Showing posts with label Egypt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Egypt. Show all posts

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Ra's Abydos

I'm surprised by my own ignorance about these things. Upper, Lower Egypt. Upper Egypt under the symbol of an Eagle and Lower of a snake. All happening along Nile, a river with cyclical flooding. Food in there is almost free. In the heat of Northern Africa, all you have to do is plough lightly and put seeds in October and crop the grains 6 months later.

Strategically. How come they were not invaded. In the beggining, if surrounded by desert, it was hard for troops of that day and age to get there. I mean you could but you would had have to bring more supplies in weight than troops, just to cross desert. And if you didin't conquer anything real fast you cannot even retread where you came from if you run out of water and supplies. I don't know, i'm just reasoning. Trying to figure the reason for stability need to build and advanced civilization.

Then as they grew they started using irrigation and increasing more the cultivated surface, also build their army and possibly using of accidentally discovered stone age high tech for defensing purposes and keeping in check their own people.

Abydos, place of Ra. Probably Abaddon from Bible. After hundreds or thousands of years of stability people start building. And thinking. Small at first, bigger and bigger. The pictures of those buildings. Stylish. Rational. Proportionate. Real architectural skills. Looking at the pictures on the walls. Breeding a different race maybe (Or of a different race than the people who usually inhabit that part of the Earth).

At the beginning probably driven by the need of shade and thermal comfort, they started to carve big stones and put them on top of others and make building with big walls. But then they must have noted weird psychological and physiological effects. The stones rubbing together due to expansion-contraction due to day/night temperature differences in desert would create infrasound, pretty much like a car's engine when it's cooling down but in the area of inaudible frequencies. Next to the stones they will start to feel weird and start to believe on Ra, the Sun god since this was happening only in the presence of the Sun. The humble expansion/contraction phenomenon, geometry and physics bring the weird things up. In time, the stones start eroding each other, and dust gathers in between until they get so straight the whole weight is distributed on the whole surface. Though the dust created might start to lubricate them and ease tension. (Could this be the cause that after a while they didn't work anymore thus the decline from the peak of their greatness, while people turning to a different god. Should have stick with small ones and build them more often?).

"During the day, the temperature rises to 40⁰C (104⁰F) across the face of the outer casing, then at night cools to 3⁰C (37⁰F) because of the lack of cover and exposure to the prevailing winds. This gives an average daily temperature fluctuation of 37⁰C (67⁰F).
Limestone has a coefficient of thermal expansion of 8×10–⁶, proportional to the change of temperature and to the original dimensions. Applying this yields (8×10–⁶) x (37⁰C) x (100m) = 30mm (1¼ inches) of movement per 100-meter (328-foot) run in all directions"

That is a few dozens of cm for the whole height of Great Pyramid.

But i think this author neglected something. The stones at surface will heat more that then air's temperature, because they catch directly IR from the Sun. Same at night, due to thermal emission with no reflection in the clouds they will loose heat and cool more than the air. Condensation may occur towards morning leading maybe to water flowing in between stones.

Could it be the first pyramids were built only for water catching purposes as this author thinks.

We know that in the beginning the Great Pyramid had a layer of mortar on top of the stones, possibly sealing the condensation water outside the structure. Now that it's gone, water will get in and together with the dust will lubricate the first layers of stone, making accumulation of tension impossible.

While the surfaces heat up, the middle will keep more constant in temperature. (In the middle the pyramid it's 68 degrees constantly throughout the year, that is if it's not being used and i think now it's pretty much done, having dust between stones, see explanations below) Only the first stones next to the surface will heat and cool considerably.

Also during day time the Sun's heat is unevenly distributed on all surfaces with one side heated more than others at any time. There must be a moment, by Sunset, when they all start contracting at about the same rhythm at surface after which will start loosing heat. (Hotel California).

At pyramid level, during daytime there will be more heat at the top. Simply because at bottom there is more room or volume for the heat to sink in. Also convection of the air heated at the surface.

Are pyramids nothing but primitive coolers for the rulers? Seems to me a more rational explanation than the current one, as being giant tombs. However. The 5 rows of beams of granite on top of King's chamber seem not to have any logical purpose, cause they don't hold nothing. If we hypothesise the pyramid was just a cool place for the pharaoh.

"with a typical difference of only 0.1 to 0.5 degrees Celsius between adjacent stones"

That is enough though to make stones move relative to each other especially close to surfaces of the most recently heated side to ease tension.

This will not happen let's say if you pave the side of a hill with several layers of stones of the same size and shape as those of the pyramids. It's the rigidity of the whole system that creates the tension created by the expanding/contracting stones at surface.

But the stones will move only if there's enough tension between them and then of course randomly, possibly triggering cascade effects, when after one stone moves, many will follow. Usually starting from top cause the stones on top are the most heated.

