noise, other stimulants (stressors), are essential and were present always.

This morning, no exception, the man started to walk when i tried to eat some (way overcooked) lean pork like he did so many times before.

I almost choked but felt the urge to drink coffee which literally helped the piece of meat go down. I guess from all foods, even after chewing thoroughly, lean meat is not smooth, i mean it has a rather non-smooth (coarse) texture.  For some reason, came to mind this older idea of mine which seams a bit sci-fi but still entirely credible to me after all the years since i wrote it.

12:39 On Keywords. I'm so sick and tired of all this. Every time i post something they come to create confusing information, sometimes just by choosing or even creating events like this one.

Also, cannot separate my life from what i'm posting, while they have infinite resources. This morning i ordered a vacuum pump to remove moisture and air from inside the AC (yes, water boils at ambient temperature if enough vacuum is applied). Buying the pump is times cheaper than going to a shop and it is also a much better option because at the shop you don't know where that pump was been hooked before, if it's within specs, if the tech really knows what he's doing (applying vacuum deep enough for enough time). How does the moisture gets in the refrigerant pipes? That is a very good question. By molecular leaks at the valves, because PAG "oil" is so hygroscopic. Using it is as simple as hooking it up to one port.

Besides reducing efficiency and corrosion, the moisture and air creates living conditions for virulent mold inside the pipes. Every time i ride or drive that car i get sick again. Also because i have my parotid glands (salivary) full of petrolatum from the dental adhesive i used for years.

But yesterday. When we passed this "open air" mulch factory there was this mold smell (i really don't understand, why every time i pass do i get to breathe their fermentation results and my clothes should get contaminated with their molds?). Better said, wood alcohol created by mold smell. And a truck with modified exhaust provided the necessary vibration for a new strain of mold to get inside the circuit.

Yesterday afternoon i went to an ATM to deposit a check and withdraw 100 dollars. Next to me there was this Spanish speaking woman who cornered me, putting up a scene, talking aloud on speakerphone while i was navigating thru menus with my card inside the machine. I got to hear her conversation partner coughing.

Then, when i looked at the news and see in disbelief a news about a hotel in Havana that has just been renovated (construction) blown because of a gas leak? Another similar one in Madrid? Gas leak, plumbers?

Did i use the words speculative masons?

Many years ago when all these started i was frightened. Now i'm just frustrated because i know much of the stories, like the number of dead, aren't real. These are staged events. But the fear is real. Fear was real during the pandemic, so it is during the war. And fear wipes all judgement and hope and trust.

8:36 The illusion factory still going strong. Last night at Spirit Mt  they were featuring... At the bar, outside smoking, walking on the central alley her 51 years old still sexy body.

11:38 After mentioning the freemasons several times in the last days, tonight when the guy upstaris came, a weird smell got in here. Could be very find ground elemental sulfur and paper. Both masonic tools present in the chmaber of reflections. Then when the smell started to subside, he went out, which brought more smell and came back in, again. The smell is very strong next to stairs. The stairs are covered in a dust that leaves a black residue on a paper towel.