Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Ἢ τὰν ἢ ἐπὶ τᾶς
Deci ce spune la Wikipedia. Au apărut cam în anul 1000 î.Chr. În sudul Greciei, unul din cele 4 grupuri etnice dorice. Pe la 650 au devenit dominanţi în Grecia. O ipoteză e că au venit din Nord.
La naştere copilul era scăldat în vin. Unii nu rezistau. Era o primă formă de selecţie. La vărsta de 7 ani copilul era luat de la mamă şi dus într-o tabără militară. Li se dădea intenţionat hrană puţină, erau forţaţi să fure. Nu erau pedepsiţi pentru că furau dar dacă erau prinşi pentru că au fost prinşi. Erau învăţaţi să citească. La 12 ani băieţii trebuiau să-şi aleagă un partener dintre spartanii adulţi care îi iniţia şi le transmitea cunoştinţele. Se forma o relaţie strânsă care ajuta în bătălii.
Ceea ce istoricii numesc pederastie instituţionalizată.
La 18 ani deveneau parte din armată. Începându de la 20 ani intrau în grupuri de 15, de diferite vărste şi se întâlneau în fiecare seară pentru cină.
La 30 ani se căsătoreau şi la 60 ieşeau la pensie. La căsătorie femeia era rasă în cap şi era prezentată mirelui pe întunerec. [Probabil că erau şocaţi când se uneau cu femei pentru prima dată].
Despre fete se cunoaşte mai puţin dar se presupune că primeau o educaţie similară. Femeile se bucurau de cel mai inalt status comparat cu restul lumii din acea vreme. 35% din proprietăţi erau deţinute de femei.
Viaţa spartanilor era atât de austeră încât perioadele de război erau privite ca perioade de relaxare.
Am vrut să scriu un întreg eseu dar nu am timp. Poate totuşi să stârnesc curiozitatea.
Dar citind acestea în Wikipedia mă întreb dacă nu are legătură cu ce scriu unele site-uri de teoria conspiraţiei despre pedofilia instituţionalizată la nivel înalt din zilele noastre.
Că doar ştim sau avem bănuiei că mulţi s-au inspirat din antichitate când au vrut să reconstruiască lumea.
Sper să pot dezvolta subiectul zilele următoare.
Interesant e cum au evoluat tacticile militare şi acest tip de societate până s-a ajuns la rafinamentul unui phalanx. Şi cât de brainwashed trebuia să fie cineva să păşească în rândul I în aliniere perfectă, fără să-i slăbească pasul, adrenalină pură, rezultatul unui sistem de spălare pe creier de o o viaţă întreagă, o eliberare după o viaţă întreagă de antrenament, căci de răsplată individuală nu poate fi vorba, ei trăiau mai departe ca soldaţi. Şi-au numărat morţii după fiecare bătălie şi s-au găndit, e mai bine să punem sau să luăm unul din primul rând, să ţinem scutul mai sus, mai jos, mai mare, mai mic, mai greu, etc.
Nu pot să nu-mi amintesc aici de bătălia de la Watling Street când armata romană care a beneficiat de toate aceste experimente, mult mai puţin numeroasă au învins pe răsculaţii britoni, cu pierderi de 400 romani şi 80000 britoni. Romanii stăteau scut lângă scut şi îi împungeau pe britoni cu suliţele iar aceştia venau la măcel împinşi de cei din urmă. Dacă cădea un roman, era imediat tras şi înlocuit cu altul ca să se păstreze linia de scuturi. Dar şi romanii ştiau ce-i aşteaptă dacă pierd... Decimarea... Sau dacă câştigă... Roma... Circul... Orgiile...
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Need Some Of That Vagueness Now
Una din primele bucurii de după decembrie 89. Presa liberă din România. Chiar îmi amintesc unul din primele articole citite, cineva ne-a învăţat cum să apreciem calitatea unei ştiri. Ce trebuie să conţină obligatoriu primul paragraf dintr-o ştire. Ce, unde, când şi cum.
Dar n-a fost să fie. Încet încet au dispărut aceste indicatoare ale calităţii. Cu greu mai găseşti despre ce e vorba în articol. Titlurile sunt derutante, şi de multe ori chiar nu au legătură cu primul paragraf. Locul dacă se poate cât mai vag. Un dimineaţa, seara, seara târziu, mai vezi la când. Iar despre cum, asta e treaba imaginaţiei noastre, ni se dau mici indicaţii, căci trebuie să ne umplem şi noi timpul cu ceva, comparând informaţia de pe diferite canale, aşteptând update-uri care nu mai vin căci sunt înlocuite cu alte senzaţii. Căci asta au ajuns ştirile, divertisment. Divertisment de la realitate, bineînţeles.