How about when releasing a block of granite down the gallery fitted or not with a reversed ladder, making the whole thing vibrate like described here.

The thermal tension accumulated between the stones one the side heated most recently would be released triggered by a shock wave, in a less than random fashion, always starting from top, getting amplified cause the number of stones involved is getting bigger and bigger (due to pyramidal shape of course), possibly creating some sound and very intense infra-sound.

And here's an explanation for the uneven beams not holding anything on top of King's chamber, they could be sort of a map, that through resonance, steer or direct the shock wave received from the granite block hitting the end of that gallery without the use of reverted ladder, depending on the position of the three granite blocks next to the chamber that would trigger on the heated side a sort of a zig-zagging domino like tension relieving tiny motions between blocks, maybe figuring the shape of a lighting bolt.

And now comes in mind the images seen depicting ^Meru in Indian cosmology.

In this one we can see each continent corresponding roughly to one side of the pyramid and the five rows of beams and also the clouds above which in this case could be only side effects but also part of the scenario because the infrasound would also protect it from intruders etc.. (If the pyramid would not be used for remote action it could still be used at the end of the day for immediate defense purposes).
Let's say they were attacked. The simply waited for all the attackers to get close enough and trigger the release of a granite block down the gallery using the reverted ladder which would trigger a cascading effect within the mound of blocks already pre-tensioned thermally. The intensity of the sound would probably incapacitate anybody on a radius of let's say... several miles or so.

Or could the infrasound be focused on more distant places. Yes, i think by phase-arraying two or three of these things...

What is phase arraying. I once played with desmos to show how it works. There are several emitters of the same frequency of sound (for ultrasound devices), EM waves (for radars) with possibility of changing electronically the phase simultaneously, creating a steerable beam. By having one more pyramid at side that would start the vibration through resonance in phase with the first one you could create a beam perpendicular on a line between the two pyramids.

Now imagine this. They'd have some guys on top watching the horizon for as much a human can see. Suddenly they spot something moving. A lost caravan. A military convoy. Directing towards the huge structure. Maybe they light a light, maybe not necessary. When close enough, they would release a granite block down the gallery using the bumpy ladder, triggering the cascading effect in the heated blocks at the surface while them all taking cover. Infrasound waves would knock them all down. When waking up, they would probably find themselves in a different social status that they were before. Exactly like in the Hotel California song which probably true meaning is this scenario.

Intense infrasound would create pressure waves that would condensate the humidity in the desert air if humidity/pressure conditions are right. Pretty much like it happens in some summer days above busy freeways.
Also. Back to phase array demonstration on desmos linked above. You can phase array with only two infrasound emitters, in our case the two great pyramids. The beam won't be so precise, maybe that's the reason for the third pyramid, i don't know. But look at this:
As shown in the drawing above the heading of the line between the two great ones is some 46.6 degrees. I used Google Earth and drew a line perpendicular on the line between the tips of the two big pyramids by adding 270 degrees, that is a perpendicular to the left or a line with a 316 degrees heading passing through the Great Pyramid, and it passes right through were the ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria aka Pharos was, at about 100 miles distance.

And another scenario. An (un)wanted ship comes into the little harbor, attracted by the lighthouse. Maybe on storm time. They shoot the block of granite down the gallery and the second pyramid vibrates too in phase through resonance and both generate a directed infrasound beam, maybe reflected from stratosphere. Everybody on ship get sick or pass out. The official explanation would be the ship was lost during the storm, right? While everybody on board when they wake up again get to change their social status and the merchandise ends into the warehouses of the Pharaoh of whose name the name of the lighthouse was given - Pharos. Quite a good investment, considering the pyramids were most likely built with captured slaves. And most important. None of their troops will be endangered in the process.

Forget about the Ptolemaic Kingdom. That lighthouse was probably rebuild on top of an older one.

Also. If i would prolong that 216 degree line, i would get within 3 degrees of Rome, etc..

Here is the beginning of a separate research. If the weight of a stone rubbing other is pretty big, at surface, the first molecules in contact with each other on relative motion will heat up so much will vaporize and instantly condensate back, possibly to a plasma (sparks), with loss of entropy and possibly time distortion. (As hypothesized in here

About flint. "Flint is a hard, sedimentary cryptocrystalline form of the mineral quartz,[1][2]categorized as a variety of chert. It occurs chiefly as nodules and masses in sedimentary rocks, such as chalks and limestones."
About triboluminescence. "Triboluminescence is an optical phenomenon in which light is generated through the breaking of chemical bonds in a material when it is pulled apart, ripped, scratched, crushed, or rubbed (see tribology). The phenomenon is not fully understood, but appears to be caused by the separation and reunification of electrical charges." (Separation//reunification of electrical charges occur during vaporization/condensation as well, see the below picture where water molecules in motion are shown as asymmetric dipolar charges tied to each other in a crystal like structure). (couldd be the explanation of stars on ceiling in some chambers of pyramids).

