Tuesday, May 10, 2022

8:00 În aceeași excursie cu trenul în circuit dinainte de facultate. La Sulina era să mă înec. La Mamaia am cunoscut-o pe Anca Parghel aka Sade, deși o știam vag din Câmpulung, am văzut-o odată în clasa VI-a într-o tabără pentru câteva secunde, care poza într-o arăboaică într-o rochie albă cu mulți bani și mult chef de...,  Pe Kirculeacu la București, care a pozat într-o rudă îndepărtată din Bucovina de Nord. Pe tipa asta cred că am cunoscut-o la Timișoara unde probabil am mers cu ea și alte tipe și tipi la ștrandul termal. După ce cu o seară înainte am băut o sticlă de palincă și am mâncat o salată de vinete, singur.

Cred că unul din cei doi vecini și colegi de școală care practic m-au luat cu ei a devenit Gheorghe Flutur.

11:11 There is no doubt at least in my mind that the Mayan (south American ancient nation) calendar issue with the end of the world in 2012 which actually was the end of one cycle in the calendar was an (created) illusion.

However, it is just a coincidence with the Sanskrit word mAyA (Harvard or ASCII transl.) which means illusion and the whole religion with mother of Buddha of Sakya and everything. (2012 was also the year when Maia Sandu entered politics as Minister of Education). My first mention of it i can find on fb is in 2014 but is possible i knew and/or wrote about earlier on g+.

In my quest towards explaining a number of phenomena including substituting over centuries of all politicians, billionaires, media people and generally everybody who counts in this world in all countries with actors from two different countries, Hungary with capital Budapest and Zen Buddhist Japan, i was following an idea tonight and i could not believe my eyes seeing what i found. At least in Wikipedia, Mahayana Buddhism, one of the two main branches of Buddhism in the world, with hundreds of millions of practitioners, which puts and emphasis on प्राज्ञ पारमिता हृदय सूत्र prAjJA pAramitA hRdaya sUtra, or the great mantra (prayer) of Buddhism, states.

It is stated very clearly in the mantra that Nirvana, with its many definitions, translations or interpretations, sometimes coincident with enlightenment itself, of which we should consider the literal definition which means "blowing out", is the ultimate goal.

From here to the next idea that haunts me for a long time now. If they believe that everything is illusion (which philosophically may be true, by quantum physics, though it's much more complicated, even the mantra says that matter does not exist without consciousness or at least this is what i understand of it), they might have taken matters in hand, trying to control it or even enhance it (the illusion) by their own consciousness of will. Project a man made illusion onto us, if you like.

It is my fault i never finished my own translation of the mantra which would probably shed a light in all this confusion but it's very difficult because every time after a few words and searches mind gets carried away.

All i can tell until then is... Enjoy the show! (while you still can).

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