Regula de aur: Never follow up! Niciodată nu mai ştim peste o săptămână când şi cum s-a dovedit cutare ştire falsă sau neimportantă.
De aceea cred că legislatorii ar trebui să se gândească serios să creeze o agenţie de stat, ca alternativă la cele private de ştiri, unde să se hotărască, prin lege, pe anumite criterii ce e ştire şi ce nu e şi să le publice în paralel cu agenţiile private... Nu ar fi mare problemă dacă ar da mai mult sau mai puţin, căci toate informaţiile ne aparţin fiindcă suntem liberi...
Dar aşa să fim la îndemână agenţiilor private şi să nu avem nici o şansă decât să înghiţim marea de reclame declarate sau nu, cum se spune să căutăm veşnic linguriţa cu miere în... e pur şi simplu monstruos.
Dar n-a fost să fie. Încet încet au dispărut aceste indicatoare ale calităţii. Cu greu mai găseşti despre ce e vorba în articol. Titlurile sunt derutante, şi de multe ori chiar nu au legătură cu primul paragraf. Locul dacă se poate cât mai vag. Un dimineaţa, seara, seara târziu, mai vezi la când. Iar despre cum, asta e treaba imaginaţiei noastre, ni se dau mici indicaţii, căci trebuie să ne umplem şi noi timpul cu ceva, comparând informaţia de pe diferite canale, aşteptând update-uri care nu mai vin căci sunt înlocuite cu alte senzaţii. Căci asta au ajuns ştirile, divertisment. Divertisment de la realitate, bineînţeles.
Regula de aur: Never follow up! Niciodată nu mai ştim peste o săptămână când şi cum s-a dovedit cutare ştire falsă sau neimportantă.
De aceea cred că legislatorii ar trebui să se gândească serios să creeze o agenţie de stat, ca alternativă la cele private de ştiri, unde să se hotărască, prin lege, pe anumite criterii ce e ştire şi ce nu e şi să le publice în paralel cu agenţiile private... Nu ar fi mare problemă dacă ar da mai mult sau mai puţin, căci toate informaţiile ne aparţin fiindcă suntem liberi...
Dar aşa să fim la îndemână agenţiilor private şi să nu avem nici o şansă decât să înghiţim marea de reclame declarate sau nu, cum se spune să căutăm veşnic linguriţa cu miere în... e pur şi simplu monstruos.
Candle In The Wind
We survive in a world of uncertainty. The ones that live before us decided for our own protection that we should not know anything for sure. And they are those who look down to us while we try to figure what's wrong with them.
Here is a song to remind us who we are.
By Reginald Kenneth Dwight. Or is he?
Here is a song to remind us who we are.
By Reginald Kenneth Dwight. Or is he?
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
I planned this post for a long time, i even wrote it once as a paragraph in a different post that i deleted due to apparent synchronization with unrelated current events. But i will not shy off again just because of weird coincidences. And those passed from immediate and permanent public's attention for EVER like they always do due to the mere number of incoming unverifiable news.
Entraining is the synchronization of primarily one's breath with one's thought like in yoga or with outside body events like rhythmic sound although it can be applied to any rhythmic physiological activity like brain waves. It can occur in meditation, walking, dancing, work or any human activity that involve some repetition. I don't think the capability to be entrained is inherited but aquired sometime early in life, consciously or not. Maybe some are experimenting with primates, and could tell as more, as it was dr Mauser at Harvard, who was experimenting with primate body language before he was kicked out of the university probably for ethical and legal reasons.
When using sound it can be done remotely when a person is unaware or ignoring the sound, especially during more elaborate activities that require concentration.
It can be done through music, TV, due to real time processing capabilities of today's portable supercomputers, and other means more costly like mowers motors, cars etc.
It can lead to hyperventilation and its toxic effects on the brain, if the breath is accelerated, or the opposite, lowering the oxygen level until obtaining different effects, including trance, suggestibility, arrhythmia etc.
I would not be totally surprised if in the past there were songs, poems or even books especially designed in laboratories first to entrain, to bring the subject in a certain state of suggestibility, and then to burn a message in their brain like in a sort of "punch line". But these are things of the past, today it can be done in real time even with feed-back provided by an array of passive sensors.
But lately it came to my attention the fact that the brain waves of two people that have lived a while together or in proximity could be partially entrained... But this is a subject i'm still thinking on...
In my own opinion an through personal experiences, i think entraining, in the hands of some people can become a tool of manipulation.