Could it be those zillion of successive sparks or plasma inside the filnt pieces of blocks of limestone, created by the mechanical shockwave of the descending domino like tiny motion but involving huge masses create in turn an ever amplified, from one stone to another, one layer to another gravity wave. Vaporization-condensation cycles and sparks within closed volumes may have some possible anti-entropic time reversing and gravitational effects.

Could this be modulated with entangled photons coming from the Northern Shaft and/or directed by a shock wave started by the sliding granite down the gallery and steered by re-emission by those irregular shape 80 tons each "relief beams" on top of King's chamber. A gravity wave injected in the ground at an angle of the side of the pyramid with horizontal and directed to a precise location on Earth, possibly triggering an earthquake if conditions there are present.

The Ank shown always in the hand of a ruller, could be simply a trigger ad the end of a rope.
Cobra, seen here as embeded part of a structure, expands the sides of its necks, suggesting expanding pyramid under sun's heat

Many types of structures all around world could also have these relative motion of stones put on top of each other, especially after sunny days. Parallel evolution, synchronism?

However. In my mind at least there is the possibility this thing was built to help create more stable living conditions on Earth. Daily triggering smaller earthquakes on different continents in order to ease tensions. Most likely the second pyramid and the phase arraying was the work of a different entity that was more after accumulating goods for themselves than helping populate Planet Earth. Or maybe just for sustaining a maintenance team.

Why would anybody want to populate Earth with billions of humans and eventually teach them to burn fossil fuel? Just to heat it up of course. So water would go into space and get onto different planets, of course, the outer ones, cause that's the direction solar wind blows to.

In any case, we at least have parallel intriguing and revealing social phenomena. Are these type of songs remnants or nostalgia from millennia ago, exponents of living Sun worshiping cults, simply coded SOS signals for the most aware within our world or societies, or maybe subliminal submitting mass messages. All of the above.

Question. Is this "Romanian" singer the same person as Cindy Lauper? (yes, she speaks Italian and maybe French so it actually wouldn't have been impossible to her). This song, called The Orange, also seem to be very inspired of a Sun worshiping cult.

What happens if you extract Debbie from Deborah?

Could one of the message of this song be people are sick of the official version of science were are taught in school. Sun dance or Sand dance? Also listen at 2:58.

Prophecising, warning or bragging. Whatever.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Hotel California, Uncoded

Here are some interpretations of some popular songs, that might contain coded information about design and different functions and usages of the Great Pyramid. According to this interpretation and looking at this drawing below, that show what it could be a water pool at the base of pyramid, we can imagine the pyramid is also a powered device, driven by the difference of temperatures between night and day in the desert, also amplifying this power many times through use of reverse entropy, possibly in constant communication with a computational source that regulates it that may be on the other planet. Given its height and insulating capabilities it could be in connection with maintaining the ionosphere and/or stabilizing orbit etc. and we could assume it cannot be stopped. However, the main piece that used to connect it with the ionosphere, or antenna, figured by what we knew it was the gold cap on top is missing or had been removed so it's already stopped. Its only interest nowadays is for studying it, something that others have already done, maybe the hard way in ancient times, before being damaged and maybe for reverse engineering more recently.

Could it had been build by the aliens after (hard) landing in order to maintain contact with their home-world after gradually loosing the technology brought with them through lack of infrastructure, and stabilize climate on Earth (including ionosphere and orbit) with help of their home-world, and also defend themselves from locals, themselves retreating in some subterranean caves like beneath Himalaya mountains and either waiting to be rescued or transform the whole planet including population.

One thing that might be included in this song right from the beginning or maybe the title is using the difference of temperature between day and night in the desert to create energy. I can find anyways but i would assume at that size the pyramids would contract and dilate daily by feet. The enormous pressure given by the daily contraction-dilation cycle of all limestone blocks on the granite slabs on top of the king's and queen's chamber could create some voltage through reverse piezo-electric effect, that would be the voices heard down the corridor. But also there will be friction between the limestone two tones each "bricks" or whatever they are called. There are strange effects happening at separating surfaces between solids and gases, never studied what happened at those between solids.

These vibrations could be transmitted somewhere through modulating of the entangled photons received from Polaris or again charge the cap like a capacitor, with millions of volts.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Great Pyramid Secrets

There is a controversy going on about the Great Pyramid being in the geographic center of Earth or not. Either we know or not if Egyptians knew about the different projections, the mere fact is the Pyramid is there.

But what does it mean, exactly? Maybe the fact that it can reach any place on Earth equally. Maybe it has something to do that ionosphere raises more above dry land than oceans and in average is highest at that point.

(In the link below is being talked about the particular Mer-cator projection, which probably was designed from the beggining as a confusing point. Mercator is the name of a geograph and does not have anything to do with the historical name of the Pyramid in both Sanskrit and old Egyptian).

