Monday, February 28, 2022

February 28

12:48 Just went outside to put out some smoke from a hole, and after a few minutes smoke is on again. Earlier i picked and threw a fresh poop. Sunday Morning at 11 there was a slot tournament at the Chinook Winds Angela signed up weeks ago. Never been so early at a casino. Almost missed it, last few times i went in there on the last 10 miles or so a very slow vehicle that goes 10 mpg under speed limit slows down everybody or delay, for some reason, the arrival. I was somehow curious. A number of slot machines were reprogrammed with a game that involved touching the screen and play button as fast as possible for a few minutes. I was watching in disbelief a bunch of crazy people heating those machines that were actually moving around because of the force of hits. Angela didn't make it in the first three position or something and got a 40 dollars food coupon. Which we later used at their excellent buffet. However she lost a few hundreds today and yesterday. But eating that much and being exposed early to dog poop got me really really sick. Saved by charcoal and Zyrtec again. After the tournament i went to play poker and sat next to an older Japanese actor who under mask might have looked like a known character from news. When we left again almost got hit from behind by a speeding shuttle bus i think of the casino. But before backing up i stopped to arrange the steering wheel for a few seconds only to see it flying by my rear in the otherwise pretty deserted area of the parking lot.

Also a few month ago i think we all saw this news. November last year. They say initial launching speed is up to 6.5 times the speed of sound. Better and simpler and much cheaper than railguns.What puzzles me is why they don't turn it horizontally and use it as a weapon. Or they probably do and we just don't know it yet. But if they don't have it, it means they are not serious about real weapons. I remember i saw minutes ago a patent a version of it that was throwing disks. Ru Ra oh la la! The image below represents death of Narakasura, ruler of all countries on Earth.

1:52 I go outside, plug one hole, 10 minutes later another shows. Some in areas where there could not be moles since there is no grass for the worms to feed.

9:13 Up to start on a very bad day with intense squeaks and dust from above.

9:20 And i wonder... Warm spring like rain pouring.

10:42/8:42 Every inch. De-a lungul anilor, o echipă de negociatori sclipitori, condusă de dl Bogdan Aurescu a negociat la Haga (CIJ, Curtea Internațională de Justiție) Insula Șerpilor.  Ce a obținut, nu am înțeles prea bine, se spune că ei (echipa) i-au convins pe UE că insula nu este locuibilă și totuși insula acum era locuită de grăniceri ucraineni. Un lucru este sigur, dacă insula revenea României, rușii nu erau acum acolo, pentru că ar fi fost teritoriu NATO.

While i was writing the lines above two men left the apartment upstairs. One of Slavic (Ukrainian or Russian or whatever appearance) with a neon vest, apparently from a cable or internet firm and the man himself, after one morning of hell, with squeaks and power tools.  Last days in the casinos. Besides being delayed, with vehicles going under speed limits, up to 15 minutes every time i was approaching Lincoln  City (probably to give them time to prepare, evacuate the normal people from the Casino, bring in the circus), most people where chosen and dressed to look Ukrainian while some of them in military camouflage closing. Yesterday towards the end they actually started to behave aggressively towards me. I saw a Hungarian tall woman with a bad spine problem and i think it was a threat. Late at night, on almost deserted parking lot. Due to a variation of habits, i stopped while backing up from my spot to re-set the steering wheel only to see in disbelief one of the casino's shuttle zooming at high speed behind me. I'm not sure what is the speed limit on 4th but i'm sure that shuttle was going over 30. This is the car that was going 45 in 55 areas leading the long line of cars approaching Lincoln City on hwy 18 yesterday.

11:20 Fear and Lure. East (or whatever's left of it, Russia) functions mostly by fear and west mostly by lure. Lure with Hollywood and glamour and illusion of wealth and freedom, fear with autocrats and strongmen and illusion of stability and honesty. Neither systems belong to people, but in the case of Russia is much easier to prove. Putin came to power by means of a series of coups.

Lure cost a lot more and it's contagious. East is about to be integrated in the west. The empire of lies lives everywhere. Not a very good time to live on planet Earth, i recon.

And then there's Japan. By looking at these apartments i realize where the style in US came from.

3:36 This one's from Captain Michael O (de la Regimentul 2 Prăștieri).

I was thinking about the centrifugal machine gun asking myself if it was/is doable and if it could be carried by infantry troops. Found a calculator page that gives you peripheral speed of a rotating disk. With a half meter diameter disk at 25000 rpm you could throw projectiles at twice the speed of sound (680 m/s). Nowadays they have small electric power blowers that work at 20000 rmp (and blow at speeds of over 200 mph).