One car's engine, 1 mile away can do a lot to a person with nobody noticing, that can go from inducing a certain state of mind all the way to making sick or, depending on "subject's" health, even worse.
There's no question if it should be banned provided the lawmakers acknowledge its existence and usage first and provide legal means to the law enforcement agencies to detect it.
Entraining is the synchronization of primarily one's breath with one's thought like in yoga or with outside body events like rhythmic sound although it can be applied to any rhythmic physiological activity like brain waves. It can occur in meditation, walking, dancing, work or any human activity that involve some repetition. I don't think the capability to be entrained is inherited but aquired sometime early in life, consciously or not. Maybe some are experimenting with primates, and could tell as more, as it was dr Mauser at Harvard, who was experimenting with primate body language before he was kicked out of the university probably for ethical and legal reasons.
When using sound it can be done remotely when a person is unaware or ignoring the sound, especially during more elaborate activities that require concentration.
It can be done through music, TV, due to real time processing capabilities of today's portable supercomputers, and other means more costly like mowers motors, cars etc.
It can lead to hyperventilation and its toxic effects on the brain, if the breath is accelerated, or the opposite, lowering the oxygen level until obtaining different effects, including trance, suggestibility, arrhythmia etc.
I would not be totally surprised if in the past there were songs, poems or even books especially designed in laboratories first to entrain, to bring the subject in a certain state of suggestibility, and then to burn a message in their brain like in a sort of "punch line". But these are things of the past, today it can be done in real time even with feed-back provided by an array of passive sensors.
But lately it came to my attention the fact that the brain waves of two people that have lived a while together or in proximity could be partially entrained... But this is a subject i'm still thinking on...
In my own opinion an through personal experiences, i think entraining, in the hands of some people can become a tool of manipulation.
One car's engine, 1 mile away can do a lot to a person with nobody noticing, that can go from inducing a certain state of mind all the way to making sick or, depending on "subject's" health, even worse.
There's no question if it should be banned provided the lawmakers acknowledge its existence and usage first and provide legal means to the law enforcement agencies to detect it.
Good Advice
An old man turned ninety-eight
He won the lottery and died the next day
It's a black fly in your Chardonnay
It's a death row pardon two minutes too late
And isn't it ironic... don't you think
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures
Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly
He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down he thought
"Well isn't this nice..."
And isn't it ironic... don't you think
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures
Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out when
You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up
In your face
A traffic jam when you're already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic...don't you think
A little too ironic...and, yeah, I really do think...
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures
Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out
Helping you out
He won the lottery and died the next day
It's a black fly in your Chardonnay
It's a death row pardon two minutes too late
And isn't it ironic... don't you think
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures
Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly
He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down he thought
"Well isn't this nice..."
And isn't it ironic... don't you think
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures
Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out when
You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up
In your face
A traffic jam when you're already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic...don't you think
A little too ironic...and, yeah, I really do think...
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures
Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out
Helping you out
A song that brings nostalgia to me for times filled with hope... 95...
But the reason i put in here is other than hope...
There is a category of people that punish you by giving you a good advice in a moment when you hate them and they are sure you are not going to take it. Or you simply cannot understand it because of timming, language or cultural differences. Or even not meant for your expected level of understanding.
It's also a form of social dualism, because this is a win-win situation, for them. If you run away from their advice because you simply hate everything coming from that direction in that moment, you take your deserved punishment for hate. If you take the advice or even you figure it yourself, then you owe them. But since there's always a flow, a covering emanation of good advice, you can never claim you ever took a good decision or generally you are of or do any good.
Why do you hate them? Because they harass you until you do. But this is usually a different story.
It's also a form of social dualism, because this is a win-win situation, for them. If you run away from their advice because you simply hate everything coming from that direction in that moment, you take your deserved punishment for hate. If you take the advice or even you figure it yourself, then you owe them. But since there's always a flow, a covering emanation of good advice, you can never claim you ever took a good decision or generally you are of or do any good.
Why do you hate them? Because they harass you until you do. But this is usually a different story.
It's calculated and pathetic in the same time which is a contradiction of terms that almost allways hide a deeper contradiction from my experience. Still have to think about for a while.
But my first impression about this whole thing is ... surreal...
But my first impression about this whole thing is ... surreal...
Sunday, December 18, 2011
We Make The Hipsters Fall In Love
Mi s-a părut mie sau ieri noapte printre gene obosite am văzut-o pe Kesha într-o poză cu o floare ceva la Saturdady Night Live. Nu ştiu am impresia că nu e de bine, cine ajunge pe acolo la negative...