Pyramid is called Mer in ancient Egyptian language.

I didn't know until yesterday about mythical Mount Meru mentioned in Hindu cosmology. It said to be in the center of the Earth. All these coincidences to me suggest Mount Meru from Hindu cosmology and the Great Pyramid are the same thing.

There are several depictions of Mount Meru shown symbolically as a pyramid with a structure inside resembling the one of the great pyramid. Both to me suggest resonating cavities.
The upper side of both above and below pictures also suggest resonance but with the ionosphere, and connection to the aquifer behind and further with whole Earth. Let's not forget the fact that initially the top of the pyramid was cover with gold. Also. Desert place implyes dry air and good insulation between top and bottom achieved through limestone.
Now let's take a look at this video and forget everything it's said in there. Just remember the sliding blocks of granite (three, to tune the resonating cavity, one sliding down the gallery that triggers the vibrations). It is said in this blog post the gallery saw in the video, with saw-tooth like roof is some sort of resonator.

Now let's try to put all these together. There could have been something like a piece of wood covering the whole cross-section of the gallery like a door attached to the granite block sliding down the gallery that could touch the roof and move and produce a shock wave at every step of that reverted ladder and make the cavity (so calle King's chamber) vibrate. The vibrating pieces of granite on top would produce voltage through reverse piezo-electric effect that would get amplified from slob to slob and pumped in the gold cap of the pyramid through a conductor or maybe even a two coupled coils pretty much like in a piezo lighter (snake symbolism). The effect must have been cumulative and something in the structure on the high voltage part might have acted as a diode so with each bump of that piece of wood in the upside down ladder more voltage would have been pumped in the golden cap until tens of millions volts would be reached. (Thinking here of some of the symbolism in Taylor's Swift video, the high kick, the pendant, the shape of the pyramid figured with legs, many hands, etc.)
Northern shaft which points at Polaris would have served as feed-back as the whole thing would oscillate, for measuring amplitude and frequency. Precise timing with day time, Moon position-phase, etc, would give windows for different geographic targets of using the thing within a daily and monthly cycle. Or maybe it allowed communications through quantum entanglement with the command center which could have been anywhere on Earth.

Or maybe some wooden legs where attached to the granite slobs and move like these? (second 43)

The last piece of granite could have looked like this toy above, equipped with wooden legs and vibrate the electrified pyramid at very low frequencies to accomplish the deed like the waves in AC/DC video (in the final, "and i'm going down"). With some not so difficult to make calculation regarding position of Sun and Moon and the target on the map the timing and voltage would have been chosen. Earthquakes, gigantic lightnings, other disasters, name it. Also the granite slabs on top of the chamber had irregular shapes. Could it be they charged the upper walls of the pyramids slightly differently in different areas, accomplishing something like a phased array antenna and direct a beam of low freq electrical waves towards a precise direction.

A global weapon built with stone age technology based on very ancient or alien knowledge.

There are many songs in modern culture that may make allusions to all these of some i haven't been thinking to this moment. Could it be thwrowing of that silk shroud symbolise the raising of the ionosphere etc.

The Great Pyramid has more shafts and it could probably modulate the electrical charge creating waves of high amplitude and extremely low frequency that would shake the ionosphere creating patterns and interference in precise areas of the Earth surface.

Just found another image with a cross section of the King's chamber. The roofs made of granite on top are not plates as i thought but beams that have been processed on three sides only and let with one rough. However they are too grossly rough not to mean something. I mean instead of being processed to less than 1 mm tolerance for the granite pieces to sit on top of each other without creating tension that could lead to acreage, the could have been processed wit one inch tolerance. However i see on top feet or fraction of meter irregularities. Could those beams be actually maps mirroring mountain chains or maybe some galactic maps?
However i found that the blocks or lime stone or "primitive concrete" bricks are set on layers. What does that mean. Could that have been important for a simple burial monument. I don't think so, not even for making it easier to build. Stone had to be cut at the same size at least on one dimension.

However something else emerge here especially if we look at the above blue and yellow picture.

Friction may arise at the separation plans during daily heating and cooling cycle. Due to pretty big pressure at the base of the pyramid friction would be enormous. Some instant heating and vaporization follow by condensation may occur with weird changes in entropy, gravity and time, and the number, shapes and orientation of the plans could create some sort of unknown to us waves that would probably allow opening of a wormhole.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Electricity in Ancient Egypt II

In addition to

Just took another look of different drawings of the Great Pyramid as returned by google searches. To me right now it looks like the Pyramid may have many functions of which one could be interstellar communication. For that to happen in full duplex real time you need a steady source of light for using entangled photons that are put out naturally by a star and the only one could be Polaris. A source that could send entangled photons in space of which some would reach Earth and some would reach the other planet you want to establish communication with, possibly even in our solar system. Separating those photons from others could be the job of the shape of the shafts.

