Friday, March 15, 2024

March 15

12:12 AM

12:40 And the subliminal reaction to my post. Somebody brought a beehive there just to create an (emotional) news to semantically cover my post.

12:43 More Shivlings in Budapest where actors are really a great deal. Is this woman having what i call an... Asian European attitude and looks? Of course, the Easter egg!

12:55 Contra candidați. This song was created in 2001 around the time Putin took power in Russia. The actress reminds of him. Yes he has been in power for 24 years. Note the Russian style.

2:03 Pe față, la persoana I-a plural. Eu știu ce proiecte au ei pentru România, sunt în desfășurare, milioane sunt plecați pentru totdeauna.

8:48 Medvedev nu e rus, e șarpe schimbător (shapeshifter, maga, naga, mongol, nungar, ninja).

Roadele diplomației băsesciene. EI centrează, EI dau cu capul.

Sovieticii an naționalizat tot ce era proprietate privată în Rusia în 1918. Rusia a câștigat în Ucraina din 2022.

10:05 Estimp...

11:57 Shiva (ling) illusions?

2:20 Came from the walk oh boy i got stories... First. In the mail. Got many letters in the past with names of old occupants. Of which one is Tony Bennet which i got today again. It's been at least 8 years since Tony Bennet or anybody else doesn't live at this address anymore. I believe the mail never learns when i put them back in the outbox.

A one gallon jug of milk with traces of milk in it rotting in the sun on top of a recycled bin, in wind's direction.

I met again in the park with the mysterious Russian guy and his wife. Actually i caught with them, i was walking really fast to erase from my mind and soul the images of open poop bags i saw earlier. I guess for doubling. Basically everything i said recently materialized today during my walk. And what i haven't yet. They were two brunet guys with moustaches. I will attempt to explain later. (BTW, if you click on one pic and enter slide show mode, make sure to read further after you close it). There is more after.

3:50 Can't finish right now. Just wanted to say that today i saw this guy together with this guy in the parking lot. Now i remember i saw this guy with a red cross on his t-shirt at Ilani with a big red cross and the inscription OFF DUTY.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

March 14

12:50 Diplomația coanei Europa. După ce (nu) a rezolvat problema cu Schengen-ul, Tomac s-a găsit să facă și el ceva pentru România. Oricine își poate da seama că nu este momentul.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

March 13

2:26 Mai ales că NATO habar nu avea.

2:32 I personally believe the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a hoax. There are no nuclear weapons, not the kind you can put in a missile anyways. They can be buried beneath the cities though in large concrete shells needed to build up the pressure that can be triggered locally, or remotely according to the theory that all governments are THEM.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

March 12

9:50 Poate ar fi momentul unei exproprieri sau naționalizări, dacă firma deține proprietăți în România, pentru a se termina pentru totdeauna subiectul? Guvernul, un OUG?

9:51 Una se termină, alta începe. Dacă Iohannis va face pentru NATO ce a făcut pentru România, conflictul (deja înghețat) din Ucraina se va termina repede din lipsă de activitate, ceea ce ar fi în sfârșit ceva pozitiv în CV-ul său.

Monday, March 11, 2024

March 11

3:20 AM Gigi Becali a început iar să fie zilnic în topul știrilor.

5:00 Despre cum funcționează adevarata manipulare, cu care vă țin în frâu de atâția ani de zile. La câteva minute după postarea mea cu Bill Cleanton a apărut "știrea" asta. O fantomă la Bran. Însă cine știe de când a fost fotografiată. Doar un mic exemplu, știrile sunt pline de astfel de intervenții, câte una la orice postez.

5:15 PM When i last posted this video, i forgot so say one thing. The obvious. They simulated the invasion of the Northern Ukraine too, but it was a just a hopeless convoy of tanks that got surrounded and they retreated immediately. I think the effort, coordinated with "Ukrainian Army" that did not destroy them all, had one purpose only.

To created the illusion it is possible the war to be won by Ukraine (which can even happen in the end), so it can last "frozen" for years, time in which they might attract others in the conflict, to keep the whole of Europe preoccupated by it which they did. It has been one year and a half the front line did not changed substantially, like in the first month, except for Kharkov region occupation which lasted till November 2022.

Deja vu.

Time in which i guess both countries sent to die in the "war" the potential enemies of the system.