Adevărul e că de mult îmi sună în cap versul de mai sus împreună cu altele din songul ei, printre care şi memorabilul If you're one of us then roll with us, dar mai bine să păstez aici cântecul pentru prieteni să vadă şi ei ce au mai auzit... Sper să nu mă pape mama lu copyright...
Adevărul e că de mult îmi sună în cap versul de mai sus împreună cu altele din songul ei, printre care şi memorabilul If you're one of us then roll with us, dar mai bine să păstez aici cântecul pentru prieteni să vadă şi ei ce au mai auzit... Sper să nu mă pape mama lu copyright...
Oops a plecat mouse-ul în altă direcţie şi am pus melodia, pentru a delecta încă o dată ascultătorii care pot să descopere acum şi lirica.
Deci ce ar vrea să zică domnişoara în versul preocupant Cause we make the hipsters fall in love...? Pluralul este ceea ce atrage atenţia cel mai mult. Dar de cine să se îniubiţească bulangiii? De asta nu mai putem fi siguri... Ce ştim sigur e că melodia asta pare magică...
Trebuie să deschid acest subiect fiindcă prea multe probleme sunt legate de maşina mea.
Am cumpărat acest 98 Chevy S10 cu motor de 2.2 litri 2WD, normal cab, în august 98 de la dealerul Russ Chevrolet în Tigard, Oregon. La aprox o săptămână după ce m-am răsturnat în aprilie la 1 km de plaja de la Tillamook cu un Ford Escort GT pe care îl conducea nevastă-mea. Fordul nu era foarte stricat, doar acoperişul era cu câţiva cm mai scund :D dar s-ar fi putut repara uşor. Dealerul a fost închis anul trecut, la vreo săptămână după ce am aflat de una din scurgerile de eşapament fiindcă a fost pe lista dealererilor pentru a fi închişi, în perioada când GM a intrat în faliment. A avut numărul WJQ-441 de la dealer.
Am alesc pick-up truck fiindcă atunci când am lucrat la Les Schwab am condus truck-uri dar de 8 cilindri şi îmi plăceau fiindcă eram deasupra tuturor pe stradă...
Primele trei luni mai august au fost în lease şi plăteam foarte puţin, vreo sută şi ceva dolari pe lună iar după aia l-am cumpărat cu o rată de sub 200 dolari pe lună. A costat în total cu tot cu dobânda vreo 15000. Când l-am terminat de plătit am cerut alt titlu de proprietate pe el în care să figurez fără GMAC de aceea titlul e din 2003.
Chiar la câteva zile după ce l-am luat mi-am dat seama de următorarele:
Trăgea puternic în dreapta.
Ambreiajul era atât de greu de apăsat încât nevastă-mea nu îl putea conduce.
Avea un zgomot ca un fâlfâit de aripi de vrăbiuţă, care din păcate foarte recent am aflat că era o scurgere de gaze de eşapement pe la o garnitură.
Avea o vibraţie la motor (din cauza unei bujii, clinidrii mergeau inegal, abia anul trecut am remediat problema când am schimbat bujiile şi din nou firele).
Era incomod de condus fiindcă are direcţia pe bare nu pe cremalieră şi o suspensie foarte rigidă, pentru cărat.
M-am întors cu el la dealer şi i-am spus de toate acestea aşa cum le înţelegeam pe atunci. Şeful service-ului, un tip mai în vârsta, unul Dan, a mers cu mine şi am condus şi i-am spus toate problemele dar a spus că nu aude nimic, că nu trage într-o parte, nu e nici o vibraţie şi totul e ok.
Truck-ul pe atunci făcea 23 mile pe galon, şi în oraş şi afară.
Subiectul e lung şi am să continui.
Am cumpărat acest 98 Chevy S10 cu motor de 2.2 litri 2WD, normal cab, în august 98 de la dealerul Russ Chevrolet în Tigard, Oregon. La aprox o săptămână după ce m-am răsturnat în aprilie la 1 km de plaja de la Tillamook cu un Ford Escort GT pe care îl conducea nevastă-mea. Fordul nu era foarte stricat, doar acoperişul era cu câţiva cm mai scund :D dar s-ar fi putut repara uşor. Dealerul a fost închis anul trecut, la vreo săptămână după ce am aflat de una din scurgerile de eşapament fiindcă a fost pe lista dealererilor pentru a fi închişi, în perioada când GM a intrat în faliment. A avut numărul WJQ-441 de la dealer.