About that i wrote here but don't know how accurate and really don't want to read it again cause i'm too tired.

There are others inquiring about what the pyramids are and what they were designed to do.

I could spend probably the rest of my life thinking of the purpose of this pyramid. Or i could get lucky and figure it right away. One thing is obvious from the first look at the pictures. The thing has been engineered according to plans done by scientists.

I just wrote recently about the strange properties of surfaces. A simple separation surface between a solid and a gas when heated can alter time and entropy. It is my intuition that tells me there is a whole science of shapes that could give birth to devices unimaginable to us right now. There is much to be done following the idea of Szilard, that is entropy can be reversed by adding information or intelligence to structures and one way to do it is by designing shapes that could accomplish things. (That if they didn't already do it as i suspect, in secret).

Just remembered. The diode that is at the foundation of all devices we use today to communicate on the internet, the predecessor and a component of every transistor is accomplishing its function at the separation surface between two geometrical zone of doped silicone. (and again a mental block by its name).

And let's not forget here the freemasons and their obsessions with geometry.

Back to pyramid. What is the main shaft doing actually? Separating photons that may be entangled with some going to a different planet, from all the others, storing them, retrieving the information and using it to modulate or even maintain the ionosphere or do other things on Earth?

Stabilize the precession and trajectory of Earth? Watching us? All of these and more?

Could it be it is now broken and part of its initial functions don't work anymore?

There are pieces of granite figuring what we call the King's chamber that have been obviously machined or processed by some even higher technology also not available in the time and space we think they were build. Could they have been done as a last effort of some aliens after landing or by an automated drone sent here to establish communication and more while the rest of the pyramid was done by a zombified or genetically modified local primates for which they altered climate so they can be easily fed by the cyclical flooding of the Nile. Anyways, some of those stones now are cracked.

Forget about everything you hear in this video and just look at the images. The explanation with sealing the King's chamber does not last a bit. If they wanted to seal the King inside the pyramid they could have just poured more lime concrete blocks as they done with the rest of it.

(As a high school student i worked many jobs. Sometimes during summer i was chiseling inscriptions in marble. But the guy who was paying me to do this job once gave me a piece of what he called "black marble" to write something on it. Now i know what it was. It was a sort of black granite. While in marble i could do easily a one inch 3D dug letter in every 10-20 minutes or so, in granite i could barely scratch the surface and all my steel tools (my chisels for the job were made out of file steel, that is a steel that can file through other steels) worn out before i finished the job. Later i found out that granite is actually tougher than many kinds of steel, or the toughest natural building material, tougher than many types of concrete). How could the workers of the bronze or stone age with no high alloy steels process the granite to those shapes and with such a precision they could have been assembled and figure early machines without the use of machine tools and without current or even late 19th of early 20th measurement techniques. No way.)

I think they used some sort of small scale advanced technology brought on a ship that could not have lasted (both the ship and the technology) and they did it with the purpose of them to be opened when civilization on Earth had reach a certain stage. Or earlier by those knowing how.

My idea? It's got something to do with time. Preserving something in time. Maybe technology, maybe information, maybe our planet. Maybe it's a shape based advanced device or terminal linked to another planet that may accomplish things here on Earth. If they were objects, pieces of technology, drawings and/or devices in there they most likely ended in the wrong hands.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Electricity in Ancient Egypt

Pyramids are not only mounds of limestone or primitive concrete in slightly irregularly shaped blocks arranged by some strange but precise geometry. I mean they are for the most part. Inside there are complicated, outworldish structures that only a few on this planet understand.

All the drawings inside the pyramids (ideograms) are made to look at first sight as highly stylized and refined shapes and symbols representing everyday and mythical objects. I think they where drawn this way to mislead and be ignored by the unaware and the primitive. In fact they can be interpreted by every person's level of education and become apparent contradictory for those who can with higher education who can also emulate a lower level understanding (intuition) of the world.

They most likely contain instructions for designing of devices from a civilization that was in ways more advanced than ours, probably thousands of years more advanced, probably in a slightly different direction, most likely unsustainable.

Maybe localized or isolated here on Earth alien sophisticated and hostile ancient civilizations went in conflict. Could this be in conjunctions with other stories like Mahabharata. Or maybe they did something wrong and created Sahara or climate changes and had to move further north. Or maybe because of this

There are also strange coincidences in choosing the location of pyramids. One of their functions was and maybe still is interacting with the ionosphere. But this wouldn't have worked in a rainy area, because there would have been much fluctuations in interacting with ionosphere during rain. Also rain would have destroyed the outer limestone to a much greater extent. The location took advantage though of the rains further south. Coming on Nile, a body of water with predictable flooding, an ideal source of food. I mean, all you had to do was seed and rip. Also, Pyramids are located in the geometrical centre of the Earth. Could Nile itself had been changed course for the purpose? Etc.

