The rotation axis of the Earth is inclined relative to the plane of its orbit around the Sun. Because of the inclination of the rotation axis, Earth is never exposed equally within a year to the illumination (and heating) of the Sun. That's why we have seasons. Seasons are in opposition between North and South, thus when we have winter in the northern hemisphere we have summer in southern and the other way around.
In the same time, the orbit itself is not a perfect circle, but an ellipse. But most importantly, the rotation axis which is constant around 23 degrees wobbles within a 23 thousand years cycle (pure coincidence of numbers). This rotation of the axis with a 23 thousand years period is called precession. But it is so slow it would not make any noticeable difference to others than astronomers within let's say 1000 years. However the ancient ones knew about it. The djed in Egyptian pictogram representing Earth's magnetic field and its true cause is inclined at 23 degrees.
(The images below are not distorted but exaggerated showing the orbit of Earth around Sun is not a circle but an ellipse with Sun in one of the centers and what ellipse shows only 5% difference between the two diameters).

And here's where the trouble begins. When let's say northern hemisphere is further from Sun in the same time with Earth being inclined away from Sun in that side of the elliptic we have an ice age in the North. Close to this theory we have
According to this theory the most livable time on the whole planet is right in between of maximum of glaciations or equal glaciations between North and South, or the present moment. And place, around Equator, probably most time. Soon, that is in a few thousand years or so, we're going to start freezing in the southern hemisphere.
This is known to astronomers and to many others as the "astronomical theory of ice ages", although by the general public is confused with pseudoscience. Also.
But here comes the real interesting part. I've been looking through the peep hole that is the northern shaft of the Great Pyramid. (With Stellarium, of course. That is i put in Stellarium - a free planetarium app for Windows and Linux - on the exact coordinates of the Great Pyramid and directed the view towards the direction of the shaft). What i've seen right away is... Polaris. I moved the time to the year 2105 when by astronomical predictions Polaris is supposed to point Earth's geographic North within about 14 minutes of an arc (not specified where on Earth from) . From the latitude of the pyramids, it's within just less than a degree.

According to Stellarium, in the year -23650 there was also an alignment of the shaft within less then of a degree.

A few hundred years before 2105, it was within 1.5 degrees or so, so it will be a few hundreds after. Then it starts getting even further. That means Polaris will be the best indication for Earth's geographic North Pole around year 2105.
Through the shaft in that year, we can see it within less than a degree or so, a bit less than today (throughout daily or yearly cycle). That means we are 90 years away from the middle of the cycle.
So will be @ 27820. But Stellarium is not a true astronomical prediction tool. It only works with currently known orbits not affected by gravity. So it gives a predicted precession period of about 25700 years instead of other calculations of about 25920.

However Milankovitch cycles predict a complete glaciation cycle of about 23000 years (second paragraph).
At any other time, Earth geographic North Pole is away from Polaris, the furthest right in between, when Polaris is at double the inclination angle, 2x23 decrees, that is about 46 degree.
According to all these, 13000 years from now, "down under" will finally be winter at Christmas time... But in the mean time we will have an ice age at South Pole that would probably include Australia and a complete meltdown of the polar cap in North.
I hereby brand (and claim paternity of) this theory as the Alternance of Northern and Southern Hemispheres Ice Ages Following Astronomical Earth Precession.
"The discovery has come in the form of fossilized impressions of wood and leaves in the region of Antarctica's Mount Achernar. Even the stumps of ancient tree trunks have been uncovered, believed to date back to prehistoric times."
Piri Reis. Antarctica.
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