Am alesc pick-up truck fiindcă atunci când am lucrat la Les Schwab am condus truck-uri dar de 8 cilindri şi îmi plăceau fiindcă eram deasupra tuturor pe stradă...
Primele trei luni mai august au fost în lease şi plăteam foarte puţin, vreo sută şi ceva dolari pe lună iar după aia l-am cumpărat cu o rată de sub 200 dolari pe lună. A costat în total cu tot cu dobânda vreo 15000. Când l-am terminat de plătit am cerut alt titlu de proprietate pe el în care să figurez fără GMAC de aceea titlul e din 2003.
Chiar la câteva zile după ce l-am luat mi-am dat seama de următorarele:
Trăgea puternic în dreapta.
Ambreiajul era atât de greu de apăsat încât nevastă-mea nu îl putea conduce.
Avea un zgomot ca un fâlfâit de aripi de vrăbiuţă, care din păcate foarte recent am aflat că era o scurgere de gaze de eşapement pe la o garnitură.
Avea o vibraţie la motor (din cauza unei bujii, clinidrii mergeau inegal, abia anul trecut am remediat problema când am schimbat bujiile şi din nou firele).
Era incomod de condus fiindcă are direcţia pe bare nu pe cremalieră şi o suspensie foarte rigidă, pentru cărat.
M-am întors cu el la dealer şi i-am spus de toate acestea aşa cum le înţelegeam pe atunci. Şeful service-ului, un tip mai în vârsta, unul Dan, a mers cu mine şi am condus şi i-am spus toate problemele dar a spus că nu aude nimic, că nu trage într-o parte, nu e nici o vibraţie şi totul e ok.
Truck-ul pe atunci făcea 23 mile pe galon, şi în oraş şi afară.
Subiectul e lung şi am să continui.
Universuri paralele
V-aţi întrebat vreodată de ce seamănă atât de mult vocea regretatei Anda Călugăreanu cu cea a lui Cindy Lauper? Ce ironic chiar cântă o melodie despre cei care imită pe alţii. Oare cine i-a compus-o?
Ok scuze melodia aia de la Cerbul de Aur a dispărut de pe youtube, dar am găsit alta, la fel de incitantă LOL nu merge intrigantă LOL nici aşa nu e bine nu ştiu în ce limbă să mă exprim. Poate pentru bucureşteni melodia asta are sens, pentru cei din provincie care mâncam portocale odată pe an nu prea.
Sau cea a Corinei Chiriac cu a lui Tenille din Captain and Tenille. Apropo, niciodată până la clipul ăsta nu mi-am dat seama ce mişto cântă şi arată Corina. Way to go darling, you move my soul!
13/03/2015 Nu, este exact invers. Melodia Angelei a fost cântată prima dată în 87 iar cea a lui Stevie în 95 Scuze Angela Similea.
04/08/2015 ok clipul acela cu Angela Similea la Mamaia high quality a dispărut de pe youtube, am pus altul acum, mai scurt.
Ok scuze melodia aia de la Cerbul de Aur a dispărut de pe youtube, dar am găsit alta, la fel de incitantă LOL nu merge intrigantă LOL nici aşa nu e bine nu ştiu în ce limbă să mă exprim. Poate pentru bucureşteni melodia asta are sens, pentru cei din provincie care mâncam portocale odată pe an nu prea.
Sau cea a Corinei Chiriac cu a lui Tenille din Captain and Tenille. Apropo, niciodată până la clipul ăsta nu mi-am dat seama ce mişto cântă şi arată Corina. Way to go darling, you move my soul!
Refrenul dn Voi cânta pentru mileniul 3 a Angelei Similea este plagiat clar după Stevie Wonder. De ce nu a spus nimeni nimic până acum? Am recitit versurile de la melodia Angelei şi am rămas blocat. Mă gândesc că a folosit refrenul acela pentru a atrage atenţia. Oare ce mesaj către viitor a vrut să dea, că nu înţeleg.
13/03/2015 Nu, este exact invers. Melodia Angelei a fost cântată prima dată în 87 iar cea a lui Stevie în 95 Scuze Angela Similea.
04/08/2015 ok clipul acela cu Angela Similea la Mamaia high quality a dispărut de pe youtube, am pus altul acum, mai scurt.
Ok iar flautul acela mi-a amintit de melodia aceasta care îmi aminteşte de cineva din România, nu ştiu de cine poate mă ajută cineva...
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Now Let's Get Down To What's Really Wrong
I can hear the merry gypsie' play
Mama mama look at Emma Rose
She's a-playin' with the radio
La, la, la, la...