And now let's take a look at some of the drawings.

There is little doubt to me that the four disks on a djed collumn represent high voltage insulators. But there could be more to it. Maybe entirely, if raised to full scale, they could be generators or receivers or resonators of wireless electricity from a distance source, that might have been (one of the functions of) the Great Pyramid.

The number of disks could tell an electrical engineer the voltage we are dealing with. Most likely AC but i'm thinking now...

For a century or so we all still digest Tesla's inventions. What if there's more to "basic electric devices" that he invented (generators, motors, transformers and coils)? (not thinking of the gadgets we use today). Devices deriving from higher science, all based on shapes and materials?

We all know they were writing with ideograms.

In this type of writing or communicating visually ideograms or hieroglyphs represent abstract symbols. By the drawing of the djed we may realize that at least in part it was dealing with high voltage.

Starting with this, through extrapolation we can hypothesize this is a representation of a CRT... Or other type of high voltage tube.
I found many representations like this, but slightly different. In some, the serpents may represent sweeping electron rays in CRTs. Those with the head of snake inward maybe be for cameras and outwards for TV sets.

But they could be several valid interpretation of the same ideogram. Those devices could represent anti-gravity or impulse drives. Narrow beams of gases accelerated in the middle of a vacuum filled tube to relativistic speeds and returning at the lower speeds could generate a difference in momentum.

Here we might have a light bulb in top of a djed that might act as a wireless receiver or even some type of unknown generator or resonator that extracts electricity from some unknown or distant source (Pyramid maybe). But the 23 degrees angle of the djed and the shape of the top may also represent Earth and its magnetic field.
Here is Tesla with a wireless bulb in his hand. High voltage, high frequency. (Why is Tesla represented always in a Vulcan mind meld session with self, or maybe it was trendy back then).
Heating? Don't know how the weather is in Egypt year round. But what about the walking anthropomorphic figures on the sides? Could this represent periodic migrations due to ice ages? Different populations separated for thousands of years surviving then coming in conflict? Or an illustration of the fact that moving heat like in heat pumps is more efficient then producing with resistors?
And last but not least. Are these light sabers from the Star Wars movies inspired by the djed? Just think of... jedi...

"There are two electrojets". No there are four. LOL

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Great Pyramid and Earth Precession

Last updated 3.28.2023

The rotation axis of the Earth is inclined relative to the plane of its orbit around the Sun. Because of the inclination of the rotation axis, Earth is never exposed equally within a year to the illumination (and heating) of the Sun. That's why we have seasons. Seasons are in opposition between North and South, thus when we have winter in the northern hemisphere we have summer in southern and the other way around.

In the same time, the orbit itself is not a perfect circle, but an ellipse. But most importantly, the rotation axis which is constant around 23 degrees wobbles within a 23 thousand years cycle (pure coincidence of numbers). This rotation of the axis with a 23 thousand years period is called precession. But it is so slow it would not make any noticeable difference to others than astronomers within let's say 1000 years. However the ancient ones knew about it. The djed in Egyptian pictogram representing Earth's magnetic field and its true cause is inclined at 23 degrees.

(The images below are not distorted but exaggerated showing the orbit of Earth around Sun is not a circle but an ellipse with Sun in one of the centers and what ellipse shows only 5% difference between the two diameters).

And here's where the trouble begins. When let's say northern hemisphere is further from Sun in the same time with Earth being inclined away from Sun in that side of the elliptic we have an ice age in the North. Close to this theory we have

According to this theory the most livable time on the whole planet is right in between of maximum of glaciations or equal glaciations between North and South, or the present moment. And place, around Equator, probably most time. Soon, that is in a few thousand years or so, we're going to start freezing in the southern hemisphere.

This is known to astronomers and to many others as the "astronomical theory of ice ages", although by the general public is confused with pseudoscience. Also.

But here comes the real interesting part. I've been looking through the peep hole that is the northern shaft of the Great Pyramid. (With Stellarium, of course. That is i put in Stellarium - a free planetarium app for Windows and Linux - on the exact coordinates of the Great Pyramid and directed the view towards the direction of the shaft). What i've seen right away is... Polaris. I moved the time to the year 2105 when by astronomical predictions Polaris is supposed to point Earth's geographic North within about 14 minutes of an arc (not specified where on Earth from) . From the latitude of the pyramids, it's within just less than a degree.

According to Stellarium, in the year -23650 there was also an alignment of the shaft within less then of a degree.

A few hundred years before 2105, it was within 1.5 degrees or so, so it will be a few hundreds after. Then it starts getting even further. That means Polaris will be the best indication for Earth's geographic North Pole around year 2105.

Through the shaft in that year, we can see it within less than a degree or so, a bit less than today (throughout daily or yearly cycle). That means we are 90 years away from the middle of the cycle.