It doesn't have to be very precise though with today's technology you could probably focus the spread of projectiles. Horizontally would be precise anyways. Machine guns in the past were used as spray weapons, not precision weapons like sniper riffles. Especially sub machine guns used in infantry that sway under recoil.

I think back then it could have been done and carried on two wheels carriages by one ore two men though lighter than a field machine gun.

But think of the advantages. Would have had to carry a little gasoline to power it. Very cheap cast iron balls would have been best for ammo but i think if you ran out of those you could have used sorted granite pebbles (like in gravel). Could have attached a powered device to crack and sort rocks gathered from trenches. You could have raised the disk out of a trench and spray hell on the enemy. No noise (could put a muffler on the small piston engine, but nothing like a machine gun). No flames at the muzzle to be seen. Very low visibility of the disk in use watched sideways (horizontally). Wars, including WWI would have been totally different. Much shorter, less miserable for the general population. Less technological countries, armies would have been much more effective.

9:15 Little known Hungarian writer Oliver Papp grew a goatee and lives a reclusive life in a green forest.

The reason why i didn't find him yet. I didn't look in the list of writers from Wikipedia lately because most people i looked for and found were in the Imdb list.

10:44 We all have seen Musk's reusable rockets landing vertically (the reason he wants to reuse the rockets are obvious, costs, unlike NASA, he represents a business, with shares and profit and losses). We all know one of the most important feature or characteristics of a fighter jet is Trust/Weight ratio. That is, how powerful is the engine or engines of a plane compared to its weight.

Easier to understand. When a plane has a T/W ratio greater than 1, it means the engine is more powerful than the weight of the plane, and if the pilot wanted, theoretically could climb vertically like a rocket (though in reality this doesn't happen a lot because it would be very fuel consuming and also very slow, also because at take off most planes even with most powerful engines have T/W ratio < 1 because of the fuel, weapons etc.).

I think everybody knows by now where i'm going to. Why not launch those like rockets, eliminating the need for an airfield (with less fuel or almost empty and refuel them in the air, immediately) (could also attach a couple of booster rockets and launch them ready). Could also launch like ten of them simultaneously. Also with today's avionics and computers, thrust vectoring, etc., i think one of those jets could also land back safely again like Musk's rocket. Then you won't need the huge and extremely expensive carriers, much smaller ships would do it (also could store the damn jets vertically). The reason they don't do it though? They are not dead serious about this one too, everything is fake.

11:44 Asta înseamnă declarație de război a României împotriva Rusiei. Are România aprobabarea NATO? (nu găsesc răspuns la această întrebare, poate o țară NATO să declare război fără să se consulte cu aliații?). Ungurii ne-o vor face, cu mâna grea a Rusiei. Ei refuză iar actorașii lor din România acceptă, iar Rusia nu va uita. Dacă ungurii refuză acum, vor sări ei să ne ia apărarea (în cadrul NATO) dacă ne va ataca Rusia pe chestia asta?

Un singur lucru nu înțeleg. Ca să ajungă acele arme în România, trebuie să tranziteze Ungaria nu? A, pe mare. Dar Ukraina încă are porturi la Marea Neagră.

Un lucru e sigur. Prin refuzul Ungariei (la solicitarea NATO?) se demonstrează deja că NATO nu este o alianță unitară (fiecare face cum vrea).

12:22/10:22 Și în NATO, la mâna a doua. Tratatul are o versiune în ungurește și una în albaneză dar nu are una în românește. Suntem sigur în NATO?

Tratatul care mă așteptam să fie cât o carte cu mai multe volume, este de o pagină (14 articolașe). Nu există nimic referitor la declarații de război ale unui membru către o țară ne-membră deși se spune că un atac asupra unui membru este considerat ca asupra întregului (Faimosul articol 5). Poate orice membru să tragă tot tratatul în război declarând război unei țări ne-membre?

Ca să nu mai vorbim de articolul 1 care spune că tratatul se angajează să negocieze și să aranjeze orice dispută prin mijloace pașnice. Dacă trimiți arme unei țări aflate în război, aceasta înseamnă escaladarea une dispute și practic declarație de război împotriva celeilalte. SUA o face pentru că e mare și e departe (la fel fără a se consulta cu aliații), dar noi ne putem permite, doar așa dintr-o simpatie apărută brusc pentru Ucraina și președintele ei erou? Normal că nu se evacuează, dacă s-ar evacua a doua zi Ucraina ar negocia cu Rusia și totul s-ar termina.

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