And the caravan is pretty runaway
That mean' everybody's staying overnight
And the barefoot gypsy boy
Round the campfire sing' and play'
And a woman tells us of her ways.
La, la, la, la...
Turn up your radio in a little bit little bit little bit hear the song
Switch on your electric light
Now we can get down to what's really wrong
I long just to hold you in my arms so that I can feel you
Sweet lady of the night I shall reveal you
Turn it up, turn it up, little bit higher radio
Turn it up, that's enough, so you know it's got soul
La, la, la, la...
Turn up your ra-dio in a little bit little bit little bit hear the song
Switch on your electric light
Now we can get down to what's really wrong really wrong really wrong really wrong really wrong
I long just to hold you in my arms so that I can feel you
Sweet lady of the night I shall reveal you
Turn it up, turn it up, little bit higher radio
Turn it up, that's enough, so you know it's got soul
So you know, So you know it's got soul baby
So you know it's got ... yeah. Sah bi di bi da bah... So you know it's got soul yeah...
So you know it's got now a bit soul...
Turn it up now!
Do that one more time!
Do that one more time!
So you know! It's got enough...
Do that one more time!
Do that one more time!
Do that one more time!
Do that one more time!
La, la, la, la...
(And the caravan has all my friends
It will stay with me until the end
Gypsy Robin, Sweet Emma Rose
Tell me everything I need to know
La, la, la...)
Aprinde DragoStea tot de la RotOn
Portland's flag, didn't know it had one, really...
Hacked phone
Hacked internet
Hacked TV
Hacked Flickr
Hacked internet
Hacked TV
Hacked Flickr
This just happened when i tried to switch the obviously hacked yahoo account associated with flickr with another one. Although it said that, apparently it works. How?
Friday, December 16, 2011
Scorate's paradox
In late 95 Mr.Mladin, introduced me to his own version of Socrate's paradox. Probably with the purpose of limiting my natural innate curiosity, which by the way, is not negligible. He used the balloon metaphor form, "the knowledge is like a balloon, the more you put inside, blah blah, blah, it's gone crack, blah...") (BTW i can recognize a little emanation here, as defined previously)...
Today i found out about the official definition of Socrate's paradox...
I know that I know nothing
Little more than semantics with no real value but strong psychological effect wich in Romanian is know as "jocuri de cuvinte".
The reason i brought this up is for younger people that didn't hear about it yet and stumbled upon this blog, i really don't want others, not even my enemies, to get it the way i did, under pressure and for manipulation purposes. This thing deserves a little quality thinking...
And by the way, i think i understand now the reason they killed him, only a major jerk would go around playing with words and younger people's mind like that...
And nobody, ever, is going to die from getting too smart...!
Dumbing us down, that's what are trying to accomplish those who are promoting this paradox as a slogan, in the wrong way, in the wrong time and in the wrong place...
Today i found out about the official definition of Socrate's paradox...
I know that I know nothing
Little more than semantics with no real value but strong psychological effect wich in Romanian is know as "jocuri de cuvinte".
The reason i brought this up is for younger people that didn't hear about it yet and stumbled upon this blog, i really don't want others, not even my enemies, to get it the way i did, under pressure and for manipulation purposes. This thing deserves a little quality thinking...
And by the way, i think i understand now the reason they killed him, only a major jerk would go around playing with words and younger people's mind like that...
And nobody, ever, is going to die from getting too smart...!
Dumbing us down, that's what are trying to accomplish those who are promoting this paradox as a slogan, in the wrong way, in the wrong time and in the wrong place...
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Năstase e american cumva? :)
Nu ştiu am citit în presă de mult văd acu' actualizat Năstase avea o mătuşa Tamara, americancă? De mult am observat eu aşa o asemănare între Năstase şi candidatul Newt Gingrich.
Două poze, de la Wikipedia, puse faţă în faţă... Hm?
Două poze, de la Wikipedia, puse faţă în faţă... Hm?
Russia's Afghanistan
Counting 0, 1, 2,...
I was reading somewhere, maybe in, that during pre December period, they were in Romania tens of thousands of Russian tourists. All by 4 in a Lada (Жигули), according to the budget. That they must have been Soviet citizens that knew Romanian language and they were pulling the strings of the revolution...
I'm asking myself, how the Russian military where justifying the missing of those soldiers from bases and what were they telling to their families? Were they officially sent by any chance in a conflict area where nobody could have counted them?
And after that, applying the same rule, i'm asking myself, even before, in the seventies, while the Russians were supposedly in Afganistan, where a part of them really were? Could they have possibly have been in Romania, in Iaşi (pronounced Yashy) county, then bordered with USSR, county led back then by the Emanated One (Ion Iliescu), while i was in High School, preparing us all for the future?