So will be @ 27820. But Stellarium is not a true astronomical prediction tool. It only works with currently known orbits not affected by gravity. So it gives a predicted precession period of about 25700 years instead of other calculations of about 25920.

However Milankovitch cycles predict a complete glaciation cycle of about 23000 years (second paragraph).

At any other time, Earth geographic North Pole is away from Polaris, the furthest right in between, when Polaris is at double the inclination angle, 2x23 decrees, that is about 46 degree.

According to all these, 13000 years from now, "down under" will finally be winter at Christmas time... But in the mean time we will have an ice age at South Pole that would probably include Australia and a complete meltdown of the polar cap in North.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Assumptions About Masons

I wrote in the previous briefly about masons. An analogy between a masonic ritual, a song and a building style. The presumptive association was done through the assumption that what i know about them is true. But is also possible, as i suspect in the case of Mr.Jinichi Kawakami, that what is projected in videos on the internet might be especially designed for that purpose and it is not part of their rituals, if they had any. I think the safest analogy is with the wave function collapse in quantum mechanics and probably from here comes their strength. In QM, a wave function is in superposition state until observation, when it is reduced to a measurable state. In other words, while unseen, they can do anything (to us).

They also claim their craft lineage comes from Ancient Egypt which might be true. We know about a vague link with pyramids, as it is stated on the one dollar bill. The all seeing eye on the one dollar bill appears physically separated from the body of the pyramid, although virtually overlapping the same (virtual) geometric space. As it was there only through proxy or virtually. Separated by a huge distance but virtually present though some instantaneous, extraordinary large bandwidth connection.

They are recruiting, as they say, good people (to make them better). Proven successful people that will not raise eyebrows after becoming (much) more successful. Some of them are successful writers and philosophers. However, since they raise in their hierarchy through rituals that appear quite simple and do not require intense intellectual effort, we might assume that a superior intellect is not a condition.

Although the rituals appear designed to change profoundly people's mind. About life and death, social relationships and especially the sense of belonging (to a brotherhood). In other minds, reeducation. That usually requires reevaluation of one's life through a different prospective.

Now we all know this is not possible at an adult age. What is possible is literally stunning certain areas of the brains and favoring others. Through rituals that have fear (of death) a major component and rebirth again and again as a declared finality. "Rebirth on a superior, spiritual state". In other words, temporary rewiring of the brain, artificially made permanent. "There is no coming back", or like the other song says, "they can check out any time they want but they can never leave".

Initiations from one level to another which may gradually more and more intense are probably made to renew the stun that covers certain area of the memory and slow down or stop certain mental processes, linked to the previous life in the profane world. Or all the wrong junk from all the wrong places. That is, emotions.

It is safest to assume they get assignments, according to their area of expertise. They will spend the rest of their lives doing the same thing as before, only amplified by the power of the brotherhood. This way they loose their freedom to change their minds sometimes in life about what they did before. Or ever retiring except for major incapacity.

There are two things that trouble me most about "them". First, their knowledge and highly symbolic and never fully understood even by themselves rituals with the purpose of rewiring of the brain, and the way of accomplishing their worldly assignments may come from here

Secondly, they perform some of their art in public. Recently i had a close encounter of the unknown kind with a gentleman performing some act that might come from their (through analogy, it was not the first time, the first time with the step with feet at 90 degrees while crossing the street at a stop light at a busy intersection, this older gentlemen in the recent case was performing in public a step and a motion of the walking stick). As i was walking behind him for quite a while on a one way alley, i was forced to contemplate his act to the end. In the parking lot, there was another gentleman obviously associated with the first one that was assisting him with similar approaches and make his exit easy.

There was no physical contact, only stunning and changing of the state of mind and generally mind.

Changing one person's mind may lead to changing one person's life and if unwanted, raising the feeling of intrusion that generally qualifies as brainwashing. I think legal authorities (in the case they are not formed by themselves) might need to look into this as a restriction to one's freedom (of thought) that point to freedom of expression that some are taking too far.

Many of the comments and auto declarations i've seen so far point to the fact they are contributing to general progress.

I will not start a whole new discussion about this, but i am convinced of the opposite. Major leaps in human development have been done only through individuals, of which i can only think right now of Watt and Tesla. But the list is long. That's why standard measurement units in physics are given the names of these highly dedicated (to self and human development) individuals.

But one thing is sure. In modern times and just before them they were involved in all popular egalitarian movements that overthrew leaders and created social chaos although followed by apparent large scale social justice. I say apparent thinking also of the numerical results in human loss in the past century due to such social upheavals and overturns.

Rock Paper

I once bought (actually, got it for free) a piece of drywall at Home Depot. I wanted to make an experiment, and that was to see how fast the water was going through it. I put it horizontally and poured water and after an hour i saw it didn't even penetrated the outer paper.  And with this occasion i looked closer to it.