Afghanistan, the country of no one. Where all the heroine comes from. Where you can wage a war with no one cause no one can report or confirm anything. While you are somewhere else.
Re-edited 04-21-2014.
I was reading somewhere, maybe in, that during pre December period, they were in Romania tens of thousands of Russian tourists. All by 4 in a Lada (Жигули), according to the budget. That they must have been Soviet citizens that knew Romanian language and they were pulling the strings of the revolution...
I'm asking myself, how the Russian military where justifying the missing of those soldiers from bases and what were they telling to their families? Were they officially sent by any chance in a conflict area where nobody could have counted them?
And after that, applying the same rule, i'm asking myself, even before, in the seventies, while the Russians were supposedly in Afganistan, where a part of them really were? Could they have possibly have been in Romania, in Iaşi (pronounced Yashy) county, then bordered with USSR, county led back then by the Emanated One (Ion Iliescu), while i was in High School, preparing us all for the future?
Afghanistan, the country of no one. Where all the heroine comes from. Where you can wage a war with no one cause no one can report or confirm anything. While you are somewhere else.
Re-edited 04-21-2014.
Afganistanul ruşilor
”Două la prefectură... Două la primărie...”
Citeam undeva, în că pe vremea imediat predecembristă erau la noi în ţară zeci de mii de turişti ruşi... Toţi câte patru într-o ladă, după buget... Că ar fi fost cetăţeni sovietici care cunoşteau limba română şi se învârteau prin România şi trăgeau sfori...
Stau şi mă întreb, oare cum justificau ruşii în socotelile lor lipsa soldaţilor respectivi din cazărmi şi lipsa contactului cu familiile lor? Erau trimişi cumva într-un conflict unde nimeni nu ştiau câţi sunt de fapt decât armata?
Şi după aceea, printr-o mică extensie de logică, stau şi mă întreb, oare când ruşii au fost în Afganistan, pe unde erau o parte din ei de fapt? Poate prin România, prin judeţul păstorit de domnul Emanat?
Citeam undeva, în că pe vremea imediat predecembristă erau la noi în ţară zeci de mii de turişti ruşi... Toţi câte patru într-o ladă, după buget... Că ar fi fost cetăţeni sovietici care cunoşteau limba română şi se învârteau prin România şi trăgeau sfori...
Stau şi mă întreb, oare cum justificau ruşii în socotelile lor lipsa soldaţilor respectivi din cazărmi şi lipsa contactului cu familiile lor? Erau trimişi cumva într-un conflict unde nimeni nu ştiau câţi sunt de fapt decât armata?
Şi după aceea, printr-o mică extensie de logică, stau şi mă întreb, oare când ruşii au fost în Afganistan, pe unde erau o parte din ei de fapt? Poate prin România, prin judeţul păstorit de domnul Emanat?
Re-edited 08-29-14. (It was really hard after almost three years of blogging because there are too many problems with this post, especially too many ideas packed in it, but did not want to completely rewrite it, so i did my best trying to patch it according to my current level of "publishing experience").
I was thinking. I cannot afford the luxury of a bilingual blog and since i read the Romanian online press, i will always be tempted to write postings in Romanian because some subjects to me sound better that way. I don't know, i didn't see bilingual blogs yet, i don't know what is going to come out, we will see. :)
I was thinking. I cannot afford the luxury of a bilingual blog and since i read the Romanian online press, i will always be tempted to write postings in Romanian because some subjects to me sound better that way. I don't know, i didn't see bilingual blogs yet, i don't know what is going to come out, we will see. :)
And while editing this posting, i remembered the unforgotten words from the unforgotten dr John's song, Such A Night: If i don't do it somebody else will.
I read today in the Romanian press about the emanation of the methane somewhere in the Ocean of Siberia... . I remembered one of my favorite thinking subjects... And i tried to put together here some ideas about the subject before i say anything...
I even searched for the article in other sources than and indeed i found it in several places, one of them being .
Within the article a comparison that doesn't say much, "is comparable to the amount coming out of the entire world’s oceans." A subliminal metaphor. Let's put this aside. We don't know the amount. We don't understand from the article other that there are other sources to blame for the hypothetical green house effect, others then cows belching methane. Let's put this aside too.