Drywall, that is the material for the panels they build houses with is a sandwich made of two sheets of cardboard with calcium sulfate, aka gypsum in between. Building houses in this style is called building with light building materials. It's an architectural vision meant to build fast and cheap.

Calcium sulfate contains about 19% sulfur and 23% calcium.

Museum specimen2
Synthetic gypsum
Natural gypsum
Cast gypsum
Drywall gypsum
Ideal analysis3
23.0 (0.0)4
19.1 (2.2)
22.4 (0.0)
21.9 (0.2)
0.03 (0.01)
1.35 (0.30)
0.05 (0.00)
0.22 (0.01)
18.7 (0.1)
15.1 (1.2)
19.3 (0.2)
18.1 (0.3)
< 13.1
26.7 (8.7)
9.4 (0.9)
0.4 (0.4)
7.3 (4.5)
< 1
264 (129)
1045 (148)
44 (7)
547 (92)
5.5 (2.3)
14.6 (2.9)
9.1 (0.0)
9.4 (1.6)
16.7 (9.4)
30.6 (7.6)
7.5 (0.3)
51.6 (3.5)

But when i looked at it closer i saw they pushed the "light building material" concept even further. It's not all gypsum, it's porous. Somehow, they created tiny bubbles inside the gypsum. Pretty much like for its cousin, the cellular concrete. Differences are concrete is made of silica and much stronger mechanically, less chemically reactive and water sensitive. (Normal concrete if not disturbed or cut is very stable). One way of creating the bubles is with a foaming agent that probably must be evaporated in the end (proof that the material is porous, with some open cells, is that the foaming agent has been removed).

I once picked from one of the walls in the bathroom a  broken piece that had turned brown. I smelled it and it smelled heavily like smoke. It was penetrated in all its volume by smoke. Now i saw why. Because it's porous. Gasses can pass through, especially when vibrated. (Don't ask me how smoke got in there. Probably, a broken chimney at the next entrance. Actually right now i was awakened by the smell of smoke and sulfur. Yesterday at a certain time there where two big (tall) vehicles with building materials and names on them at both entrances seen from the window. In the distance near another building there was a van with, among other, the word move on it).

"Later air entrainment technology made boards lighter and less brittle, then joint treatment materials and systems also evolved". Don't know why in this Wikipedia page right now the word entrainment is used instead of entrapment.

But the trick is those bubbles can be filled in time with sulfur dioxide which can turn into sulfuric acid through combining with water in our lungs. Sulfuric acid is one of the ingredients of vitriol, the material that can dissolve gold (the other name for sulfuric acid is Oil of vitriol).

The proof sulfur dioxide is in there:

(There are also rumors that aluminum from backing powder under the form of the the residual aluminum hydrate, aluminum being the same material the top of the obelisk in Washington DC, "they put it there because at the time of the erection of that obelisk it was very rare and the most expensive material on Earth", is the main cause of Alzheimer).

I once read on a site about the masonic initiation ritual for the first degree. At a certain moment, the apprentice sits alone, enclosed in a room where among others things there is a glass recipient with pieces of sulfur in it. On one the walls is written the word V.I.T.R.I.O.L..

Years ago they were rumors about a secret society probably associated with masonry (they all are) called Skull and Bones. I read the name comes from the contemplation of those, that reminds them constantly how perishable we all are in this world. The main constituent of bones is calcium. (The guy downstairs just made a noise).

On another occasion i read about a masonic ritual called "burning between columns" and it was described like writing on a piece of paper the name of the undesirable person and burning that piece of paper between the columns, that is probably the brethren of the lodge present at that moment.

So what do we got here? Sulfuric acid - Oil of vitriol, calcium, aluminum, paper with the name Sheetrock written on with huge letters. A fan inside the floor vibrating everything that probably symbolizes the eternal flame (of you know who). And a guy downstairs that moves and makes noises when i get mad and curse in my mind.

(Add to all this the flying at any vibration mineral insulation in the walls and attic known as rock-wool. May come from basaltic lava. May contain silica. And tar, the ingredient the roof shingles are made off, together with sand (mainly silica). Tar is the same ingredient they say it's boiling in the tar bowls in Hell, according to some cultures. According to others, a lake of fiery sulfur. When turned to dust, due to, you guessed, vibration, it also flies around and into your lungs and digestive system.)

Any of the toxins enumerated above in limited amounts, like any toxins, in the beginning, may give you a high and/or addiction.

Why anybody so far didn't think of it this way? Because it's too insane.

And all these things remind me of a song that is on the tops right now.

"Boys only want love if it's torture
Don't say I didn't say I didn't warn you"

"Cause we're young and we're reckless
We'll take this way too far and leave you breathless
Or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
But I got a blank space baby
And I'll write your name"