I found a while ago a strange idea on the web, as an important cause of the fall of the roman empire being lead poisoning from the plumbing. I didn't know the Romans had running water. With lead pipes. Wondering from where, who thought them, where they assimilated the idea from. But this is another subject as well. The important thing here is they had it. According to this
But even us, the Romanians, had it. During Romans, they were Thermae in Romania. In modern times, the "soviet" style buildings that are still the norm and for about half of them, the quality norm.
But the pipes under the kitchen sinks for all of them were made of lead.
I looked in Wikipedia in the article about lead poisoning and saw that they don't know the lower level for lead intoxication in humans. Any level is considered toxic. They just don't know. The big scare with lead. But i've been asking for and nobody in any doctor's office doesn't have a test available. Although there are tests for detecting the presence of lead in old paint. (But i tried and it reacts with any paint, probably they need to sell the new paints.) Let's not forget the dental fillings which in Romanian are called plombe. Made of an amalgam of lead... (Alloy of lead and mercury :mrgreen:).
But let us jump from the ancient history to the recent one. Everybody in Romania knows about that strange, mysterious and esoteric statement, streamed from the wind of freedom and change by The Last One On The List, and the apparition, "with your permission" of the emanated ones from the revolution, the bulk of The List. La crème de la crème, the emanated, word that suggests something unstoppable and unfailable in the same time. The Emanated Ones.
Cause what is an emanation, but something unstoppable. And i kept this word in my memory, like a hidden treasure within my soul, like a key that can unlock the chains that freedom has been kept in.
But later i discovered the word subliminal. And the manipulation of ideas. And the false, the imaginary and the fabricated news. Unverifiable. Sensational and forgettable. That always warn us of something terrible that's about to happen.
Even more tragic. Events being created for the only purpose of generating news.
Things so embarrassing that you would wish to make time stop or to hide somewhere where they cannot reach you.
Cause what is an emanation but something unstoppable. The speech of someone that makes you wish you to close your ears if you could. And you cannot and only strain yourself. A faucet of a Roman bath like the one above that probably was leaking because they didn't have the today's standards and machining capabilities. The emanation from near the column of pipes in a communist style condo in Romania. The car alarms. The formaldehyde from the walls and floors. The smell of the dumpster. The neighbor's yelling and door slamming. DOWNSTAIRS BATHROOM FAN. Anything that is annoying and unstoppable, sounds, smells. Unverifiable and Exagerated news. Do these unstoppable flows are really toxic per se? Maybe. But anybody knows how annoying is a faucet that leaks in the night and cannot be stopped. And the picture above suggests permanent leaks. It's The Emanations.
All these have psycho physiological effects not by their direct toxicity but by the straining of the mind to the point of really affecting the physiology. Most likely by blocking the intestinal transit, especially gases, with all the effects on short and long term like shortening and acceleration of breath, anxiety, hyperventilation. Bile blockage. Raise of histamine. On long term, pancreatitis, fatty liver disease (by blocking of the bile), high blood pressure. All generated by the increase of the abdominal pressure due to unconscious, involuntary, temporary and intermittent transit blockage or holding.
These are the real toxic effects of the annoying emanations. And like any toxins, they can create addictions, especially if they are unconscious. Any toxic action on the human body create endorphins in the brain for protection on the short term. And your body can get used to them and not avoid them anymore.
Could "annoying emanations" be the missing link between the words tension, pressure, stress and depression?
And let's go back to the news. If the mentioned pseudo news from the information channels occur at a calculated pace you don't have time to react, to digest them before a new one comes and take their place. The addiction to news. The thirst for the light from the TV and the computer monitor.
I was thinking. The only difference between me at 50 and the one 30 years ago is the number of addictions and conditionings.
Let us all hold our breaths until the methane emanations of the Ocean Of Siberia stop. Or until the Gemini meteor shower passes. Or until all the 012 combinations of these year's dates will pass.
May the Force Be With You... [saying smiley]
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Why Not
In this world where everybody is at most five links away, here came the weblog. And since a lot has been done for us to be able to express each to every one, there goes mine too.
No question if we are going to be able to read each other... What is that 7 billion by 7 billion possible connections?
It's up to us to decide what's important and who to read.
It's the perfect writer's-reader's ideal of community. And they had a reason they called it web. We all caught here.
Like in the experience i had on flickr, a herd of trolls is ready to take on my blog too.
Waiting for provocations, sincerely, George.
No question if we are going to be able to read each other... What is that 7 billion by 7 billion possible connections?
It's up to us to decide what's important and who to read.
It's the perfect writer's-reader's ideal of community. And they had a reason they called it web. We all caught here.
Like in the experience i had on flickr, a herd of trolls is ready to take on my blog too.
Waiting for provocations, sincerely, George.